PAGE TWO SHARP DECLINE IN LIBRARY READINGS Circulation Off 1,345 From January Last Year, Re port Shows A sharp decl inst in circulation of books from the Perry library was shown for January in the monthly report made public today by Miss Ma.ry Louise MacDearman, Falling circulation at the Townsville and South Henderson branches, by com parison with their very large increase a year ago had much to do with the slump. For January the library’s circula tion was 4,920, or 1,315 less than the 6,265 for January a year ago. The average daily circulation was 205 vol umes, of which 27.6 percent! was non fiction. The Dunbar branch for the colored circulated <986 volumes this January, compared with 930 a year ago, a decline of 44, and making a total circulation of 5,806 for the two institutions The library was open 24 days in January The active membership of the Perry library proper was 3,992 at the end of January, consisting of 2,644 adults and 1,345 juveniles. There was a net gain for the month after sub tracting the 47 names dropped from the 59 new ones added. Only three new names were added at the Dunbar branch, making an active reading membership of 995 at the end of the month. Eighty new volumes were added to the Perry library in January, 60 of them fiction, and 20 non-fiction, and 70 being books for adults and ten for children. Four volumes, all non fiction, and three adult and one juven ilc, were added at the Dunbar branch for the month. The South Henderson branch show ed 464 readers and a circulation of 113. This was included in .the flg> ures for the Perry library proper. No report was included for the Towns ville branch. Miss MacDearman’s report said last year there was an unusual increase of 30 percent over the previous year In the library’s circulation. This January showed a considerable increase over January two years ago. Circulation at South Henderson was les than half that, a year ago. More time for work and les time for reading, due to economic improvement, is given as the reason for the slump in library circulation. Dismissals Might Bring On Dispute (Continued rrom ■rage One/) caro of good Democratic workers, but these man are under civil service, and in the Haywood case the long-time holder of his position had twice been ratified by the civil service tests. The men who have been kicked out are demanding that they be heard and that they have the opportunity to face their accusers. It is said by a man who has had long connection with Washington officials that there will Im a referee who will come here and make the examination. Many Re publicans are holding their positions in the revenue service .though not a few have gone out because United States senators were able to place their friends in these positions. Whether Mr. Gulley had anything to do with it or not nobody can say. He spends much of his time in Char lotte, but the remark was ascribed to him weeks ago that Democrats ought to be holding those Federal positions, white Democrats, of course, because it is said that at least one of the discharged men has been voting that ticket. Notice To Telephone Subscribers Telephone bills are payable at the office in the Telephone Building in the same mannei as heretofore. Respectfully, J. H. BRIDGERS, Temporary Receiver, Henderson Exchange Feb. 5, 1934. NOTICE. In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina: County of Vance: J. H. Brodie, Plaintiff. vs. W. L. Hawkins, R. M. Hawkins, and R. S. McCoin, Trustee, Defendants. The Defendant, R. S. McCoin, Trus tee, will take notice that an action entitled as above., has been com menced in the Superior Court of Vance County, North Carolina, for the removal of the said R. S. McCoin as Trustee under that deed of trust dat ed the 6th day of May, 1920, executed by W. L. Hawkins and R M. Haw kins to R. S. McCoin, Trustee, re corded in Book 87 at page 29, and for a substitution of a Trustee in his name, place and stead in said deed of trust. The Defendant, R. S. McCoin, Trus tee, wIU further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Vance County, N. C. in the Court house in Henderson, N. C. on the 12th day of March, 1934 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action which has been filed in the office of the clerk of Superior Court, Vance Coun ty, North Carolina, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint and petition. This the 3rd day of February, 1934. E. Q. FALKNER, Clerk of Superior Court for Vance County, N. C. J- P. and J. H. Zollicoffer, Attorneys for Plaintiff. DOING RIGHT BY OUR GLORIA sb* W i 1 MmlJ mH 1 ei * * Hfl Gloria Stuart, blond film actress, shown above in two poses, has