PAGE FOUR HENDERSON DAILY DISPATCH Established August 12, 1214. Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday By KBNDEBSON DISPATCH CO* INC. mi 109 Young Street. HENRY A. DENNIS. Pres, and Editor 11. L. FINCH. Sec-Treas and Bus. Mgr. telephones Editorial Office 600 Society Editor 810 Business Office 610 The Henderson Dally Dispatch Is a member of the Associated Press, Southern Newspaper Publishers Asso ciation and the North Carolina Press Association. . The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to use for republication ail pews dispatches credited to it or not Otherwise credited in this paper, and the local news published herein. All rights of publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. “ SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. Payable Strictly In Advance. One Year $6.00 pir Months S6O Three Months 1.60 Week (By Carrier Only) 16 Per Copy NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Look at the printed label on your paper. The date thereon shows when subscription expires. Forward your money in ample time for re newal. Notice date on label carefully end if not correct, please notify us at onoe. Subscribers desiring the address on their paper changed, please state in their communication both the OLD and NEW address. National Advertising Representatives BRYANT, GRIFFITH AND BRUNSON, IN(a, 9 East 41st Street, New York. 29# N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 201 Utuusuue Ruaet. Nos»nn. General Motors Bldg., Detroit. Walton Building, Atlanta. Entered at the post office in Hender son, N. C., as second class mail matter PRAISE GOD: Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises unto out king, sing praises.—Psalm 47: 6. BBHW My aJ O xV by James Aswell New York, June s— Randomusing: I think there is no sight like the fleet in the Hudson . . . The ships all proud and shiny and a little ominous out on the placid waiter. ... And sailors, thousands of sailors along the drive . . . The little girls who appear like moths from nowhere to stroll arm In arm with their blue-clad, wan dering sweethearts have, it seems to me, been much maligned. , They are not, for the overwhelming part, as bad as gossip and legend would have them , . . ACWA artist painted a picture to be hung in Wash ington, called "The Wleet’s In” de- | picting the blue jackets making merry | with very hard-appearing ladies in feathery hats . . . There was a whale 1 of a commotion over the daub, and the authorities refused it a place at Washington finally, but it seems to me much of the hubbub was teapot tempesting. Your reporter has seen a good deal of Riverrside drive during the past decade, with the fleet in and out, and he believes you can ,only judge such things comparatively ... It is only necessary to think o fcertain other seaport towns—'Marseilles, to name one, and Hamburg, to name two—in order to see how very moral and well behaved the drive is . . . Personally, if I were father of a saucy, 19-year old lass, I’d rather have her parade past a line of healthily staring Amer ican sailors than past the circle-eyed, pasty-faced standees who haunt Broad way in the Forties. Even one of the taxi dance halls, I am told, is concerned lest the gobbs flock to its plushy hall and so give '‘an unfortunate complexion” to the clientele . . . This is the most pre posterous pot-skilleting imaginable... That place ought to have a group pho tograph taken of the gentlemen who regularly freqqucnt it, and compare the photo with a group of sailors— and if the ownerrs didn’t immediately decide in favor of the sailors then they would have been in the busi ness too long to see the difference be tween healthy lads and well, a certain type of Rroadwayite. ANSWERS TO TEN QUESTIONS See Back Page 1. Arthur Wellesley. 2. John Gaensfleish, commonly known as John Gutenberg. 3. The Netherlands. 4. Broadcast. 5. The land of Ophlr. 6. 1792. 7. Washington. 8. England, Scotland, Wales, North ern Ireland, the Isle of man, and the Channel Island. 9. A frigate. 10. Genus Homo. 1825—Jabez L. M. Curry, Alabama statesman, member of the Confederate Congress, college president and pro fessor, Ambassador, author, born in Lincoln Co., Ga. Died at Asheville, N. C., Feb. 12, 1903. TODAY. TODAY'S ANNIVERSARIES 1723 —Adam Smith, Scottish politi cal economist, born. Died July 17, 1790. 