MARRIAGES parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES homeward. rrrrnanies of birds, Brdf ,V southern lands and north. '_’ r rr i bound! ift n beating, see them rise MW . s " d sweeping round ■ and ,;;:‘';:Vway to freedom could M thcl ! ? / T te ,' distant mountain range 7 ;;;. ‘ the sulit sky; fo'V'wing their leader, forward, baC '';be blue air’s track! Acf? ' ' n , e fe w stragglers halt, as ■rj-ere. - 1 -’ 1 ■nth to be 'oon that sapphire sum- Les ’Jo «ea • t he leader gathers close his Bat fIf.CK . ', „„ vo’i lofty rock— ?ol?e\-hat a rush of beating wings ;s heard; . straight how fast, wav home at last, ir „ n 0 longer, here they come, rc ".'hey come. .•) heart of mine, thou wan -0 bird. ,-ot also seek the straight home ? Alma G V. Harrison. jo Virginia Beach 8 ,. 01£a Parham and Dr. Charles *2 i e f t yesterday for Virginia Beach. Recent Visitor P'-’hard Davis, of Wilmington, was ~;s.>nr at Miss Marina Clark's a recent ' is. o near Balance Rock. At the Seashore. M«s Margaret Dorsey, Miss Re. Reavis and Mrs. Reavis are r( ii r . the week-end at Virginia Beach. Va. Guest from Washington. Mrs R F. Doff, of Washington, D. r *. c the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. r y g;u at their home on the Ox ford Road. Returns To Raleigh u; gs Hazel Fogleman, who has been rkdiig her aunt. Mrs. S. P. Brum x" r near Gillburg. has returned to her home in Raleigh. Visiting Here. H r . an( j Mrs. W. T. Glover, of Roa --*9 Rapids. are visiting Mr. and v :s d R Hale at their home on Mcrth Garnett street. Returns to CCC Camp. Lieut. James S. Harris, who has heeu visiting his parents in the city. L-a returned to his duitse at a CCC Camp rear High Point. Spending Summer With Aunt. M Daniel is spending the summer with his aunt. Mrs. J. Harry Edwards, ather home in the Stone wall Apartments. Return from Baltimore. Miss Mable Harris is expected to arrive today, after spending a week ir. Baltimore where she visited friends and relatives. In Washington. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones. Miss Lucy Plummer Jones and their guest. Mrs. M L Bradley, of Lakeland. Fla., are trending several davs in Washington. D C. To Hickory Mr. and Mrs T. C. Gill and family, of Bobbitt community, have gone to Hickory for an extended visit to Mrs. - < parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ci.r.e Returns Home Mr? A B. Deans has returned to •terhome at Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gill’s 2h“r an extended visit to Miss Marina Cark nest Balance Rock. Miss Ma •'■na s friends will be pleased to learn ‘•tat she i? recovering from a very serious illness of some weeks’ stand ing. HUSKY THROATS Overtaxed by A speaking, sing- \ ing, smoking mCLUB KIT UE TELEPHONE 610 Summer Sc hool Glee Club Ends Tour v Pictured above is the Wake Forest. Meredith Summer School Glee Club which has just completed its annual concert tour. Miss Lola Maynard of Henderson is shown on the bottom row, fifth from the left- She was also crowned beauty queen of the summer school. Return to iCty Rev. and Mrs. Albert S. Hale and young son have returned from Louis ville, Ky., where they have been spending the past month with friends. To White Lake Eugene Patterson. Son of Dr. and Mrs. K. H. Patterson, has gone to Camp Tippecanoe, at White Lake, where he will spend ten days or two weeks. To Norfolk Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Upchurch and Miss Anne Upchurch left today for Norfolk, Va., where they will join Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Rose for a short cruise on the Rose's yacht. Return From Washington Mr. E H. Thomas and grand daughter;. Miss Ruth Goodrich Thomas, returned yesterday from Washington, D. C., where they vis ited Miss Thomas’ mother, Mrs. Ruth Thomas. Visit The Gills Miss Fannie Jenkins. Mrs. Cora Ledford and daughter, Ruth, and John Gamble were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. John Gill’s on Thursday. They brought Mrs. Nettie Deans home after a visit near Franklintojn. Mission Group to Have the Kiwanis ■ The Woman's Missionary Society of Chapel is looking forward with pleasure to having the Kiwanis club at supper next Friday evening at the heme of John Gill, near Gillburg. This will be their fourth trip out to this hosiptable country place as guests vs the society. Baptist Society To Meet Monday The Woman’s Missionary Society of the First Baptist