MARRIAGES parties gOOIAL ACTIVITIES \V.\I K -Vl' MIGHT. . |){ , NV :iii<(>i! out nt night alone " , , (1,;,n earth. saw more than <;|\V I'll’l' ' .Irowsv in the (lew, * " '■ I |||,< ;is .‘((‘.'l in hh»C. I ,i ihr rustle leaven can make waves along a lake. ' (( ,| t | ir willows in the night cinai I*l like light. ' | WI , her|> beneath the trees "V'.inw w.'i ms bright as the An* l ' (1( ,... , , as dim ns sound ~, this for miles around. 1 M,...i ;ind walking seemed to \V<> *’ ,~| Hinge, dark holiness. ' , , ( ,IUI i the night to those. *' |M ..,|,i|i'i fort!i and leave repose "I 1 j.'mj m wonder hand in hand , •, ili .ii, familiar land — I" , f..,. iii'i}’ ns at noon Yet not 1,1 , , I || j., hy stars and moon. Harold Vinal. \ toting in Greensboro. , ( > Mills is visiting Johnson Hive m Greensboro. Here from (ireeiislioro. |,;,| M! | (J.iiliek spent the week ,,| w |th relatives in the city. s|ninls Week-End in Knficld. M, . Clyde Hunter spent the woek- I with Inn parents in Enfield. yisiling in Itielimond. 1 *.iu 1 inr* Edwards is visiting piifi\*'- in Fliehuiond this wrek. \\ ii I. I* iid \ isilors \jj. i it Hrodie left this morn , | ( , \j,jt iin> Virginia Gardens. . . . Helps Mgfi PREVENT XjCTf many colds JUS! A HW PROPS UP EACH NOSTRIL Why Not Select Your Fashions From Styles Especially Chosen For Good Taste—Good Value and Good Wear? COATS SUITS Smart formal swaggers, Tailored styles as trim as fur trimmed models. your brother’s, dress new coat fashions lnilke, ' tyl,cs l,mt n,ake a new woman of you, 1,1 I'iiitg season than swaggers too—the fav -1,1 many years. orite of so many. Reduced prices on all coats and suits For the Gardens Fnsembles and Print Dresses Wednesday Specials 1 isors ruffled curtains in regular two yard lengths— And cottage sets 79c C :,; d -umnu r’s black and white sports shoes— and $5.00 styles $2.85 Panties and Bloomers ( •'in’s celebrated Dulrey, 59c quality 39c - glove silk SI.OO numbers 79c 1 •iil'lini’.s rayon, 49c quality 29c GROCERIES 1 'B'-art Lottie household amonia ... 15c 1 Packages washing powder 24c ounces K. C. Baking Powder 22c L G. Davis & Sons Co. / SOCIETY NEWS TELEPHONE 610 a 1 911 I 9 9 111 111 11 19 9 9 1 HOURS 9A.M.TO 12 NOON Here from Durham. iMiss Clyde Hobgood, ol Durham, is the guest of Mrs. J. H. Cheatham. Visiting Relatives Mrs. V. M. Powell, of Ridgecrest, is visiting her sister. Mrs. B. G. Al len. Visiting In New York Miss Martha Gooch is spending the Easter holidays with friends in New York. ( Returns to Burlington Mrs. A. Bradley of Burlington has i etnrned home after visiting relatives in the <sity Returns To Durham Miss May Hunter .who spent the week-end with relatives has returned to Durham. Mill Return From Baltimore Mrs Stanley Teiser and Miss Mar jorie Teisor will return from Balti more today. Visitor for Week-End Miss Mary Hall of Oxford, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Henry Perry. Return Front Fishing Trip Mr. Stanley Teiser and Stanley Ter ser Jr., have returned from a fishing trip to Mantco. Miss Tyer Returns. Miss Kathleen Tyer lias returned from Washington. D. C., where she spent the week-end. Visit in Winston Salem Mr. and Mrs. E. Cl. Glenn and family spent Easter with relatives in Winston-Salem. , Visitors from Philadelphia,, Mn, Kirby and Mrs. YoHies.