threatened to turn newspaper woman and go to Shanghai, China, as an escape from what she asserts to be unfair treat ment by the movie studio to which she is under contract. Re- NEGRO GROUP MAY DROP THEIR FIGHT Ehringhaus Speeches On. Teachers’ Pay Seem To Have Wrecked Plans Dolly DiMpnteh Ilurenu, In the Sir tV.'llter Hotel, nv .i. c. iiisKimviLi,. Raleigh, Feb. 5. Speeches of Gover nor Ehringhaus and the support of wise Negroes in the State are be lieved to hav ewrecked the plans of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People,’ who had centered their attention on North Carolina and had picked out the dif ferential in teachers’ salaries for the issue which they had meant to carry to the United States Supreme Court. The N. A. A. C. P. has been mak ing a desperate drive for new mem berships and the campaign has not panned. Undoubtedly as impressive a machine of agitation as it means to be needs oiling, repairing and over hauling, particularly since a recent Durham conference of Negro leadcr:- took the lead out of the association’s hands. The memorial signed by those leaders was regarded by many here in Raleigh as rather militant, but i had the appeal of getting some of th* wisest and some of the wildest com mitted. The outsiders in the N. A. A C. P. refused to confer. The insiders and officials did. There is little, therefore, to take to the courts. In Durham the past week Governor Ehringhaus told something about the treatment of Negroes. H» admitted “cruelly cutting” teachers’ salaries, but he reminded his hearers all Negroes, that the teachers ge* their pay promptly an din cash. H< admitted that one million fewer chil dren are in the public schools today than were a year ago but there are more in North Carolina. There are 40,000 fewer teachers teaching this year in the country, but more teach in North Carolina than taught a year ago. Ono Negro in each 13 through out the United States gets less that: $25 a month, he said, but the aver age salary in North Carolina is dou ble that amount. Schools have been closing in th'c country and children have been turn ed aayw from them he told those Ne groes in Durham, “but not a child white or btack, has had a door close'* in his face,” his excellency said. Ans at the close of his speech he wa£ given a tremendous cheer. Following that visit to the Durham college, Gov ernor Ehringhaus was told that thi court fight planned has not been for mally abandoned, but its foundation has been so well undermined that th foreign elements will not get foothok for any suit that they may undertake Candidate Bailey Is Real Optimist (Continued from T age One.) Bailey, and the contest with the sena tor's uncle-in-law, Edward W. Pou, isn’t getting any help from Mr. Sen- Wife Preservers MiiuifeßjaSf WMi the children wanted to make paper dolls and animals with movable Joints, their mother dis covered that old dress fasteners answered the purpose. Holes were punched at each joint after heads and limbs were completed, and fas tened to the bodies with snap fas teners, which gave free movements et each Joint. HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1934 turning from a vacation, Gloria gave vent to her feelings in Hollywood and asserted she had been deprived of the best parts in new pictures and that her studio refused to loan her to other movie companies for good parts in othei films. ator Bailey. In fact, the congressional candidate Bailey expects to pick up strength from the weaknesses of sen atorial candidate Bailey. The Raleigh lawyer lists as his highest expectan cies these elements: The American (Legion members, the united dry for ces, the young man ,the supporters of the national administration. Mr. Dailey reckons Mr. Pou a hard man to trim after 33 years in the lower house, but the candidate counts heavily on that dry vote in the No vember election. Mr. Pou will be re presented generally against the dream of the drys. The fourth district went heavily dry in November and John ston county, the home of Mr. Pou, reversed its position after ages of wetness that stood it out among the fellow counties. But for all that, Mr. Bailey isn’t generally conceded mole than a chance in a trillion. Nobody gives him better than a 50-50 on his ow. urecinct’s voting for him. In fact, Mr. Bailey is believed to be the only man in the district who thinks it possible for him to carry a county or even a voting precinct therein. There may be other candidates to come out be tween this date and June, but if there be none Mr. Pou probably will go back with more votes than he ever received when nobody was running against him and he got them