ASSOCIATED PRESS AND CENTRAL PRESS REGISTRATION FOR ■ ELECTION TO BEGIN Books Open Tomorrow for Municipal Balloting of Tuesday, May 7 Registration books for the annual city election will be opened tomor row and wtll remain open for seven days, not including Sunday, on thro ugh Friday. April 26. On Saturday, April 27, the books will t>e open for examination and challenges, if any, but not for registration. Warning has been sounded to all voters that the fart that their names are on county registration books does not qualify them for participation in the municipal election, which will be held on Tuesday, May 7. It is expected there will be many changes, due to transfers from one ward to another or by new-eomers to tin* city. The fact that a mayor is to be chosen for a two-year term will tend to increase both the registration and the interest in the cleciton. It always does. In addition to the choice of a mayor one alderman from each ward will he elected for two.year terms. One alderman in each ward holds over for another year and does not. come up at this time. Mayor Irvine B. Watkins is seeking re-election, and Is opposed by Henry T Powell, who is now closing bis firs* term as a. member of the Coun cil from the fourth ward. In the place of Mr. Powell, the aldermanic office in that ward is being sought by C. M. Right. In the first ward J. W. Gill is a candidate to succeed him self. while P. C. Loughlin is also reeking re-election in the second, as ts Fred R. Right in the third ward No contests have developed as yet for aldermanic posts. Jenkins Buys Lot North of City on National Highway In a. deed filed for record yesterday a* the office of the register of deeds. •T. W. Jenkins, was the purchaser for 1400 of a lot on the national highway nc”th of the city, it being acquired from It. G. Kittrell end wife and J. C. Kittrell. The lot is a. traet with a frontage of 3<> feet on the highway and a depth of 150 feet. The only other d<*ed recorded dur ing the day was that in which Robert Lassiter and wife of Vance county sold to P. W. Rowland a lot. on Elsie street for HO and other considerations froETXER SPARK PLUG jRCAN BE BOUGHT AT ANY PRICE SPECIAL ' THIS WEEK ONLY conditions BOUGHT SINGLY, 27c EA Steering Stabilizer 69c j ' I fERY Bfi PBS" Cup Grease .. 15c 39 * S Jk 9s Wil 1 Bsm 1 1 I PLATE * *tEX. \| pP ’ | B Batteries .. sl.lß | |i Flashlight Battery— 5c |‘ Summer I I Household Oil 15C I Seat | l|| _ * I hovers A* low Ai 1 111 I Neats Foot Oil Hlb. 2tC j 79c, up | J7c' W| Friction Tape . . 5c ■ ■*» *■ ■•■■.' „ , „ S GOODRICH COMMANDER i | Brake Dressing % ib. *** 1 TIRES »• *1 c IJ i). $ Thick.tough treadwith effi. ll: : i Solder husky block ’ %1 extra safety on wet »nd JhkßHmS^Bb | Fan Belts, as loir ns 27C afe? .’ tre %y ,o ' Pump Packing 7c voo’l9 ,J? USE~OUIf Frank’s Economy Auto Store Garnett and Orange streets —Phone 808— * .:.. ——— —^JH International Crop Producing Fertilizers | ®| “Satisfaction At Harvest Time”' •/A HERTIUZLHS i ,‘j?. pfe -Vi iil LEGG-PARHAM COMPANY £ Defendant Held On Old Charge of Robbing a Store John Bragg, colored, was tried in police court on an old charge of breaking into and robbing the George E. Perry grocery store on North Chestnut street. Mayor Watkins found probable cause in the case and bound Bragg over to superior court under bond of S2OO. The Alleged rob bery occurred last November 15, but Bragg has just now been apprehend ed. Ed Allen, colored, was tried today on a charge of beating a board bill for S2O from Charles Davis, but the warrant was allowed to be withdrawn when it appeared that a. settlement of the claim had been made, and on payment of the costs of the action. QUIET LIVING GETS STRESS AT SERVICE Holy Week Hour at M. E. Church; Sunrise Serv ice Easter Morning Quiet and serene living was em phasized y Dr. J. M. Culbreth, the pastor, in the evening Holy Week ser_ vice at the First Methodist church last night. The theme was suggested by reason of the fact tha.t tt was on Wednesday of Passion Week that 1 Jesus retired to seclusion for tnc momentous events to follow during., that period, which included his ar rest. trial and crucifixion. 