MARRIAGES, parties * SOCIAL ACTIVITIES TO AUGUST. , hip month of nature's deep You an t a 'Soled corn, the finish er rest m- f d “’‘*4 mellow with accomplish- KeP letc Ar /u”’imhtkv* of the sickle and the !u ’ja t ike quiet holiday. Adream, valkys blui and mist, golden and 11 " - fruit laden, conscious seem Srr'v'eilk completed, they have wrought their will, _. m || Hollywood hears that Clifton Webb (above), Indiana hoofer now mak ing his debut in the movies, and Na talie Paley, morganatic daughter of Grand Duke Paul of Russia, also a film newcomer, will wed when she has obtained divorce from Lucien Lelong, Paris dressmaker. (Central Press) Visiting in Raleigh. Miss Mildred Hughes is spending I sometime in Raleigh with her sister, Mrs. Dorman Blaylock. Visit in Richmond. C. D. Harton, spent several days in Richmond with his sons, William and 1 Marvin, and their families. Guest from South Hill. 1 Miss Ann Shaw, of South Hill, Va„ ; is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gholson on Burwell avenue. Returned from Ocean View. Albert Garrett and John Renn, Jr. have returned from Ocean View where they spent several days- Returned from Trip Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lane have re turned from a trip to Beauford and ■''•her points in Eastern North Caro lina. Guest of Mrs. Watkins. Miss Anne Bridgforth, of Black stone Va„ is the guest of Mrs. Alex Watkins, at her home on Rowland street. Guests from Ahoskie- Dan Garrett and Johnnie Taylor of Ahoskie, were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Garrett on Mit chell street. In Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Harris. Jr.. Mrs. S. R. Harris, Sr?, and Mrs. Ethel Kirby, of Philadelphia, spent today in Richmond, Va. Return from Florida. Misses Maxine and Gladys Tillotaon I have returned from Jacksonville. Fla., i where they spent several weeks visit -1 ing friends and relatives. Returned from Milwaukee | Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Biller and son, Robert, have returned from an ex tended trip to Milwaukee, Wis., where they visited Mr. Biller’s parents. Visiting Mrs. Wilson Miss Virginia Wilson and Miss Katherine Seimers, of Charleston. B. C., are the guests of Mrs. R. H. Wil son at her home on Montgomery Street. Guests Return Home Mrs. Coy L. Weaver and daughter, Barbara, Anne, of Durham, have re turned to their home after Visiting j Mrs. R. H. Wilson on Montgomery I street. HENDERSON, (ty £.) DAILY DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1935 Guests From Vandemere Mrs. George Lane and daughters, Betsy and Inez, of Vandermere, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lane at their home on Breckenridge Street. Fish Fry Thursday The Baraca Class of the First Bap tist church will have a fish fry Thurs day afternoon at 6:30 o’clock at Par ham’s Pond, it was stated today. All members were urged to attend. Visiting in Warrenton. Mrs. Edmund Diaz, of Chicago, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Garrett on Mitchell street, is the guest of her brother, John W. Garrett, Jr., in Wdrrenton. Guests Return. Mrs. C. A. Balfour, of Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mayfield, of Salisbury, have returned to their homes after being the guests of Mrs. W. P. Gholson at her home on Bur well avenue. Returns from New England. Dr Harry Bunn has returned from an extended trip through Maine and the New England States with a pat ient, and will spend some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bunn on Charles street. Robert Morris Day Be At Greensboro The annual Robert Morris Day picnic will be held at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home at Greens boro Thursday with all day affair be ginning at 10 o’clock in the morning. The affair will be staged rain or shine, and all Masons and Eastern Stars are requested to bring basket lunches. Thad Rowland To Wed In Montclair The following announcement taken from Montclair, N. J , Times will be of interest to the friends of the fa. mily. “Mr. and Mrs. David Cook, of 1 Erwin Park, Montclair, N. J. Announce the engagement of then daughter, Miss Mary Cook io W. T. Rowland, Jr. son of Mrs. W. T. Rowland, of Middleburg, N. C. Miss Cook attended Katherine Gibbs School in New York City and is a graduate of Miss Beard’s School, Orange, N J. Mr. Rowland aUendea Duke Uni versity r.nd was from Washington and Lee University, Lex ir.gtcsn, Va., in 1929. He has been mak ing his home in Montclair, N. J., for the past vix years, being connected with an insurance firm. County Union To Meet Friday Night The next meeting of the Vance County Methodist Young People’s Union will be held next Friday, Sep tember 6, at 8 o’clock, at White Memorial church, it was announced today. The July and August