church will meet at the church Monday afternoon at four o’clock, it was announced to. day. Echoes from the recent Associa tional Meeting at Louisburg will be heard. Circle leaders are reminded to have their circle banks on hand to be opened. All members are urged to attend and in this way they can help “Lift Up The Banner.” In Hospital Mrs. J. W. Fuller, of Route 4, is in Maria Parham hospital where she is being treated. Able To Walk Again Russell Brummitt, who was injured seriously about a month ago in a fall, is able to walk without crutches again it was learned today. SOCIETY NEWS Thy word is a lamp onto my feot, and a light nnto my path. Psalm 119:105. ©hr Wnviiß of Slraua: upon the love, loyalty and devotion of the people, must be in harmony with the teachings of Jesus the Christ whose words fit into every fold arnL of the human heart, and of whom it was said m John 7:46, NEVER MAH SPAKE LIKE THIS MAN.” - Press-Radio Bible Service, Inc,, Cincinnati. Ohio ~ JESUS LOVES LITTLE CHILDREN Mark 10:13-16. And they brought yc touch them: and his disciples rebuke c when Jesus saw it, he was much dis j the little children to come unto me, a r kingdom of God. 15. Verily I say ur the kingdom of God as a little child. I he took them up in his arms, put his 1 I Whafs Doing CWck'sfll C nil 111 W— IIIHUI— » ■ THE SALVATION ARMY Adjutant and Mrs. Joseph Willett in charge. Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Young people’s legion 6.30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:30 p. m. Everybody welcome. FIRST CHRISTIAN. Rev. S. E. Madren, pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. John A. Hall, superintendent. 8 o’clock p. m. Union Services will be held with Rev. L R. Medlin, pas tor of the First Methodist Protestant church doing the preaching. His subject will be “Religion and Youth.” The public is cordially invited to at tend these services. WEST END BAPTIST. Rev. E. R. Nelson, pastor. Sunday, school 10 o’clock. W. H. Perry, superintendent. Classes for all over fifteen years. Worship at 11 o’clock. Preaching by the pastor. Sermon topic: “The Purpose ot God’s Moral Government ” FIRST BAPTIST. Rev. Albert S- Hale, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., J. C. Gardner, superintendent. Morning worship service at 11 a m. The pastor will preach on the sub ject: “Learning One of Life’s Largest Lessons.” This service will mark the begin, ning of the pastor’s second year of service. A cordial invitation is ex tended to our own people and those who do not worship elsewhere tc come to our service of worship to morrow. Union service at 8 at the First Christian church. Rev. L. R. M#dlir, will preach on “Religion and Youth.’ The attendance of our people upon this service is urged- Mid-week Prayer, Praise and Fel lowship service Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. FIRST METHODIST FROTESTANT Rev. L. R. Medlin, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. E. O. Falkner, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 a. m. ser mon by the pastor on the subject: “First Things First.” Young People’s Society of Chris tian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Evening service will be a joint ser vice at the First Christian church. The congregation is expected to at tend. HOLY INNOCENTS EPISCOPAL Rev. I. W. Hughes, rector. Fifth Sunday after Trinity. 7:30 a m. Holy communion. 10 a. m. Men’s and Women’s Bible Classes. 11 a. m. Litany, Ante-Communion and Sermon. 8 p. m. Evening prayer. St. John’s Mission, North Hender son, 2 o’clock, church school. CITY ROAD METHODIST Rev. J. L. Joyner, pastor. 10:00 a. m. Sunday School, Wesley Adams, Superintendent. 11:00 a. m. church service, preach ing by the pastor. The evening service is to be held in conjunction with the Baptist revival. All members are urged to go and hear Rev. Williams Poole at 7:45. HENDERSON (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1985. 3 «r oung children to him, that he should d those that brought them. 14. But pleased, and said unto them, Suffer nd forbid them not; for of such is the nto you. Whosoever shall not receive he shall not enter therein, 16. And bands upon them, and blessed them. ST. PAUL’S CATHOLIC. Rev. Eugene P. Carroll, pastor. Mass and sermon on Sunday at 8 o’clock a. m. Mass daily at 7:30 a. m. > All are mot cordially invited to all ervices. g FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. James A. Jones, pastor. 