MARRIAGES P ARTIES SOCIAL ACTIVITIES SEA GARDEN. j 5 a yellow sunflower Then'- 0 ' 11 of a meadow of mold, r ‘ ~n fences of island and Clnr.b in ® v * « arde " of s°“l --f ! .‘ cool tinge Os the evening In tl,p ,diagrance gathers now zest M*"' ea t. rising big as the sun, 0«t o. )nto the W est, — It rf 3CiieJ borders of billowy sweet Sho^ 1 •li with bulbs of old rocks, vi , h jewel-weed fishes A ' 'in-* out from under green flat raiL docks; i .'cA with drops from the Dip gpTinKifi.i r ! u'sfi with winds from the sky,— "“ ’ ion a* bloommg on midwinter A ? alC!e nights on shore in July. Snotv. in “Down East.” Visit in Louishurg. ... a S i Parham and Miss Maria p-*rfc»*m were visitors in Louisburg yesterday. . Yidtinp Mrs. Cooper. Mrs Martha Nicholson and son. of Xk'-ham. arc visiting Mrs. J. C. Coop cn W’st Garnett street. Guest of Mis* Cheek. jjj.-f. Nancy Single-ton of .South Bos ton, Va. is the house guest of Miss r-r ? Check on Belle street. Fi film from Durham. ytc. C. D Carter and children have (j fmi Durham, where they have I- ■ spending the past few days Guest Leaves. M:-.; Annn Fuller Parham who has v, if i the house gue ;t of Miss Maria p,rM hr- returned to her home in Louisburg. Return to South Boston. jfr., J P. Singleton and Miss Vir ■: i Wolfe returned to South Bos tni Va. today after spending a few d»v. n Me city with friends and re lative*. Home from Visit. Carrc’l si,-.: cton. Miss Lucy Cobh Sir.i'O" and Mi-:; Ca'herinc Single ter. ?.? : turned from South Bos t-r v where they have been spend - ig s-cnio t'me with relatives. To World's Fa»r. and Mr- S. S. Stsven3on, S. S 5 Jr., and Mis* Anne Stevenson have gun: 1 > Chicago to attend the i' ’a Pair They expect to be gone for a week cr ten days. r.'Uirr from Chicago. M ar.d Mr*. Eric G. Fiannagan and ■ rhillren, Eric, Jr., and Miss Effi Ivii-r Fiannagan. have return er ni 'wo week's trip, which took tkwi t Chicago an dtha World’s Fair vi'.i.c th v ■ ent a few day 3. Shower Is Given For Recent Bride Mrs. R. F. W. Seaman gave a sur- V-J misct’lp.neDus shower on Wed- t c -?'lay evening at 9 o’clock at the Ml nd Ml i. C. D. Newman kr Mr:. Wilburn Moulton Umphlett. 6 recent bride. •Vo Jame-i G. Faulkner met the fi • a ihe door and received the that ach guest was asked 7 so the bride’s book. Miss I'ewman. a sister of the bride. • sW: 'td the gifts and stored them in n “ hieukfn it, room, where the bride an d groom were taken when they came to p.eir home for the evening. Inhering contests were had during 'ii-i! -by the guests with Miss Newman winning the prize ‘no b" ! drawing of the bride and T - Chp was presented a cookie dome G. Faulkner got the “ Ptive in this contest, a pitcher. ’••owing the contests, the guests :r inv. i to the dining room, ’ punch was served by Mrs. C. F Newman. PHOTOPLAYS SteyensoN mody Novelty tomorrow William Boyd In "M'CKY DEVII,” lop PLUS 1c TAX I moon lie „ T I,As| TIMES TODAY i,: IM KRNAL MACHINE” I Ocnevleve Tobin I 'distinctive Floral Service” l!fit! Ser 3 , The Florist Phone 380 TELEPHONE 610 Entertains Seven Tables of Bridge Entertaining at seven tables of bridge, Mss. M. F. Degg wa s hostess to the regular meeting of the Bridge Luncheon Club on Wednesday morn ing at 11 o’clock i n the West End ’ Country club. IMrs. T. S. Kfttrell was winner of -high seore prize during bridge play and was presented a lovely prize for the achievement. • , Mrs. James H. WJheeler was named as hostess for the next regular meet ing which wilt be next. Wednesday morning at the club. Besides the club memVrs. I.Ds. Lcgg had as her guests, Mrs. Wirt Leake and Miss Martha Leake, of Dallas. Texas. The hostess served a salad course 'to her guests. Country Club To Give Dance Sept. 11 C. B. Sfurges, chairman of the dance eomlmtittee a + the We-t End Country Club, announced today the club would present its annual Sep. tember dance on Monday evening. September 11, in the ha-11 room of the club from 10:30 unt-l 2:30 o'clock