ASSOCIATED PRESS AND CENTRAL PRESS DR. MORGAN BEGINS HIS REVIVAL HERE Large Congregations Hear Englishman at First Methodist Church TWO SERVICES DAILY Afternoon ami Evening Meetings Pro vided for in Schedule; Outside Ministers \To Give of Their Services Dr. Frank Crossley Morgan, of Au gusta, Ga., son of tin l world famous preacher. I >r. G. Campbell Morgan, of .London, began a two-wccks revival meeting in this city yesterday at the First Methodist church, preaching both morning and evening to large congregations, especially in the even ing Tin two weeks pu gram will be known as a Bible conference and evangelist ic series of services, in view of the fact that the afternoon ser vices will be given over to the study of Bible selections. Dr. Morgan an nounced Sunday he would study the Book of Haggai al the afternoon ser vice; for the first week, with certain P; alms selected for the afternoon .services the second week. ’Die even ing sermons will be evangelistic in nature. ’I he Methodist choir was augment el by a. number of visitors Sunday eve ring, while the congregation was made larger by reason of the fact that Presbyterian and Methodist Pro tv, tan t services are being held during the winter at 5 p. m.. and the First Christian congregation called off their night services. There were also a number of persons from out of the city who attended. At the service Sunday morning, the text was from the 21st. chapter ol John's Gospel, in the command of Je us to Peter. •'Feed my lambs, shep herd my sheep, feed my sheep.” Dr. Morgan said “Jesus did not tell Simon to shepherd the lam. s. He di' instruct him to feed the lambs and the sheep, and to shepherd the sheep. The fact is that c do not have to tound up and control the lambs if wt properly shepherd the sheep. The boy problem is a dady problem, and the gitl problem is the mother problem. Where the father and mother live light the. boys and girls are easy to handle at least in the greater per centage of the cases,” said inc preacher. "Jesus said feed the lambs and the sheep, which amounts to building them up in character and Christian faith.” said the preacher. “Then strength comes from proper nourish ment more than from any other source. It is very necessary for inin i-fe.r;, ;tnd Sunday school teachers, therefore, to know where the green pastures arc. In order to know, they have to feed there themselves. Pas- i tors can become such mixers as to] forfeit their opportunity to feed the people. They can also be so practica in their vereyday dealing with the masses as to weaken their hold as a prophet of God. A man who makes a» clown of himself six days is not ready on the seventh to impart spirit ual food. “Th'! Master emphasized, further more, that they were his heep that Simon and others were to feed. They haw entered into such relation thro ugh saving grace as to give 1 im in; I everlasting claim upon them When minister;; and teachers go a.'n d f»>e»l- ( jug Ihos*- sheep and lambs they ;n ;| becoming co-laboi ••is with the Mar I tor ii a sublime business. He furnish ed the food and also supplies tnc workmen for the noble task. "The ringing challenge of the Lor< Chiisl i . for u; to dedicate our live to this high purpose, which was uor In the heart of God. In responding to this great call we may forego some <f the flowers of our own choosing, but we will obtain the crown fashio • < I by the hand divine.” KNIGHTS TEMPLAR MEET AT DURHAM Delrgalions From Local Group To Attend Big (lathering There Next Wednesday Evening A deli gat ion of Henderson Knight ■ Templars*, higher degree of the Mn «,ui< o''d<T, plan to attend tin gioiip com lave to be held next Wen n< day afternoon and evening in Dm Iriiii. Ilendei on Gomuiand'oy No. 15 je. one of I lie eight in the group. I)>< o'tiers bi ing located at Durham, Ra leigh, Greensboro, Southern Pines, Fayetteville, Burlington and Heids ville. The meeting will open at the com ma.ndery hall at 5 p. m., and a parade will follow at 5:30 p. ns. At. 6 p. m. a. ' amjllet will be given at the Wash ington Duke hotel, followed by churcii s< , vices at the First Baptist church at 7:30 o’clock, with the address by the pastor. Dr. Ira S. Knight. The ses sions will resume at 8:30 p. in. in the commandcry hall for an hour’s meet ing. to end at 0:30 o’clock. It is announced that visiting ladit* will be entertained by the Southgate < haptcr. No. 177, Order of the Eastern Star. I Have just received a nice load of