ufN'DERSON gateway TO central CAROLINA twentieth YEAR SERIOUS BOMBINGS price For Newly-Mined Gold ffilEß IMPETUS TO PRICE ADVANCE GOVERNMENT GOAL ]!ise of 13 Cents Per Ounce Over Wednesday An nounced for Level Now of $31.54 URCHASES TO BE UPON DAILY BASIS peeping Strp Ahead of For, e gn Quotations, But Point Mny Be Reached Where There Will Be No Urgent Necessity for Continued Marking Up Washington. Oct. 26.—r newly mined gold by is j cent? an ounce over yesterday, the] figure svt being $3154. I* was Averted at th° White House | •>tcr‘ha! 'h<> Increase did not mean,] ;:?':«?aruy that there would be* a u'ly increase. .[ ndicat/ons wre voiced that so long i the American pric" ahead •f foreign market levels, a point may; 'i reached when it will not be felt i ■.h’T’WlV hr Increase the quotations. *? Purchases of the metal will continue cr a dai!v basis. t s'erd.i" when (.his Roosevelt po-1 :i> • was inaugurated, th*' domestic j 9 i'fi wa- fixeu a* $31.33, against a don figure of 31.09. ‘.t the '.-change rate of $4.75, today's ' don quotation was $31.06. l”h!le (his was a decrease of three •".is, a? compared with yesterday, •i 'ro ra> actually an increase in the 'nden grid price in British cur .rrcy. >.day'- price was determined by *he ccmniitte*- appointed by the Presi dent to atttnd to this detail. Repealers Spend Sum Os $3,367 Robert Lassiter and George Thomas, of Charlotte, Heaviest Contributors Rapigh. Oct, 26- (AP)—The United ( cnneil for Repeal, which is directing ■ camj aign In North Carolina look • ported today it. had re r ve< l and spent $3,367.-14 in cam aigrn. Walter Murphy, -(eciretary of the uuned. and Slate campaign manager, ■ed hi:-; preliminary report with Stacy • Wade, secretary of State, as re "i rd by th" corrupt practices act. hs United Dry Forces, directing the v ''gi’t. hnot reported fheir ec ’ if'ts and expenditures, but must o so by midnight Saturday. • Uinal expense reports must b** filled 'Continued on Page Three.) Arms Conference Takes Adjournment Till Dec. 4 Geneva. Oo 26 ~(AP)—The disarma •n'nt conference today adjourned un ■ December 4 after hearing frinedly f ierences Uj Germany during the xes discussions. toe adjournment decision was in ll ‘° wiili n recommendation of the V. r * n * 1 which mot yester- Gaj,t;iii, Anthony Eden. British for ''- (Continued on Page Three.) Probing Charges Against Minister In Winston-Salem Winston-Salem, Oct. 26. —(AP)— A committe- appointed by Bishop Ed win D. Mcuzon went into secret ses sion here today to discuss data re lating to charges against the Rev. W. A. Newell, presiding elder of the Greensboro district, brought by Rev. J. A. Baldwin, pastor of the Grace Methodist church here, on behalf of other members of the Western Con fernce. Nature of the charges was not an nounced, hut it was understood they dealt with private and ministerial matters. clear that ihe withdrawal of Germany could not be without effect on the work of the conference, and that it would cause some dislocations. “But.” h“ added, “the British gov ernment leels this should not be allow ed to stop ihe work of the conference. Wr must look forward and not indulge in recrirrmations.“ Captain Eden pledged Great Bri tain's wholehearted support to the ef forts to achieve progress. ONLY DAILY WIRE SERVICE OF ihe associated press. NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OP NORTH CAROLINA HENDERSON N. C„ THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 26 1933" Farmers May Borrow On Cotton Held On Options Might Be Possible To Hold Staple Long Enough To j Make Good 400 Per cent Profit There OPTIONS TO GO OUT DURING NEXT WEEK About 2,400,000 Bales of Cpttpn Held by ment Involved; While Plan Is Being Discussed, No De cision Has Been Reached As Yet Washington. Oct. 26.