* of. •hiladelphia, visited their sister. Mrs (. R. Watson during the week-end. They attended the Moravian services in Winston-l?alem Sunday. Mrs. Wat son accompanied them to Philadelphia Returns From Wedding Mis. B. Frank Harris has returned lorn Norfolk, where she attended the Manning-Clark wedding. Week-End Visitor. Mrs. A. Hobgood, of Kinston, was th eweek-end visitor or her mother, Mrs. Kenneth Edwaids. Spends Easter in Roanoke. Miss Dare Wyatt has returned to the city after spending the week-end with friends in Roanoke’ Vn. Visiting Grandfather. Miss Alice Cheek Sanders, of R a _ leigh, is visiting her grandfather, Mr. A. J. Cheek on Belle street. Visiting- Gardens. Mrs. J. J. Echols, of Lewisburg. W Va.. and Mrs. Paul Cummings are visiting the Virginia Gardens today. Spends Week-End With Parents Miss Virginia Allen who teaches in Rich Square spent the week-end with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. B. G. A1 len on Belle street. Miss Itimhall Returns Mises Alma. Kimball has returned to the city, having spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Kimball of Manson. Leaves for Atlanta. Mrs. John Wells, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. G. Flan nngan. has gone to Atlanta where she will make her home. - Prayer-. Meeting Band Tonight The Pray* ! Meeting .Band will meet tonight at -.8. o'clock with DJrs Sam Ay=seue « n the Raleigh Road. Mrs. J. W. . Abbott'wilt be the leader. Visitors From Bronx ville Mrs. ,W. ]T. Alston pinl Mjss Mu- Hid a Alston who have been visiting relatives in the city have returned to l their home in Bronxville, New York. I Return Home Mi. and Mrs. Jack Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Turner have re turned from Washington. D. C., where they spent the Easter season. Guest of Sister. Miss Margaret Dorsey spenr Hie week-end in Greensboro with her s.i.s •°i' Miss Devothy Dorsey, who is a student at the Woman’s College Society To Meet The Woman’s Missionary Society of •he First Cniisliau Church will meet j Hi is evening at <S o'clock with Mrs. .1 E. T. Vickers, it was announced to day. Faster Guests Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bryan has as their guests Mrs. Bryan’s mother, Mrs. J. H. Yow, and Miss Fleta Yow of Greensboro, and Mr. and Mrs. F. J-. Yow. of Ash boro. Attend Moravian Services. Miss Dorothy Jones, Mrs. G. W. Knott. Miss Betty Knott, and Wilson j Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. William I Christian in * Winston-Salem and at. tended the Moravian services. 1 1*.aster Egg: Hunt Staged Saturday j A group of children from the pri mary department of Plank Chapel M. !E. Sunday school gathered at the : home of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gill Sat j urday afternoon and enjoyed an East er Egg Hunt, which was given them 'hy their teachers, Mrs. B. L. Row land. Mrs. T. L. Fuller and Mrs. R. L. Lassiter with Mrs. Alexander sub stituting for Mrs. Lassiter in her ab ! senee, which was caused hy illness of her small daughter. The children, about .10 in number, united in playing j games, swinging and other amuse ments until eggs were hidden, each , teacher going in the opposite dircc , tlon, hiding them. The hunt began 1 and the interest and cxcitment in ' creased ■ as each discovered one egg ! aft er the other until all the eggs had j been found. Russell Hayes. Margaret j Brummitt and Bruce Hayes won the j prizes for finding the largest number for their respectiv groups. The eggs - were then collect* d and equally di vided among the children. The hostesses expressed their j thanks to Mrs. Gill for her liberality j and willingness to open her home so freely for the pleasure of others.— . Reported. j 66 Miles On 1 Gallon? Scientific Laboratory, P-300, Wheaton. 111., report an amazing new vapot automatic gas saver. 500 per cent profits. Fits all autos. Anyone can attach One sent free to introduce j quick. Send address and car name , today. STOP <9 Scrubbing Floors DON’T k*f|« scrub king kitchen and! bathroom linoleum. C«at it with a film of Farbo Cello Wax, which dirt and ataina can't penetrate or discolor. .Applies easily. Dries A. in 20 minutes with satin finish— no rub bing or polishing needed. Come in for |l demonstration. g| FA IK BO CELLO WAX for NEW beauty iu floors Sold By Os Neil's, Everything In Hdwe. HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATGH, TUESDAY, APRIL 23,-1935 