ASSOCIATED PRESS AND CENTRAL PRESS Council Condemns Property To Widen Garnett Street Specifications Set Up By Aldermen At Meeting Held Monday Afternoon Widening of Street in Residential Section Declared “Public Necessity”; Lewis Cooper I ells Council Telephone Company Wishes To Cooperate Driving straight ahead in its deter mination to extend the utmost coop euition to the State Highway Com mission in the repaving of Garnett stiect with Federal road funds, the Henderson City Council at a called meeting held at 5:30 p. m. Monday adopted an ordinance formally con demning property in the residential section of South Garnett stieet that is needed for the widening of the street sufficiently to make it 50 ft-pi in width from curb to curb. The condemnation ordinance set foUli the 'public necessity" that exists in the widening process, and .specified I iie amuout of land to be cut off pro perty on bth sides of the street in the four blocks involved. Already the C< inioii lias voted permission to the | highway commission t cut off such, pm lions of the sidewalk in the busi- | nr m district necessary to make the street wider. Six feet vvnl be cut off property in th*■ two blockg between G»anite and i Belle dieets and bet ween Belle stieet j and Young avenue; four feet between) Young avenue and Burwell avenue, j and fiv.' feet between Burwell avenue j an ! Spi ing street All tjut two properly owners in the! four blocks readily gave their con-I sent to the use of their land for the widening of the street, and they now j stand alone in opposing the project. But the condemnation proceeding In stituted by the City Council is expect-j ed to take care of that situation. The ! work is expected to proceed promptly, i Mayor Irvine B. Watkins went to Raleigh today for conferences with i the State Highway Commission with j reference to the proceduree here, and took with him copies of the ordinance j passed by the Council Monday even-! ing. Lewis G. Cooper, of Greenville, of j counsel for the Carolina Telephone ! and Telegraph Company, appeared j before the Council in informal man- I im" and expressed the willingness of the company to cooperate in every way in the improvements contern pbi'ed in connection with the paving. The Council has ordered ail poles and '.vires in the business district removed i:i connection with the new paving j I ogram. so that a modern lighting sy item, or a white way. may be in stalled The telephone company has from the first sought more time in which to move its poles and wires, j with Ihe result that the Council last I week took definite action calling on i the company to move its poles and wires not later than January J'). 193 i. and provided a penalty of SSO for each day after that date that com ! n'innee was withheld. It was also call- j Hc-MOON-16c TODAY ONLY Jesses Matthews (The New Sensation) —IN— “The Good Companion ’* Also Andy Clyde Comedy Don’t Forget Santa Claus Friday STEVENSON TOMORROW AND THURSDAY THE BROADWAY MUSI-GIRL HIT “CAMPUS CO-EDS" With a Delightful Oast o! College Boys and Dashing Co Eds, Featuring Learned Seholar ol 'jSL \k JrtflßM CHIANNA Acrobats Ii THE MUSICAL TREAT OF THE SEASON Shim Carlson and His Ten Sou -homers Stage Orchestra On The Screen—Carole Lombard —Chas. Laughton ill “WHITF WDM A NT” Matin™- »nd Mel.t *-* yv V/IVI/-Yl> 10c and 36c ed to the attention of the telephone . company that its 30-year-old franchise - granted in 1003 to the company ex pired last September 29. and that the . company is now operating in the city 1 without a franchise and without per • mission from the city. It is now expected that some agree ment may he reached between I In’ city | and the telephone company \vnerel>> | the ends desired may be attended, j The ordinance passed by the Conn eil condemning the needed property on South Garnett street was adopted under a suspension of the tides. Alt members of the Council except out were preset for the meeting. The entire project for the Gar | nett stieet re-paving is expected t< J gel under way early in the now year. I The State Highway Commission is 1 now expected to lot the contract in | January. ! WEATHER IS WABWI ! FOR THIS SEASON | Temperature Up lo 70 On Sunday; Rain To Bring Cooler Days Unseasonably warm weather for this I lime of the year has prevailed here for several days. On Sunday the thar | mometer hit a high of 70 degrees, ac i cording to John P. Renn, official r weather Bureau observer here. The j maximum was a trifle under that level : Monday, however, and somewhat low ! er today also. It was expected that ! i today’s rain would end in a consid erable descent of the thermometer in j a few days, accompanied by clearing weather. The prut!acted dry spell of the past j several months has caused many wells j and streams to run dry or nearly so. ; causing great inconvenience to rural residents who do not have access to the city water supply, which at no time has bee nthreatened. Freshmen Present Plav This Kvenintf AtC iC ntrai School Tbe freshman class of Henderson high ■ ehool will present it.