10 ARE SENT UP INSTORE-BREAKING Numerous Drunk Cases Are Tried Before Mayor in the Police Court Two men, Willie Jones nad Com modore Young, both colored, were convicted in police court today of breaking into and robbing the store of C. T. Neathery on Garnett street! of merchandise valued at sl. Prob able cause was found by Mayor Irvine B Watkins and each was bound over to superior court under $250 bond. Robert Davis, colored, was finedv $5 and costs for being drunk. Charlie D. Poythress, white, - was charged with being drunk and carry ing a concealed weapon, but was dis charged on both counts. James Howell, colored, was fined SSO and costs for carrying a conceal ed weapon. . i Plummer Hedgepeth, white, was fined $5 and costs for being drunk. A fine of $1 and costa.wa. simposed on C. W. Durant .white man. charged, with being drunk. Onice Davis, white man, was sent to the roads for 30 days for being drunk. O. P. Jones, white, was fined $5 and costs for being drunk. Brooks Beckham, white, was charg ed with driving an automobile while under the influence of liquor or other opiate and also with possessing liquor. He was given 12 months on the roads on the drunken driving charge and fined $5 and costs for possessing liquor. Two warrants, each charging drunkenness, were called against Al bert Ray, colored, and in each case he was given 30 days on the roads. Hazel Johnson- and Lula Champion, white women, were charged with as saulting and beating each other, and prayer for judgment was continued on condition that they keep the peace and pay the costs. Bill Norvelle, white, was charged with being drunk and possessing liquor, and was fined $2.50 and costs on each count. ‘ Pete Davis, colored, was fined $1 and costs for being drunk. Joseph Hall, white, was sent to the I Zi9s Eases Headache In 3 Minutes also neuralgia, muscular ache* and pains, toothache, earache, periodical and other pains due to inorganic causes. No nar cotics. 10c and 25c packages. tte can give you a lot of pleasure, and we . lillpl 8 Cl CII hesterfield “* - • c«r ds Lf?i r thr * e months for driving a Til ? Under influence of liquor, , 9 prived of' driving privileegs for -u! months. Paschall, white, was charged t runken driving, and was sent he roads for 30 days, and prohibit fr°msivin* for tl »ree months, nad gave notice to appeal, with bond be ing fixed at S2OO. * the v article in Saturday’s Daily, ww 1 about police court that day, • • Stanton was charged with hav ing liquor in his posesssfcm for sale, and he said today it should not have en for sale”, that the warrant did not make that notation. The Dispatch s glad to make the correction. North Henderson ’Child Badly Hurt By Passing Truck • A email boy, estimated to be around seven years aid, was seri ously hurt, wtih a fractured skull, when he srn into a passing truck near the 'drug store in the turn of the highway at North Hender son shortly before four o’clock this afternoon. The boy’s name was Beards hut other than that he ‘ was not immediately identified. He was rushed to Maria Parham hospital,, and preparations were made to operate at mtce. The truck was**driven by A. J. McKissiek, nad was owned by the Transportation 'Corporation of Virginia. It.was loaded with hogs heads of-tobacco being shipped to Wsinton-Salem from > Richmond, the property of the. R.. J .-Reynolds Tobacco Company. There was a report,that the child ran into the truck and that the . driver knew nothing of it until some one hail ed him to stop. Ntmcmc rwlMCnib ( sui**rfee3 . L ✓ V otAW-v 7// o C, HI HENDERSON. (N. C.) DAILY* DISPATCH, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1934. |BUMERESTS Bankrupt Hotel Man Al ready Aiding in Ar ranging His Affairs Daily Dispatch Bureau, In the Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh, Sept. 17. —Federal Judge Isaac M. Meekins will probably by his appointment of q trustee in bank ruptcy for the T. L. Bland cases have a great deal to do with the outcome of the hotel man's step into the bank rupt courts during the past" weke. Mr. Bland went into the courts on a $989,000 indebtedness when it be came apparent that he could not carry the immense load bf his many hotel interests. A meeting of the Bland creditors to be held sometime this week will probably determine the fate of teh Sir Walter Hotel, the one in which Mr. Bland lives. The resort to bankruptcy after four years of tremendous work, in which there were