PATTERN 9358 Tennis, golf, cycling, sunning, boat ing are just a few of the hundred pur poses this thrice blcssd play outfit will serve! The easy freedom of the sleeve Is calculated to improve your stroke (and your temper when mak ing it)! The shorts are designed to cover the athletic situation actively and to suit the modesty of the most mastidious! Blip on the clever skirt that buttons smartly down the back, pull in your belt and you can saunter off the court for a sociable round of bridge and tea! Make up several in shantung, sport pastels or ctitton shirt ing —you’ll wear them no end! Stick a bright sporty kerchef in the big pock for that “extra” note of chie. Com plete. Diagrammed Marian Martin Sew Chart included. Pattern 9358 may he ordered only in sizes 12, 11. 16, 18. 20. 30. 32, 31, 30 38 and 10. Size 10 requires 5 1-1 yards 30 inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN JEN'I’S In coins or stands (coins preferred) for EACH MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Bo sine to write plainly vmir NAME. AD DRESS. Urn STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern. Send your order to Dally Dispatch Pattern Department, 232 W. 18th St., New York. N. Y. Military Ball To Be Strictly Formal Til*' Military Bell Ilia) is to he stag ed at West End Country (tilth Thurs day evening. May 2. at 10' o’clock in honor of (Tie inspecting officers and visiting officers here for the itrspec-., turn will'he strictly formal, the com mittee on arrangements stated today. All military guests will wear uniforms. For the past two or three years, the hall has 1 *'cn an annual affair with the local officers a:; hosts, and it has taken its place upon Henderson’s so cial calendar as one of the outstand ing events of the year. It will ho even more so this year, taking in a wider scope than hereto fore. a large number of high ranking military officials in North and South Carolina being invited and expected to attend . . „ . . No aiuipuocement has been made as, vet as to what orchestra will fur (fish’ the music but it will he of high order. Probably (he outstanding event of the affair will he the presence of the Adjutant General of North Carolina, .T. Van ft. Metis and ®the Adjutant General of South Carolina. James B. Dozier. Thckc. together with other high i.,:.king officials in uniform, will lend a. great deal of color to the affair. The decorations'to be used through out the hall room will hear militaristic features. Easter Dance to Be Outstanding Event . The outstanding social event of the Easter season will tv- the. Easter Dance to be presented this evening from 10 until 2 o'clock in the' ball room of the West End Country'Club for its membership. A number of guest cards have been secured from T. S. iKttrelt, secretary of Ihe organization, and a number of i lit of town people are expected to alt* (id the festivities. 'l he dance this evening will depart somewhat from the regular routine that has prevailed at such functions of the cloli in that it will have a. grand march, a figure and favors for those attending, as well as refreshments to he served at the intermission hour. Dr. T. H. Hoyle, chairman of this event, and his committee, T. P. Ghol son and J. H. Zollicoffer, have plan ned many interesting features. The figure and grand march will he led hy Mr. and Mrs. .T. H. Zollicoffer and will he participated in by the members of the organization. Tho ball room floor has recently been ic-worked, getting it into the best ! t.ape possible for this evening’s event, and everything points to a most enjoyable evening for the members and their guests. , Hal Thurston’s well known orches tra, from Rocky Mount, has been se cured to furnish the syncopation, and as a dispenser of rhythm, he has few his equal in this section. Epworth Leaguers Social Saturday In I lie hospitable borne of