ASSOCIATED PRESS AND CENTRAL PRESS ZXt Hours for Workers Reduced This Week as Money Is Running Short WAS $6,969 FOR WEEK 5H4 Mini, Record for Any Period, Shared in Distribution of llov erninent Funds Here on Last Saturday The. Civil Works Administration payroll hit its peak so far in this iCour/.y last week, when $6,969.24 was ipa'd out to 584 men and women Sat ie day, according to announcement to day by P. A. Smith, disbursing officer in the load office, of which Mrs. W. R. Waddtll is director. It wai said at the runie time, how eve:, (hit the payroll and the work in-g hours would be reduced this week by about, one-third, due to orders from (y a‘>' headquarters and from Wash ing ton as the reslult of the funds for 'the purpose running low. Under the plans lor reductions j made he hours will he cut to 21 in - the city and to 15 in the rural sec- j t c- . wh : c)i means everywhere except : in cities with a population of 2.GUU or ■mote. Heietofore the work period hay brni 30 hours a week for all laborers. If a . I when adili'ti-mal funds are available by act of Congress, • 1; hough 4 , tne time will again to- ex »• di d, hut the per-hour pay may he : Inc l si ghlly to bring it mot ' in 1 ..<> w.lli private hu ;in-e« -s. f#N IS HELD HERE OH FORGERY CHARGE ft. L. Barbre Sent Up By Mayor; Speeding and Drunk Cases Tried It. L. Barbre, alias J. M. Robertson, white was triad in police court today by Mayor Irvine B. Watkins on v chaige of forgery, and probable ran. • j was found and he was bound over to | eupetior court under 5750 bond 11- 1 was aleged to have forged the sig i nature of J. P. Hicks to a .$27 check on the Citizens Bank and Trust Com-j piny of Henderson. Gladys Mitchell, colored, was fined j 52 50 and costs for -being drunk. R. B. Harris, white, was fined 5 ai.d costs for speeding and driving I with the muffler of his car open. Uncharged from Hospital. i* >v | No wood, of Route 3. Hen-1 PERFECT SOUND Stevenson ! —NOW SHOWING— Admission io-36c Bathe News Coming: Wed. and Tlnirs. MAI!HICK CHEVALIER —IN— | “THE WAY TO LOVE ” I 1% PENALTY 1% I I Will Go On 1933 I I CITY TAXES I Not Paid On Or Before I FEBRUARY 1 I Avoid this extra cost. Don’t be penaliz- I ed for failure to pay your 1933 city taxes. Remember the final installments on street assessments are also due and payable now. Call City Clerk’s office for any information. I S. B. BURWELL I City Clerk and Tax Collector Phone 203 Heads 45-Year-Old Bank Here WILLIAM A. HUNT Citizens Bank -& Trust Observes 45th Birthday Old Henderson Institution Organized January 22, 1889, and Has Been In Continuous Operation Ever Since; Late Samuel Watkins Was the First President The Citizens Bank and Trust Com pany of Henderson, second oldest, hank in the State, tomoirow attains and celebrates its 45th birthday. It was organized January 22. 1889 and began business Llie next day, January 23, 1889 It has been in continuous op eration since that time. Several of the original incorpora- Icrs of the bank are still living, and two of them, J. Bailey Owen, chair man of the board, and Gocrge B. Harris, are directors of the bank to day. '*. he other three are Samuel R. Harris, W. S. Clary and Miss Genievc Perry. The first officers ol the ib False Swearing to Marriage 'License Heard; Assault, Drunk Charges Three defendants were tried in county court today y Recorder R. IS. Clements. Perry Gupton, white, was charged with false ©wearing to a marriage license, but the prosecuting witness, came into court and asked that the -charge be withdrawn, which was al lowed when he was taed with the co its. Booker T. Roberson, colored, was chaiged with an assault with a dead ly weapon, namely, a. pistol, but en tered a plea of -simple assault and judgment was suspended on payment cf the co:i‘s, and the pistol was or dered destroyed. Leonard Langston, white, was cliarg fii w i.h driving tjh automobile whilt under the influence of liquor, and was fined SSO and costs, and depriv ed of the privilege of driving a oat hi Nor tit Carolina for 90 days, ex ceipt one car for business purposes, 'belonging to the Bon Ton Service Sta * u.:a, and -thiol only while working foi •that concern. Public Is Urged Not To Hire Men Working for CWA Byway of lessening - some confesion that lias arisen, employers of labor in -the city have been -requested not to I'iiire men who are being given work by the CWA organization in the coun ty, it was stated today by J. J. S. Callaway, manager of the local office of the National Reemployment Ser vice. He said that some men who have ibeen getting CWA work have 'been working also in private employ men-t. The reason for asking discon tinuance was given as feeing that tho work that is available may be spread out to just that many more persons. INFANT DIES AFTER A LENGTHY ILLNESS Herman W. Wheeler, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wheeler, died £t 7 o’clock this morning after an ill ness of three weeks from a complica tion of diseases. The child was born in this county September 7, 1931. Fun eral services are to be held frotn the residence at 2:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, and interment will be in Rock Bridge cemetery at South .Hen derson, , ' j, : |f. Henderson Daily Dispatch NEW CUT CLERK FAKES UP DUTIES E. O. Falkncr Begins Fami liarizing Himself With His Office Elv.ri O. Falkncr, who was appoint ed clerk of Vance Superior Court Saturday afternoon by Judge R. Hunt Parker, to succeed the late Henry Perry, was In his office today fa mil'arizing himself with the duties of the office. He was sworn in by Judge Parker immediately after the appoint ment was made Saturday afternoon, but attended to only the most urgent business at that time. Mr. Falkner was given the office by Judge Parker when he presented endorse mentis by nearly 2,900 indivi duals who signed his petition. He was one of fou*’ whose names were pre ntrd to tlie udge at a hearing that began shortly after 11 o’clock S?at urd-av morning and lasted until mid after noon. Mr. Fialknor today announced ap- j jp-r ’ni! mcn-t of Miss Helen Royster as ! hi« office deputy. She had served in ! that capacity under the late Colonel Perry since last summer, and during ( that period of time has become un- J v- u-ally familiar with the office and i its duties. Her retention a-s office 'brv'.y by the new clerk 'i-rough! much favorable comment today. The Vance Board of County Com oVrironers today ;n-<«q>t r