White Ashe Egg I COAL I E Telephone your order to Corbitt Coal Co. B ■ All lump, no fine, weight B| guaranteed. H Telephone 268. Baptists Second Time Have Named Pulpit Committee A new pulpit committee to have charge of recommending a pastor foi the church was voted into office by the congregation of the First Baptist church yesterday morning, and will consist of J. K. i eague, v. E. Greene. Al. B. Wester, and Mrs. R. H. Duke and Mrs. W. W. Parker . . The old pulpit committee resigneu two weeks ago without making a re commendation when it was unable to agree. Mr. Greene is the only mem ber of the new pulpit committee who served on the first committee. AGENT HERE FOR SIREEI CONTRACT Work Expected To Be Start ed Shortly In Paving Garnett Street A representative of the Atlantic Bitulothic Company, cd' Winston- Salem. low bidder for tm- ic-pavmg of lliii'iu'il street heie. has been in .be city making pretiruinaiy arrange ments for start of the work, it was { carmxl today. It is under;stood work s to begin very shortly. After the bids were opened ty the i State Highway Commission in Ra leigh last week, it is necessary that hey be forwarded to Washington for final approval by the Federal Bu reau of Roads, and this is expectco o be about five days. The Atlantic company wa; the ! iowes* bidder on the pioject here 10, i little les than $59,0u0. and is expcc. :d to be giver, me contract. The money is furnished by the Federal government and the work Jone under supervision and by the State Highway Commission, since the street is the route through the city of the national highway, known as Federal Route 1 and as State ivoute 50. The street is to be considerably widened, and a new lighting system in the business district is to be in stalled. MINISTERAL ASS’N POSTPONES MEET The Henderson Ministerial Associa-1 lion, which was scheduled to meet ! Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock has been postponed until a later date be cause of the meeting in progress at the First Methodist Episcopal church. itw as announced today -.- ol ■b y * ? < lou buy Chesterfield cigarettes every day. BißH■■■■■! M#/ J SWSI. You may buy them our place today aud I < al anol her place tomorrow —or you may buy || ||||| P| I them the same place every day. tL . \ Il is estimated that there are this day : 769,340 places in this country where I l; Chesterfields are on sale all the time. |•• f , : ■■■*■■> To itinkc < ’hcsh rlu'ld < igarrl lcs we gel the bcbl tobacco ;m<l I tic: * 4 best materials Hint money <;m Imy. | j IP P ; We make them as good as > : ; J jß|y T- cigarettes can be made. >=. WW ~»f j>o We pack them and wrap 111 <• m so that they reach you just as if : S j. Hl you came by the factory door. • HMB^MBMHB^BBMMBBBBBi^^Ki;W You can buy ('lies ter fields io Hilßw 769,340 places in the United Slates 188 BLSSBiI ami in 80 foreign countries. » r / • • • y-j.-. ; .x.■ ~p• •-■ cr^r-afr^ayx.;• • ■,^^ > ». .J li 'r "/I package of Cliealerjields please M C>licstcrl seld the cigarette that’s milder <jj|r the cigarette that tastes better ••' -’■ .'■ '•. '■ '' As ( Henderson Daily Dispatch HAS BROKEN BACK IN WRECK OE CAR Maryland Lady and Others of Family Injured Near Wise Sunday I Mrs. Isadore Lakein ? of Baltimore, Aid., sustained a broken back when a Hupmobile sedan in which she and her hunband and their two daughters ; were riding, overturned several miles I north of Wise, a short distance over the line in Virginia, late Sunday aft ernoon. Mrs. Lakein was in a. serious condition today at Maria. Parham hos pital here. The husband and two daughters in the car were badly bruised and shaken up and all are being treated at the hospital. It was stated that Mrs. is paralyzed from the shoulders down. The daughters were Misses Dorothy and Esther Lakein. The accident, which occurred on the national highway was on a straight stretch of road. The ear left the highway on the left side of the I road, it was said, turning over and j finally coming- io rest on the side, the-n catching fire and being badly) I nrnied The party were traveling j south and coming toward this city. A local ambulance was called to the scene .about 20 miles north of Henderson, and the injured were hur ried to the hospital here for treat ment, IMMORAL AND DRUNK CASES GIVEN TRIAL Fines Imposed on Each of 12 Defend ants Before Mayor Irvine Wat kins In Police Court Cases of immorally and drunken ncss made up virtually the, entire docket in today's