Daily Dispatch Cooking School Opens At Stevenson Theatre Tomorrow Morning HENDERSON GATEWAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA TWENTY-SECOND YEAR POUND MAY ASK LUeUEOF NATIONS CHANGES TWO LEAD MEASURES FOR ADMINISTRATION AGAIN ON THE MOVE C onfetees on $4,880,000,000 Relief Bill Fail To Agree But They Will Try Again SOCIAL SECURITY MEASURES COMING House Committee Agrees To Report Out Bill For Con sideration; Senate Confer ees on Relief Bill Decide Not To Resign After Rob inson Criticism Washington. April 2 (Apt—Two major administration measures relief and Lie social security program—once more today appeared beaded for definite congressional ac tion Conferees on (he J4,800.000.(X>0 relief hill failed so reach an agreement at ♦ heir first meeting since re committal of the administration-opposed direct labor amendment,. However, another meeting was called for later in the day. Senator < rlass, Democrat. Virginia, head of the Senate managers, an nounced the five senatorial conferees had decided not to resign as a result of criticism levelled at them yesterday hy Democratic Leader Robinson. The meeting with the House group lasted 'bout two hours, out (Mass sam "We have reached no agreement.” Oh the House side the ways and means committee agreed to report for consideration the administration so cial security hill Formal action p” only the instruction of « re draft Hy Chairman Dpughton, Public galleries in the Senate v/ere el eared for -the ,first time In many years today after the Senate had be°n unable to find Its sergeant-at-arms to maintain order •Senator Pittman. Democrat. Nevada president protem of the Senate, order ed the public galleries cleared when Senator Robinson. Democratic leader, complained d°bafe could not be heard. A few minutes earlier business was suspended while a search was made ■for the sergeant-at-arms. but he could not be located. The House was occupied with min er legislation, while the Senate debat ed the Copeland food and drug bill ROCKY MOUNT MAN DROWNS IN RIVER Reeky Mount. April 2. —(AP) —Po- lice and firemen were dragging Tar river today for the body of David Watkins. 38. electrician, who was drowned as the boat in which he was dipping for shad capsized near here late last night Re was in a small boat at the time am’ the roughness of the water was blamed for the fata! accident. The man. who was employed here, leaves a rife and five children. Complaints \ banned For Rubber Code First Violation of Its Kind; Akron Rub ber Plants Prepare For Trouble Washington. April 2 (AP)—The Federal Trade Commission announced ♦rday it was preparing a complain* against the R.ubber Manufacturers As ' o< lation. Inc.. NRA code authority, on charges of price-fixing. 'fhe complaints wil deal particularly T ”!tb alleged price fixing and other un fair competitive methods in connec ts >• with the sale of fire hose. T.rnt.il it is prepared, no other data concerning its contents may be re vc-’led. (Commission officials said it would t e hared on the recommendations of its investigation staff, which yester day reported its findings to the Sen u (Continued ou Page Two.) Henderson BaUu Htspatrh ■ ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. * LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. In Buffer Position IV -■• -n. Jg| President Antona Smetona of Lith uania finds himself th* focus of European eyes as Memel incident assumes major importance. peilate court reversed a Maryland district court which had declared sub-sec tion S of Section 75 of the act was violative of the “due process” clause of the fifth amendment. HILL IS URGED 10 RUN FOR GOVERNOR Durham Senator Believed Toying With Idea Pushed by “Politicians” Dsilly Dispatch Bureau. In the Sir Walter Hotel. BY J. C. BASKERVILL. Raleigh, April 2 —Strong pressure is being brought to bear upon Sena tor Hill, of Durham, to run for the Democratic nomination for Governor in the 1936 primary and he is believed to be toying with the idea. There has been a steady stream of politi cians to his room in the Sir Walter Hotel here for the past three weeks, urging him to run. He has also been getting hundreds of letters from all sections of the State to the same ef fect. Many of these are urging him to table his own liquor control bill and then run for governor on a platform advocating legalized liquor in North Carolina. A good many of Senator Hill’s friends, however, are urging him not to get into the race and v* hop V-g he will not. They point out that a majority of those who are urging him to enter the primary as a candidate for governor are professional politic ians and ward-heelers who are egging him on only because he is known to be very wealthy and in.cause u,e_> be- L (Cc:itlßr.od cn Pc"o Fo:: 19 Pages VL Today TWO SECTIONS. FIVE CENTS COPY Si Re-Named Eastern Security Pact Also Considered As Eden Begins Talks at Warsaw BRITISHER LAUDED BY POLISH PAPERS Round of Formal Events At tended to as First Act of Lord Privy Seal on Reach ing Capital; Confers With President and General Pilsudski A Warsaw. April 2 (APl—Captain Anthony Eden, British lord privey seal, began his conversations today with the Polish statesmen who, it was hinted by the semi-official Gazette Po lska. may propose changes in the League of Nations. It was assumed that the conversa tions would amplify views leading: to a new proposal for allaying mutual distrust among European nations, and that the scheme might take the form of a re-named eastern European' security pact that would satisfy Po land’s preferences for limited agree ments, meet Germany’s opposition to the mutual assistance clause an-d soothe the Russian fear regarding Polish-German intentions. Captain Eden, whom Polish news papers extol as a leading statesman, (Oont.lnuorl on Vbfp Thrna) Teachers V,>j • •; I'd ■ '.y I Would Ge% ; Aid MrsM' , \ . I ' Dally Dlnpatoh Bnrenn, In the Sir Walter Hotel.. BY C A. PAUL. Raleigh, April 2—Few changes will be made in the appropriations bill by the senate. Already passed by the lower house with only two changes— an increase in the allotment for voca tional agriculture from $116,000 to S2OO 000 and a proviso that school teachers are *o be given preference in salary increases—the Senate is ex pected to make short work of the money-spending bill which appropria tes more then $64,000,000 for the next two years. The appropriations measure, which was sent to the floor of the House after its committee had labored on it for 60 days, experienced little dif ficulty in gaining House approval. A < Con tinned on Page Three). U. S. Might End Trade Pact Soon Open Warning Given That Blow for Blow Will Be Given In Discriminations Washington, April 2 (AP) —To its policy of attempting to revive foreign trade by a series of give and take tre aties with other countries, the United States had added today an open warn ing that it will hit back at nations which discriminate against Ameri can goods. President Roosevelt made known that the government is studying the question of ending existing trade pacts with Germany, litaly, Denmark and Portugal, as he proclaimed a new re ciprocal treaty between Belgium and the United States. The Fresident out lined the foreign trade policy in a let ter to Secretary Morgenthau. The President’s letter did not go into de tails of the “Discriminations. 1 ' Economists long have been noting, however, a multiplicity oi to channel trade in the mom. w^i.d — including tarn, s, excharm controls, quota svfct'-ms ■ n tions, i