all. Ehringhaus Marks His 52nd Birthday (Continued from Page One.) whose life has been cast about tht< State, had his birthday No. 52 Tues day of last week. Mr. Ehringhaus got today and in March Governor O. Max Gardner will reach his 52. The comparison is worth carrying further. All three men of almost the same age, finished their college cour ses within the usual limit, the great triumvirate concluding the college course under four years. All had legal and legislative careers. And incident ally the three voted alike on the re peal of the 18th amendment. NAVY RECRUITING QUOTA IS LIFTED Lieutenant Commander Elmer F. Lowry, (Medical Corps) U. S. Navy, medical examiner at the Navy re cruiting station, Raleigh, announces that the quota of first enlistments as signed this office by the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, Wash ington, has been set at 31 men for the month of February, 26 men to be enlisted as apprentice seamen for gen era! service art! five men to bo en listed as mess attendants, third class, only inert of the Negro race are eli gible for enlistment as messmen. It is expected that the March quotas will be the same as for February, and this js quite an increase over the quotas for previous months. Men to fill these quotas will be selected from applicants applying in the states of North and South Caro lina, the district assigned this station. Men who are interested in the Navy ns the career are invited to visit the Navy recruiting office, Wachovia Bank Building, Raleigh. SCHOLARSHIP OFFER HIGH POINT COLLEGE High Point, Feb. s—The5 —The second annual oration-essay contest for high school seniors will be staged at H’fjijh Point College, March 22 and 23. The awards for the successful contestants in this contest will be, first prize, S4OO scholarship, second prize, SIOO scholarship, and third prize, SSO scho larship. All registrations for the contest should be made with the Promotion al Secretary at the college by Feb ruary 15. This is an extension of time of one week. A copy of the ora tion or essay should be in his hands not later than March 1. The judges of tho compositions will grade same and notify the contestants whether or not they are there eliminated or must compete in the delivery com test to be held in the college audito rium March 22 and 23. STOR»\L a < fiuds pretty Violg Norman on ship^ deserter by her husband and friendless. Aftei frustrating her attempt at suicide, lie learns she is to become a mother Turner introduces be.r to friends of his on board, Spo'. Rutherford, his wife and their four children. As they near the Red Sea the heat becomes intense. Joyce, one of the Rutherford Children, becomes critically ill and Tiftfjie finds Viola nursing her. The child nearly dies, but Viola’s presence seems to help her recover. Mean while Tiggie finds himself falling in love with Viola. fNOW GO ON WITH THE STORV) CHAPTER 10 DURING THE blazing days that followed, little Joyce’s strength came and went and came again, but it never ebbed so low as on that night •t Aden. Viola was in close attendance upon b»r, and Tiggie saw her no more alone. In away he was relieved that this was so though something within him chafed sorely at the re etraint thus imposed. A great rest lessness was upon him. following him even when he slept. And at times he was possessed and wholly dominated by an insane longing to hold her again pressed to his side as he had held her during that strange interval of the dawn after their night of vigil. The sweet yielding of her body, her need of him, pulsed through his memory,. sending his blood to fever-heat. He became as gloomy and morose in society as his kindly nature would permit, and the sight of Billy Saunders cheer fully consoling himself with a keen and obviously meaningless flirtation with one of the Cathcart: girls made hlrn almost furious. Why couldn’t people behave rationally and moder ately even if they were enduring hell in the Red Son? The foolish laughter and Joking played havoc with his nerves. His Instinct was to avoid everyone, hut. as he also shrank from giving offense, he was not over suceessful in doing so. No one on hoard a ship had ever longed for the end nf a voyage more ardent ly than did Tiggie Turner, though at the bottom of his heart he knew that he was dreading it too with an intensity thal haunted him morbidly and persistently night and day. When Suez was passed at length and the cooler breezes from the west began to reach them. Joyce was pro nounced out of danger. But she still needed the® utmost care, and the whole of Viola’s time and energy were spent upon her. When on deck Tiggie was invariably