great losses, came as a surprise as the worst ot the em barrassment appeared to have; passed. But the head of the Bland chain vol untarily took the bankruptcy. It is said by people who do not pre tend to speak b ythe book that there will be a re-financing which will put the hotelist on his feet an dbcak in the business again. There is na im pression here that his unexpired 19- year-lease on the Sir Walter will be carried out in some way by him. The lease represents a very dividend on about $1,000,000. The Sir Walter was built in the very midst of the booms all over the country. Since going into the bankruptcy courts Mr. Bland’ has been visiting his other hotels and working on the plans of the liquidating that must be done. His assets are placed at $717,000. Overdraft For State Dwindling Daily Dispatch Bureau, 'ln the Mr Walter Hotel, Raleigh, Sept. 17 —North Carolina’s cash overdraft in the general fund almost melted away August 31, drop ping from $1,148,113.20 to $93,998.15. The monthly receipts were $2,152,207.- 77 and expenditures $1,098,092.88, leav ing the cash 'overdraft under SIOO,OOO for the two fiscal months, or nearly negligible. The cash surplus in the highway and other special funds re mained well up. This amount on hand was $9,728,175.71 and the July 31 showing was high. Receipts came As Rainbow Led Challenger in First Race devour; of the America’s Cup races off Newport, R. I. Er«- e or. the famous trophy, was neck to neck with the American defender through out the firat half of the race. (Central Fresa)' to $2,691,530.94. But disburseme.nts were $3,938,205.22. The cash balance was $8,471,299.33. Highway and oth ei special funds, outstanding warrants and disbursing accounts brough the .whole to $9,606,138.96. There is no chang ein the bonded indebtedness which stands at $174,- 136,000. The healthy oalance in the treasury gatherde from a balanced budget and a highly improved high way revenue against which are small charges for maintenance, is of course, a hint to the legislature. Whether the statesmen will decide it a popular thing to divert these funds and by so doing, cut license plates down to $5 or $3, or whether they will decide to put more into maintaining the roads remains for the campaign to develop. There is quite a threat in the direction of diversion, but the sur plus in the highway, fund has been built up at the expense of mainten ance. It is estimated that $2,000,000 will be required to restore the roads to their better condition. Virginia, far less “road-minded” than North Carolina, and with 10,000 less mileage to maintain, spends $1,200,000 more on maintenance than North Carolina does and that fact will have to be considered. There is beginning to be consider- able doubt whether it is good financ ing to withhold $1,000,000 from main tenance and then to be compelled to spend $2,000,000 to rebuild the losses on the savings. League Group Approves Membership For Russia (Continued from J’age One.) titude in fiery letters in the Far Eastern sky.” Long applause from the crowded public galleries greeted Motta’s .41- dress, and some of the delegates like wise applauded. PAGE THREE Quick Refief foe Chillsand Fever and Other Effects* of Malariat Don’t put up with the sufferingof Malaria- -the teeth-chattering chills and the burning fever. Get rid Os Malaria by getting the infection out of your system. That’s what Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic does—destroys and drives out the infection. At the same time, it builds up your system against further attack. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic con tains tasteless quinine which kills the infection in the blood. It also con tains iron which builds up the blood and helps it overcome the effects. of Malaria as well as fortify against re infection. These are the effects you want for COMPLETE relief. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic is pleasant, to take and absolutely safe, even for children. No bitter taste of quinine. Get a bottle today and be forearmed against Malaria. For sale tat all stores. Now two sizes—soc The $1 size contains 2 1-2 times as much as the 50c size and gives you 25 per cent more for your money. FORECLOSURE SALE .. •By virtue of authority conferred upon the undersigned as trustee, in a certain deed of trust, dated * l'Oth day of May ,1922, and recorded ..in Book 107, Page 320, Register of'Deeds Office for Vance County, North Caro lina, executed by Mrs. Mary E. Pby thress, widow. C. D. Poythress, single, H. B. Poythress and wife, Janie E. Poy thress, at the request of the holder of the note therein secured, I will offer for sale by public auction, for caish, at the courthouse door in Henderson, N. C., on the 20th day of October, 1934, at 12 o’clock, the following de scribed property: Begin at a stake on the North side of Southerland Street, 450. feet from Hilliard street, corner of lot No. 21, and run thence N. 2 deg. E. 1-58 2-5 feet to a stake formerly Owen Davis line, thence S. 88 deg. E. 50 feet td a stake Elijah Wimbush line, corner of lot .No. 25, thence S. 2 deg., •W. 159 2-5 feet along line of lot oN. 25, to a stake on Southerland street, thence along said Southerland street N 67 deg. W. 50 feet to beginning, same being lot No. 23 of plat--Wyche land, Book 39, Page 313. On the above lot is located a four or (five-room house. Begin at st stone Mrs. A. E. Thrower corner ,on S. W. side of Isaac street, near the southern borders of the City of Henderson, and run by her link, S. 2 deg., W. 200 feet to the line- of Eleanor and Belle Davis, daughters of Owen Davis, thence by their line in a N. W. direction 118 feet to an qp nagied street, thence along said un named street in a N. E. direction 2QO feet to its corner on Isaac street, thence along Isaac street in a S. E. direction 118 feet to the beginning, Book 62, Page 482. Begin at a stake, corner of lot No. 19, on the north side of Southerland street, 400 feet from Hilliard street, and run thence N. 2 deg., E. 150 2-5 feet to a stake, thence S. 88 deg,/, E. 50 feet to corner of lot No. 23. Thenco S 2 deg., 159 2-5 feet along the line', of lot No. 23 to a stake in edge of South erland street, thence along Southef "’id street N. 87 W. 50 feet to begin ning. Lot No. 21 Wyche Estate, Book 69, Page 77. Begin at a stake in the line of Har riett mill property, on the east side bt Milliard street, and run thence along the east side of Hilliard street N. 2 deg. E. 150 feet to Southerland street, thence along Southerland street S. 87 deg., E. 50 feet to corner of lot No. 6, in plat of Wyche land, thence along the line of lot No. 6 and parallel with Hilliard street S. 2 deg. W. 150 fetet to line of Harriett Cotton Mill prop erty, thence along the line of mill land 87 deg., W. 50 feet to the beginning, Book 69, Page 98. Fronting 97 feet on Boothe street at of near the City line and running back 214 or 300 feet for side line re spectively same being Moses Crocker home place, being land bought of T. M. Pittman-Commissioner, 7-20-16. Book 79, Page 237. Begin at T. A. Brame’s corner on. north side of Southerland street, and run thence N. 2 deg., E. 155 2-3 feet to Brame’s rear corner, run thence S. 88 deg., E. 50 feet to M. J. KittreU corner. Thence S. 2 deg. W. 156 2-3 feet to store, M. J. Kittrell corner, thence N< 87 deg., W. 50 feet to begin ning. Book 65, Page 580. Begin at a stake on East side of Baker street where it intersects' with Breckenridge street, S. 37 deg. E. 126 feet to a stake; corner of lot No. 7, sold to Owen Davis, theroe N. 89 3-4 deg., W. 77 1-2 feet to a stake on Baker street., thence along Baker street. N. 1 d?g E 101 feet to Breclt (i ridge street, !'•.**, place of beginning, B.'Ok 43, Page 4i. Same be’ng intend ed for the lot on south side of Bteck enridge street on which i° situate I thr. tenant 1. uses one block ard two frames, tee property of the parties of the first part. * Begin at a corner of lot No. 12 in plat of Wyche land on south side ot Southerland street, 250 feet * from Hillard street and run thence alohg said lot S. 2 deg., W. 150 feet to. Har riett Cotton Mills land, thence alohg the Mills line, S. 87 deg., E. 50- feet to corner of lot No. 16, of said, plat, thence along the lines of lot No. 16 N. 20, 2 deg. E. 150 feet to Souther land street, thence along Southerland street 50 feet to the beginning. Be ing lot No. 14 of said plat. Also be gin at corner of lot No. 34 on South viand street 200 feet from Nelson street, and run thence S. 87 deg. E. 64 1-2 feet to Harriett Mill property, thence along) mill line S. 3 1-2 deg. W. 150 feet to another line of said, prop erty, thence N. 87 deg. W. 6L 1-2 fe<£ to corner of lot No. 34 of said- plat, thence along the line of said tot Ho. 34 N. 2 deg. E. 150 feet to beginning/- be ing lot No. 35. This 17th day of September, 1834. A. A . BUNN,. Trustee.