PAGE FOUR HtKDEBSON DAILY DISPATCH BrtakUokcd August 12, 1914. yyblhbfd Ever/ Afternoon Except Sunday by HANOCKBON DISPATCH CO,, we. »« 109 Young street HENRY A. DENNIS, Pre* and Editor M. L FINCH, Sec-Ereea and Bus Mgr. TELEPHONES Editorial Office 500 Society Editor Business Office- 510 The Henderson Daily Dfapatch is a member of the Associated Press. Southern Newspaper Publishers Asso ciation and the North Carolina Press Association, i The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to use for republication all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper, and also the local news published herein. All rights of publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Payable Strictly in Advance One Tear $5.00 Six Months 5-5® Three months - - 5-5® Weeks (by Carrier Only* .. 15 Per Copy ,• KOTICZ TO >1 MS< RfBERS Look at the printed label on your The date thereon shows when the subbscription expires Forward your iponey in ample time for re newal'' Notice date on label carefully and if not correct, please notify ns at once. Subscribers desiring the address on their paper changed, please state m their communication both the OLD and NEW address National Advertising Representatives BRYANT, GRIFFITH AND RRUNHON, INC., " 9 East 41st Street, New York 230 N. Michigan Ave... Chicago " 201 Dovenshire Street Boston General Motors Bidg, Detroit Walton Building, Atlanta Entered at the post office in Her.der aon, N. C., as second class mail matter CONSIDER THE POOR: Blessed id he that considered the poor the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.— Psalm 41: L TODAY TODAY’S ANNI VERSA RIFS 17t2--Percy Bysshe Shelley, famed English poet, horn. Died July 8, 1822. ' URi* Sage, the laborer's son who left an estate of some $70,000,000 born In Oneida Co., N, Y. Died near there, July 22, 190€. 1823 —Oliver P Morton, Indiana statesman, governor, Senator, political leader, born In Wayne Co., Ind. Died Ift Indianapolis, Nov. 1, 1877. 1841—William K. Hudson, English writer and naturalist, born. Died Aug 18. 1822. 1870--H, Nelson Gay, American au thor, bom at Newton, Mass. Died at Monte Carlo, Aug. 13, 1932 TODAY IN HISTORY 1790 U. S. Coastguard 'then Reve nue Cutter Service* established. 1830 Town of Chicago surveyed and platted. 1914 Great Britain declared war on Germany. TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS tf r, Joseph H. Apple, president of Hood College, Frederick, Md., who has Jttat relinquished office after more than 40 years as president, born in Pa,, 69 years ago. Prof. Jacob Papish of Cornell, che mist-scientist, born in Poland, 4 1 years ago. w sqg|. Arch W. Shaw of Chicago, publish er,, born at Jackson, Mich., 58 years ago. Sir Harry louder, famed Scotch en tertainer, born 64 years ago. Britain’s York born 34 y#ar§ ago. Knut Hamsun, famous Norwegian novelist, born 75 years ago. TODAY’S HOROSCOPE Thii degre bestows bhroad views and wide sympathies; with a proper admixture of favoring aspects this day might produce a great teacher in some unusual line. There is love of friends Which is likely not to be properly ap preciated by them, and met with op position. g«ek to curb the desires for sensuous pleasures; there is Indication of dan|4r therein. OTHERS r viEWS STERILIZATION OF THIRD TERM PRISONERS To the Editor: The above is being discussed in our daily papers at this time and the plan so appeals to me, with some additions thereto, that I am impelled to express sky views with hope of some good re sulting therefrom. i would not so stulify myself as to undertake to ad vise minutely, but In a general way. I am favorable to the following, any dnd all to be administered discreetly and wisely, for the good of society Sterilzation, vaccination, inocula tion, fumigation, elimination, gesta tion, germination, renovation, rejuvl hation, segregation, separation, (omit ting intoxication) and last and best, for fourth term prisoners castration. Our laws and practices are so primitive and obsolete as to incur the (Jlarespect of the criminal classes, and Officers of the law fear to undertake 4o enforce them, we have some local ind State laws so far not in accord #ith our Federal laws that our skilled Jurists cannot deside the cases corn trig before them; if decision are ren dered any bright lawyer can prevent The World War 20 Years Ago Today • I ' mi" rll ■ mil ||~ II ■■—■l in ’ ’’Ymwr neighbor's bout* may bum, but your'* will be safe,” a German assured Belgium. (By neighbor ba meant France.) That was the phraseology an envoy A the Kaiser used in replying, not long before August. 