meetings were postponed because of the paraly sis situation, but judging by the en fhuiiam shown at the first two meet ings held last spring, there should he a very large attendance at this meet ing. The devotional program will be led by Miss Ruth Allen, of the First Methodist church and will he followed by a short business meeting, at which time the business that has accumulat od over the past two months will be taken care of and plans for the new year will be made. Party Given For Miss Patterson Mis-s Rosalee Watson enteretained at four tables of rummy at her home on Belle street yesterday afternoon in honor of Miss Barbara Patterson, who returned last Friday from Day tona Beach, Florida, where she spent the summer. The tables were arranged on the porch for the following players: Misses Barbara Patterson, Mary Louise Patterson, Neta Allen, Hazel Finch, Gertrude Tanner, Mary Wind- Icy, Anna May Bruin, Nelly Kittreli, Jane Newell, Helen Royster, Carolyn Three Film Fun Makers 22E555i2S&S5E2555S5i5SZttE2EE5ESEE55I^^S55ES5ESS5ESS ■Hr " ; WMIJMIMI ..v| gagj|g^. : ,draHHHB| J —mi ■i—i \m 'r m'r - ~ ~ni~' ‘‘ *" M ’ 'w Li ,,r and Nor- Alios T.iieile Peters, of r ’intiionnd Va.. were fbe fUlosts of Mrs. Tlendricks Williams Friday aft ernoon . M'ss T T w'nl p-'oelr whs the recent of Miss .TarnHinn Swindell. •ToHn Pntr and Miss Ruby Purcell, of G*'oon' , Hr>» , o. were tHe guests of •ficc. r>.,»enU’s na»-ents, Mr. and Mrs. t -p- p,,r-eaii Sunday. at- nn'i Mrs, A. L. Isley left Sat ’ir'-'V for Monnire. Ann Buchan. or TTendcrson. - Mie recent guest of Miss Helen Kimball. Mrs. TTendriei-s Williams is visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buck RieVs. M’ss T.nHie Gupton spent Monday nir-bt with Miss Thelma Tucker. Dr r» tt. White. of Burnsville, snnnt tHe past, with his motHor. Mrs. Lula White. Julian Nixon has to his '•ome in Norfolk after visiting his The Woman’s Missionarv Union of Book Sprine Baptist church held its reernlnf ivieeting Thursday afternoon at +He Homo of Mrs O. O. Wilson. Misses Nell and Aurlrv Caudle spent. Saturday night with Miss Vir ginia Tuoker. Mrs. Nerman Keaton, of Bußinm. ‘on. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Keaton . Mr. and Airs. Alien Kennison and little dapo-hter have returned to tHoir home in Durham after visiting Rev. and Mrs. .T. R Kennison. Miss Ethel tTowoU Vms returned to Per Homo after visiting in Washing ton. D. G. Alias Christie Adams Has returned ‘n hev home afte" visiting interest ing noints in the New England States and O’er ad a . M'"a Bnth Owen, of Newborn. was was the recent guest n f relatives here. M'ss Annie Mae Williams spent the week-end with Miss Grace Neil, in Henderson. Mrs. E. B. Taylor and Miss Lizzie Taylor have returned to their homes after a two weeks visit at Ocean View Miss Dorothy Kimball. of Hender son. spent the past week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kim ball. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Knott and family, of Henderson .attended a bar- Heque at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Knott Wednesday evening. Among the Maoris, of New Zealand, the family, as we know it, scarcely ing the father was used also in ad dressing other related males of his generation, while the term used in speaking of the mother was used in addressing her sisters and cousins of her own age. Marian Martin Pattern \ijr if > ' ifc ' . Mi * 954 i V. E. P. Is Solving Rural Electricity (Continued from Page One.) Roanoke Rapids. It has already built many rural lines in these counties and is planning to build still more. It is also selling 50 per cent more electric current to its domestic subscribers than the average for the entire na tion . “Two things have helped us increase the use of electricity among our sub scribers than the average for the entire nation. “Two things have helped us in crease the use of electricity among our subscribers more than anything else,” J. T. Chase, vice-president and general manager of Virginia Elec tric and Power Company division in North Carolina, told Chairman Bag ley here today. “One is the reduc tion in Tates we have given, the sec- AqaqJu OTL mAif }/n'\\ JttL MeuL JLfJOWV £lojdbdxL VflsdsiA. then you can be sure to use all your No-Extra-Cost electricity •*■*■*■* METER Dials should be read from right to left When the hand points between any two numbers the smaller number should be read. In the illustration above, the hand of the right hand circle points exactly to 9. Write this figure down. (To avoid confusion, notice that every alternate hand turns in the opposite direction.) The hand in the next circle points between the 1 and 0. The reading thus far There are many ways for you to benefit from the No-Extra-Cost Electricity Plan . . . through electrical