I 111 OLD HOME TOWN K , , By STANLEY ("XJ?') SAW-* I -HJST Took OUT \ O isecki.es ) piul=> and packages 1 about Fa«e-r«ENI > BANISHED I3y \ FOR. THAT HONEYWELL/ CATALOGS AND U |£A7l/.)Q PRARPErD ) WIRIMAN I CAN *X AN AR MP DL OF ~Vl a 'THE PIL.L.S A-RAT"rLJN<£- ' I SECOND CLASS y k —x '* 7 a\ (SETTING tired MAIL.-j—'* s=> : Lt C f fjftVT HORSE FOR. HERii y (/ S’ 3LX;<*— / OLD MAN IS / wy5X |co>-lector'. WHEN THINGS (SET SLACK AT THE: MOP HANDLE WORKS MISS OPAL. - - /kV.'AZ /(EL- HONEYWELL SPENDS HER T5 2.-5- SCOTT’S SCRAPBOOK - - By R. J. Scott flu, 19?. t. by Central Press Association, liu Rinq cor.seTs (RE WORN BV SEA DANAK CIRLS oF BORNEO, BUT V AS TUe ejiRLS 4ROW INTO I WOMANHOOD The \ ( S CORSET'S ARE fe' \ )CIENhFiCAU.y SHORTENED \ ' T\ 7 LINTIL ONLV A K- -1 Ftw WA,sr fe' 4 NOOPS REMAIN L-S MORMIHc; IB* qx-ORV X7 FAMILY iffiF g$V- ; 'A 1 z - rr b 11“ A ' : z hairless and barren desert" in chile - supplies The means of ferTiliTY To I//Iffil other lands -a few feei" belo>n The f Xrf ' WW'HIKIk SURFACE ARE THE WORLD'S LARGEST nitrate deposits 2 _ 5 ETTA KETT Competition Coming p \UT. ROBINSON '/OUNCS MOVIt S i PeoGABLN f SoPMIE KMNGMAUSV2--SHE TEf2I2»GU= OPEAK LAST NIGHT— I Cur/ed UP tlu? b3dt ofuSjr c? /V maKw_Cs> mouse, Her? t — vjHen She went n,— f HAr A thqee alaqm ~._when another came along 3ck fouJGrcf HANE SEEK) WF J I WHM-\NHATSOMNOU(Z. OMER ./ © far O/d kom(L tO(PU (Wkwß £EZ , >.z~A ’P-wiO VJ -B A X>W» f < '. I J V ; A \ listen! angel cookies ®W‘ 1 wB» | get Tin axnAN -—f. —*— yx._ I J i ■-=s ss:s:S i \ 'N,. ,__>• ■ "~' Nou WOULD BE JUST V \ \\ \ \ /d LIKE TRYING TO COA< A I | K«« H P..t Off. copyright. 1»34. CentraTjreM Aw n ktO OUT OF A CAND K | >. ’ j THE GUMPS—HER CASTLE IN SPAIN >ye GOT 'THS TICkeTS AHO I'M GOIMG M-OHgA tuJk I wa«‘ T No MOR6 INORRY- HO MORE CARE A f Wj MY DAUGHYERS MARRYING A BILLIONAIRE. I I'M GOING ALONG -HK CAN'T BACK CUT . _ L C>R6 malf\na.y'across R the OC 7 3»’ And IN A FEMI SHORT *HEEKS 'Nft'LL BE \ ’OF IT NOW- >nha.T A HONEYMOON, MILLIE' 3 I ' ATLALT^-TOE NEW IROYAL FAMILY \M. FLOATING DOWN THE NILE - VIATCH'HG THE I FEEL ALMOST AS THOUGH I WERE GETTING \ U lOF TRAyEMNG .N STATE 4 YR^TT H t -V —--p-^RRtW eXAIm/ R f KUW.IH THE /' ( /T? - ? >C- c-fo \\ ** d l --’y.® ; ztfyuy 1 ■’i xJHMHHMHftK" / /74 0,-6 " ._ HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5 1934 /bAH A’umskuu. WS X_ 4 LUCILLE. MUSKE minneap-oi Minh, dear NOAH- is 1 Hprse SENSEYHAT MAKES A HOrestr TRACER A Horse lau^h.wiaeai HE LOOKS A GjIFT HoFiE>E£ J/J THE; MO bTH 7 MBS R.H.HfeIMES Tci.KDg, OH>o OSENSE •?EMO VOyjG Tom(=_ LAhTcMCS, WJ'i-LtE t 50’5 I CftN UC'tFTfe. Thtj ) r XXtB T’ (L. K<=.ev> *IG SISTER Hitch-Hiker By LES FORGRAVE ALLE.Y. Moeoov SAsD MB TAKE (T. A • kaAW tw 1. . NOBOOV CAM PROYE- X ’ ‘ i/uiDu L E3 Sep 1 Copyright, 1934, by Central Press Association. Inc. If IJV AMOJ-AH’S Too 3OSY \ | I HOf’F.O.’ ROOM i ■'VIE RO AO ) EWOOGH TV-tF..BACK FOR ' 'rx\ ° • \ ——" • 3 r jME TO GET ABOARD.THEM I ' \ . > 1 'I 1 CAbJ R\oe. ALOMG'TtL X j XT J,|',| nV jtttA 7 '■•■■■ e --'' LiQcokwA ________ Exile’s Return IMBh ' Imb * >, ♦ IMMU a ; Emma Goldman Deported from the United States as a dangerous Radical fifteen years ago, Emma Goldman, now a British subject, arrives in New York on a ninety-day permit that was ap proved by President Roosevelt. She is scheduled to make a lecture tour. il'ential Press) Wife Preservers oQlllgfe num Nut waffles and a fruit salad Wake a satisfactory luncheon She Holds Dillin«et B|k i <: - WrL si It V . * W 1 : • w r \ 1 H V wM B w Mme* • •.■•’’’ •.- ttVtM Sheriff Lillian Holley The man-sized job of keeping John Dillinger, super-desperado, behind jail bars, a task from which many men might shirk, ha« fallen to the lot of Mrs. Lillian Holley, above, young sheriff of Lake county, Indiana. Despite his reputation, Sheriff Holley, who was elected to the office when her husband, Sheriff Roy Holley, was killed in line of duty, regards Dillinger as “just an other prisoner in my jail”. Dil linger will be tried in Lake coun ty for the murder of a detective during a bank robbery in East Chicago. Ind. IROCERY STORICb. FISH DEAL ers and o’hers can save money on their wrapping paper by buying old papers for 10c per bundle at the i Dispatch office. Also fine for I kindling fines. Ik-tf. PAGE FIVE Dispatch WANT ADS Get Results FOR RENT BRICK GARAGE building, Horner street. Suitainle for repair work, gas ami oil station. Apply Mrs. E. T. Vickers, 51fi High land Avenue, phone 385-W. 5-3 ti FOR RENT CHEA I* THREE loom unfurnished apartment, close in, also furnished Led room. Apply, after (> p. m. to 302 Zcne street. 