allowed as one of the party though others were not encouraged on account of the urgent necessity for Keeping the little girl quiet; hut he did not always avail himself of the privilege. He was not at peace with himself and he did not feel that he brought peace to the atmosphere. In fact, he fancied more than once that he detected em barrassment in Viola’s manner at his coming, and there were other times when the goading unrest within made it impossible for him to ap proach her. fie felt sure of nothing in those days, not even of his own ability to maintain a courteous front. He was as one consumed by a fever that gave Aim no respite. And yet he still had that blinded feeling of incomprehension. He did not know what had happened to him, and he set his face stubbornly against any attempt Io find out, clinging to n looted resolve to leave his soul alone. It had always been a guiding prin ciple with him to go straight on through life without any pause for introspection, and he would not deviate from it now. He had never believed in self-analysis, maintaining that to air an inner trouble was to give it life, and in his simplicity of mind he saw neither comfort nor remedy in the process. A man might go wrong Inwardly, but if *.e kept straight outwardly things would eventually right themselves. Such was his plain belief, and by it he steered his course. Their voyage through the Mediter ranean was a very calm one—a suc cession of brilliant days and jewelled nights. Life on board became more energetic. There was a deck gym khana, and other gaieties were or ganized into which in spite of him self Tiggie was drawn. It was dis covered that he was the owner of the only banjo on board, and though his repertoire was of a very unas suming charactsr he was requisi- Seek Sankey Hand in Lindbergh Kidnaping vil OB > ’> ■ '■ : I • Wirnnr- ' f While Federal agents who captured Verne Sankey (top right) in Chicago seek to link the Mid-West des perado to the kidnaping and murder of the Lindbergh baby (top left), Sankey makes no secret of ths fact that he participated, tn kidnaping ol Charles Boettcher (lower left), of Denver, Colo., and Haskell Bohn (top center) es St Paul, Mina. He also had planned, to kidnap the mighty Babe Ruth, baseball king (lower right), ' ' (Crntral Prnt) Wv * **3W / ///z i 7 \ / / iop' It was rougher than he had realized. tioned for concerts forthwith, his services being represented as so val uable that he could not. well refuse them. He did not, as a matter of fact, attempt, to do so. It was better to have something to occupy him during this interminable voyage, he reflected. Inaction was becoming almost unbearable. So he fooled away the lime with practice and performance, seeing less and less of the little Rutherford group, exchanging no more than the briefest everyday civilities with the girl whose look and touch had stirred him to so extraordinary a tumult. The problem of her future—of the secret which he alone shared with her—dwelt perpetually at the back of his mind, a matter which eventually would have to be dealt, with: hut for the present, he deliberately put it from him. After Gibraltar would be time enough for that. But he no longer told himself that the respon sibility was not his own. From the first moment of their meeting he. realized that by no contrivance of his she had become his especial charge, and he had every Intention of shoul dering his burden when the time came. He noticed that she took no fur ther share in any of the gaieties or ganized by the improvised entertain ments committee of which he was an unwilling- member, though she came to one or two concerts with Spot. But it did not dawn upon him until after Gibraltar was passed and they had entered upon the las* stage nf the voyage that she was avoiding him also. That knowledge came to him very suddenly on a day when the wind was booming strongly from the west, sending great waves to lift and drop them as they battled on their way. It had turned cold as they headed northwards, and the change of temperature after the in tense heat of barely a week before kept most people below. Tiggie, how ever, refused to be the slave of the elements and, wrapped in an over coat the bare thought of which had made him perspire a few days pre viously. he climbed on deck to meet the gray, drifting rain that drove over the Atlantic. It was wonderfully invigorating, and he stood facing the buffeting wind, drawing in deep draughts while the spray dashed over him. It was rougher than he had realized, and he soon found that the afore said overcoat was quite inadequate for the occasion. It was in fact the beginning of a great storm which was hurling over the ocean to the tempestuous bay. “We’re in for a tossing,” said Ti<- i gio. and turned to make good his re t rent. It. was only as lie did so 'hat he spied the slight figure of his pro- ■ tege standing back from the rail against the door of one of the deck- 1 cabins, as though she had been blown thither by the gale. His impulse was to go to her, but ere he could do so. she» had turned with the movement > of one seeking escape, and something told him that she had not recognized him until that moment. He checked ■ himself sharply and watched lipr go. But when she had disappeared a new influence began to work within ■ him—a curious indignation that h-.