PAGE TWO 9iWOMANsisIWO SM l-LES ORAFTER *2 "THERE'S ONE missing," he mut- Uced. 'Thera were six of them , . " iom added after a moment’s reflection; "yes. I’m certain one Is mhwonc . . . the pearl necklace. . . . Tfcat’s strange, isn't it? Surely It can't have been stolen. before she Md these in the urn?” He did not seem to attach much importance to the question, so im possible of solution did the problem appear to him. But Raoul and Gor geret exchanged looks. The Inspec tor was thinking; "Ho toek the peril is. . . . He’s playing the conjurer for our benefit, while reaily he’s searched that urn previously atid took his share of the spoils.” And Raoul nodded back with a gleaning look, as who should say: "Right in one! That’s just wiiat I did. But what can you expect? One must live!” Guiltless Antonioe supposed noth ing. She was helping the marque i tt> clean the Jewel* Mid wrap them up in a couple of rtik handkerchiefs. This done, the marquis led Raoul to the ruins. "Go on," he said. "Tell me—what happened? How was she killed? Who killed iter? I’ve never got over her horrible death . . . never got over my grief. I’d give anything to know the truth! Tell me all!” He flung questions at Raoul as though he alone possessed the truth about all things, as though Raoul ni a word could change night into day. They had reached the upper ter race, and the spot where Elisabeth Hornain had met her death. From here they could see the whole of the chateau, the park and the entrance tower. Antordne, close beside Raoul, whis pered: “I’m so glad for godfather’s sake Thank you so much. But I’m Afraid . . .” "Tou! Afraid?” "Tea ... of Gorgeret , . Yon ought to get away quickly!" He answered gently; “You can’t think how happy you make me! But there’s nothing to fear so long as I’ve still something to reveal, something that Gorgeret’s dying to hear. You surely don’t want me to leave before I’ve fin ished?” He saw she was calmer, and as the marquis plied him with ques tions, Raoul continued: “How did the tragedy happen? How to discover that, monsieur, I took exactly the opposite direction from that which I made you follow. Since I had concluded that there had heen no theft committed, I likewise imagined from the very first that there might also have heen no mur A Silence That Cried Out! the women and had never flirted in his life. But as she stood there against the Bn d ec k ra tt childish and V \\ alone —something in Tiggie |y i \ gj|gjjjjSaßßll Turner drew him to her. \y* ’ She was lovely and the look j / help although she hadn't uttered a word. Read how Tiggie became involved in this girl's life from the mo / ment he went in search of gfQfdyJjf DRIFT O/telWl.Dell Beginning Next Thursday, Jan. 25 in RruJirrsmtlßiatli} Dispatch Advertising Pays der. And my reason for supposing that was that the circumstances were such that it would have been impos sible for the murderer to have gone unseen. It would be impossible to kill someone In front of 40 people, in broad daylight., without these 40 people seeing one commit the mur der. A revolver shot would have been heard. A blow would have heen seen. They would have noticed if a stone had been thrown Therefore it was my business to look outside the realm of purely human causes of death—thnt is. death brought about by the w ill of man.” "Then her death was accidental?" Interrupted the marquis. “Exactly, and therefore It was a chance occurrence. Such occurrences are unlimited and can happen in the most extraordinary and exceptional manner. I was once concerned In a where thy fife and honor of a msn depended cr> his finding a cer tain document h' jden on the summit of a very high tower without a stair case. Ore mc.rrdng he discovered the two end's of a very long rope hanging down en each side of the tower, f was ah’e to prove that this topo cams ftom a balloon whose pas sengers had thrown it overboard the preceding night, and fate had so de creed thnt the rope had fallen ex actly in the position necessary to en able the man to climb up hfs tower ! in safety A miracle, certainly, but j there are millions of such miracles happening on the earth hourly.” “Then you mean to say that " "Elisabeth Hornaln’s death was caused by a natural phenomenon which is extremely frequent, but which rarely has fatal consequences. This explanation occurred to me when Valthex accused the shepherd of having shot a stone from his ‘ding. It scented to me impossible for the shepherd to have been there without being detected, but quite possible that Elisabeth Hornain might have been struck by a stone, and that it was. in fact, the only plausible explanation or her death.” “A stone from heaven?" exclaimed the marquis ironically. * “Why not?” “What nonsense! Who could pos sibly have sent it?” “I’ve already told you, monsieur— Perseus!" “Please don’t joke.” implored the marquis. “But I’m not joking.” affirmed Raoul seriously. “I’m speaking with proper knowledge of my subject, basing my conclusions on facts, not theories. Every day sees millions of these stones —fireballs, aerolites, me teorites, fragments of dispersed planets—traverse space at a tre mendous rate, ignite on their "oiii'-e HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1934 and fall to earth. They’ve bee. picked up by the million In every shape and size. Every day there are tons and tons of them flying about If one of them should, through a ter rible misfortune, but perfectly possi ble. strike down a human being, it causes death, pointless and often in comprehensible." Raoul paused, and then continued: “Now, these projectiles fall all through the year, but more frequent ly at certain definite periods, and th« period best known for frequency ia that which falls In August between the ninth and the fourteenth exact ly, and which seems to have origi nated from the constellation Perseus. Hence my little joke when I say Per seus was the criminal." Without giving the marquis time to express either doubt or objection. Raoul continued: “For the last four days, a trusty man of mine has been coming ovgr this wall at night, and searching the ruins until dawn, all round here. I myself searched here yes terday in the early hours.” “And did you find anything?