'Phe service was the best attended of any ye* held during the week. Rev. A. S. Rale, pastor of the First Bap- I church, and Rev. 8. E. Madren, naslor of tin* First Christian church, led in prayers during the service. D;\ Culbreth led the morning ser vice at the First Methodist. Protes tant church today at 8:30 a. m. The last of the morning services will be held tomorrow morning at 8:30 o'clock at the First Presbyterian church, when Rev. G. R. Medlin. pastor of the First M. P. church, will be in 1 ■ barge. Further services in the night series all at file First M. E. church, will be held tonight, with Dr. Culbreth again in charge, and he will conclude ; (he series tomorrow evening. The night meetings are all held at 8 o'clock. it was announced last night that a sunrise service will be 1 held Easter morning, next Sunday, at 7:30 o'clock 1 in the outdoor amphitheatre at Clark i street school. This will be under the j auspices of the young people’s organi- j Their Death to Save Others As Lois Winters, girl victim of Rockville, Md., school bus crash, which cost 14 lives, was laid to rest (as shown above) after family opposed mass funeral, U. S. government moved to devote shore of four billion work relief fund to elimination of such grade crossings as caused disaster. ‘Central Prcs») nations of the churches of the city. The public is invited to all of these services. Colored P. LA. Will Have Pre-School Clinic Real Soon ... Tiie Colored PTA of the Central Colored School met Tuesday afternoon , in the auditorium of the local school. The meeting was one of the largest in attendance held during the school ! year. Mary Eaton of the 6-B grade gave an interesting playlet centered around the value of books. The big objective for the spring ac tivity of the Association is the pre i school clinic which the PTA plans to sponsor. The exact, dates have not been set. but it is probable that the i clinic will be held around the middle iof May. There will be no expense to j anyone receiving treatment during the I clinic. ' The State Department of j Health has sent large numbers of j pamphlets for distribution among pa j rents and friends. Parents, friends ; and patrons are cooperating in a very j fine w'ay to make this clinic the sue i cess that it should be. The wife of i John Dewey Hawkins is chairman of the Committee planning the clinic. To cover expenses of the clinic the president, the wife of G. P. Gregg is directing a large pageant to be given the second and t.hrid of May in the lo r*al school auditorium. The pasreant | “America. Yesterday and Today” lias | around 300 children in the cast. The prize for the grade having the largest number of grade mothers present went, to the 2-A grade taught by Sallie P. ' Eaton. The prize for the largest col- I lection went to the 3-B grade taught I by Mildred Jackson. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? See Pane Four I. Which state is represented in the U. S. Senate by Senator Pat Harri son ". What is the name of the branch of science which treats of time as measured computed, and recorded? 3. Who is known as the father of ec clesiastical history? What is illiteracy? 5. What is excommunication? 6. Name the director of the U. S. Air Commerce Bureau. 7. What term is used to designate the department of plastic art which comprises all objects made of clay, porcelain, and other forms of pot tery? 8. Who whs Ethelbert Nevin? 9. Name the Governor of Minnesota. 10. Where is the Chugach National Forest? House Refuses To Increase Pension To S2O Per Month (Continued from Page One.) ! lai plan for easing debt burdens, was ; approved by the House Agriculture j Committee, despite tlie opposition of administration leaders. I The same committee also approved J the Jones bill to establish what would ■ amount, to a Federal reserve banking I system for agriculture. Henderson Daily Dispatch! Around Town Juniors to Meet The regular meet ing of the local council of the Junior Order will be held this evening at 8 o'clock in the order’s hall, it was | stated today. A short initiation and j program will be had. All members j -were urged to be present. Pytliians To Meet—A meeting of the ! Knights of Pythian? will be held Fri- I day evening at 8 o'clock at the regu j lar meeting place, il was announced ! today. A big entertainment program lias been planned, and all members were urged to be present. One License Issued —A marriage li cense was issued yesterday by the register of deeds to John E. Hicks and Clola Peace, colored, both of Kittrell township. It was only the fourth license issued for the entire of April to this time. It i? expected there will be a picking up in marriages during { the Easter period, however. Hauptmann Lawyers