MARRIAGES PARTIES SOCIAL ACTIVITIES SOCIETY WINDS. lOvi'iy street has a wind. Some winds are fat and round. They hurry along With their coat-tails flying— Putting on their gloves as they go! Other winds poke long, gray fingers Down the chimneys— And make the sheets on the line Dance madly to the tune Os tlicit* wild song. There are winds that come softly— Bearing the incense of crushed flow ers; in their voices are the echoes Os far-off music. These arc young winds That tremble and high In tiie night time-- And bring with them A mist of dreams. Sara Van Alstynn Allen. ' isiting Near Littleton. M 1 ► 'V. B. Daniel, Sr., i 3 visiting relatives near Littleton. At Fort Mitchell. Va. Mi Leigh Culley is spending some time at Fort Mitchell. Va. To California. Mi Carolyn Watkins has gone to 'sui Diego. Cal., where she will spend some time with friends. Mr. Finch Confined. F G. Finch was reported confined ht hi. bed n* his home on Andrew .venue by illness today. thirst of Miss Garrett Mi-; Ada Whitmore, of Durham, is house guest of Miss Evelyn Gar un on South Garnett street. Return from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Shaw returned in day from Florida, where they .pr'iit the holidays with relatives. Guests Here. Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Shelley, of New York City, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Cooper at their home on Charles street. • ’ " i Here from Raleigh. Miss Annie Dennis spent the New Year holidays here with her mothei. Mrs. Ida Dennis, and returned to Ra leigh last night. To Return to School. Hobby Davis expects to leave to moi row for Alexandria, Va., where ho at i ends Virginia Episcopal high school. Guest at Parsonage. Mrs. D. L. Earnhardt is the guest of hei son. Rev. D. E. Earnhardt, and family, at the First. Methodist pat sonage. Miss Chavasse Here. Mi- Nancy Burwell Cliavasse, of Raleigh, was a week-end visitor in the city, .-pending her time with her par ent.-. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Chavassc. Returns to Chapel Hill. Dr. John Beakly has returned to Chapel Hill after spending a few days in the city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Peace on Andrews avenue. Returns Home. Miss Gertrude Draper has returned to her home in Garysburg, after spending several days in the city with her sister. Mrs. N. D. Holloway, on Clark street. Returns to Washington. Mi . W. M. Batts has returned to her home in Washington, after spend ing the holidays here with her pai *Mits, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Wrenn, on the Dabney Road. From Norfolk Meeting. • • W. Furqueron, manager of the Railway Express Agency here, return ed over the week-end from Norfolk, where on Friday night he attended a meeting of agents for the Norfolk district. Return Home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore and lit n* aughter. Lillian Estelle, have re -1 ’Min'd to their home in Wilkinstourg. Pitt.Jjuigh. Pa., after spending a few day.- in the city with Mr. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore,, on Burwell avenue. SHORTER*. COLDS^Jp* PROVED BY 2 GENERATIONS * College Students Have the Daily Dispatch follow you;to school. You can get your home town paper for $2.00 Sent to you until June 1 Henderson Daily Dispatch Circulation Department -r SOCIETY NEWS x TELEPHONE 610 : : Sisters Three —Brides-to-be Jh BT ir Sp The Arndt sisters (left to right), Erna, Hilda and Mildred, of Baltimore, Md., have penchant for doing things en masse. So their acquaintances were not surprised when the sisters recently announced they are going to have a triple wedding in the Spring. Miss Meadows Here. Miss Margaret Mcadcrs. who foi several years was a member of the Dabney high school faculty, is the guest of Miss Rosa Long Thomas on Andrews avenue. Visitors from Durham. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Upchurch and their son, Herbert Jackson, of Dur ham. speni the week-end holidays in the city with Mrs. H. A. Dennis and other relatives here. Prayer Rand to Meet. The Prayer Meeting Band will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in lie home of Mrs. Florence. Clarke on Lehman street with Rev. Mr. Joyce as leader, it was stated today. Guests Leave. Misses Annie Louise Steele. Payne Ledbetter. Eleanor Dockery* and Louise Corpening, house guests of Miss Helen Sisk for the past week, have returned to their homes in Rock ingham. Expected Tonight. Miss Sue Branch, who is training for a nurse’s profession in- the M. E. hospital in Philadelphia, is ex pected home tonight to visit her sis ters on Turner avenue for several days. Return to Raleigh. Misses Alice Cheshire and Nell Smith, of Raleigh, who have been spending the past week in the city as guests of Miss Helen Sisk, except to return to their homes in Raleigh this evening. Returns to Medical School. . Charles Rollins, who has been spending the holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rollins, returns early Hrf's week to the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, where he is tak ing a medical course. Return from Dayton. Prof, and Mrs. W. D. Payne liaA’e returned from Dayton. Va., where they have been spending the holidays witli Mr. Payne’s mother, Mrs. Olive Byrd Payne. Mrs. Payne