servants that will release your time and show you the way to a new freedom . . . and do it economically and efficiently. Ask your Electrical Dealer. Carolina Power & Light Company PATTERN 9541 Two fabrics are smarter than one this season, as shown by this debo nair model who looks a wee hit like a Scotch lassie. Plaid taffeta collar and belt would make an especially nice contrast with the dress in some novel ty monotone silk, wool or crepe. Rag lan sleeves are comfortable and give a smooth shoulder line, while the skirt flares ever so gently front and back You may choose between two attrac tive and easily made necklines, a V neck with youthful jabot collar, oV Che high, round boyish style (see small sketch). Complete, Diagram med Marian Martin Sew Chart in cluded. Pattern 9541 may be ordered only in sizes 12 14 16 18 20 30 32 34 36 38 40 and 42. Size 16 requires 3 1-8 yards 39 inch fabric and 1 yard con trasting. Send FTFITEEN CENTS In coins oi stands (coins preferred) for EACH MARIAN MARTIN pattern. B e sure to write plainly your NAME. AD DRESS, the STYLE NUMBER ans SIZE of each Dattern. Send your order to Daily Plspatrl Pattern Department. 231 W. 18th St New York. N Y. ond is our plan of renting electric appliances, such as stoves, refrigera tors and water heaters, at a nomi nal charge. We have reduced our rates three times in the last few years and every time we have reduc ed them, the consumption of cur rent has increased. Then we started six months ago to rent electric ranges, refrigerators and water heaters, and siu<~e that time consumption per do ni'# in consumer is 50 per cent high er then the average f\ the entire na tion.” This company now rents electric ranges for $1.25 a month, refrigerators for $1 a month and water heaters for $1 a month and pays the entire cost of installation, also the cost of main tenance and servicing them. All the user pays for in addition to the rent is the current used. Since this plan was put into effect, 45 per cent of the domestic subscribers now have electric refrigerators, 25 per cent have electric ranges and ten per cent have electric water heaters, Chase told Parker’s Delicious Ice Creatn at Special prices. Today and Thursday •i' Twenty-five cents per quart. Many flavors. Parker's Drug Store The Rexall Drug Store t CHURCH SOCIETIES : ANNOUNCEMENTS Bagley. • ‘We have found that our customers do not object to paying for slight increase in their bills for current, so long as they can have these ’labor saving appliances and the added con venience at a nominal monthly ren tal,” Chase said. “Many also find they can pay the larger bills for current, and that they can pay the low rental on these appliances, when they could not have afforded to buy the' appli ances outright, even on the deferred payment plan." The increased amount of current being sold to these customers is more than compensating the company for its .investment in these appliances which it is renting to its customers. Chase said. “If we can get the other powfcr companies in the State to adopt a similar plan, at least to its. rural customers, and agre to rent electric refrigerators, stoves and water heat ers at a rental of not more than n a month for each major appliance, we have solved one of the biggest prob lems in connection with rural electri fication,” Bagley said. “For it will mean that we can get many hund reds of miles of additional line's built which otherwise could not be con structed, merely by increasing the consumption. For rural electrib lines vil lbe built in direct proportion to the amount of current used par line. “Those farmers which will agree to use refrigerators, stoves and, water Heaters will, of course, increase the consumption and thus help to assure he construction of the lines. And if they find they can rent one (fr mor* >f these appliances at a reasonable "ental, they will not hesitate (o agree to use them. For many farm families will be able to pay these rentals which could not altord to buy retng orators, stoves or water heaters out ••ight. I am hoping that all the other ompanies wil ltry to work out-a ren tal system similar to the tTireipK Electric and Power Company system”. Few things provoke men more than he belief that their point of View is Tot understood. * ' Children's Colds Yield quicker to double action of visas is therefore 09. The third hand is exactly cm 9, making the reading for the three dials 909. In the last circle the hand is between 7 R °d 8. Following the rule, the lowest figure is read which gifts a com plete reading of the metfcr of 7909. Now read your own meter and make a record of the reading. When you read it again, subtract the pre vious reading and the difference will represent the number of kilo watt hours used during the time elapsed. PAGE FIVE