5-1 ti ROOF PAINTED BY SPRAY AND repaired. Ali work guaranteed. Na tional Roofing and Painting Co. Norlina, N. C. Telephone 2371. 30-5 t i MR. la. I). S(’ll KU Kit, REP resenting The Haas 'tailoring Co., of Baltimore, Md., will be at our store Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. Will be glad to have you look the line over. Geo. A. Rose & Sons Co- 5-41 i. FOR dross making, suits, ladies coats.’ Everything made to measure. Satis faction guaranteed. See Estelle Whl ston. E. G. Davis and Sons Store. Phone 111. Mond-Fri-tf >A SPECIAL REPRESIGNTA'rIVE O F Schloss Brothers will be with us Weanesday and Thursday with a complete line of new Spring and Summer fabrics. Have your mea sure taken now for your Spring suit. Fit and satisfaction guaran teed. Will appreciate a call. Tucker Clothing Co. 5-2 ti FOR SALE, ’3O MODEL WIRE wheel Chevrolet Business Coupe, good condition, .$225.00 delivered’ Write T. H. Crosby, 3321 Patter son Ave., Richmond, Va. 2-3 ti STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM 235 Harrell street blue speckled beagle lu.und puppy about seven months old Answer to name of Joe. Liberal reward. Phone 738. 5-1 ti LOHGHLIN-GOODWYN - AUTHOR ized Dealer-Majestic and Philco Radios. Complete service facilities to render factory service, large stock of parts for ali makes. Phone 118. 15-ts ADMINIS'i'RATOItS NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of T. V. Bobbitt, dece.used, tnis is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said T. V. B< 'ioitt, deceased, to < xhibit them Io the undersigned administ inters or to our attorney, properly verified on or before (he 29th day of January, 193."». or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payments. This 29th day of January, 1934. T. V. BOBBITT, JR., CRYSTAL W. BOBBITT, Admirs. of the estate of ’l’. V. Bobbitt, deceased. A. A. Bunn, attorney. NOTICE OF SALE OF RjF.AL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred by a certain deed of trust, executed by W. H. Plummer and wife, Mary M. Plummer, April 29th, 1933, to W. S. Biitt, trustee, which deed of trust is registered in Book 166, Page 176, Robeson County registry, default having ibeen made in the payment of the ind'ebtediress se cured (hereby the holdei* of said note having requested the undersigned 'trustee to sell said lands to make as sets to pay said note, the undersign ed trustee will, on Thursday, the 22nd day of February, 1934, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court House Door of Vance County, in Henderson, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, the following described lands: A certain tract or parcel of land in Vance County, State of North Caro lina, adoining the lands of Allison Cooper and others, and bounded and described as follows: to-wit: Beginning at an iron stake and stones, Allison Cooper’s corner in the line of Jot number three and runs thence along Cooper’s line N 51 E 13 chains and six links to a stone; thence S 87 1-2 E 16 chains and 23 links to a stone in a bottom west of public road; thence N 17 W 31 chains and 48 links to a stone which is 2 chains and 77 links west from the public road near a chinch; thence S 62 W 15 chains and 31 links to Murphy’s corner; thence around Murphy's house acre S 28 W 3 chains and 12 links, S 62 W 3 chains and 2. links, N 28 E 3 chains and 12 links; thence S 62 W 2 chains and 57 links, to an iron stake in the right of way of the Sea board Air Line Railway, Murphy’s corner; thence along Murphy’s line N 28 W 12 chains and no links to a stone north of a Hickory tree on Rail road right of way; thence along said (right of way S 62 W 9 chains and 79 links to a stone at northeast cor ner of lot number three; thence along the line of lot number three S 27 E 38 chains to the beginning, 'contain ing seventy-nine and one sixth acres. Being the same property which J. Kemp Plummer eit ux. «t al, by their deed dated April 7th, 1926, and recoid ed’s office of Vance County, N. C., granted and conveyed unto H. Falk ner Plummer, one f the Register of Deeds of Vance County, reference to which said deed and registration thereof is hereby made for a more particular description a,nd location of said land. This the 19th day of February, 1931. W. S. BRITT, Trustee. Try The Want Ads