PAGE TWO file SISTER Worth the Effort? By LES FORGRAVE XOO SOQEUyI YOO DOVTV / ’ JONIKnE YOU\RB A WOCAAW XEXT DOOfcTO Ty-ÜbJK / O»A? ' GOIN’ -VO XMA'SH YOU'RE A VM«TY UXLt 90T 1 /'£ DCXTYOOUKt ,• -< <X M7-r „ TOBECUJ&AVA? \^EUU y Ito if Mr gB&&r I ®- ■ W»Jw ~JF SUB Tira mO^T j i Trfr " 1111, Pz L ll (/ /- HMmI ‘IIILL 9-18 -Jl \ I ~— —■ Copyright, 193.3, by CentraMVess Association, Inc —*— tlzr'iT I (* YE6\ OUT YOU -fUEY SAY, /” W’TH VJ i KMOxW \NHAT v CL«AMU*fe» / TO tMC<YQJQE | THEY "SAY M&CXT AUIMW / I WMUrUbV J zZ'ncn, B -*' WAT. y 7 \ MS? w ' I H J •== J. z^'t. f~*«~’ ® H 'JU. ntyifllllß H . IFi L Juu. 9tL ,ETTA K.ETT ' . .. Mcrdy Small By PAUL ROBINSON TTTTTT I N ou S H ? / JU I HIS MONEN WE'D J BIG RING ■ RING THAN ANN CiFHErZ. iflL S£ AU_ A VAN SHNSffet? "f| f g I SCRAM I oUtorWM.J A j TcTL [- / 7 - J LWM • Jj/ A 1 - ' T-S <7?(REASONABLE .’ 7 f (WON? ItT /S»\ - ! ''-. HR x . fT ly/J T( v ’ a. jx®l . v t J her make JB: 1 . rob | y A i.' ipl > \ V ] ( I W.VyW ' »M h‘k» -~r. k H i & ><<wA l A '' / / XfeS'/ 7X^ X^~ \ A IMik / 71 £TJ/\ caugkt -tk&L -Linz\* l*** *===<* , k\\ ’T 1 _ | ___JB||HHH| Keg I' S Pat Oir. copyright. 1933. €cntr«l Pies* Auia. • ' ' ri ' '■'■ -' ' ■ ■* ; , .„ ~| 1. Igi iMgf ..' SCOTTS SCRAPBOOK - - By R. J. Scott tO<KAR Sieben. -j ho/ed *ONE CAM ■! >1 become ih<6xica<ed |Hv\ on 3 per cent beer *IE Y QUICKER TI4AM OH \ 4 PER CEN< Beer- Because. 's I / t?»e latter, Jr? 4 beinc a better W MIXTURE.,IS I?^if MORE QUICK.I.V / AssimjlaTep BVTNE W&k l"/A£LAd£> , 1 0 / must ££ 1 Booy / _ * . .. -r—;—7/W £&C*U*£ MV liid < -- > / <• / MCrrHE-H. CAM£ f "~ \' r * x.. -#4. ” A *& '*', U '4* Va Of r ' N^^ 1 1 w S) I 2 << fSjy, r bbr? / B V A CERMAK IflMi 1 \ ~\ n —/ Fa&o • IMP/ \ 'ft—t f FiSGHtfc J-wLfenL JA fl rgywytfY ; : iyK - OKv kW 3 !IX/rw\\ \ y / /dj / (IrLOfTß.ip him i£\- P/XA X )\\MUXOBE /f ** E CLos<fe»oiuM microbe placed a bio part" in / WORLp WAR AND WAS <fiE MEANS OF STARTING A 810 MODERN INOUCTrY- MILLIONS ©F THE M ICRO-oROAMISMt " EA< STARCH WHICH TfrjEy YuRN JN-fo BtrfXNOL., USED IN AuTb- P>H E 1 AGUES AHO AIR Pl AHF DORfjT Copyright. 1933. bv Central Pr«M Aamtciatioß. inc 9 "Ifj < w—w ■ ■ , i . ■ , ~i ■ . *" *' **" lT l-_. ir ~.- ~,... jl, \ _j .l~ . ‘ 1 riu m ..i. - , ,__n i,, , , ' n I—r-f-Tinrrr1 —r-f-Tinrrr —nr the gumps-somewhere A VOICE is calling RETUfcM* r ' X A I’A ’ S LK\\\ IB / TH^FEVERL / A VOICE : \ ( AmULib* \ OF HIE STUPOR- ZM4O AJE FR& A S \ i \ CAM IT O& f \ i PWH i \ A CiWtAT DICTAnck H< MEAJB& / PtEASK SIR A I tT iS HER | / OGM‘T \ \ Uvj NADi IMfv I ) / *°!* r LTOU \ I n AAH i|C / / / AFRAIO- \ \ W PARLINfcr j PUSTTk *- I 1 / Bhr SViESTHiART// I EATEM A Tkl Ji/ WMERE J \ * I I VaK <T",. ~T'- ®l • ® //A. I HENDERSON, (N.C.) LAILY DISPATCH, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 19& ' ssa int pull, tl<lbGiEl' SI LV E R /< - 1 /’I rLUt»lr Übi 77%= g Z— ti) I TMT Pu_ Or£A/S/PS 14/£PJS ) J MPD£ OF -f7/JE VPEOIQLJS ._ di —4. g /Voah Numskull . i PKAJR MQAJA » N* TKe #I«P 4« TiHE OWL- WHoi WN«»iP-? pe/iv«A A <<*£»«&' f=Ay Biryfiz £>«£>M« DOLE’S YfIDR •YjEA KETTue SJNsi’ *HOME Oli the; ? 