“HENDERSON gateway to CENTRAL CAROLINA TWENTY-FIRST YEAR WITS GET ARMORED TRUCK IS ROBBED 6Y USE OF SOB MACHINE GUNS Vehicle Is Cleaned Out In T hree Minutes by Quick Work, Moving With Precision THEY GET DROP ON GUARDS FOR TRUCK One Is Disarmed Before He Knows What Is Going On; Robbers Leave $29,000 In Hasty Flight for Liberty, Pursuit Being Futile For The Time Being Brooklyn. N. Y.. Aug. 21. u—A bond 0 f .)f lfist a dozen robbers, armed with sub-machine guns, held up an armored truck in one of the nv*t dating robberies in Brooklyn t, polio' hi-tory and escaped with $427,- !W Th‘> robbers cleaned out the truck in three minutes, leaving only one bag containing $29,000 in the truck as they away in two automobiles. The robbery took place in front of the RubH Company icep lant at Bay l?th street between Cropsey and Bath avenues. The armored truck, manned by a driver and two guards, drew up in ftont chairman of the campaign "mmiOeo is in charge and will spend a ?reat deal of time directing the "Mitost. Members of the commission fContinued on Page Three) Tobacco Manufacturing Code Sharply Attacked 'Shington, Aug. 21. (JP) —A pro- I" °d code for the tobacco manufac u,lr‘? industry was before the NRA .!' 8 public hearing. 11 oor|p would provide an eight rp' anc J 8 40-hour week for the wiV,! ity . of wor kers fn the industry, r,t rn!nimum wage in most cases of r ir) an hour. n ,,' r ; Tt - in exceptions to the 40-cents M Um WB ? e - particularly one that Cfht pf!rr «it. a wage as low as 30 p . ’* n hour in cases where worker.l Vqou' !ess th an 40 cents in July, d,., '" as backed soy Mias Mary An of the Labor apartment Wo ~’JrC2-u, who suggested that all - i A ** Ue perry MEMORW4.yStoa«i llwuteramt Hatly Slfepatirh japan Prepares City Residents for Next War Gas and bomb defense drills now are regular procedures in Japanese cities, with every citizen required to Mussolini Seeking Right To Send Troops To Austria Florence, Italy, Aug, 21 (AP)—Un confiriped reports said today that premier Mussolini, of Italy, and Chan cellor Schuschnigg, of Austria, meet ing here, were drafting a military clause for the Italo-Austro-Hungarian accord. The clause would be one of mutual assistance between the three coun tries and would permit Italy to march into Austria if necessary to aid that nation. Well informed sources, however, MAY NAME POU ON INDUSTRIAL BOARD Hi* Selection For Matt Al len’s Job Would Be Quite Popular Ds«|ly Dispatch Bureau, In the Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh, Aug. 21. —Suggestion that Governor Ehringhaus appoint George Ross Pou chairman of the North Car olina Industrial Commission proves popular.according to the h**el and State capitol talk. Mr. Pou relieved Governor Ehring haus of c, deal of embarrassment in the late congressional fight when the former head of the State Prison re signed and made it impossible for anyone to attack him. his office ot the governor for "pernicious activity The fight was lost, but the popularity of Mr. Pou was unabated. But lor his personal strength the race would not have been so close as it was. But a lot of Democrats whod id nol support him for Congress would like to hack him for chairman of the com mission. He has practiced law In Smithfield with his distngushed fathet, Congressman Edward W. Pou and s now building up a clientele as practitioner again. His legal knowl edge and practice, his supporters feel, would be fine equipment for him and his immense acquaintanceship, per (Continued on Page Six) exceptions from the 40-cent minimum be eliminated from the proposed code. Mi3S Anderson also took issue with wages paid ieCfe werklers, for whom a minimum of 5 cents an hour would be stipulated. She said piece workers in the tobacco manufactur ing industry were in the sweated labor classes, a “condition which the earnings of the industry show is en tirely unwarranted”. I M. Ornbourn, president of the Cigar Makers International Union of America, and co-labor advisor for T.jprfi., presented a brief attacking the cigarette industry for payment of low wages. i LB the D aSp, Be R vice OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. HENDERSON N. C. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 21,: 1934 $427,000 I take part. No business was transact-1 I ed for three days while went I through “attack” pictured here. Sinn- ' said they were not included to give the rumor much credence. Certain it was, however, that Mus j solini and Schuschnigg conferred to gether with Fulvio Suvich, the Italian under secretary of state, after Schus chnigg’s arrival by plane from Aus tria this morning. They talked in the magnificent old villa De Marinis, set deep in a park of trees overlooking the city. Both premiers emerged from their meeting looking apparently satisfied with the long talk, but without giving Forsyth Tobacco Is Damaged by Worms Winston-Salem, Aug. 21 (AP) — Tobacco worms have done thous ands of dollars of damage to this year’s tobacco crop, County Agent R. W, Uugh reported today. He reported the pest on practically every farm in the county, and said damages ranged from one to 25 per cent on the acreage investi gated. Hobo Here Confesses To Murder Says He Robbed and Killed Man In Kan sas City Four or Five Years Ago A man giving his name as Sam Simkoyich, alias Edward Stokes, who said