'heNDERSON r ATEWAY to CENTRAL CAROLINA Twentieth year U; s - PUBLIC DEBT NOW NEAR 24 BIUJONS CWA Labor Fighting Forest Fires “Burning Everywhere” In East Only 3.2 Inches Os Rain For Area In Three Months Weather Bureau Man In Raleigh Sounds Empha tic Warning Against Forest Fires REGION SHROUDED WITH SMOKE BANK Reported Due to Forest Fires; CWA Funds To Hire Fighters iV Bertie, Hert ford, Northampton, Edge combe, Warren and Hali fax, Forester States p k3 |( — President Roosevelt today signed the liquor import codes regulating the amount and manner of importations. The Import code will be adminis tered by the Federal Alcohol Control Administration. A minimum amount of importations based on the five year average, 1910-1914. roughly esti mated to be 4.000.000 gallons annu ally of hard liquor and 7,000.000 gal lons of wine, is provided. By signing this code, the Presi dent has set up machinery to regu late and supervise the liquor indus try after repeal of prohibition next week until Congress lays down a per manent method. Premier Os France Is Sustained Paris, Dec. 2.—(AP)-Premier Ca mille Chautemps was given two votes of confidence in rapid success today by the Chamber of Deputies after he announced that he rejected the idea of any separate agreement between France and Germany. The new premier, whose early over throw from power was predicted free ly until the actual voting, insisted, as had his- predecssors, that all de cisions on the German matter be made in association with other powers. He said this theory must be carried out, even though the problems might be discussed by ambassadors through regular diplomatic channels, a meth od which ho said was acceptable to Frß«nc6 * His policies brought forth a vote of confidence of 391 to 19 after he ap pealed for a balanced budget. Shortly afterwards the Chamber gave him a second vote of confidence, 569 to 11, approving as "extremely urgent" the consideration of economy measures. ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. HENDERSON, N. C., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 2,1933 =E Was $2,506,234, or $655,539 More Than for Same Month Year Ago, Max. well Reports SALES TAX INCOME AMOUNTS TO $595,391 Showed Marked Increase and Is Most Satisfactory Phase of Month’s Revenue, Commissioner Says; No vember Beer Taxes Lowest Any Month Yet Unity i>H|inlrk Rnrrn* In Ihr Mr AVnlitr Boirl •* V IIAXKKIIMM,. Ralegh. Dec. 2. -Collectons of State revenue n November from all sources, ncludng the sales tax and gasolne tax, amounted to $2,506,234 accordng to figures made public today by Com missioner of Revenue A. J. Maxwell. Os this total, $l,O-17,776 was from the various taxes that go into the State's 'mnernl fund, while $1,458,458 came from the gasoline tax and the sale of motor vehicle licenses and titles, and went into the highway fund. The total collected in November this year is $655,539 more than was collected in November. 1932—but it must be re membered that the three per cent sales tax was not in effect then. The revenue from the sales tax last month amounted to $595,391, or within about $60,000 of the difference between the November collections this year and last year. The most satisfactory aspect of the November collections, according to Commissioner Maxwell, was the in -<'*■ ownuiC no Two) Approve Plans of 61 National Banks To Reopen Shortly Washington, Dec. 2 (AP)— J. F. I*. O’Connor, comptroller of the currency, announced today that 33 national banks, with $36,644,- 000 frozen and $3,265,000 unre stricted deposits, completed reor ganization plans ;d uring the last 20 days of November. These institutions either were issued license to resume business or were granted charters for new banks. In the same period, 28 unlicen sed national banks, with $34,- 906,000 frozen and $2,745,000 un restricted deposits received ap provals from the comptroller of their organization plans. LAWYER CONVICTED OF FOUR SLAYINGS Mark Shank, of Akron, Ohio, Faces Death Penalty Ira Arkansas Court Benton, Ark., Dec. 2.