1914, to the anxious inquiry of a Belgian who suspected the German intention of using Belgium as a corridor to Fiance But N) year ago today Belgian houses were burning, for Germans were marching into Belgium Tnie picture, from official hies in Berlin, was taken by a German photographer near Siesl. See the day-by-dan at. ary o / the war i m TOO AY IS THE DAY Today is the Day With ItAY-SY-DAr STO*Y Os THI WOSlft WAt 20 Ym» After By CLACK KINNAIRO Saturday, 4; 216th day of 1934, 45th day of summer. Morning stars: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn. Moon: last quarter. THE WORLD WAR 20 YTARS AGO TODAY Aug. 4, 1914- President Wilson de clared the neutrality of the United States. None of the munitions orders pour ing in from belligerent nations are re fused; and envoys seeking loans for war purposes are not turned away The difference between a neutral and a belligerent is that a neutral may profit from both sides. Germany Declare* War on Belgium Her troops have been invading it for six days and are beginning the bom bardment of Leige! Great Britain Declares War on Germany The Kaiser r.ote sfor history: “So the famous encircling of Germany has finally become a complete fact, despite every effort of our politicians and dip lomats to prevent it ... A great achievement which arouses the ad miration even of him who is to be de stroyed as its result ... From the dilemma raised by our fidelity tr >he venerable old Emperor of Austria, we are brought into a situation which of fers England the desired pretext for annihilating os ~ Our consuls in Turkey and India, agents, etc., must, tire the whole Mohammedan world to fierce rebellion ar/ainst this hated ly ing. conscienceless nation of shop keepers: for if we are bled to death England shall at least lose India.” Prophetic irony. GREAT BAYS August 4. gious rites were performed in western hemsfphefe. Holy Communion ac cording to the ChOrch of England was held in the harbor of St. .Johns, New foundland, by orders of Admiral Sir Humphrey Gilbert, leader of the first English colonization expedition. A / August 4. 1790 The revenue cutter service was established by .Congress to collect a tax on tea from the Ame rican government which came into be ing because colonists rebelled against paying a tax on tea. It also was given the job of collecting taxes on liquors, wines, coffee, molasses and pepper the first source of tax revenues of the such being carried out. A travesty on justice. We are a dull people, slow to any thing but anger, “ve are asleep at the Arheel". Don’t you recall that the stupid Chinaman invented gun pow der? Then we used it. Germany taught us, at a great cost to our na tion, modern war fare; why even yet the “Big Bertha” ia another of our wonders. Our distinguished railway and locomotive promoters never thought of “stream line" until the mo tor men showed and proved to them its efficacy and after the railways wera old enough to die a natural death. We have all the antis. Anti-fat, anti-slim, antis for rabbles, typhoid, snake bite, hydrophobia, tall and low stature, straight and kinky hair. Anti start and anti-stop, hair grow and hair stop, anti-swet and anti-smell and In surance against anything but crime and sin, one is turned loose from our penal institutions with no restrictions or promises to do better but allowed to profligate, prostitute, degenerate, copulate and populate, in utter defi ance of law and decency. I see in the morning papers of to day that the city of Charlotte is stall ing the building of a church, in their corporate limits, due to fact it is to be made of wood and contain 1,500 feet of floor space. (It very probably should read 15,000 feet). You see queer things can be done. Lets 'regulate our antiquated methods to the scrap heap and try to do something up-to-date and worth while. I am serious in saying such drastic methods would empty our penal Institutions and permit us to use the buildings for school*, churches ahd san i tori urns. R. B. POWELL Henderson, August 4, 1934. HENDERSON. N, C, DAILY DISPATCH, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1934 federal government. *This is the birthday of the Coast Guard a consolidation