In Sharp l ilt lt’unll!iu ,l il From Fage One.) ! J.. office that Reilly is “disgruntled i and disappointed” because lie was j ousted almost three weeks ago by Hauptmann and his wife Fisher further charged Reilly with j “trying to run the defense into debt” ! and of seeking to “pay personal ob j ligations” with money raised for the purpose of saving Hauptmann, con ; demned to die for the slaying of the ; Lindbergh baby, from the electric | chair. SIOO,OOO Damages Sought By Widow (Canllm.i'o Trout Pag* l -"III** > i plaint are C. Earl Cohoon. A. J. Co j boon, and Dr. S. C. Chaplin, all of j Tyrrell county. i The complaint sets forth that Mrs. | Cohoon is the widow of the late An j drew Jackson Cohoon, that she "was I married to him July 12, 1933. and that, hr died September 29. 1933, and that, the defendants, two of whom are sons of the late Andrew Jackson Cohoon, while Dr. Chaplin is the family phy j sician. i At the time of Cohoon’s death, the | complaint alleges, he was a man of | large means, owning considerable i property and carrying large life' in j su ranee. Tin* information was known to the defendants but not to her, Mrs. Co boon contends. Congress Is Anxi ous For End by July rr<*m "age cm* | subject to change, were these bills, j in about this order: Social security, naval appropria. ! tions, omnibus banking, farm legis ! lation. utilities holding companies, j ; NRA extension, ship subsidy and mer- I chant marine, motor bus regulation | and tax extension. I Others may be added or some of I these dropped. BANKERS AITEND RALEIGH MEETING District Four Annual Con vention Draws Large Number From Area All Henderson banks were repre sented in attendance from this city upon the fourth district bankers meeting held last night in Raleigh. The territory embraced in the district covers largely the bounds of the fourth congressional district, but oth er cities and towns are also included. In the election of officers no local bankers were candidates for any posi tion. W. A. Hunt, president of the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, responded to the address of welcome, which was given by Willis Smith, of Raleigh. The chief address was by R. B. House, dean of the University of North Carolina.. Chapel Hill unit. An address of wit and humor was given by T. A. Avera, of Rocky Mount. The meeting was held at the Ra leigh Country Club. Present from Henderson were: W. A. Hunt, R. O. Rodwell and K. E. Burton, all from Citizens Bank and Trust 'Company; Jasper B. Hicks, j R. G. Harrison. J. C. Gardner. F. B. : Robards and R. G. S. Davis, all from ! the First National Bank; and Joel T. Cher^ha m and M. W. Wester, both from the Industrial Bank of Hender tson. KITTRELL NEWS By MISS RUBY SMITH. Mrs. 1. J. Jackson. Miss Edith Jack, son. and William Jackson, of Frank lin tun. were week-end guests of Mrs. Jackson’s sister. Mrs. J. M. Barnes. [Mrs. B. T. Woodlief had among her sisitors on Sunday, Erastus Breed love. and Miss Oliva Breedlove, of near Watkins. Mrs. J. W. Rogers and little son. John Allison, of near Bobbitt spent Saturday here with her sister, Miss Ada Woodlief. i Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ayscue and family spent Sunday with Mrs. W. H. I Jones at Epsom. Prof, and Mrs. C. A. Dees had as their guests on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. IT. Odom, Miss Elizabeth Odom, i P. It. Odom, Jr., Thomas Odom and ! Mrs. Tom Raekley all of Goldsboro. Misses Alva Jeffries and Olvarado Eoops have returned to their homes at 1 Milibrook. after spending sometime. here with Miss Jeffries’ aunt.. Mrs. ij. B. Ellis. Mrs. E. R. Woodlief, Misses Eleanor Smith and Gillian Palmer, spent last Saturday in Raleigh. X* E. Barnes attended the Methodist Protestant Missionary I branch meeting held at Asneboro, during last week. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Brummitt, of Henderson, Route t. visited relatives ! here on Sunday. Prof, and Mrs. C. A. Dees spent last Thursday at Clinton, on business. Talmadge De nounces Roosevelt (Uontii ued from rage Oo**.» talk to. Tie can only talk to those i whom his secretaries assistants allow to come in to see nlm —and 99 percent of this crowd is the ‘gimme’ i crowd.” HOUSE LEADERS CONDEMN ASSERTION OF TALMADGE Washington, April 18. (AX*) — j House leaders vigorously condemned today the assertion by Governor Tal madge of Georgia that President i Roosevelt is a radical and that there i would be a third party next year. Representative O'Connor, Democrat, New York, rules committee chairman, j said: “Any man who would make that | personal reference to our President is ' unfit, to be elected a dog catcher, let alone governor of one of the greatest states of tins Union.” Speaker Byrns said: | “Few pcoplew ill approve of what Governor Talmadge had to say about (he President, who enjoys the con fidence of the country, and under whose leadership the country is fast j climbing back to prosperity.” Newman Proposes Revenue Changes I Continue!) rrnm Page Ofie.l ; maximum tax on a single purchase sls Instead of $lO. and the other to j limit to flour, meal, lard and fatback <>r wlutesltles meat, the exemptions. The Senate put exmeptfons of nine basic items of food in the measure several days ago. The finance chairman also propos ed putting back in the revenue bill the proposal to tax hotel and board ing house room rentals and at. three percent and chain filling stations on a graduated scale of from sls to SBS per unit in excess of one, according to the number in the chain. THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1935. [With the Sick Doing Nicely. W. P. Parrish, county commissioner ! who underwent an operation for ap pendicitis at Maria Parham hospital, was said to be doing nicely today, and was expected to leavei n the next few days. Reported Improving. J. P. Gupton, Jr., of Townsville, was reported improving at Maria Parham hospital. He underwent an operation there. At Hospital. C. D. Edwards, route 1, Henderson, is a patient, at Maria Parham hosptail Improved. Mrs. J. L. H. Missillier was said to be somewhat improved at Maria Par ham hospital, where she is undergoing treatment. Doing Nicely. Joseph Falkner, of Townsville, is doing very nicely at Maria Parham hospital, following treatment, there. Mrs. Smith in Hospital. Mrs. P. C. Smith, route 1. Kittrell, is a patient in Maria Parham hospital. Mrs. Watkins Up Mrs. Kale Watkins, who sustained a fall several days ago. is able to be up again at her home on Chestnut street, and to receive company. Much Improved. Frederick Girst. of 'Staten Island. New York, who was injured in an au j tomobile accident in Franklinton, was : said to be much improved and was i expected to be able t oleavc Maria ! Parham hospital Saturday. In Hospital. j J. R. Short., route 2. Henderson, l» j a patient at Maria Parham hospital. To Have Operation R. M. Sanders is to go to Durham | tomorrow for a delicate operation on ’ one of liis eyes, and expects to be cou ; fined to the hospital there neat ly a week while undergoing treatment. You’re Paying for this PROTECTION Bo Sure You Get It! The "Goodyear Margin of Safety" costs you nothing extra ~. why not have it? Lifetime rnrrnur a 43% More Non-Skid Mileage Guaranteed JrfctUWAY Quicker-Stopping Grip Blowout Protection In I jjamaß Guarantee against road baz mW Guarantee against defects for Our own guarantee and year IL.* ILUIII IP -1.11 - JJHJUIIt J lUUH. 1I JMHEJ WWPHMHMH.M. 1- lUULUaHJP— 1 1W U——" »■ ■ twill'll iit tJIJ ]JyIU *I. .... ' Hill Henderson Vulcanizing Co. DISTRIBUTORS Phones 408 and 409 Good Used Cars 1935 Plymouth Coupe 1933 Pontiac Sedan 1933 Ford Sedan 1931 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach, Motor Sales Co. Phoria 832. LISTING QyAXES Seeming Lull Occurs In As sessment of Local Property A seeming lull has been observed In the past few days in the listing of taxes for both the city and county If was said today at both listing offj 1(s Probably a third of the Henderson township listing has been made hut more than half of the month of April the period designated for the task has already passed. A good main have alredy filed their returns wiUi the city clerk for the city’s valuation but many more remain to be put on ihe records. No definite reports have been n coived from the outside township but it is presumed the work is pro. ceeding in a satisfactory manner there. Those who have not yet registered their holdings for 1935 taxation air urged to do so at the earliest pos sible time, so as to avoid the usual last minute rush. Dr. James W. Crabtree, secretary of the National Education Asso., Wash ington, D. C., born in Scioto Co., Ohio 71 years ago. B, H. Mixon Contractor and Builder “'Buildx Belter Buildivijv' All kinds of Building Wall Papering - - Painting Hoofing and Interior • Decorating. PHONFS- OMICP 7 x I iv/DLiO. Residence 476-J