he was 26 years old, was arrest ed here this afternoon by Sheriff J. E. Hamlett on a charge of vangrancy and confessed to W. F. Bailey, State highway patrolman, and the sheriff that he helped rob and kill a man in Kansas City “four or five years ago.” He did not give the name of his partner in the crime, but said their victim was named Driews. The latter was said to have been lured into a lonely suburb on the promise of a farm job, and there was robbed and killed, and the body buried in a shal low grave dug by the two men. Sim koyich said the robbery netted S7O in cash, of which he got S3O as his part and the other fellow got the re mainder. The body was buried, he said, between Port Leavenworth prison camp and a nearby railroad. While not satisfied the man is tell ing the whole truth about the alleged Kansas City episode, the sheriff said he was convinced his prisoner is wanted somewhere for some serious crime. He is a “tough looking cust omer,” and jobeoted strenuously to being photographed and fingerprint ed, and was extremely fearful of his (Continued on Page Sis) lar drills recently were held in Tokio. Japan fears air attack launched from Asia. ■ i any indication of the subject of their conversation. From their conference room they • went into, a rich but restricted lunch eon, attended by 14 other dignitari* including Suvich and Archlile Starce, ■ the general secretary of the Facist party. . Because Florence is the center of military maneuvers, the city is under strict war-time measures, and the " heads of the neighboring governments entered it under cover of darkness ‘ early today. WARREN. DOUGHTON IN BAILETCW AK E Warren Won’t Be Speaker Now But Some Day He Will, His Friend* Say Manteo, Aug. 21 (AP)—“I have nothing to say as to my probable candidacy as successor to the late Speaker Henry T. Rainey, said Congressman Lindsay Warren, in a telephone conversation to the Daily Advance correspondent here late last night from Hatteras, where the congressman and Sen ator J. B. Bailey are fishing. Daily Dispatch Bureau, In the Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh, Aug. 21.—While Speakei Henry T. Rainey’s death is not ex pected at this time to be followed by the election of Congressman Lidsay C. Warren, of the first district, the natural promotions, the seniorities and the undoubted capacity of the North Carolinian will put him nearer (Continued on Page Six) compTltslght BE HEALTHY OMEN But Here * Sample of Gene ral Store Owner of Way Things Are Going By LESLIE EICHEL (Central Press Staff Writer) New York. Aug. 21. —< Can anyone please the component groups that make up the United States? From all sides complaints flow in to this column. That may foe a good indication. A yea and a half ago every one seem ed too prostrate to comptain. Yet, the monetary inflationary pro cesses and certain restrictive actions are pinching very hard. A small clothing manufacturer complains. He cannot borrow a cent. He has been in business 20 years. Hrs reputation is good—but the NRA set certain standards. Specific cheaply made goods were to be removed from the market. That—rightly or wrongly—evidently (Continued os Three) IN BROOKLYN HOLD-UP IREDELL SHERIFFS SLAYER NABBED BY Ralph Davis, 25-Year-Old Outlaw Captured by Sheriff, Police Chief, Two Deputies SURPRISED IN BED IN BOARDING HOUSE Proprietor of Place Recog nizes Desperado from Pic ture in Newspaper and Ad vises Officers; Davis Gives Up Without Fight When Officers Apper Concord, Aug. 21 (AP) —Ralph Davis, 25-year-o!d outlaw, wanted for the slaying of Sheriff C. G. Kimball, of Statesville, was captured here to day. The outlaw, object of an intense hunt in two states since Kimbajl was slain last Friday. was found in a rooming house here and surrendered to Sheriff R. C. Hoover, Chief of Po lice B. F. Widenhouse and two de puties without resistance. Davis denied to the officers that he killed Kimball. Information that Davis was in the rooming house was given Sheriff Hoover by R. P. Hagler, who operates the house. Hagler informed the sheriff this morning that Davis had been in his 'louse for two days. He said he cognized his roomer as the outlaw this morning from a newspaper pho tograph and immediately communi cated with the sheriff. With two deputies. Sheriff Hoover and Widenhouse went to HaglerY home. The deputies were left to guard the doors and Hoover and Wid enhouse went to Davis' room, enter ing with drawn pistols. The outlaw was in bed and sur rendered without a show of resist ance. “I know when I’m beaten," the ar resting officers quoted him as say ing. Davis had a pistol under his pillow. After Davis’ arrest he was taken to an undisclosed jail. FEDERAL HOUSING PLAN IS TOO SAFE So Much Surety Required That Government Back, ing Is Unnecessary B,v CHARLES P. STEWART (Central Press Staff Writer) Washington, Aug. 21.