with Archie Davis and his University of North Carolina orchestra playing for the evening. The dance is a n annual feature of the club's entertainment and *s given, each year prior t 0 the general exudus of college students to their resoeeGve schools. Th's is expected to he the iargest entertainment at the club unt" th« Christmas season, when the club rrrsonta Ws annual Chromes of the collesre s c t in neiebbrrincr ejt’eg are expected. t Q be inv'ted b - the club’s membership to attend tV* annual sor'nl event. WilhiheSkk Received Treatment. W. E. Wilson was treated at Maria Barham hospital yesterday and dis charged, it was learned today. Mis* Hayes Improving. Miss Mattie Hayes, who underwent afin objective becomes !She -hood winking of Papa is told by lan Hay in “Midshipmaid. ” “Judas Tree” by Neil H. Swanson is an h3torical romance centering around the siege of Fort Pitt by the Indians in 1763. Two mystery stories are “Murder MARION MARTIN pattern. Be sure to write plainly your NAME, AD* DRESS, the STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern ordered. JUST OFF THE PRESS—THE MARIAN MARTIN BOOK OF SUM* MER PATTERNS offering a wide assortment of advance style s to keep you and your youngsters cool, com fortable and appropriately dressed whether you are spending your Sum mer in town, at the shore or I K the country. This book will help you plan a stunning mardrobe of easy to-make styles at a surprisingly low cost. ORDER YOUR COPY TO DAY! PRICE of PATTERN BOOK PATTERN TOGETHER. TWENTY FIFTEEN CENTS, BOOK AND FIVE CENTS. Send your order tc the Daily Dis patch Pattern Department, 232, W. 18th St„ New York N. Y. intended as a sign that he neld tho K. Dummy’s 10 won the trick. Be fore leading another trump from dummy 1 led two rounds of winning spades, discarding thereon my two lowest clubs. Both opponej its ?M --lowed suit on the spades. Dummy’s last heart was led. Bn.*,t played the 6. My 8 won the trick. West showed out. Os course all 1 had to do was to lead my Ace of hearts, then give East one trump trick. The remainder of my cards were good, so that I made my small slam, bid by my generous partner, but it was a close call. The way the cards were distribute; the contract could have been set op’r one trick as the hand was pUr*4 but West should have won In trick when he had the opport*: Before tomorrow think o;ic'« North should play the foilovinf *yj 4A9 6 2 ¥ A 9 4 2: 4Q J 8 4KJ ♦ ♦?*.» 7 4 J NorSi ▼ ‘ *’ * ¥K.! 8 J J ♦ K 7 - 43 7 t - ¥ Q JO 6 v 4 AlO6 5 * 4AQ 5 3 i ■ North and South were not valuer ‘ d ie. East and West were vulner able. North played th* hand at 11. ao Trumps: Th# opening \mm4 mu .of_Utrt)4. HOURS 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON Must Advertise” by Dorothy L. Say ers and “Mystery of The Frightened Lady” by Edgar Wallace. Excommunicated and hounded dur ing his lfetime, and almost forgotten for omre than a century thereafter, Baruch de Spinoza now stands out as one of the greatest thinkers in human history. Lewis Brown has written his biography “Blessed Spinoza.” Those who read "Lives of a Bengal Lancer” will want to read the last book by that author Francis Yeats- Brown, “Bloody Years” is the story of a decade of plot and counter plot by the Golden Horn, and is a thrill ing adventure. “Manchukuo Child of Conflict,” by K. K. Kawakami tells of China’s in ternal condiiton and her struggle with Communst risings, Japan's relations with Soviet Russia and Manchoukuo’s foreign relations. Wtho’3 Thus?”, a book of contests to be used at parties. “The Girl and Her Job” and “Invincibble Louisa” a life of Louisa May Alcott by Corelia Meigs are among the other non-fiction books at the library.