accompanied them home and will be their guest for a few days. With the Sack At Maria Parham Hospital. Mrs. Henry H. Daniel, of route two Henderson, is undergoing treatment at Maria Parham hospital, it was said today . Mrs. Duke Returns Home. Mrs. Will Duke ha returned to her home in Die county, after being treat ed at Maria Parham hospital. Undergoing Treatment. Mrs. J. C. Daniel, of route three Henderson, has been admitted to Maria Parham hospital for treatment it was learned today. HENDERSON, Tw. C,) DAILY DISPATCH, MONDAY JANUARY 1, 1934 Home from Florida. Mrs. VV. B. Daniel, Jr., and daugh ters, Misses Frances and Rowena, and son, billy, and Miss Charlotte Wester returned last night from a trip to Miami, Fla., where they visit ed Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Daniel. Mr. Daniel will be in Blackshear, Ga., for several days on business connected with the tobacco marked there. Lecture Club Not To Meet Thursday The Lecture Club will not meet Thursday, January I, it was pointed out today, but will meet Thursday, January 18, at which time Paul Green of the University of North Carolina will be the principal speaker. Tuesday Club Will Meet Tuesday, 3:30 The Woman's Tuesday Club will told its regular meeting tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o’clock in the home c<f Mrs. Asa Parham on South Gai nett street, it was announced today. All members are urged to be present. Jr. Tuesday Club Meet Postponed The Junior Woman's Tuesday Club, whose meeting was scheduled to Dc. had tomorrow afternoon has been postponed until Tuesday. January 9, at which time it will be held with Mrs. D. Boyd Kimball, it was an nounced today. Mrs. Corbitt Will Have Bridge Club Mrs. William Corbitt will be hostess to the regular meeting of Die Bridge Luncheon Club Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock in the West End Coun try Club, it. was announced today. Members not planning to attend are asked to notify Mrs. Corbitt imme diately. Have Reception For Guests Sunday i Mr. and Mrs. D. Morgan Cooper, of New York City, who are spending several days in the city with Mr. Cooper’s. parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Cooper on Charles street, gave a re ception yesterday afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock for Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Shelley, of New York City. During the afternoon appropriate refreshments were served to a num ber of guests who called to greet the visitors. Miss A Id red Will Wed Titus Grissom An announcement of the engage ment of Miss Dellzelle Lee Alfred, of Aurora.., to Titus Watson Gris som. of Washington, formerly of this city, will be received with interest here. The announcement follows: “Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Roberts Alfred, of Aurora, N. C. announce the engagement of their daughter, Dellzelle Lee to Titus Wtatson Grissom, of Washington. The wedding to take place in January.” Mr. Grissom is well known here, having been connected with the Sin clair Refining Company branch office here. —False Alarm.—Firemen were call ed out last night about 10:45 o’clock to Box 43, the alarm being false and the only one turned in last night by New Year celebrants, giving the fire men an easy time. Marian Martin pattern A TRULY SMART FROCK FOR THE MATRON Marriage Papers Bought Saturday By Five Couples Five couples on Saturday obtained marriage licenses from the register of deeds. Three /were white and two colored. They were: J. Tommie Riggan and Lola Mat thews, white, both of Henderson. W. C. Skenes and Lula Elizabeth Dickerson, white, both of Henderson. J. G. Gupton and Willie Green Dickerson, white, both of Vance coun ty. Arthur Dunstan ,of Route three, and Maggie Bullock, /Henderson, col ored. , , Charlie Durham and Matilda Bul lock, colored, both of Middlcburg. FOR SALE! A Brand-new Year! LAST year’s resolutions are gone—kepi or broken. Years have a habit of coming and going, but the habit does not keep us from regarding each new one as a new adventure in an opportunity to achieve greater happiness. For isn’t life, after all, one in things material as well as spiritual, a constant search for happiness? And isn’t satisfaction a companion thought for this happiness? There’s a heap of satisfaction and happiness in being able to buy the things you need at a price you can af ford to pay. Much money can be saved if you know where to get the most for what you spend. The advertisements in this newspaper will help you do this every day of this brand-new year. They bring you the latest, most authoritative news of the offerings of many* local merchants. The suggestions they offer will save you much time and I trouble and lead you straight to the best balues. HOURS 9 A. M. TO 12 NOOt PATTERN 9841, Tliis stunning frock discloses clev er styling for the matronly figure— its lines and details have been design ed with an eye for smartness as well us creating a slender effect for her. The chic seaming is smartly accented by buttons, the rever and collar fa shioned of contrast are very flatter ing, and the sleeves hold interest with their tucks and moderate full ness. If you prefer a shorter sleeve, note the small sketch. An ideal model for dark crepe or printed silk with crepe or satin contrast. I attern 9841 may be ordered only in sizes) 16, 18, 20, 34, 36, 38. 