ASSOCIATED PRESS AND CENTRAL PRESS Zollicoffer Talks At Mills Tonight Final Day of Campaign Tomorrow Will See Candidate and His Supporters Very Active; Makes Final Visits in Wake and Chatham Counties Two addresses here tonight and last minute activities tomorrow will wind the Democratic nomination for Con ap Jere P. Zollicoffer’s campaign for gress in the fourth district, but he and his managers and active sup porters will work up to the last minute and will be busy election day getting out the vote. Mr. Zollicoffer speaks tonight at 745: o’clock at the S. B. Rogers store in North Henderson and at 8-30 o’clock will speak at B. C. Caulder’s store in South Henderson. It was an nounced that all county candidates are Invited to attend 'both meetings and to speak if they desire. Mr. Zollicoffer and a number of his most ardent supporters were at the Raleigh campaign headquarters to day, although Mr. Zollicoffer himselt had plans for a last visit into Chatham county. There were intimations of a final rally in Henderson tomorrow evening at the court house, but definite an Louis P. Dunn Co. I Insurance Real Estate Loan*. Fhones: Office . £B9; Residence .. 716-W _ _______________ _ i CHOOSE THE TIRE CHAMPIONS BUY Tires tone Tims have been on the winning cars in lh« gruelling Indianapolis 500-Mile Race FOR 15 CONSECUTIVE YEARS EiVERY winner in the 500-Mile Indianapolis Race—the most gruelling tire test in the world drove to victory on Firestone High Speed Tires. Race drivers know that heat generated by friction inside the cotton cords is the greatest enemy of tire life. These men will not risk their lives on any but Firestone Tires, because they know the high stretch cords in every Firestone Tire are protected by the Firestone patented process of Gum-Dipping. Gum-Dipping soaks the high stretch cords in liquid rubber and saturates and coats the millions of fibers inside the cords, counteracting destructive friction and heat. It provides greater adhesion between the plies of the tire, and between the Gum-Dipped cord body and the tread. Firestone chemists and engineers kept pace with new car developments by building stronger, safer tires to meet the exacting demands. Drive in today and equip your car with new Firestone High Speed Tires for 1934, with deeper, thicker, flatter, and wider non-skid tread, more and tougher rubber, more traction, grving you more than 50% longer non-skid mileage. Remember, in Firestone High Speed Tires there is Greater Strength—Greater ' Safety—and Greater Blowout Protection than in any tire made. THE ADHESION TEST Note how the rubber in 11 Firestone Tire clings to the high stretch Gum-Dipped cords. This greater adhesion and strength is made possible by the Firestone patented process of Gum-Dipping. Coma In and Make This Test For Yourself 4I listen to the Voice of Firestone every I. I Montiay Night over N.B.C.—WEAFNetwork r TUP UCU# • Tire*ton* air balloon for 1934 The new Firestone Air Balloon for 1934 embodies all the improvements in the new Firestone High Speed Tire. The lower air pressure provides maximum traetion and riding comfort. <~um-Dipping safety-locks the cords, providing 30 to 40% greater deflection and blowout protection. Get 1935 low-swung style by equipping your car today with these new tires and wheels in colors to match your car. FREE TRIAL ON YOUR CAR ¥ saa thasa ntw Fivastana High Spaad Tiras mada at the Firastona factory •ltd Exhibition Building at M A Century of Prosrsss/ 1 ChicifO Carolina Service Station Corner Garnett St., and Andrews Ave. Phone 504 We Give 24 Hour Service. , nouncement was not had as to this I arrangement. The candidate and his managers are I confident he will be in the second pn | mary of June 30, and their plans are i being made with that in view. Every | where over the district there has been a heavy registration, and it is expect ed that there will be an unusually large vote. Returns of Poppy Sale Made Public The official returns on the annual Poppy Sale conducted here last Sat urday by the American Legion Aux iliary for disabled veterans gave the total amount realized through their sale as $101.13. it was stated today by Sirs. E, C. Faris, an oficial of- the or ganization. Two prizes were offered to the young ladies turning in the largest and the next largest amount from the won first prize. $1 in cash, and Miss sale of poppies. Miss Lizzie Harris j Gracia Harris won second prize, 50 cents in cash. New York City’s Clean League has a membership of some 500,0C0. i Note how the rubber in an ordinary tire pulls away from the cords that have not been soaked and insulated with rubber. This causes friction and heat within •he cords, resulting in separation. PERFORMANCE RECORDS 1 FIRESTONE HIGH SPEED TIRES —for fifteen consecutive years have been an the tvinning cars in the 500-mile Indianapolis Race . This Moans