* “Yes.” Raoul held up a small round ob ject the size of a walnut, with a jagged surface pitted with holes which had been made by the com bustion that had covered the sur face with what looked like brilliant b’-n«k enamel. Raoul went on: “I’*e not the slightest doubt that the saw this projectile when they first searched the place, but that none of them noticed it. because they were all looking for a bullet or some other human contrivance. For me, the presence of this projectile is ab solute proof of the truth. But I have other proofs as well. First, the date of the tragedy: August the thir teenth. which is one of the days when the earth passes under the shower of shooting stars from Perseus. I may mention that the date was one of the first ruys of fight on the prob lem for me! “Then 1 hive another irrefutable proof, which Is not merely the out come of logic and reasoning, but is also a scientific fact. I took this stone yesterday to a research labora tory. . . . They discovered fragments of carbonized human skin adhering to the outer glaze . . . yes, minute fragments of skin and flesh, torn from a living human being, ments that were scorched at con tact with the burning projectile, and stuck to it so closely that they have been there ever since. Those frag ments are at the laboratory, and will form part of a more or less official report which will be handed to you. Monsieur d’Erlemont, as well as to friend Gorgeret, if it Interests him.’’ (TO HU COVT IN r 7ET)> BAPTISTS FAIL TO CALL A PREACHER Choir Given Right To De cide Matter of Wearing of Vestments The congregation of the First Bap tist church, at a congregational meet ing held after the morning preaching service Sunday, failed to extend a call to a preacher, hut did authorize the choir to use Ms own discretion in the matter of adopting the custom of wearing vestments. Dr. W. R. Cullom of Wake Forest College preached at the church iboth morning and evening Sunday and pre sided ait the congregational meeting following the morning sermon. The pulpit |commit.tee which haa been serving during the nearly five months the church has heen without a pastor presented its resignation without making a recopamendat ion. No new committee was at the time but a committee has been, designated to arrange for preaching services next Sunday. By a small mar gin the congregation voted to accept the resignation of the committee, after expressing its thanks and ap preciation for the services rendered in filling the pulpit an din inviting a number of ministers here for services during the past, several months. BOY SCOUT TROOP IN WEEKLY MEETING The weekly meeting of Troop 30 of the Henderson Boy Scouts, on Jan uary 19th, was very important to the members of that organization. In accordance with a plan originated by William H. Bryan, the scoutmaster, the troop was divided into two sec tions. Into one of these divisions, all hoys over sixteen years of age were assigned, in the other the boys un der sixteen were placed. Although the section or patrol of older boys will remain under the supervision of Troop 30, its meetings will be held on a different night from those of the troop proper. Little can be prophe sized as to the outcome of this plan, hut the troop officers hope that it will increase the interest and attend ance of the boys. The older boys will have a meeting Tuesday night, January 23, to elect officers. The of ficers of the troop proper were ap pointed Friday night by the scout master. They are: Ellard Yow, Sen ior Patrol Leader; Clyde Hight, Billy Powell, and Jimmy Cooper, Patrol Leaders; Herbert Crawford, Scribe. These boys were requested to have a meeting later in the week to divide the members among the three patrols and to draw up a setof rules for the troop to follow. After this the boys were dismissed by Ellard Yow, with the “Great Scoutmaster’s Benediction. Herbert Crawford, Scribe, Troop 30. I Henderson 1..5U I Sells TOBACCO Higher ■ Thousands of tobacco growers have sold tobacco on the Henderson market this season, and all have been satisfied with prices received, knowing that they have gotten just as much and probably more than they would have gotten, had they sold on some other market. I Ask the Man Who Has Sold Here I I AND SELL THE REMAIN DER OF YOUR CROP IN | HENDERSON! | WITH THE UNDERSIGNED WAREHOUSES | | SERVICE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ALL. | I Farmers Coopers & Planters High Price I I Warehouse Warehouses Warehouse I W Mant^r n ’ Young Daniel and Moore Knott, Gooch and Smith I 8 Proprietors Proprietors | MARKET WILL REMAIN (JPEN UNTIL LATTER PART OF FEBRUARY 8 TWO INJURED WHEN CAR IS OVERTURNED Miss Sai White in Hospital For