session of the police court, tried by Mayor Irvine B. Wat kins. Fines wore imposed on a dozen defendants. All were colored but one. J. T. Thompson .only white man in he court today, was fined $2.50 and I costs for being drunk. A fine of $2.50 and costs was im-; posed on George Hargrove, colored, | also charged with being drunk. In one warrant Nat Hunt and Nellie Sanders were charged with im moral relations, and each fined $1 ana ; the costs. Steven Herring and Mary ' Winston were charged with the same ■ offense and drew the same judgment, and similar treatment on the same charge was the lot of Henry Harris, Frank Johnson, Milton Bullock. Annie May Scales, Louise Winston ana Catherine Ball. Mamie 1 Hayes was charged with stealing sl.lO in cash from Novella ! Brodie, and was sent to jail for 30 Tax Liability Is Heard at Length By County Board A matter involving liability to pay ment of taxes on a tract of land in Williamsboro township was discussed at length by the Vance Board of County Commissioners this morning at their regular monthly meeting. The discussion continued so long that lit tle else was taken up at the morn ing session of Lhe board, such other business as wafiec aad to come aft erwards. most of it this afternoon. Questions of restoring the county hospital partly to the function of a county home and sharing the charity fund with patients al. Maria Parham hospital unable to pay for their treat ment were to conic before the board this afternoon, as well as the draw ing of a jury for the March term of Vance Superior Court. H. E. WHITWIGER GAMMA EIA GAMMA Local Attorney Made Secre tary of Legal Fraernity At Raleigh Meeting H. E. White, loqal attorney, wa,."' nanud secrt»inry Ot . lhe Rah’igu Alumni chapter of the Gamma Eta Gamma legal fratcr'ity at a meeting of the chapter helu in Raleigh Sat urday evening. Justice Heriot Clarkson, a member of the Supreme Court of North Caro lina, was the principal speaker lot lhe meeting telling of cases recently handed down y the court. The speak er discussed local North Carolina his tory as well as gave the group a little insight on political strategy. The chapter enjoyed the talk by the jus tice a guest. The other officers elected al the meeting were Frank Banzet, of War renton, president, and John R. Bran ham. of Raleigh, vice-president. FAIR ASSOCIATION EVENT AT RALEIGH E. L. Fleming, president, and C. M. Hight, secretary, of the Golden Belt Fair in Vance county, expect to attend the meeting of fair associa tion officials of North Carolina, to be held tomorrow in Raleigh. Com missioner of Revenue A. J. Maxwel will be the principal speaker. C. S. •Parnell, of Mebatie, will preside, as president. Dr. A. if. Fleming, owner of the Louisburg fair, is vice-presi dent of the association. LARGE DOCKETS IN RECORDER'S COURT Offenses of Minor Nature Tried at Sessions Today and Saturday Large dockets were tried by Re-, corder R. E. Clements Saturday and today in county court. All defendants at today’s session were white. G. T. Bissett paid a. fine of $1 and costs for being drunk. M. It, King was fined SSO and costs for driving a car while under in fluence of liquor, and was ordered not Io drive a. car in North Carolina in 90 days. O. B. Pulley was fined $1 and costs for I’zeing drunk. Sam Clark, charged with being drunk, was fined $2 and costs. Dixie Smith and Melvin Roberson was fined $1 and costs each for being drunk. George Wortham was charged with driving a. car while under the in fiiicnco of liquor, and was fined SSO and deprived of driving privileges in North Carolina for 90 days. At. Saturday’s session of the court a jury trial was the feature of the hearing. Tiny Perry Davis was charg ed with assault, with a deadly weapon, namely a razor. After deliberating the <-ase for several bouts the jury of ix men we-:- unable to agree and the recorder ordered a mistrial. Bond was fixed at SIOO for Inc defendant, anti another hearing is expected to be had next Saturday. Jack Ford was held for superior court under SI,OOO bond for an assault on a female child. Sam Foster, colored, and Norman .Biame, white, were charged with as saulting and beating et'.ch other, ann were fined $1 and costs each. THREE COUPLES GET LICENSES TO MARRY Marriage licenses were sold over the week-end to three couples by the register of deeds. Ail three couples wore colored, as follows: Ollie Wilson and Sallie B. Terry, i':ot;i of Townsville. Brady Yarborough and Mabel Jones both of Henderson, Route 4. Foster Coleman and Elsie Durham, both of Henderson. EDUCATION BOARD IN BRIEF SESSION A very brief session of the County Board of Education was held today in the office of Superintendent E. M. Rollins. It was said afterwards that only matters of a routine nature were discussed. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1934 TELEPHONE WIRES BEING PUT BACK Hope To Restore Service on Y’oung Street by Tomorrow After Dis mantling Thursday Workmen continued Sunday and again today their task of restoring telephone service to subscribers on Young street where cables were torn down last Thursday morning by the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company, after the company had turned off all service in the city as the climax to the dispute with the Henderson City Council over renewal of its franchise. It was said today that service in the affected area would probaibly be restored tomorrow in all stations that have been out as the result of Removal of the cable wires. 51 CASES TRIED IN MONTH JUST ENDED Fines of $69 and Fees of $175.57 Collected From The Defendants A total of 51 defendants passed be fore. the bar in court dur ing the month of January, and pai fines of s(>9 for the county seboo fund, and were assessed costs a mounting to $175.57 or a. total of $214.- 57, it was announced today at the of fice of Clerk of the superior Court E. O. Falkner. This compares with 44 cases heard In January last year with $28.50 in fines and co*ts of $158.25, and with 7i cases tried in December, with fine-' of $109.40 and fees of $157.57. The 51 cases tried last, month wen disposed of by sending eight defeu dants to. the roads, suspended judg ments on payment of the costs foi 33. with nine discharged, and one an appeal. SEVERAL TRACTS OF LAND DISPOSED OF Property in City and County Involved In Deeds Filed With Register On Saturday Several tracts of lana were involved in the two real estate deeds filed Sat urday with the register of deeds. Leona B. Taylor and husband, W. T. Taylor, sold to Roy Jones and wife several lots on Perry street for $lO and other considerations. A. A. Bunn, trustee, sold to Louise Henderson for SSOO three tracts of land, one of 22 1-2 acres, lying along Fenny Branch, and the other of 22 and one acres, respectively, adjacent to the former tract. ED LANCASTER IS KILLED BT A CAR Hit.and.Run Driver StriL Man Near Gillburg Sat urday Evening Ed Lancaster .middle aged man, was fatally injurjed when by a hit-and-run automobile Satoi evening on the Hendcrso’n-E' road about, four miles out f I(H „ r derson. He died about the (i fc "' was brought Io the ho. pit--.) hc ..' ’ e Lancaster according to women wi were eye-witnesses to u n . walking along the highway "n;. staggering, they said, and thev had?" give him plenty of room to keen f. striking him. Another car apprj"’” mg them from the rear struck ' caster just after they had passed him' and he was tossed over into the hi" way just in front of the car driven hv the ladies, Mrs. R. H. Edwards Mrs. C. 1,. Fuller, we;; known resi dents of near Gillburg. Coroner F. B. Hight said the ladies told lum they knew Lancaster and saw him approaching them walkin- He was wabbling from one side of the road to the other and they took particular pains to avoid him. The coroner did not summon a jury. | jU f merely made a private investigation. Lancaster, who is understood to be about s(> years of age, is survived by his widow and three children. No, dear reader, thc term “Fun Treaty Navy” docs not mean that every sailor must manned with a bottle o’ rum. Three Minute Relief From Your Headache When you have one of those violent, nerve-racking headaches, from inor ganic causes, you can get soothing re- lief in three minu tes with “B. C.,” a reliable, pleasant - to-takc remedy. *‘B. C.” is prepared by a registered phar macist, compound ed on a different principle from most relief - giving agen cies in that it con tains several in gredients so blend- If ed and proportioned as to accomplish in a few minutes what we believe no one drug formula can do in so short a time. “B. C.” should also be used for the relief of muscular aches and pains, common colds and neuralgia; for reducing fever and quieting a distressed nervous system without opiates, narcotics or such habit form ing drugs. Get “B. C.” in 10c and 25c packages, wherever drugs are sold.

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