- should be made an object of avo'd- ' ance by one with whom by the de- cree of Fate he had been upon such • terms of intimacy. He overlooked the fact that he himself had possibly i initiated the avoidance, and gradual- • ly his man’s will awoke to action. Not wholly reasonably * but wit h ‘ slow-hardening determination, he re s solved that he was not going to be > thwarted thus. She was his charge— . acharje truly which had been thrust upon him more or less against his i will—rand since he had accepted her as such, he was not going to let her go. Tt had perhaps taken him a long while to regard his responsibility in a favorable light but now quite sud denly and very certainly he made up ' his mind that it was his exclusively and he would surrender it to none. She had said that she was friendless. She had accepted his friendship, and had not refused his offer of help. Very well then! She had no right 1 to turn her back on him now. and he had no intention of allowing her to do so. “It’s damn nonsense!” said Tiggie between his teeth to the growing i blast. “It was I not Spot or aay i one else —that took on the job.” He was really angry for some reason, hut he did not stop to in quire why. His placid nature had been so inexplicably stirred of late that it seemed as if everything must he beyond explanation. In any case self-examination was morbid, and he had no time for such nonsense. He took things as they came, and if other people were not prepared to do the same, it was they—not he —who must explain this transgression of the rules. r So it was an abrupt and distinctly irate Tiggie who waylaid Viola a lit tle later in the saloon. She was just entering with Spot and one pf the children, but he did not care. “I want to speak to you,” he said briefly. “Do you mind?" (TO BE COETtKUEDI BABNEY GIRLS MEET HENDERSON TONIGHT County Champions HoU Victory Over Locals Ry Wide Margin Dabney girls basketball tf ... ln play Henderson here tonight \i X' o’clock on the High Prive Wni".| lr ' court. ' lSf> The visiting girls are def t . lU|i their county championship ’ having copped it in 1933 county t Gl| ’ nament. They already hold a. ‘victor over the Henderson girls, defeating them in their first, game ’of the soft by a 14 to 22 score | n this g fHne ' Miss label Harte shot 33 points' for her team. Miss Curlena Godfrey w . the best for the Henderson team p .oaf game, getting II points for h/J Team. Some improvement has been noted in the loqlds girls’ aggregation since their first tilt, and they are expected to give the visitors plenty fight i n their Hit tonight. LOCAL MAN LEARNS MARINE PRACTICES Private Janies W. Ausborn, Hender son, Route 6, at Paris Island for First Training Parris Island, S. C., Feb. 5 Show ing marked aptitude for his new du ties at the U. C. Marine training sta tion here, Private James W. Ashborn of Henderson, N. C., has completed more than thre weeks instruction in the drills, customs and regulations of the sea soldiers. Since enlisting in the Marines at Washington, D. C., and arriving here, Ausborn has completed his first pe riod of training which includes, in fantry drills, the care of his military clothes, and participation in other ac tivities designed to keep him well, both mentally and physically. Ilfs next step will include firing on the rifle range where he wil have an op portunity to test his skill as a marks man. Should he qualify as a sharp shooter or expert, he will receive an increase in pay. After completing his final period of training he will be available for duty in Hawaii, China, Haiti, the .Philippines, or some other post where marines are stationed. Ausborn, who is nearly 20-yeais «f age, was born in Vance comity, and the time of his enlistment he made his home with his father, Roland C. Ausborn, of Route No. fl, Henderson. PHOTOPLAYS NAME YOUR OWN FIGURE! 200 beau* tiful girls /wK*. chosen from W 10 ' 000 in JiwSElj ’ ■■ \ wfeh*** jy'. xywg \ v i ThL j ,Os * ’W I . an