— Speaks Before Meeting Last Night; Powell Tells Club of I -ionism Henry Whi.e a member of the Hen derson Bac Association, discussed the NRA before the regular meeting of the Lions Club last night at 7 o’clock in the Croatan Club building. The attorney discussed the many phases of the act and urged the club to lend itte cooperation to the movement. C. M Powell, a member of the club, smoke to the group on Lionism, telling just what it meant to be a member of a Lions Club. About eighty percent of the club’s membership was present a t last nights meeting. ■ PARKER'S DRUG STORE SPECIALS 70c Sloan’s Liniment f. 49 c f _ g _■* Palmolive Shaving Cream and Gem Razor . ’ 35c 50c Pint Rubbing Alcohol 29c * 12 ounce Martell’s Bay Rum 19c fi dnfr _ £x .+I.OO A\arapoles fiQo d n . , Vanilla Extract .... 73c *I.OO Dr. Miles Oft kowrtcr . C n ' iUa Ex tract .“ .. SI .33 4 f l erVine borated Uv powder 19c ** OO 40c , -r-r i- tt • sence of Lemon .. vdv Castoria JtC air 39c s l - 50 I>nre 7^A 50c Groves AA ~ 11 j’ * sence of Lemon ... I Chill Tonic 44C 25c Colgate |Q Draught ... 19C 50c lP™a Tooth OQ *1.50 Bond Flash- OA I Paste claFv. lights, complete .... c " l " 1 ’ 54c 25c Dr. West 1 Q sl-50 guaranteed OC« Pepsm ,f * V Tooth Paste IOC alarm clocks J»C 60c Bromo Aft 85e Glover’s Mange 75e fountain OQ feeltzer Medicine TOC syringes OVC $2.50 Shari QO SI.OO Orchid Face /JA Gillette and Probak Or IFace Powder #/OV» ace p oW( j er o*l C razor blades Gillette Blue 25c Cappi Talcum 1 oni Ever- OQ^ Blades, s’s “wl Powder JLvC Ready blades fci#/C 35c Gem Razor Blades Ci’eam . . . brushes «JafV Gives you this s ls° 1 5 ° Now’ is the time t.o I BELMONT Fountain Pen ' f“ld y™id oftur^ps Just present this advertisement and uine Pearl Pyralin in several pat- FafKCr S mixed turnip 90c at our store and get this high terns. 14 KT gold iridium tipped pen. Seed 5c OUHCC 6OZ quality Belmont Fountain Pen. Gen- Gold filled trimmings. Holdfast clip. L- —25 c, pound 50c. Prices Plus Sales Tax HMD RESIGNS HIGH SCHOOL POST Man Recently Elected Goes To Flora McDonald College To Teach W. G. Whichard, who recently was elected to each history and civics in "he Henderson high school, has sent his resignation to Superintendent E. M. Rollins, advsing that he had ac cepted an offer from Flora McDonald College at Red Springs, and would go there at the start of the fall term. Mr. Whchard was accepted by the city school board after the highest recommendations of his work and his character as a man had been received. It was regretted that he felt con strained to resign after bing elected, but it was understood a higher salary was offered at the Presbyterian col lege in Robeson county. W.C. CATES INSURANCE At A Saving Henderson, N. C. ' YOUR HEALTH! Your health is most important now! Don’t tak c chances on even simple -ailments. Consult your doctor. Then follow h:,s directions. To be sure that his orders are correctly followed let; us fill your prescription. Our double checking system guarantees absolute protection. Our drugs land chemicals) are of the highest U. S. P. standards. Bring your next prescription to Parker’s Drug Store.- The Rexall Store. 4 CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS Can’t Eat Can’t Sleep Can’t Work A Sign You*re Rundownt When your appetite has fled and you’re so tired and nervous you can’t even work, much less sleep, it’s a sign you're rundown. It may be due to overwork, worry or sickness, but whatever it i S) yo ur condition call for a good tonic. There is nothing better than Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic, for it is iron and tasteless quinine com bined. Iron, as you know, is a noted blood builder, while quinine tends to purify the blood. Thus you get! two effects of vital importance in any rundown condition. Old and young find new appetite, new strength and energy in Grove’s Tasteless Chill Toni. Try it for'just three days and see the difference it makes in you. You feel like a new person. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonio ?s pleasant to take and contains ab solutely nothing harmful. Gee a bottle today at any store.—Adv. Oxford Steam Laundry" and Dry Cleaners Phone 47 Quality —Service PAGE FIVE