-: first so ii'ial plav. “ rhP Bird's Christmas Carol" this evening at 8 oV-lock m the Central School audito; iuni. it was announced today. The play is in three acts and is said to he a. very good one. Those taking character pa.rts a.r, Mabel Parham. Florence Smith W H. Newman. Stewart. Southerland. Sylvia Coughlin, Willard Haithcock, Frances Daniel. Mildreil Finch. Eu gene /Patterson,, Maty Sue Newel’. Betsy Patterson. Billy Dunn. Stanley Norwich and Maurice Capps. SALVATION ARMY'S FUND OVER SI,OOO Half Way Mark Toward Goal of $2,000 for 1934 Budget Reached NO WOMEN’S REPORT j Final Result Depends Largely on, Them, It Is Said; Voluntary Cou trihution of SIOO by Lady Unsolicited Basing his estimate upon reports | received from various committees. Al. B. Wester, general chairman of the | 1933 Home Service Appeal of the Sal- : vat ion Army here, announced tolay that t.lie total of cash contributions; and pledges up to the preueul time is j something more than SI,OOO. with' much work yet to he done this week Unless there is a more genreal re spouse to the committees yet in t h*- ; field, however, the $2,009 goal for {lie 1934 budget will not lie reached, Mr. Wester said. No report has been receive/! as yt from the women s division, hut they are still working it was said, and the final success of the campaign was declared today to rest laigely on the ( results /O' thei: canvass, and the can , trihutionr by school children. Kin I vpes Mm re (list r ii’.nit ed in the > schools yesterday and were to he I brought back today by the children. The results of that effort will not be known before probably tomorrow. A contribution of SIOO came to the Army Monday from a well known Henderson lady who had not even been solicited in any way, and for which the gratitude of the organiza tion was expressed. Should there le athers thus willing lo give who have not been reached by workers, they are asked not to wait for callers, hut please to notify Mr. Wester at one*-. It is planned to close the campaig . toward the end of this week, and those who will help in the undertaking are urged to get in their contribu- j tions or pledges at the earliest po.-s- j sible time. EIGHTEEN REPORT FOR COURT TEAM High School Cagers (Begin Their Drills Season Opens In January Eighteen candidates have reported to Coach Hank Powell to try out fo> the Henderson high school basket ball team. Six of the men have had some experience on the eou’l but the remaining twelve have little or n< court experience. Probably out of Bill 1 light, Leslie May, Russell Ayscue, Roseoe Stain back. Rudd Edwards and Rudolph Teague will come the. first five will. Ransom Duke, Edwin Wilkerson Ralph Grissom, Edwin Beckham. Roy Boyd. Tommy Cnidup Bobby Fur man, Eugene Patterson, Biily Dunn A! Wester, John Hughes and .1. B Murrell, furnishing the reserve mat erdal. Out of this group Coach Powell hopes to found out a winning five tbs will open its season shortly aft pi school resumes in January. Henderson Daily Dispatch i j Ijjjj g || «1 If | Henderson Vulcanizing Company I % DISTRIBUTORS For Vance, Warren, Franklin, and Granville Counties I fi Phones 408 and 409 Henderson, N. C. I | £ JE°SeD BYFIRE | Blaze At 10 P. M. In Negro Section Too Far t rom Water Connection Fire destroyed an unoccupied house j on West Palmer street, back of the Henderson Steam Laundry, in the Ne | gro section of the city last nigh; : about 10 o’clock. Firemen answered the alarm and, although the house was in the cit> limits, were unable to reach the fire with a hose line, the house being too far away from a water connection. Fire Chief E. T. Shepherd said tha.i the house was the property of Mrs. A J Harris Ibis city. The chief stated he did not know whether the loss was | coveted by insurance or not. Veterans’ Families Be Cared For At Christmas l ime Any member of the American L* gum or tile American Legion Auxi limy who wishes to aid any of sh- W-uid War veterans' families that tlx group;; have been helping in the past at (’lo istmas time, is asked to get p, , touch with Mr.;. J. W. Jenkins or Mrs. It A Newell by Thursday night Any who wisli to make contributions may 1 do ; o to these ladies, it was said today, j REV. J. W. DAVIS IS INJURED IN FALL: News has been received that Rev. 1 J VV. Davis, former pastor of North Henderson Baptist church, sustained two broken ribs when he fell, while playing “tag" iootball with his school children. His son, Raeford, who played end ior Wingate Junior College, run-! uor-up for the State Championship in their class, sustained two broken ribs during the past season. Rev. Mr. Davis isics "Who said football isn't rough.’’ Police Warning of Counterfeit Here Chief of Police J. H. Langston > today issued a warning to mer chants of the city to be oil the look-out for counterfeit money, lie said he had heard of one in , stance where a spurious green back had been passed off on a lo cal concern hut that it had not generally been passed in Hender son. as yet. The counterfeiters are operating with $lO and S2O greenbacks only, he said, and they could he defect ed by an examination as to the text lire and “feeling” of the money By holding it up the light the absence of the silk threads can also he shown, he said. The chief was anxious that merchants he appraised of the 'fact that the Liiis are being passed in this part of the State, having been report ed in quantities in Durham and some from Littleton. FARMERS TO GET FOUR CENT LOAN l urcher Advance To Be Madeon Option Cotton Held by the Growers , ( Official government applications n; . which farmcm can get a credit of | four cents a pound for option cotton i hold by (hem at " -exported p, t.,. j,, j r-p i "of I here shortly, and will I lien be available lo growers County Agent J j W. Sanders announced today. Option | cotton is hold by growers under fhen ; agreement already signed for crop re i duction in 1931. The cotton thus serving as collateral for loans would be placed in storage. If ordered sold by the government on a market that, would not yield suf ficient returns to reimburse the gov einment the amount of money it had , advanced the loss would not fall on . the farmer hut on the government it is said. New crop reduction con tracts for the 1934 crop are aiso to be offered farmers soon after the first of Ihe year. Mr. Sanders said. TUESDAY^DECEMBERI9 U CROCKER DIES I Former Middleburg Man Passes Suddenly of Acute Attack Indigestion John Turner Crocker, 52, died sud j denly yesterday afternoon at -L3O o'clock at his home at 1323 Hinson 1 stieet, Raleigh, of acute indigestion ! it was learned here today. He was ill j only a few minutes. A doctor was call ed but Mr. Crocker was dead upon the arrival of the doctor. Mr Crocker was formerly of Mid dleburg, having moved to Raleigh about 15 years ago, it was said. Burial will be had Wednesday aft- i ernoon at 1 o’clock in Middleburg cemetery. FIRE HOUSE TOWER ALL DECORATED UP One of the most beautifully d<• corated spots in the city at this Christ mas season is the tower at the fire house at. the corner of Garnett and Young streets. Christmas trees have been placed in the belfry opening in four directions, and all of them have been illuminated. Brilliantly colored streamers, all lighted .also have been strung on three sides of the tower and in addition red lights have been put into place back of the dial of the clock, which also faces four ways. Ah in all, it presents a beautiful arrang* ment. SOME BAD MONEY BEEN PASSED HERE Watch your $lO bilis is the advice of police officers of the. city. One of the officers today pointed out that a local establishment had been “fleeced ’ out of ten dollars by one of these bad bills being passed on them. With the Christmas shopping season at its peak bills will be easier to pass than dur ing a normal business day and the officers have passed the word along to look out for any that may be counter feit. SPECIAL OFFICER GANGED BY #8 W - E ; W ' lso ". of S cs ho ard , N*ibs Pilferers of CoaJ In Durham special Officer VV. j<; Wii- Henderson, one of the tm.tcri ° f ol the Seaboard Air Line ;. rii]r | l(:ei; •ganged” by a. "group of Ne gro Durham yesterday, and as the r " two were jailed. The Durham' M o?n nig Herald today carried the follow mg item relating to the incident Two Negroes were jailed here terday as an aftermath of in the Hayti section of the C if v which a group of Negroes "ganged- - «• * Seaboard Air Line railroad, arrested l Negro whom be had seen pilfeim from a car at the Ramseur stl l crossing. A group of other Negroes immrdi ntcly surrounded the officer and Bt tempted to wrest his prisoner away from him. Some estimated that there were 50 Negroes in the mob. Wilson, who was alone at the tini* fought off the Negroes for 30 minute, or more before Police Detectives A; M. Thompson and R, C, Brown hag pened by and went to his assistance The alleged coal thief. George w a r| dell, 38, of 512 Colfax street. and hj wife Mamie, 26, were jailed in con need ion with the affair. Waddell is charged with the lai ceny of the coal and resisting an of ficer. His wife is to face trial on a charge of disorderly conduct and in terfering with an officer. SINGER SEWING MACHINE OFFICE Now Located In Old WHITMORE BAKERY STAND Full line of all new model electric and foot pedal machines. For repairing and adjusting all makes —Call Phone 7 T. J. EVANS, Agent