11KNPERSON RATEWAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA TWENTY-FIRST YEAR CAROLINA TOBACCO GROWERS TO FAVOR TAXING HOLD-OUTS Meeting in Raleigh Goes On Pecord for 40 Percent Levy on All Noin. Signers excess of signers LIKEWISE COVERED Leeway of Three or Four Percent Would Be Allowed Counties To Accommodate Those Who Wish To Sign; Kerr Bill Levy Is Held Too Small ILilrigh. March 6. —(AP> Repre .'iitntives of 60,000 flue-cured tobacco growers of North Carolina, in a meet ing at N. C. State College today, vot ed to petition Congress to place a 40 piici'iit tax on tobacco sold by far nit'is who refuse to sign reduction contracts. Thr vote was cast by the county committeemen designated sometime iiro at meetings in each county, when plans were being launched for ttie tobacco and cotton reduction cam paigns. County farm agents were pre sent. but were not allowed to vote, is the purpose of the ballot was to determine sentiment of farmers only. The proposed tax would also cover tobacco grown by contract signers pi excess of the 70 percent which they are allowed to produce. News of tue North Carolina to bacco growers will be presented to Congress by J. B, Hutson, chief of the tobacco section of the AAA in Wash ington. who participated in the meet ing. The representatives also voted to allow each county leeway of three or loin percent of the total county al lotment in order to permit the growth of tobacco by growers who wish .to sign the contracts or who were in eligible. Sentiment expressed at the meeting was that the 25 percent tax as pro vided in tiie Kerr bill now In com mittee would not be enough to pre vent non-signers from increasing then crops. A resolution was adopted to make permanent the North Carolina. To fCnrMntiMl oi« Page Five.) 7 Strikers Are Jailed At Spindale 100 Extra Deputies Stationed at Mill To I’revent Possible Disorders '"piiidale, March 6.—(AP)— Seven f'dting textile operatives were jali cd here today on charges of forcible bcspHss and assault as 100 extra dc- P'lties gathered about the Spindale aiill in, prevent potential disorders ’"suiting from activities of pickets. Die strikers were jailed after they attempted to prevent non-striking workers from entering the mill. v employees on the single shift "cv operating came to work, pickets crowded about the plant gates ana ■ought to prevent their entry, but offl ""'s ordered the protestants back. Die pickets retreated, but only ntn-i seven had been arrested. Diet e was no violence at the mill, white approximately 250 workers are "lb th»> number having been swelled hom 75 who struck several weeks ago "i protest against alleged workrng condition!*. Daisy women strikers seemed more boisterous than the men, hut disor 'b is were limited to jeers, catcalls ana mumbled threats. 1 here were no fights as occurred Yesterday when several strikers ano ; '"tive workers came to blows. Ihe Cinderella Ro-» mance of the New est of Queens An intriguing four-story scries 'hat tells the whole story of the Dvr match of ihe new King and 'Vueen of the Belgians is furnish "l with the Central Press Night hawk today. The drama of As ,r "J. who stepped from the kitch *o to the throne makes splendid fading excellent illustrations combine to afford smash feature Play. -L. l if PERRY MEMORIAL HENDERSON, Satlit Btspatth Lindbergh Book Out Ji / mmm'. *