Treatment; Car Driven by J. Robert Wood, Jr. Miss Sal White, is in Maria Parham hospital recovering from a. bad cut as the result of an automobile in which •she was riding overturning on the national highway several miles south of the city, near the Oak Grove 'service station, last night. Miss Aileen Bowling, who received minor inuries was discharged from the hospital after being treated. J. Robert Wood, Jr., of Oxford, was driving the ear, and he and John S, Vickers, also of Oxford, and Miss White and Miss Mary Meadows Duke were on the front, seat, while Taylor Buirwell, Dudley Williams and Miss. Bowling and Miss Rachael Church were on the rear seat. The car, .a Buick, was said to have been -badly damaged. It was stated that the car was run off the pave ment by another car which drove out of the service station, and which was said not to have stopped. V. F. W. POST TO MEET TUESDAY EVENING The Veterans of Foreign Wars will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock in the American Legion hall, it was said today, for the installation of its new officers. A. B. Young will ‘be the new post commander. Past Department Commander Clar ence Ross, Vance S. Garrett and De partment Quartermaster J. H. East wood, all of Graham, will be present, 'and address the local post. All members are urged to be on hand, especially those who are to be inducted into office. Refreshments will be served, it was stated. “KING FOR A NIGHT” AT MOON THEATRE One of 1933 big hit pictures, “King for a Night,” is the feature attraction for the Moon Theatre today and to morrow, playing at popular prices. The picture was leased in the lat ter part of the past year and has play ed the leading movie houses in the country amid high praise, it was stated. The cast in this excellent story is headed by Chester Morris, Helen Twelvetrees and Alice White. NEW CENSUS BEGUN ON CWA AUSPICES A new sort, of census was started under Ciyiil Works Administration auspices today, with A. J. Cheek m charge. On blanks furnished by the government, merchants are asked to state the prices they charge to far mers on the various commodities they sell to the growers. When the data is compiled, it will be turned over to government authorities for a statisti cal purpose, it was said. Bunn Named Custodian Os Securities;; Bond Pur« chase Is Approved Bond of slt>,ooo for Elvm O. Falk ner, new clerk of Vance Superior Court, was approved today by the Vance Boa I'd of County Commission ers, at a called meeting held for that purpose. Immediately after the ap proval was given, on the recommenda tion of County Attorney A. A. Bunn, Mr. Falkner began to transact the urgent business of his office, much of which had accumulated during the week since the death of the late Col onel Henry Perry, whom the new clerk succeeds by appointment of Judge R. Hunt Parker, resident .judge of this the third judicial district. At the same meeting, Mr. Bunn, as county attorney, was named as custo dian of securities held by the coun ty. He succeeded W. P. Parrish, mem ber of the board. Approval was also voted of the ac tion of Chairman S. R. Adams and the county attorney in purchasing SB,- 000 of the Townsville railroad bonds at the price of $62 on the SIOO par value. The securities were bought in by the use of sinking funds in. that fund. MV PRAYERS. Each n light I kneel before my bed And I thank my Father overhead For all the blessings of the day, months and years before In which He has guided me closer to His Heavenly shore. After giving thanks, I pray for all the many poor, The heathens who know him not, sinful who love Him no more T ask that He might help them along the way And bring them closer to a new and brighter day. I think of the leaders of our coun tries too And pray that they may always ask Him what to do. I request the happiness of relatives * and friend; To those I do not ike I ask Him happiness to send. I whisper prayers for my dearest Daddy and Mother And the next closest ones, my Sis ter and my Brothers. Finally of myself I speak, after all of these are done; I ask that I might be a good gill, a truly Christian one. For the prayers I whisper to my own Lord I 'have faith that I shall receive a, reward. So, after I have spoken of everything, I, my prayer, end In Jesus Christ, our Saviors name— Amen. -Jan. 1, 1934, by Mi nolle Rankin. 'FUNERAL IN OXFORD FOR LATE W. M. PUGIt Died in Hospital Here Friday ; tVi,i„ / and Several Children Km vtve; Buried in Oxford Funeral services were held j„ , ford Saturday morning for the i , W. M. Pugh, 74, who died in Parham hospital here on Friday V| ' /services were in charge of R ev W. Lacy, pastor of the First Pre- 1 terian church in Oxford, assisted 1 Rev. Reuben Meredith, rector of yj' Stephen’s Episcopal church there. ?V deceased is survived by his widow a ,, [ the following children: W. M. p u ,.'| Jr., Chapel Hill; Skinner Pugh, Cn ~ les Pugh and Miss Margaret p UI - ;) all of Oxford. THEATER* Only in New York are theaters what they formerly were. Twenty years ago hicago would have it; 17 stage plays at this time of y ear Today four stage play theaters trying to keep open. A Three Days’ Cough Is Your Danger Signal Don’t let them gel a strangle hold Fight germs quickly. Creomutsi,,,, combines 7 major helps in one. p ow . erful but harmless. Pleasant to take Pso narcotics. Your own druggist t authorized to refund your money on the spot if your cough or cold is not relieved by Creomulsion.—