... l-l« THIMBLE THEATRE Starring POPEYE A Drop In The Bucket By E. C. Segar I W 7~tWgot\ AUJ _ -W I SWr/Csi&s i naa&m feWtt’> ■aUCO J 'C #|Y,TrtiNKlM' IT UJOULD A \PftTUeM>,ME:'., v —— <-P u > tSk KJo” fDRVA/' HIM EXTER \ opn £* | : '/.'txSSWTfs iIG SISTER __ _ hu | FC FOP^DAV/r i 1 J ‘ ” ;: ,' r , CR °.% %>. ■,‘ V! '\ VV6LI.,COME on! SuMP'n's GOT “'j I'VE COT It! SEE THERE! WtfWJZ-i T ,IH,i 11 W " -till iTT2S^I I"-; =? E __ TXJ*E done ABOUT TH' CREEK IS MOT SO M%iMil& 1 ODDAW! THIS Y_ JT CETiiisg WET? I NEVER V OUTHT LIKE STAV HERE V C _f/P OUGHT TO DO J S -f /- ** V VET* / reaches UP I'jutht pJ** ' \w y A *£s ; /.-• SjA KETT ■ ■ t>» PAUL ROBINSON _ o .Ca.< AQour L-J-* |. M IN A JAM - I'M , fNO POOLIN' /N' THEN\I£. VMiSH I COUID DO So ME-) ( BXE JUDY I tTTA U Pj-.V A f —y ENGAGED TO JuO| AnO L BE6.N PALS FOIZ SEALS’/ THINS TO PATCH UP THE J i DEAR /' L DARLING •____..' ',-J> f SHE CAUOHT NIE /MAIGN’ SORE AT EACH OTHEfLg BREAK BETvmEEiN EM f IPL.—-J >/ wt )> ' LOVE TO ETTA LAST NIGHT- GEE THATS TOUGH/ , g V\ i=r~ n ITS A SHAME JJf.3 f( Jp\ ' j » ’ " v •;' ''' ,P ■- ■-■--■ , j •..,. -• ’ ~ ~ ■ > ! ' ■ L—LlL—^2^-—____— mrn^m^mm ———.l_ HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, TUESDAY, MAY 14 1935 ! THE OLD HOME TOWN Eegis'vered V. S. Patent Office |jy OF THOSE. pazuN6 fouls L /HUHI-SFOfW\ ) came up ;nto the A ! backs < TMEySeT STLLPRS-m V T RUINED / > are HURT < ( BUDS BADL my hands'. / ( -worse -mw; v,r o SL ) t BU D| i y r “THE FRONT!/' —*s,—v \ buuuV y) (( \ C /'too say* v 'V s x~/ — W (/ /a V - ) // I , If THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER-BUD HORNBLOWER \i| J -WENT UP TO THE CITY To SEE A SIS LEAGUE w|j i Ball anp was Badly trampled on //p? IM THE RUSH FOR. “THS BLEACHED SEATS ' (g)lgsr lee w. stwmlet cbntraa press S -)4- -35 I CROSS WORD PUZZLE r | ~ ; 4 '*• is*" 9 10 11 "“2^ 2 & 2a ~ — " ""~ ~~ 36*" L (5) 50 / ACROSS • j I—Floats j i 6—Grain stalk% I fil —Nimble ; 12 —Appendages 43—A set of threi -*- 14—At any one time 16—Pigeon's cry 19—Granting 21—Dexterity 23 And (L.) 24 Kind of nsiaii 25 — Border ' 26 Half era \ 27 30—Co-ordinating conjunction l i 32—Not even 34—Sulphate of potassium and aluminum 36—Freedom from constraint 39 Space next to keelson (naut) 40 — The last king of Troy 42 — A state of the 1/ S. 43 Rips 1 DOWN 1 — Sun god 2 High in the scale' 3 Flowerless plant 4 Three (prefix) v .. v 5 Domestic animals collectively 6 A seat without a back 7 A color 8 — A cereal grass 3—Malt liquor fe r CONTRACT BRIDGE I WRIWBN FOR CINTRAL PRESS | By L V. SHEPARD ; j> fAMOW WIDOt TtACHM JL A FATAL ERROR AN EXPERT’S pleasure at dis covering the one way to defeat a contract is comparable to his delight In discovering the one way to fulfill a difficult contract. When a player has two ways of defeating a contract and only one way of helping declarer fulfill it, both he and his partner feel upset in case the wrong method is followed. The hand today was the occasion of one of those fatal er rors, 4K7 3 2 V 7 5 ♦K 9 6 4A9 8 7 f Q 64 4 A 10 5 VAQIO M 4K J 8 4 2 £ ui ♦lO7 5 2 ♦ A Q 5. 46 K Q 10 *6 5 4 4J 9 8 49 6 3 4JB 4 3 *J 3 2 South passed, then bidding went: West, 1-Heart; East, 2-No Trumps, to force further bidding from part a?rj: East, 4-Hearts. obfehlng l le&d vyas a trump, one orTne two Tnettiotfs di. qtaftipg play capaWe o# defeating the The other nieihod * iS&Quld have' oeeh : to leacf off the A