Blowout Protection •—/or seven consecutive years have been on the tvinning cars in the daring Pikes Peak climb where a slip meant death. This Moans Non-Skid Safety and Traction —for three consecutive years have been on the 131 buses of the Washington (D. C.) Railway and Electric Company covering 11.357,810 bus miles without one minute's delay due to tire trouble. This Means Dependability and Economy —were on the Neiman Motors' Ford V-8 Truck that made a new coast-to-coast record of 67 hours, 45 minutes, 30 seconds actual running time. This Means Endurance Henderson Daily Dispatch Court House Wall Is Declared Weak Several people who had to stand in the rear of the court house dur ing the Pou rally Wednesday night left, it was learned, because of fear of the shaky condition of the rear wall where they were standing. Leaning back against the wall to rest themselves, and then straight ening up again, they said the wall rebounded back against them to the extent that they felt it unsafe to remain in this position longer. For years judges presiding over superior court have taken precau tions against over-crowding of the court room during the sessions of the court, out of fear for the safe ty of the building. Oli one occa sion a grand jury recommended the building of a new court house. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? See Page Four 1. To what country does Vancouver Island belong? 2. Are svhales cold or warm-blooded? 3. What is the unit of coinage in France? 4. Who wrote “Fables in Slang?” 5. Who was Omar Khayyam? 6. What is the underworld name for Cocaine? 7. What relation was Biishrod Wash ington to George Washington? 8. What is the nicknaiAe for South Carolina? 9. Who founded the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans? 10. In which country is the city of Sorrento? m 5 White and Rogers Tell Mid dleburg Grange of Vot ing and Elections The Middleburg Grange met in reg ular session at the school last even ing with two speeches being made be fore the group bby H. E. White and Vote For . / , / Vance County’s Only Candidate For National or State Office In 53 Years Henderson, North Carolina May 31st, 1934 To The Voters Os Vance County: Everyone of you has the right to vote as you see fit. The only thing that lam asking you to consider is your interest in voting for a Vance County man for Congress. Your vote for any one of the Candidates who does not live in Vance County is a lost vote to you. The Only Vote That Can Be Os Any Personal Benefit To Any Person t In Vance County Is A Vote For JERE P. ZOLLICOFFER The other end of the District hag had the Congressmen for more than 75 years, and two Counties for more than 50 years. We have lost political prestige and commercial progress by being divided. We have a Candidate the equal of any of the splendid gentlemen who offer themselves for Congress in intellect, in industry, in integrity, and in mental and moral courage. I have been associated with him fre quently, and know that he possesses everyone of these qualities in mag nificent quantity. We will miss the greatest opportunity in the life time of the Countv, if JERE ZOLLICOFFER does not receive every vote cast in the County except those that go to other Candidates by reason of social and family relationships. ZOLLICOFFER 68 * ° f yOUr C ° Unty 1 Would urge y° ur vote for JERE I Respectfully, J. H. BRIDGERS. I This Space Contributed By The Friends Os | Jere Zollicoffer f Who Ask If our Loyal Support I Os Vance County f s Candidate . I C. P. Rogers. Mr. White made a short talk on “Our Patriotic Duty to Vote,” point- | ing out the primary June 2. |C. P. Rogers told of “The Import ance of the County Election.” The grange wil lserve a barbecue at Middleburg Saturday, it was stated. All candidates and voters are to dinner, the prcoeeds to be applied on the grange hall. ] Miss Julia Currin was chosen as rep resentative in Best Girl Contest to be held at the State Grange convention in Lumberton, at the meeting. Canadian senators are appointed by the governor-general for life. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1934 "Si Bad Weather Has Prevented Work; Hope To Open Next Monday Unfavorable weather has so delayed the work of renovation that it will be impossible to open Balance Rock camp for the season Planned, but It is hoped ,h,t can be opened to the publ.c bv J T" It was etated by camp „ mciaK ' A crew of relief workers h at work at the camp this It" time they could work bctwcet whal quent rains, and they have r J . Te ' the lake bed and much of ° UI line of the lake, and hav e gaged in a general conditioning of property for summer use S f the Already several engagement, v. been made for summer encamn haVe .there, and it is expected thaUv, " ts ing of the summer weather will "° m ' reservations for groups of bov« d girls for camping season ’ an