marriages, parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES w h-,t surprise n k curled seedling surged The rMm ghthe soil to find l P Jorld of salt-fringed wind. i; o ,ld of sand and sea i,• ! tv no closer thing Ttan the guardian sky. And vet how soon The flower knew Th m> alchemy of sky-and-sea. £ ffl t . o om in never such ecstacy the dune grass taught T!l e friendliness <;ea-spurred wind: HW soon delphinium learend to dance ,r if h the challenging air. " ltn Marion Bronwell- Visitor Here Sugh upton. of Raleigh, was a vis itor in the city yesterday. Returns from Beach. Mrs D E. Evans has returned from a stay at the seashore. To Virginia Beach \ii ? « Elsie Woolard left today for Virginia Beach, where she will spend several days. To Littleton >{. s «ee Ruby McCann and Maria Ball left yesterday for Littleton to spend several days. To Canada Hill Ellington, who has been work •-? at Bredlove Produce Co., has gone to Canada to work. Guest of Miss Young. Miss Elizabeth Webstfcr of Madison, is the guest of Miss Catherine Young, at her home on Belle street. Guest of Mrs. MeNeny Mrs. James I Miller, of Wilson, is the guest of Mrs. A T. MeNeny, at Her home on the Oxford Road Guest of Brother Miss Estelle Church, of Melbourne. Fla., is spending some time in the city with her brother, C. B. Church. Returns from Drewry. Miss Judith Harris has returned after spending several days with Wallace and Walter White in Drewry. Return from Myrtle Beach Mrs. Kalford Burton and Miss Ruth Burton have returned from Myrtle Beach where they spent the past two weeks. PGRATULATIONS tags Announce Birth of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Marioi) announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Anne. August 6. at their hJ>me in North Henderson. Mother and baby were reported to be getting along nicely. nasalcMrrh ... Just a few drops up each CtEARS HEAP QUICKLY Evening Dresses for College Girls at HALF PRICE These dresses are in sizes 12 to 38 and were priced $5.95 to $25.00. TRUNKS—BAGS— BAGGAGE Awards this week to buyers of each tenth purchase 70 pret.—Miss Rebecca Watkins, Mrs. Joe Royster. 20 pret—Miss Lola Carroll, Mrs. W. A. Hunt. 30 pret.—Mrs. Maurice Coghill, Mrs. H. O. Falkner. 40 pret.—Mrs. Henry Stallings. Mrs. A. C. Yow. 50 pret.—'Mrs. L. R. Gooch, Miss Anne Upchurch. E. G. Davis & Sons Co. Henderson, N. C. T > SOCIETY NEWS r IPHONE 610 HOURS 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON Choir Rehearsal Postponed There will be no rehearsal of the (choir of the Methodist Episcopal church tonight, it was announced to day. To Return from Whiteville. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Holland art expected to return today from the Whiteville tobacco market where they have been spending the past few days. Guests from Rocky Mount- Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Taylor, of Rocky Mtfunt, were the guests of Mrs Taylor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. King at their home on Carolina avenue. To Visit Parents Miss Fannie Powell, of Columbia, S. C., is expected to arrive tonight to spend several days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Powell on Charles Street. Attend Party In Warrenton Mrs. A. T. MeNeny, and her guest Mrs. James I. Miller, of Wilson, and Mrs. R. B. Powell attended a party given by Mrs. Edmund White in Warrenton this afternoon. Return To Raleigh Mrs. Harry Massee and Miss Louise Massee, of Raleigh, have returned to their homes after being the guests of Mrs. Massee's father, C. L. Finch, at his home on Belle Street. Return from Extended IMp Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Newman and children, and Miss Louise Jones, have returned from a trip to Delhi. Ontario Canada. Niagara Falls. West Point, New York City, an dother points of interest. Guests of Mrs. Hinton. Misses Ela DePuty, Gladys Lassiter, of Philadelphia, Mrs. J. P. Hinton, Sr., and Mrs. J. F. Hinton, Jr., and sons, of Richmond, Va., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hinton Wednesday. Guests of Mrs. Blacknall Major and Mrs. A. P. Kelly, of Christobal, Panama, and three chil dren, Mary Elizabeth. Palmer, and Sally, and Brame Morrison, of Wil son, are the guest of Mrs. W. H. Blacknall, at her home on Charles Street. Guest of Father. Mrs. L. W Cook, and daughters, Jane and Anne, and Mrs. T. M. Vick ers. and daughters, Betsy and Peggy, all of Concord, are the guests of Mrs. Cook's and Mrs. Vickers’ father, G. L. W. Pegram, at his home on Carolina avenue. Expected Today. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sturges, Jr., are expected to arrive today from a trip through the north ’rn states to make their home with Mr. and Mrs W. K. Sturges at 307 Zene street. Mr. and Mrs. Sturges were married Au gust 1, in Oxford. On Mountain Trip. Miss Virginia Burroughs, of Madi son, N. C., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bur. roughs, left Wednesday for a motor trip through the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. On her re turn she will resume her duties as; vocational Home Economics teacher: at Madison- ' •' ' ' 1934 —President Roosevelt impounds* silver. To Return from Wedding Trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mixon are ex pected to arrive today after an au tomobile trip through the Valley of Virginia. Washington, and the Vir ginia Beaches. Mrs. Mixon was Miss Louray Stainback, whose wedding was solemnized Monday morning. The young couple will make their home with Mr. Mixon’s mother on Burwell avenue. Invitation Issued To Colonial Dames Mrs- C. A. Cannon, of Concord, who is a vice-president of the Colonial Dames of North Carolina, has extend ed an invitation for luncheon at her summer home at Blowing Rock, for Wednesday, August 14, it was an. nounced today. Every member of the Vance County Committee is cordially invited to at tend. Miss Logue Honored . By Mrs. Burwell Mrs. Spotswood Burwell enter tained at three tables of bridge yes terday at her home on Garnett Street, in honor of Miss Mary Logue. of At lanta, Georgia, who is the guest of her sister. Mrs. R. C. Radford. Miss Nancy Epps was the winner of the high score prize, and Mrs. J. L. Wester of the low score prize. A delicious luncheon was served to the twelve players and the following guests: Mrs. W. D. Burwell and Mrs. W. J. Watrous. Marrow’s Chapel News B>l MISS EDYTHE TIPPETT- Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Shotwell and children, Mary, P*eggy, Graves and Taylor, visited in the home of Mrs. Emma Shotwell Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rice visited Mrs. Rice's sister, Mrs. Henry Satterwhite Sunday. Miss Frances Wilson visited Miss Edvthe Tippett Sunday. Mrs. N. M Greenway is spending J a while with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rice while her husband is in Canada curing tobacco. Mrs. Emma Shotwell had as visitors Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wilson and daughters, Margaret and Bertha and Mrs. Tom Evans. Mr. and Mrs. H- T. Aycock, Sr., Norfolk, Va., are expected to arrive here Saturday for a short visit with their son, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Aycock. J. C. Shotwell was a Stovall visitor over the week-end. Miss Martha Rice visited Misses Sally and Elizabeth Hicks and Mas ter Ralph Hicks over the week-end. Cokesbury News By MRS. ERNEST GILL. W