—1 f the federal housing plan has a weakness, it clear ly is the economic consensus that it’s this: Hasn’t the government so thor oughly safeguarded its»sff against losses, through delinquency on the part of those the plan seeks to bene work at all? Washington is full of economists now, but most of them are in the gov ernment service. Naturally they are (Continued on Page Three) Spinning Industry Picks Up Washington, Aug. 21 (AP) —The cot ton spinning industry was reported today by the Census Bureau to have operated during July at 74.3 percent of capacity on a single shift basis, compared with 72.7 percent during June this year, and 117.5 percent in July last year. Spinning spindles in place July 31 totalled 30,907,816, of which 24,417,682 were active at some time during the month, compared with 31,002,965 and 24,690,312 for June this year. Active spindle hours for July total led 5,151,979,342, or an average of 167 hours per spindle in place, compared with 5,253,454,142 and 169 for June this year. North Carolina reported 1,104,917,376 active spindle hours, and an average of 180 per spindle in place July 31. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY„ GENERAL STRIKE OF TRANSPORTATION IS MENACE IN CHICAGO Benefactor Dr. John A. Kolmer ‘ High hopes are held by medical pro fession for vaccine developed by Dr, John A. Kolmer of Temple Univer sity, Philadelphia, as an infantile paralysis preventive. No forth right claims are being made until its powers of inculcating immunity have been tested exhaustively. (Central Press) SaiSgains Deposits Rise Over $7,000,- 000 in First Six Months of This Year JUST UNDER $60,000,000 End of Period Finds Two More Na tional Banks Than First of Year, There Being 42 at the Present Time Washington, Aug. 21. (AP) — National bank deposits registered a gain of more than $7,000,000 in North Carolina the first six months of 1934. J. F. T. O’Connor, the comptroifer of the currency, today reported na tional bank deposits in that state to talled $59,438,000 as of June 30, com pared with $52,923,000 on December 30, 1933. There were 42 national banks in North Carolina at the end of the six months period, compared with 40 at the beginning of the yeas. Total assets in creased from $69,- 298,0C0 to $75,300,000 during the period; capital increased from $6,600,- 000 to $7,070,000, while surplus, prof its and reserves decreased from $5,- 084,000 to $4,443,000. ■weathFiT FOR NORTH CAROLINA Partly cloudy tonight and Wed nesday; showers in extreme west portion Wednesday. Nazis Launch Drive Upon Christianity In Germany Berlin, Aug. 21 (AIF) —Nazi propa ganda guns fired an anti-Christianity barrage today which caused grave ap prehensions in Roman Catholic and some Protestant circles. Developments in the troubled church situation indicated fresh ten sion despite Chancellor Hitler’s ac gnowledgement of “positive Christian ity” recent declaration at Hamburg. Heading the developments was an appeal for abolition of Christianity, apparently inspired by Hitler youth leaders. Paul Joseph Goebbels, minister of propaganda, added to the fears with a 6' PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY Union Considering Proposal for Complete Tie-Up of City’s Transporta tion System TEXTILE WALK-OUT IS BEING PLANNED Workers Look to Washing ton for Next Move in Avert ing Walk-Out September 1; Tear Gas Bombs Used in Milwaukee Strike; Clash in Portland Fatal (By the Associated Press) Union labor is considering today a proposal for a genera transportation strike in Chicago, where a police exe cutive has described the bus drivers’ walk-out as "about right to blow wide open.” Chicago surface line employees are? to ask the executive board of the Amalgamated Association of Street, and Electric Railway Employees of America, meeting in Detroit, for per mission to declare a sympathy strike. Elevated line unions made a similar request yesterday. Should the executive board approve, 20,000 transportation workers will take a walk-out poll. Tear gas bombs and riot sticks were used to quell a, riot in Milwau kee, where 250 FERA strikers sought to rescue a comrade from police yes terday. A woman in a gray dress goaded the workers into action. Police at Portland, Oregon, were told to arrest 23 men for uestqioning as a result of a clash between working longshoremen and strikers, in which one man was shot to death. Philippine Island officials planned intervention to prevent the walk-out of 8,000 cigar makers from growing (Continued on Page Four) Cotton Mill Chiefs Talk Strike Act Bruere and Sloan Consider Threats and Ultimatums of the Labor Leaders New York, Aug. 21. — Robert Bruere, chairman of the Cotton Tex* tile Industrial Relations Board, and George A. Sloan, chairman of the Cotton Textile Code Authority, met today to discuss strike threats in the textile indusry and ultimatums of labor organization leaders. The conference at the offices of thfc Cotton Textile Institute was held be hind closed doors. Neither Sloan nor Bruere could be reached immediately for comment concerning the meeting. The conference apparently was due to the ultimatum announced yesterday by Francis J. Gorman, chairman of the strike committee of the United Textile Workers, that “the next move is up to the industry or the adminis tration.” veiled threat against Catholic, and a church drive was announced by Reich bishop Ludwig Mueller, announced to “cover every city and county fronrt autumn to spring.” Another indication of strife was the hesitancy of the German Roman Catholic hierarchy to establish the status of a concordat between Vati can City and the nation. The death of the late President Paul von Hindenburg, who had admonish ed Dr. Mueller to “see to it that Christ is preached,” apparently has removed a curb on the Nazi church experiments.