9: 45 a. m Sabbath school. R. W. Bruin, general superintendent. Study classes for young people and adults. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Subject: “Doing Your Best.” 7:15 p. m. Young People’s Vesper Service. 8 p. m. Evening worship. This is the third in the series of Community Evangelistic Services. The preachei will be Rev. L. R Medlin; the sub ject: Religion and the Salvation of Youth; the place: First Christian church. Mrs. Reginald Sprinkle and Mrs. W. M. Coffin will sing a duet at the morning service. REV. HUGHES TO TEACH MEN’S BIBLE CLASS Rev. L Wl Hughes will teach the Men’s Bible Class of Holy Innocents Episcopal church Sunday morning at 0 o’clock, it was announced today. Mis subject will be “The History of he Church,” and the memos the jhurch are invited to attend VTTEND CONFERENCE AT ELIZABETH CITY Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Shaw were in Elizabeth City yesterday attending the -resident-Secretary’s conference of he 57th District Rotary Clubs at vhich the president of the district was o outline the year’s work. Following the conference, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. Shaw vill spend sometime at Morehead. Foes of Levy Are Bitter in Attacks Made on Proposal (Continued from Page One.) tremes in looking after? the cotton grower,” said Senator Glass, Demo crat, Virginia, during furious debate on the proposal. He said one rayon factory alone in Virginia employed 5,000 persons, which meant that 20,000 people were dependent upon it, and “yet the Sen ate, without one word of hearings, precipitates this proposition to tax out of existence this industry that is yet in its infancy.” Ex-King of Greece May Get Throne (Continued from Page One.) of Athens, due late today, before mak ing a final decision. Neither the former king nor his aide Maior Levides, could be reached this afternoon. Earlier in the day Major Levides, commenting on Athens rum ors that George was returning to Ath ens, said. "We know nothing more than what is in the papers.” j Middleburg News| By MISS DORIS FLOYD Mrs. J. M. Wells is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joe Jones, of Winston Salem and Mr. and Mrs. John Wells of Asheville. She wil be accompanied home August first by her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Wells and her son, James, of Smokemont. Mrs. Ellie Mills has returned home after visiting friends and relatives in South Carolina and Alabama for some time. Mrs. J. O. Peed ha 3 returned to her home in Raleigh after visiting Mrs. Annie Duke. Miss Katie Mae Newton, of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, was the recent guest of Mrs. C. P. Rogers. Mr. Arch Rose of New Jersey is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rose. Mrs. A. P. Mustian visited relatives in Henderson recently. Mrs. W. D. Martin and children, William and Mary, Mrs. Bailey, and J- O. Peed of Raleigh were dinner guests in the home of Mrs. A. P. Mustian Wednesday evening. T. H. Crocker, of Greensboro, vis ited in the community Thursday. Mrs. Crocker and son Mishew, joined Mr. Crocker here where they visited friends, returning to their home on Friday. •Friends are glad to learn that R. L. Bennet is much improved at his home here. Mrs. Glenn Lambert To Attend Meeting At Liberty Monday Mrs. Glenn Lambert, of High Point president of North Carolina Christian Endeavq'r Union. will attend the Vance county C. E. Union at Liberty Christian Church, Epsom, Monday everting, it was announced today. Mrs. Lambert will tell the group of the International C. E. Union meeting in Philadelphia recently, and will bring some information concern ing the state union in her talks. To Teach Class E. M. Rollins will teach the Whit more Wesley Class of the First M. E. church at the Sunday school hour to morrow morning, it was announced today; All members were urged to be present. MUSSOLINI FIGHTS 10 HOLD HIS RULE Trying to Divert Populace From Intolerable Do mestic Situation By CHARLES I\ STEWART Central Press Staff Waiter Washington. July 20.