—(AP) — A jury, unconvinced by his plea of in sanity, has ordered the death penalty for Mark H. Shank, Akron, Ohio, at torney. charged with the poison mur der of four members of the family of Alvin Colley. The verdict was returned late last night by the jury after deliberating nine hours. The defendant showed no emotion, but his wife, given credit for much of the work of planning his de fense, collapsed and was carried from the court room to her hotel on a stretcher. Defense attorneys announced they would renew the fight to free Shank, who was tried only for the death of Alvin Colley. His wife and two of their children died from poison placed in grape juice at a picnic last August 15. __ , , Shank has until next Thursday to file motion for a new trial, notice of which was given after the verdict was reported. If the motion is overruled, the attorney will be sentenced to death immediately. He will have 60 days in which to file an appeal. WEATHEK FOB NORTH CAROLINA. Partly cloudy; probably occas ional rain in extreme west portion tonight, and in west portion Sun day; slowly rising temperature. PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF Sailing for Russian Post M— 4 Wm lIBW. ‘ e i W , * .■.< V < i|i im WBBb 'SaBI *3UL SMB* Ambassador William C, Bullitt and daughter Anne William C. Bullitt, first U S Ambassador to the U. S. S. R embark* from New York for Moscow with his daughter, Anne, to’establish actually diplomatic relations brought about by President Roosevelt’* recognition of the Soviet government. (Central Press J Martin Insult Loses In Canada In Fight Against Extradition To The U. S. Toronto, anada, Dec, 2 (AiP)—Mar- j tin J. Insull, former Chicago utili- ; ties director, lost his fight against 1 extradition to the United States tej- ] day when Justice A. C. Kingstozie, of the Ontario Supreme Court, granted i the appeal of Cook county, Illinois. | , for his return ’ At the same time Justice King- ! ■ stone gave Insull the right to appeal | against the judgement within 15 i cl;'"'*.- Cook county sought his return to j Attack By Ambush At Laurinbrg Laurinburg, Dec. 2. —(-A*F) — Two ambushings within a 14-mile radius, witli four Scotland county young men presumably as targets, were reported to officers today. Roy McLaurin said he was fired on last night near McArthur’s Cross Roads as he was en route here. He said he heard the report of a gun and that a bullet grazed the windshield of his car. Open fields were on each side of the road, and he believed the shot must have come from a ditch. Of ficers investigated but made no im mediate arrests. Thursday night Crowell Hunter, William Norman and John L. Mc- Lean, of Laurinburg, said they were fired on just east of Hamlet. They said a load of shot crashed through their windshield, but no one was hit. McLean was slightly cut by the broken glass. nn Statrufth NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. face charges of embezzlemen tand grand larceny growing out of the col lapse of the Mid-West Utilities Cor poration last year. Insull’s counsel, J. O. Mcßuer, had argued gaainst the extradition on the grounds that such an act would set a "dangerous precedent” in Canadian jurisprudence. He argued that the transactions that caused the grand jury to indict both Insull were entirely out of the realm of theft. $5 Per Ton Rise Asked On Peanuts Washington. Dec. 2. —(AP) —After hearing pleas for immediate action and higher prices, peanut millers held an executive conference today to con sider a motion that the proposed base marketing agreement prices for each five peanut types be boosted $5 a ton. Governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus of North Carolina said that “there is danger and dynamite” in the peanut situation because of “low prices and delay in fixing a marketing agree ment.” A E. Gibson, representing Georgia peanut growers, moved that the pro posed price scale be increased $5 a ton for each type. Gibson said he came to the Farm Administration hearing on the peanut marketing ag reement with instructions to accept the proposed figures, but that Eh ringhaus had painted the picture so clearly that he was moved to propose the increase. Haywood County Man Given Term In Manslaughter Waynesville, Dec. 2.—(AP) —A ver dict of manslaughter was returned by agreement against Sam Blalock in Superior court here today in the slay ing in December of last year of Tom Cathey .and the defendant was sen tenced to five to ten years in the State’s Prison. Blalock testified he was drunk and knew nothing about the shooting. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. November Rise Is Near Half Billion, Report Indicates Deserts Ghandi Nila Cram Cook Jazz bands, speed and the thrilb of this modern age are going to supplant the Hindu mysticism, the calm meditation and the rigid rules of Mahatma Ghandi in the life of Nila Cram Cook hereafter The 22-year old American girl, shown in tier garb as one of Ghandi’s followers, lias deserted the Indian religious leader. STRIKERS REQUEST Ready To Go Back on Terms Existing At Time They Walked Out MANAGEMENT SILENT Workers in Asheboro Silk Mills Con tended NBA Regulations Had Been Violated rfnd They Quit Their Jobs Asheboro, Dec. 2 (AP) —A majority of striking employees of the Catwick Silk mill here, in a meeting today, cast an almost unanimous vote ask ing the management to reopen the mills on terms existing when the walkout occurred October 20. ' Two hundred and twenty of the mill’s 317 employees gathered for the purpose of deciding whether they de sired to return to work, and of the number 216 votes were favorable. Only four votes against the plan were cast. The mill management, howevez, made no immediate announcement. ' The NIRA Compliance Board with drew from sponsorship of today’s meeting late yesterday, but the ope ratives decided to hold the meeting anyway. The strike began when mill work ers contended the mill had violated NRA rulings. ROOSEVELT SELECTS N. Y. ADMINISTRATOR Warm Springs, Ga., Dec. 2 (AP) — President Roosevelt ha 3 named Delos M. Cosgrove, of Watertown, N. Y., as a member of the New York Up-State Advisory Committee of the Public Works Administration. He takes the place of Peter Ten Eyck, who took a temporary appointment. 6 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY Deficit Still Exists For First Five Months of Present Fiscal Year Since June 30 IT IS MUCH LESS THAN DURING 1932 Amount to $772,465,574, In cluding Emergency Ex penditures, Compared With $1,151,985,519 at Same Time L&st Year; In come Items Are Shown Washington, Dec 2—(AP)— The United States public debt increased $483,859,000 during November to a total of $23,534,115,771, a new peace time high. Receipts during the month were $208,861,275. Ordinary expenditures were s2os f > 905.821. But emergency expenditures for va rious phases of the recovery program were $293,514,399 to make November's outlay $499,420,221. While emergency expenditures ac counted for approximately half the increase in the public debt, a gain in the general fund accounted for an other $200,000,000. At the close of November the Tera sury's cash balance was $1,107,325,- 902. as compared with $909,261,293 at the close of October. For the first five months of the fiscal year, Terasuzy receipts came to $1,136,504,402, while the ordinary expenditures were $1,216,143,172. Emergency lecovery expenditures over the same months were $692,826,- 803. The deficit at the end of the five months, including emergency expen ditures was $772,465,574* as comfUir ed with $1,151,985,519 at the same time last year. TRACKS North-South Double Track Near Greensboro Tom Up By Freight Greensboro, Dec. 2. —(AP) —Four- teen cars of a northbound Southern Railway freight train were derailed at Jamestown, near here, today, blocking the railways Washington-Atlanta main line. No one was injured. Trainmen said prospects were that the line would be blocked until 4 p. m. delaying all passenger trains, including the South ern’s crack Crescent Limited. A broken truck on one of the freight cars was blamed for the derailment. The Southern has a double track from Atlanta to Washington, but sev eral cars, after leaving the northbound tracks, bounced over and piled up on the southbound track blocking both north and south traffic. Approximately 100 feet of track was torn up Government Keeps Gold Same Price Figure Maintained After Three Swift Advances During the Past Week Washington, Dec. 2. —(AP)— The government’s gold price remained un changed today at $34.01 an ounce. This figure was maintained for the second day after three swift increases within a week. The net increase during the week in the price offered by the R. F. C. for newly-mined domestic gold was 25 cents. The London price was $32.52 an ounce for bar gold, on the basis of the sterling opening at $5.20 1-2 to the pound.