1762 —©ushrod Washington, nephew of George Washington, Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, born in West moreland Co., Va., Died in Philadel phia, Nov. 26, 1829. 1809 —Columbus Delano, Ohio law yer, congressman and Secretary of the Interior, born at Shoreham, Vt. Died at Mount Vernon, Ohio, Oct. 23, 1896. i 1823 —George T. Angell, Boston CROSS WORD PUZZLE ■in Mini '■ mill i-m.i. ■" mmmmmf ZZ 23 H^wiiauP: prgo2s| asgSuz 7 pagKpj 30 si m 34- [»] I 36 |39 * I vwXi 40 ~ 4a [ JT|. »- m ACROSS I— Witch M 8— Lair <—Swine 7 Steep in water 9 One who tunes ll •• by Joyce Kilmer (a well known poem, recently set to music) 13 — An American made car 14— Form of to be 1$ —A barrier across a water course 17—International language 19—Organs of hearing 21 —Suffix meaning agent 23 — International language 26 —Mode of transportation In England corresponding to our' street cars (singular) I,7—Toward 80 —Title of respect 82— knowledge 24 Byway of tt—A unit of cubic measure— -35.81 cubic feet 38—Places for heating or baking 40— Tell 41 — Man’s name % 42 Lair 13 —Amount (abbr.J DOWN I 1— "Love and cherish” 2 Era 4—Cimmit a mistake 8— Wants <6—Color B— Beverage • * A Progressive Step Night Depository . r » * We are now installing a night de pository for the conyenience of our depositors. We will carry burglary insurance so as to give absolute protection to our cust omers. Why keep your money at home or at the store over-night when you can get absolute protection at such a nominal cost. Please see us about your key and mail bag. First National Bank In Henderson Henderson, N. 0 * T HENtJERSdN, JTTN& s*f»» humanitarian, active for a generation in the promotion of protection for ani mals, born at Southbridge, Mass. Died March 16, 1909. 1829—Lord Mount-Stephen, Cana dian financier, born. Died Nov. 29, 1921. 1856—Alcee Fortier, New Orleans professor, historian an dcivic leader, born in St. James .Parish, La. Died Feb. 14, 1914. TODAY IN HISTORY 1783—The brothers, Joseph M. and Jacques E. Mortgolfier, made first public balloon ascension, in France. 1851—“ Uncle Tom’s Cabin” first ap peared fas a serial story in a Wash- 9 —Three 10 — Sun god 11 — Lacerate 12— Small (Scottish) 15—In regard 18—Over (contraction) 20— Decay 22— Instrument for gathering leaves 24 — Beast of burden 25 Step heavily 26 Pronoun 28 — Open 29 Fuel 31—Possessive neuter gender pronoun 83—Deny 35—Girl’s name 37—Grain 39 —*■ vigor and vitality"’ Answer to previous puzzlo R| \ |M| |B |*|T| |S|M[* ONE eT\TE h-psD E|N C tßki E E D|S| |r,le sju NMEjMs[eJg.|E| Q RMT oMT eMa n! ff [* c tlßp|q CjK n|d| R. E Kfepilp“ pTTjejR spjpo PEj&j I_TS P_ E Ljogj Tiohl IslsM lenS&s ington, D. C. anti-slavery .magazine— no. particular attention paid to it. , 1916 —British cruiser Hampshire, with Earl Kitchener aboard, sunk by mine. 1916—Louis D. Brandies took office as Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court 1917 Nearly 10,000,000 Americans registered under selective draft law. TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS Prof. Ransom A. Moore, Univer sity of Wisconsin agronomist, born at Kewaunee, Wis., 73 years ago. Major General Henry Jervey, U. S. A., retired, born in Virginia, 68 years ago. Austip C. Lescarboura of New York scientific magazine editor and author, born in New York, 43 years ago. John Maynard Keynes, noted Eng lish political economist and writer, born 51 years ago. ____ / TODAY’S HOROSCOPE The person born on this day will probably have an excess of caution and self-regard, but with a wily na ture, not apt to be over-conscientious in the way wealth is obtained. He is liable to overrate his .05711 powerrs, and thereby may fall into a lot of trouble, almost before he is aware of any change of condition. OTHERS VIEWS MR. WIGGINS MAKES OBSER VATIONS To the Editor: I want to thank the people who sup ported me in the primary Saturday and I want to say to those who spread the false reports that they need not go any farther with it for I will never try for another office. Some women took their slate around just, a day