Mr. and Mrs. j . G. Gill and their daughter, Miss Sarah Gill, the Epworth Leaguers of Plank Chapel held their monthly social Saturday evening with twenty four present. For the occasion, the house was at tractively decorated with a variety of beautiful spring flowers. Many stunts, games, contests furn ished the fun into which all entered very happily, under the direction of Mrs. U. B. Alexander, who was as sisted by Mrs. Gill. Among the games were the following: League Tea Party. Barnyard, My Brother Went To France, Artist. Paying Back What you Borrowed. How We Are Going To Celebrate Easter, The Fool ish Grand March and a number of others. . Those winning prizes were Miss Myrtle Mitchell. Miss Elaine Woodlief and Talmadge Edwards. All present were delightfully re freshed with nnbisoos and grape juice with lemon in it. Each received a chocolate bunny as a favor. Miss Natalie Smith, Miss Myrtle Mitchell, Miss Sarah Gill and Miss Annie Laurie Rowland served. Those attending this joyful occa sion were Misses Annie Laurie Row land. Myrtle, Sallie and Evelyn Mit chell. Sarah Gill. Elaine Woodlief, line Ellington, Polly Sweet, Natalie Marland Martin Pattern \Lt| i ( > f nV' ; . ' >3!3ft • . N-J , . and Alice Cline Smith and Miriam Alexander: Forest Smith Vcster Young, E. C. and William Moss, Row land Ellington, Cline Gill, Talmadge lieu Change of Life f -.“I have used Cardui during the change of life and found it just right in my ease,” writes Mrs. Debie Ep person, of Flat Lick, Ky. “1 was very nervous. I could nol rest at night. My friends recommended Cardui, and 1 started taking it. T obtained splendid results. Kept taking Cardue and am iii good health.” To improve nourishment, thereby helping to overcome nervousness and painful symptoms during change of life, try Cardui . . . Thousands of women- testify Cardui benefited them. If it does not benefit YOU, consult a physician. I Get Heady for the Big I I Henderson Auto Show I r*- .... ’ ... * I Merchants Exposition I I and Circus I I May 6to May 11, Inclusive I I High Price Warehouse, Henderson I Under Auspices American Legion Henderson Post No. 60 A full week of high class entertainment featuring talented artists and entertainers of all kinds. I [ the PROGRAM INCLUDES I The Three Little Pigs Joe Basile s Comedy act. NBC Radio orchestra The Wigand Troupe Mir* Gertrude Van Diense Teeter-board acrobatic act. 11lale John Philip Sousas Band. The Atwoods Dave Gastello & Co. Acrobatic comedy. America’s Premier bare-back riders, J “I?**,!” Q o ||, combining this entire family in one big V? , r U f , feature riding act of five people. Clown, late of Itmgling Bros. Circus I . KT . Chas. Castello, Sr. & Jr. 1 he Looping Nixes Premeir aerilists. Globe of Death rT . . The Jack Moore lno The El Rey Sisters Novelty Roman ring act of three people I || Skaters, recent stars of Ziegfield Fol- n . D ■ lies of New York in a beautiful skat- MISS Bettie Kooney ing act. Swinging ladder actor Gorgeous Style Show I FUN, THRILLS and EXCITEMENT I Good, clean wholesome entertainment for every member of the family. Edwards, Jack Fuller, Robert Row land, Vernon and Waldo Alexander, | Mrs. Gill and Mrs. Alexander —Re- I ported. ' Why You Should Have An Account In This Bank To Safeguard Your Money For Protection in Adversity For Aid in Business For Future Opportunity J o promote your welfare in all four ways open an account and become a depositor in First National Bank In Henderson Henderson, N. 0. (|j| DEPOSITS INSURED |j| The Federal Deposit Insurance Corpoiaiion WASHINGTON, D. C. (Rfinn maximum insurance ecnnn f wUUU FOR EACH DEPOSITOR $ JUUU PAGE FIVE CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS 1882— Cairo, 111., Gazette, first Ne gro daily newspaper issued. Chirley Temple, child screen star, born 6 years ago.

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