—1 t naturally would cost any Washington official his job to have it known that he had said so, but a strong suspicion Un mistakably prevails in executive cir cles that Premier Mussolini consid ers a foreign war necessary to divert public attention from a bad state of economic affairs in Italy. Reports from reliable sources, it confidentially is stated, have been in dicating for some time that Italian trade and industry are flat, that un employment is rampant and that dis content with the Mussolini regime Just Like Mother . * ■; « iPP jg r $ ' ? ‘ © Pictorial Review Childhood photo (below) of Shirlej Temple’s mother, shows the dost resemblance of the two at the sami jjge. Latest photo of the $2,000-a “T week film star is at top. — — Pressi HOURS 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON Marland Martin Pattern U Ujjjd, was reaching alarming proportions. Ten II Duce began the development of his plan for a campaign in Abys sinia—which apparently has. it is agreed, served to re.arouse Fascist enthusiasm. It is, of course, an old method of consolidating a people behind its gov ernment —to unite it against some other people. WAR “ESSENTIAL”? Thus the interpretation placed up on the Italian refusal even to discuss compromise is that Mussolini doesn’t want war prevented, deeming it es sential to him, as a counter-irritant, to domestic dissatisfaction The policy is one which succeeds occasionally. That it will do so in the present instance there are plenty of doubters in Washington. There seem to bt» doubters in England and France also, •t n judge from London and Paris press comment. Not, indeed, but that military ex perts think the Italians, by fighting long enough, could defeat the Ethio pians. What they do question is that Italy has the financial resources to continue fighting long enough. COMPARISON WITH SPAIN Spain had a similar war in what is known as Er Riff, in northwestern Africa (Abyssania is in eastern Africa.- Spain is not as resourceful / power as Italy, in men or money. Still, per haps it is half as potent, or a little henderson. n. c. MONDAY—TUESDAY Merchant Tickets Matinee .ss. M you- „= Cartoon B net-to shout to the world that the laughs •«, „ thrills ... surprises makes this the greatest entertain ment tn year»l “THE WHOLE TOWN’S TALKING” —with— EDWARD G. ROBINSON The Best Picture He Ever Made WEDNESDAY . THURSDAY FRIDAY Ralph Bellamy— Victor McLaglen Heather Angel Mickey Rooney ~ in ~ “THE HEALER” “The Intormer” Guests For Monday Mrs. D. W. Cannon—Mis. CJ. W. Adams. CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS PATTERN 9367 The morning after you start, this, you’ll be wearing it. It’s THAT easy to make up, so don’t waste any time making up your mind to have this youthful work-a-day frock. You can’t possibly find a simpler pattern, nor more becoming lines, nor breezier sleeves! And those are the things that count for something in a kitchen! That nice scallops on the yoke and pocket are the details that so subtly make the frock “different” and the slit sleeve is ready for action! The bosom and back fullness (so much in vogue) does nicely by your feminity. Wear bright buttons to match the cot ton print you choose. Complete, Dia grammed Marian Martin New Chart included. Pattern 9367 may be ordered only in sizes 14 16 18 20 32 34 36 38 40 and 42. Size 16 requires 3 yards 36 inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN GENTS !n coins or stands (coins preferred) for EACH MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Be sure to write plainly your NAME. AD DRESS, the STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each oattern. Send your order to Daily Dispatch .Pattern Depaitment, 232 W. 18+h St., j New York. N. Y. more r.o. Er Riff, on the opposite hand, has a population of less than 1,000,000. Abyssinia, it is estimated, can put 1,000,000 fighting men into the field. Er Riff’s armament consists of a skimpy rife per warrior; nothing more. Abyssinia, not only has an ample equipment of small arms and ammun ition but machine guns, anti.air-craft weapons and a small air force like wise. Er Riff is as flat a.s a pancake; ideal for modern troops to maneuver in. Abyssinia is a mountainous coun try; ideal for natives to operate in, sniping at invaders. The World War finally exploded whatever was left of the theory that economic advantage is derifed from war, or that prosperity is gained by destroying a trade rival through war. Wife Preservers jggi Add two tablespoons catsup to the pan in which the fish is bok- Insr, for a tasty flavor. THE COOL Moon Theatre MONDAY and TUESDAY Wallace Ford —In “THE NUT FARM” Added Comedy Admission 11c and 16c PAGE THREE

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