or two before the election and said. “These are the men who are opposed to Mrs. Waddill, elect them”. They went to one of my married daughters with this slate to tell her how to vote and was told that they had me wrong and one of them said that if he is op posed to her would like to meet him, give me some of his cards and we will take them around and I suppose they were laughing up their sleevfes before they were out of sight. If I had to be elected by such methods as they used, telling falsehoods on others, then I am glad I was defeated. So I have come to this conclusion that Hell will not be filled up all together with men. By one not on the slate. E. B. WIGGINS, June 5, 1934, Henderson, N. C. THREE DEFENDANTS BEFORE RECORDER Recorder R. E. Clements today sat in judgment on three defendants tried before him in county court. John Williams, white man, charged with possessing liquor, entered a nole contedere plea, but was given 60 days on the roads, commitment not to issue on payment of the costs and refrain ing from handling liquor for 12 months. L. B. Tingen, white man, was charg ed with reckless driving, and was given 60 days on. the roads, commit ment no tto issue on payment of a fine of sls and the costs. * He gave notice of an appeal and bond was fixed at SIOO. King Berry, colored, was charged with reckless driving, but was dis charged. I Wednesday Specials 11 (Wednesday Specials during June, July I and August, when the half day holiday I «y cones on Wednesday will be offered also < I on THURSDAY). 1 1 White, light green and com- Linen and khaki knickers • H bination sport oxfords for girl hikers and camp- \I, from Selby Shoe Co., small ers, were $2.00 and SI.OO, x B lot $1.89 special .... $1.25 and 79c H Men’s wash suits of San- Bath crystals, I forized can’t shrink —5O c 39c 25c N If white jand gray cotton, • L beautifully tailored — Dusting powders—Large\ H 2 pieces ••. ... $7.95 package 10c H Imported Irish linen suit- Dresses of summer silks I ing in summer shades and pastels and prints, were . |jj| prints— $4.95 and $5.95, now, $3.95 ' M I 50c values 33c l H 69c values 44c Quality dresses in HALFV IK and regular sizes, marked \ H Khaki camping coats, were Ibis spring .up to A I $4.00 and $3.00 and now $19.50 . . $8.95 priced •• $1.25 Sizes 14 to 44 & I I GROCERIES I I 3 10c packages of Safety matches, 12 boxes | I to package . 20c 2 bottles Canada Dry orange or lime sparkling 'W juice ...,28c / 4 packages CHIPS,O Washing Powder 25c \ I I i'm I E.G. Davis & Sons Coil Henderson , N. C. *•’ He’ll Have to Get Home the Best Way He Can, Now! TONSIL CLINIC AT LOUISBURG JUNE 19 Louisburg, June 5. —The Franklin county health department will hold a tonsil clinic at the Community hos pital beginning Tuesday, June 19. Dr. R. B. Wilkins, of Raleigh, will be the operating surgeon. Those who are interested in having their children operated upon will please come to the Franklin county health office for appointment and further information. FARM.CITY LANDS CHANGE IN DEEDS Two real estate deeds were filed yesterday with the register of deeds, ohe iiiVolving rural and the other city property. J. C. Kittrell, trustee, sold to M. Y. Cooper, 57 acres of land for the con sideration of $250. J. R. Carter, (Sr., and wife sold to Stephen B. Hughes and wife for $lO afid other considerations, property on Lowry street. Took CARDUI During The Change of Life Cardui is purely vegetable, harm less, for women of all ages. Many women who have used it advise their daughters and friends to try it. .. “I took Cardui for weakness during the change of life,” writes Mrs. Clara C. Allen, of Enfield, 111. “It helped me and built up my strength. I also gave it to my two daughters and they were helped. I think Cardui is a good medicine during the change and for girls.” Thousands of women testify Cardui benefited them. If it does not benefit YOU, consult a physician. * A ■ V ...J, V f - Cooking School Display See Watkins Hardware Display at Cooking School enamel a.xn^jl Lowest Cash Prices Watkins Hardware Co. Incorporated Phone 46 Henderson, N* C. thanks" My friends for the splendid vo.te you gave me in the June 2 Primary. Your support was greatly appreciated. P. M. Porter