-(AP)—Oscar Johnston finance director of the Farm Adjustment Administration, told news paperm< r that options on government cotton he! 1 by Southern farmers pro bably would be “sent out next week.” The options probably will be releas ed as soon as sent to the holders. Approximately 2.400,000 bales are in volved. f. Growers who participated in the cotton reduction campaign last sum mer were given options at six cents a pound. As the options are released, the cotton may be sold and the dif ference between six cents and the pre sent market price will be profit to the giower. Johnston also said there was a pros pect that the government would lend ten cents a pound on option cotton. A program on which producers would be loaned that amount per pound oi. cotton of this year’s har vest wa« announced recently by the Farm Adjustment Administration. Several Southern senators, includ ing Senator Smith, Democrat, South Carolina, have that the govern ment include the option cotton, in it* loan plan. If this was done, the persons who hold the op l ions could borrow four cents a pound on the cotton and might sell it if the price went higher and repay the government loan. Johnston said, however, that no de cision # had been reached as yet. Shall Government Run the Banks? It’s not outside, the realm of possibility, says Senator James Couzeus, nation's foremost banking authority in series of three exclusive dispatches be ginning today. Senator Cou zens points way t •.•■•••'.CIxY:...; :|: xY I-<8 Albert. Sarraut. French senator has 'been entrusted with Itihe duty of form ing a now cabinet for the republic 'following the fall of the ministry head ed by Premier Edouard Daladier •Monday after failing in a vote of confidence in the Chamber of Depu ties.' Sarraut is a former minister of the interior. MILLIONS WASTED MWLOANS $18,000,000 Spent Unneces sarily in “Graft Condi tions”, Senators Are Advised REPORT FROM FILE OF BANK READ OUT * Pecora Has Letter Put Into Record of Hearing; Asked If Bank Knew of Condition When It Sold Securities, Witness Says He Has No Idea ■Washington, Oct. 26. — (AP)- -Senate investigators today characterized as ‘‘graft conditions” a report from the files of the Chase National Bank that. $13,000,000 had been spent "unneces sarily” on the Cuban capital building, construction of which was partly fi nance by loans from the bank. After reading the reporl from Chase filed telling of the expenditures, Ferd inand Pecora counsel for the stock market committee, asked Shepherdd Morgan- Chase vice-president, if “these 'graft conditions” had been known five months previously when the hank sold $40000,000 in Cuban bonds to the public. "I have no idea,” Morgan replied. “But only 35 percent of the public jpuhiie works expenditures were fin anced by the •obliigajt.ions advanced by us. ” i ALCOHOLIC DRINKS UNLAWFUL IN STATE Raleigh. Oct. 26.—(AV)—It i« unlawful in North Carolina to ad vertise any alcoholic beverage con tain iug more than 3.2 percent al coholic content for sale, now or In the future, the attorney general's office pointed out today. New October Lows Made In First Winter’s Dash (By the Associated Press.) In the wake of a storm that whistled out over the Atlantic, temperatures dropped to new October lows in several parts of New England today. In snow-blanketed sections of Northern New York the mercury dip ped close to the zero mark. At Sara nac Lake in the Adirondacks it stop ped at eight degrees, the coldest day there in ten years.. Owl’s Head hibernated under snow O PAGES OTODAY FIVE CENTS COPY ATTEMPT IS MADE UPON THE LIFE OF Home of Carlos Mendieta, Veterain Politician, Is Damaged by Bomb During Night BOMBING FOLLOWS WILDEST DISORDER 400 Persons Arrested In Ef fort t 0 Stem Trouble t Most of Them Being Commun ists; Outside Capital City Situation Also Continues Very Acute Havana, Oc(. 26. —TAP)—An attempt was mad" early today on t,ho life of Carlos M<-ndie change. Sarraut 'To Be Premier Os Franc* Some Old Minister Retained In Ole Posts; Hopes F o r Strong Majority Paris. Oct. 26.—(AP) —Senator Al bert Sarraut, definitely decided tod. r to become premier of France and a short time later a probable cabinet was semi-officially announced, show ing several old ministers m their cld post 3. Three, former ministers were retain ed, but were shifted to different portif olios. If M. Sarraut succeeds in listing Laurent Bonnevay as minister of health, and Francois Pietri as minis ter of the budget, who belonged to (he left republican and in keepirg peace in iris political family, political observers believe he would havo a strong majoriiy. drifts three feet deep. Elsew'here in the United States temperatures rose rapidly. From 1 e Mississippi Valley west to the Rod s October’s traditional “bright bl 1 ” weather returned after a brief ecH"' >. Several southern cities early to y reported unusually cold weather. ' e theexmometer registered 43 dejfr s above zero at Vicksburg. Pjxie <•; e out from under its overcoats and If t kets later in the day and nor l weather was predicted.. i