0 ■ RO>I/»«AA>z ipPESTX? UP tTMfE wr+EiEl-S - •GRPsrt? OUT A aUMGM pf= >tWS>T«PN S xxnP MAiC>rri lfc>*peAß PMeabLM ** THE OLD HOME IO WIN «ei,nsteredU.S. Patent UfflM By Stanley; Bi*' PUtl-VERSEI-F) ' Imagine, . together Z J taking UP Z E Dx YpULL V?\ BicYcle •Sfex fiv’wrws /just I THOUGHT- L f \ o ME TRIPPED \ llXx 1 so^ x X J-L-U^ — z 15 <SHTDN ] z 4»^xXc 4 >Xa ready Tc? *TMR°yv < —’— Nr/ / AY. /NO-NO-I SAY \> XsjL' 7 <U'<) \V7HEN “THERMEsJ ( NO HEWS HB/ : sill* - J ... n£r£foy___ THE BDJTpfifc. THE WEEKLY CLARION I ( Dipped a carrier's bicycle I Today ;h his haste to GiETTotme DEPOT To SEC )F ANY CAM & JN LON THg NOON TRAIM 19413 Lfif W. Stanley Central ft-W B * ifciaJ APNOSE f HeuP) (ill CL<<pe -4? f"° u _ 6 (Z>X* ® Pwuo Mf||fl|M KI *3B® 11 /<: .'" ./ W ' • ?£'*’.., ’ ." : ‘ / ’. ■'••;?Y::-’h^?x ; 'ii' Ssg 'S T . :’• • •• • jSSB»S| <OF Mr*. Marion Russell Mrs. Mai ion Russell, wife of James Rut 11, New. Orleans bank ( ! robber and ringleader of the dar ing prison break in which ILcon- i victs escaped from the Angola, La., prison farm, is pictured fol- - lowing her purported confession bb police tfiat she aided the deliv- ’ ery by smuggling guns into the f camp while visiting her husband. £Jur persons were fatally wound* ‘'p the break. ' ■ \ t ‘ ' T f NOTICE TO TOBACCO FARMERS. You can get old newspapers to pack your cured tobacco on for 10c par bundle at the Dispatch Office. 7-ts Dispatch WANT ADS Floyd «x C. emeul / U ; " r “ p See pany. Wr Com. -r— ■' W-2ti I NEED SOME MONEy"^ T[ week so much for a special n. Hlb that I ,-. s k my little lumber, door ur r<K>fi b ’ '&« me. Same o d good prlcts vice. John B. Watkins. j r ___ 16 ' lli FOR RENT: TWO PRIVATE 're furnished rooms. Two blocks e, main street O n corner of Chest and Breckenridge. Rent See Mrs. O. C. Jouee. 250 bS* ndge Street. e<atSfl - for dress making, suits, ladies Everything made to measure. SaS faction guaranteed. See Estelle to? ston. E. G. Davis and Sons Sto>e Phone 14L _ Mond-Fri-ti BE AT' MITCHELL’S SHOE SHOP Tuesday, September 19, and Satur day, October 9, only, com e these days for pay for second hand schooi books. W. R. Grissom. GROCEKX STOKES, ~FTSH era and others can save money on thdir wrapping paper by buying 01 a a papers for 10c per bundle at th. Dispatch office. Also fine for kindling fires. ‘ notice’ ' ~ ~ • Claims of creditors of Henderson Loan and Real Estate Company. be heaJrd by the undersigned Re ceiver at 3:30 p. m, Thursday Sent 21- IJB3 in the officer of the Receive at The Industrial Bank of Henderson Henderson, N. C., at which ti me the Receiver will rule as t 0 the standing of such claims as are presented All claims presented must be i a