of the revenue cutter and life-saving services). NOTABLE NATIVITIES Percy Bysshe Shelley, b. 1792, clas sic English poet. He was so absent minded that one-dfry, having fallen out of a canoe and taken off his clothes to let them dry, he forgot them and walked into town naked ... William Henry Hudson, b. 1841 in Marblehead, Mass., “British” author of Green Man sions, etc ... Sir Harry Lauder, b. 1870, minstrel ... Abe Lyman, b_ 1899, orchestra-leader ... Knut Hamsun, b. 1859, Nobel prizewinning author of Growth of the Soil and other classics who was a streetcar conducter in Chi cago ... Jesse W. Reno, b. 1861 in Leavenworth, Kan , inventor of the moving stairway ... Anita -Pomares known as Paige, b. 1910, cinemactress ASTRO-PROGNOSTICATION Zodiac sign: Leo. Those whose hirth date it is usually will be found to be justly proud of their appearance and physical gifts. They are not, however, as fastidious in certain respects as they might be. A natural shrewdness advances their interests and causes them to escape rAtfali« laid by per sons who mistake outward appear ances and underestimate their intel ligence. They are popular with both sexes and are loving and generous by nature. Sundavv, Aug. 5; 32nd day. 158th year of ihe independence of L he United States. THE WORLD WAR 20 YEARS AGO SUNDAY August 5, 1914 —James Ramsay Mac- Donald, 48, having made strenuous ef forts to prevent his country from com mitting the mistake of getting into the war. resigns leadership of the Labor Party to face courageously the ignominous lot of the pacifist in war time. 'He will become prime minister of Britain twice and direct her foreign policy, and allow her to renew the al liance with France which commits her to war in defense of Belgium and Holland!) British warships have their first grush with the enemy at 10 a m. H. M. S. Lance and Landrail sighted the Konigin Luise laying mines off the Thames, gave chase and sank her. But this same day H *M. 8. Amphion strikes a mine laid by the Konigin uise and sinks in 15 minutes with a loss of 150. The British ships receive their ord ers from a German-Sired Prince Louis of Batten berg, First Sea Lord. MEMORABLE DAYS—AUG. 5 August 5, 1833—200 h p. engines propelled the Royal William away from Quebec, bound for England on the first transatlantic voyage to be made entirely by steam. She made the crossing 19 days, including a two day breakdown at sea. Strangely ,the Sirus and the Great Western, which made their initial trips in 1838, usually are credited with being the first ships to cross the At lantic entirely by steam. August 2. 1846—A third war with Britain was narrowly averted by the proclamation by President Polk of a treaty settling the Oregon boundry question. Hot-heads demanded 54’40” or Fight! Many Americans, believing Oregon worthless, favored granting it to Canada entire! The boundry was compromised at 49’. Augrust 2, 1887—Saturday evening in the saloon of Joe Smith on Union Square, New York. High D'Arcy was seated at a table with friends. A wreck of a man staggered into the place and begged them for a drink. Before they could answer, the business-like Joe shouted, “Get Out!” and waiters back ed up his command with action. Even a dog rushed at the unfortunate and tore his trousers, D’Arcy and his friend* w4r4 *6 touched by the sight At GI ST aw mow g «m> thu *Uiji|2(V I 3 131 4il 5 19 2«3I|S»3»24tSS as[sT»ss»sßaii he was moved to write a famous piece of verse: The Face On the Barroom Floor. August 2,1926 —“ The first talking picture'' was presented on Broadway —Johnßarrymore in Don Juan, and revolution began in Hollywood But Thomas A. Edison had presented talking-pictures in New York 20 years before. NOTABLE NATIVITIES AUG. 5 Guy de Maupassant, b. 1850, one of the greatest of short-story writers. In his latter years he had only one hook in his library: a dictionary of the no bility of France ... Francis Scott Key b. 1780, author of the words of The Star Spangled Banner ... Hugh S. Johnson, b. 1881, NRA administrator .. Bruce Barton, b. 1886, author and advertiser ... Richard Washburn Child, b. 1881, author and diplomat. ASTRO-PROGNOSTICATION Zodiac sign: Leo. Persons whose hirthdate it is are found by astrolog ers to be of steadfast hut sensative character. They are straight-forward in all their own dealings, and are hurt by the shortcomings so others in deal ings with them. They easily make friends and have a following. They find their greatest joy in domestic sur roundings. Unexpected developments are likely to change the course of their lives after middle-age. ANSWERS TO TEN QUESTIONS See Back Page 1. Booth Tarkington. 