40, 42, 44 and 46. Size 34 requires 3 3-4 yards 39 inch fabric and 3-4 yard contrast ing. semi FIFTEEN CENTS , n coins o stamps (coins preferred > for MARIAN MARTIN pattern Be sure to write plainly your NaHE AD DRESS, the STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern. Studv the new rr.o,A p s He&t with the MARIAN MARTIN PAT TERN BOOK FOR FALL AND lights shoulders collarj sleev WINTER. Al) 'h" new style ivgh are cleverly worked out in their eas test-to. make form. Clothes for jtin io;s and kiddie?, reflecting new trends and Marian Martin s famous slender izoig monels are shown. Linger! aod oif{. pattei iM?. too. This hook I w II guuip you to a distinct!vp ward I’obo r«t little effort and small cost SEND FOR IV TODAY. PRICE OP PATTERN BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS BOOK AND PATTERN TOOBTHEI TWENTY.FIVE CENTS your order *n The I aim rve <•* Pn»*orn Department. 232 VV 18th St.. New York. N Y. NICHOLAS CHAVASSE i GOES TO WASHINGTON Nicholas Chavassc has gone to Washington, D. C., where he has en tered a preparatory school for study before lie takes the entrance exam inations to West Point, where he won an appointment from Governor J. C. | B. Ehringhaus for making the highest average in a competitive examination among members of the North Caro lina National Guard. Chavassc was highly complimented on his mark by Adjutant General J. Van B. Metts, head of the North Carolina troops, RECORDER’S COURT IDLE AT NEW YEAR I No session of recorder's court was j held today there being no cases for trial on New Year’s day. CONTRACT BRIDGE " WRITTEN FOR CENTRAL PRESS By E. V. SHEPARD i fAMOUt WDOt TtACHW • AN ODD SITUATION KVKIJV now and tliyn a plnjet at Vour right bids llie .suit which VO u have meant to deelare. just as was K he rase with the hand shown. What ;ou should do depends upon many factors. What was done in this i ase offers a hint as to how you may act In a similar case ♦A987G32 ¥ Q 10 6 ♦ 3 ♦ A K KQ J 4 _ 4 5 V 9 5 4 North VJ7 *> 2 ♦ KJB2 | J ♦Q 6 5 8 6 4» Q 10 5 3 2 ♦ 10 fA K 8 ♦ A id 9 7 4 sft J 9 7 4 Neither sine was vulnerable, but in this case, tip to a certain point, bidding should have gone as it did, regardless of the question of vulner abilit y. I lidding went: South. 1-Diamond; West, 1 Spade. North, l-N'o Trump: South. 2-Diamonds, for lack of all ot het bid until lie had heard more: North. 2-Spades, showing at least one card of South's long suit, great strength in spades and stops to hearts and clubs; South. 3No Trumps Unless holding a biddable suit or one probably estabbshable with small aid of partner, it usually is better to PASTORAL. Now front the certain level of the ground, We look upon that peak against the sun Where on a wasted ledge of rock we found A rose-tree rooted in oblivion. Here from the earth that distant height appears A treacherous mountain, desolate with snow, Whose summit through the freshets of the years Would never yield to thawing thus wc know This sudden flowering of the unfore seen : That we are shepherds of a meandow land Where browse our peaceful thoughts in pastures green With plenty; here we feed from open hand Our gentle changes and delight to sec Love manifested in humility. —Gilbert Maxwell, in Voice. CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS maNe hd opening lead of partner's suit against a no trump, even though you hold only a low singleton. In this ease, however. North not only had bid no trumps over West's spades, but later on had ventured to aetually bid spades, and South had supported no trumps. Evidently it was useless to lead spades, so East led the 3 of clubs. The “rule of 11” showed West with 2 cards higher than the one led. Dummy played the 7 of clubs. West the 8 and North's K won the trick. A low heart put dummy in, to lead its 10 of spades. It could do no ap parent good to cover, but West put on the .1 and the Ace won the trick Back came the 9of spades. West won and led back his only club The declarer's Ace won. The 8 of spades lost to the K. but that ended the tricks which the declarer had to lose. He had won 4 of the 6 tricks played to date, and he held in the joint hands of himself and dum my 4 good spades, 2 good hearts and dummy’s Ace of diamonds, giving him 5-odd. North should have bid 4-Spades, over his partner’s 3-No Trumps. He can win 5-odd at spades, against any defense, because his hand is more flexible at the suit make. West made a serious blunder when he cov ered the 10 of spades led from dum my. If W'est refuses to cover, whether the declarer wins with his Ace, or has to use a card of re entry to lead his Ace. he can make only 2-odd, at no trumps, as he lacks sufficient high honors an the side t* ever establish and utiliat his epag fyfe NO MEET HELD BY EDUCATION BOARD No meeting of the County Board I of Education was held today as there was no immediate urgency for the members to assemble, it was said by E. M. Rollins, county superintendent. j "'X. i r{ts# Eases Headache In 3 Minutes also neuralgia, muscular aches i and pains, toothache, earache, periodical and other pains due ] to inorganic causes. No nar cotics. 10c and 25c packages. PAGE FIVE

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