legal form, as required by law f o ‘- the filing of such claims. JOEL T. CHEATHAM, Permanent Receiver for Henderson Loan and Real Estate Co. Henderson, N. C., Sept. 6th, 1933. APPLICATION FOB PAROLE OF GEORGE BURWELL ' Application will be made to the Commissioner of Pardons and the Governor of North Carolina for the parole of George Burwell, convicted at the January Term, 1933, Vance Superior Court for the crime of felonious assault and sentenced for a term of not less than three nor more than five years assigned to work the public roads. Ail peisons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are invited to for ward their protests without delay to * the Commissioner of Pardons. ■ This the 16th. day of September < mu. | ! JOHN’KERR, JB, Attorney, Warrenton. N. C, NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. United District Court: Eastern District of North Carolina: In the matter of: Walter Lewis Guthrie, Bankrupt No. 2368. Under and by virtue of power in me vested in ah order of the United States District Court in the matter of Walter Lewis Guthrie, Bankrupt No. 2368, I will offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for ' cash, at the Court House door, in Henderson, N. C. at 12 o’clock, Noon, on Wednesday, the 18th day or Oc tober, 1933, the following described property: Begin at a point on Chestnut Street, 6S feet from the intergictiftn of Chestnut Street and Jeanette Ave.,, said point being the corner of E. B. Wilkerson’s lot, run thence along h!s line S 22 1-4 E 93.7 feet, thence S 67 I*2 W 55.6 feet to Petty Ave., thence along Perry Ave., N 22 1-2 W 92.7 feet to Chestnut Street, thence p.i<mg Chestnut Street N 6o 1-2 E 55.6 feet to the beginning, as per survey of Jeanette and Boyd Feb. 1928. Also sec plot of J. R. Young property, book A page 38, wherrn the lot is shown as parts of lot No. 45 and 46. f This property is to be sold for cash, purchaser to receive same free and clear of all itena. Sale is made sub ject to confirmation by Referee ten days after sale without notice. Suc cessful bidder will ,be required to de posit 10 per cent bid to guarantee compliance pending confirmation. This 18th day of September, 1933. T. S. KITTRELL, Tl-uste of Walter Lewis Guthne, Bankrupt. New Low Coach Fares 1 1-2 Cents Per Mile Oneway S Cents Per Mile Pound Trip Effective September istb Between Henderson-Oxford-Durham Henderson To One-Way R Tri " Watkins $.12 8 - 24 Hickerson .17 34 Clay 21 42 Tsj River 27 Hester ....... 82 64 Creedmoor 38 - ,fi Werth Side 44 •«* Redwood .47 y 4 Burton 53 J -JJ O. & C. Junction •• .56 * ** Enrt Ottrfwa f» 1 Durham 68 1 *1 Antioch 20 One-Way Tickets Limited to Con tinuous Ramage—Round Trip T,cK ets Umttprf 7 Pays After D»<e oi Safe. For Information Sfce Ticket df*® 4 fl, J 5. Fleosantf, D. F A- MB Odd Fellows Rldf., Raleigh. >

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