2. New York City. 3. The opening of the abdomen by a surgical operation. 4 Radium. 5. The majojr portion is in Eastern Standard zone. ‘ 6. Emperor. 7. Diamond. 8. Yellow Springs, Ohio. 9. Addis Ababa. 10. Eastern Pennsyvania 1,412 Prosecuted For jViolation State Game Laws Dnlijr liHpntch Bureau I« the Sir Walter Hotel. BY .» C UASKKItVILL. Raleigh, Aug. 4. —Prosecutions on charges of violations of the State game laws during the two-year period ending June 30 numbered 1,412, John D. Chalk, State game and inland fish eries commissioner, announced today. Transgressiona of the low cost the violators a total f $11£82.46, of which $7,922.77 was for the first year of the biennium and $3,659.69 for the latter year. The school fund of the State prof ited to the extent of $2,152.53 from the funds, while court costs in the various cases amounted to $9,429.93. During the same period, 1,124 alleg ed violators of the inland fisheries regulations were prosecuted by war dens in the various counties, and fines amounted to $2,192.56. Court costs in the fisheries cases amounted to $7,559.24, making a total of $9,751.80 which the alleged infractors of the laws were required to pay. Wall Papering —Interior Decorating— Painting— Roofing- All kinds of building. B. H. Mixon Contractor and Builder “Builds Better Buildings” PHONES: Office 7 Residence 47*4 ? Why Not Use the Ax? S • CROSS WORD PUZZLE 11 * | I 4" s | |& 7 a 9 B§Ql iQ ** K9Ht2. 13 IKSai5 16 19 jggglzi l^zP 3* 25 gggLfe 2&j88g29~ *SO 33 34- ffP ~~ kK&|4O _ I I I I IS3 72 ACROSS I—Oppositel—Opposite of earlier 6—-Doctrine •—Age 10 —Consumed 12— Organ of hearing 13— Encountered 14— A doctrine or system 15— Greek letter 16— —Breaks sharply 18—River in Egyp' 21—Come again 24—Frog 26 Plexiform network 27 One who manipulates a tool 29—Man’s name 31—Appears 28— Grain 36 Green vegetable 37 Discern 29 Anglo-Saxon money of count 40— Measure of cloth 41— Even (contraction) 42 One who pares 43 — Past perfect of leas DOWN 1— Citrus fruit 2 Form of to be 3 Knit 4 Precipitation 6 Assuage §—Born 7 Consume Tobacco Curer’s Excursion One Way Round Trip Buffalo $13.06 $21.76 Delhi 16.75 26.25 St. Thomas 16.75 27.75 Simco 15.45 25.76 Tillersburg 16.10 26.86 Detroit 13.85 23.10 East Coast Stages Atlantic Greyhound Union Bus Station —Phone 18— Dispatch Advertising Pays B—Tame for use 11—Czar • 16—Fastens as with paste 17—Gaits 19— Japanese statesman 20— A card game . 22 An Indian 23 Steep in water 25—More than deep 27 Legion Os soldiers 28— That on which a line is wound 30—Happening 32—Park 34 A rnacaw 35 Black gummy substane* 37 Expanse of salt water 38— Even (contraction) Answer to previous puzzle fL[K|tM|s| |*|S[K|S| £th q Kn/ ert WsW E. EJ^lllQ m eJBOBp e. tK u e tTßisln nWe; £.|m Q Q[N 1 ■ Ip EL TjMfr RJcjlil T £» ° jF & Q u k senTMferr hlsfug.[ Buy Your Lot, Build Your Home Well Help You Finance It Louis P. Dunn Co. Office hi Adams Building 'Phones 726-W-889-J Special Low Round Trip Fares Henderson to Niagara Falls, N. Y $26.05 August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, September 7, 14, 21. Atlantic City, N. J., $17.60 1 August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, September 7. 11 Tickets Limited 18 Days—Rates To Many Other New Jersey Seashore Resorts. Stopovers Allowed. For Information See O. T. PRILLAMAN Ticket Agent H E. Pleasants, DPA, Raleigh, N. 0 Seaboard W/ All LiNI mu.wu The Cool Comfortable Pleasant Way To A Century of Progress Exposition CHICAGO Air-Conditioned Trains All The Way via Washington Round Trip Fares Unrestricted —18 Day Limit $34.85 Unrestricted —Season Limit $44.65 Coach—3o Day Limit $26.80 Party Coach Fares 25 Or More Considerably Cheaper For Information See Agent Or Write H. E. PLEASANTS, DPA. 505 Odd Fellows Bldg., Raleigh. N. :C. Seaboard AIR LINE AAILWAV The Only Air-Conditioned Trains In The South SEASHORE Week-End Fare* Henderson To Portsmouth— Norfolk $1.75 Tickets Sold for all Trains Friday, Saturday and morning trains Sunday until September 30, 1934. Limited Returning Following Monday For Information See Agent. Seaboard AIR LINS RULWAX The Only Air-Conditioned Train* In Tha South