marriages, parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - SWANS. niv thoughts to keep pace * j( i, (in' morning. , , mv thoughts till they move t oriiP 1 , ~t command. , |\r been long m a world of star Ih’ 1 "■''’a • Thc sun ia floodin & the land! t>]f not eager to leave the * cwcet quiet. n j awake and the day has ■.'wans in a silent procession White •ji'o moving . ] (lund lake, a round lake ‘ in the sun. turvint; green shore is a circle that holds them White swans miwe on till they reach a croon arc. ilnwh then turning, they make a new paik'imto daylight and daylight to Ethel Louise Knox. Keturus Front Savannah , h Bridget’s has returned from c, uinah via., where he went on bus iness. In Salem, Va. ■\\ vf A S. Halo and little son Al hf ‘ rt . ,ii . arc spending a few days in Salem, Va- Visiting Brother Mrs E. R dunes of Charlotte, is visiting her brother, F. D. Gupton, on Zeno Street. Sutilteams Meet TV Sunbeams of th-’ First Baptist Church will meet Sunday morning at the church hour. Auxiliary To Meet The Presbyterian Woman’s Auxil iary will meet at the church Monday afternoon at 3 3d o’clock it was stated today. Guest* of Mother Pr. J. W. Dickie and wife and chil dren, of Southern Pines, are guests / hh mother. Mis- George T. Dickio at Epsom. Home For Wok-End Clarence Page, student at Chapel Hill, is at home for the week-end. He has as his truest, Tom Bruce, of Hot Springs N. C. Visiting In County Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Murphy and two of their children, of Charlotte, are visiting relatives of Mrs. Murphy in the Epsom community. O. E. S. Meeting The regular meeting of the Jamer Ft. White, O. E. S., will be held Mon day evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Masonic Hall, it was announced to day. All members were urged to be present. Girl's Auxiliary To Meet Thr Intermediate Girl's Auxiliary of Fir--t Baptist church will meet Mon day afternoon at 3:45 o’clock at the home of Miss Mary Katherine Tea ,;ue on Montgomery Street with Miss league and Miss Evelyn Pirie as hostesses. IVeklon-Burchette Cards Are Issued The following invitations have been mailed: Mrs. Sallio V. Burchette requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Sallie Lou to Mr. Raymond Thomas Weldon on Sunday, October, twenty-seventh at five o’clock in the afternoon , Nineteen hundred and thirty-five Christian Church Henderson, North Carolina. Observe Fiftieth Anniversary Here m/ Mr, and Mrs C. D Harton tomor row will celebrate their golden wed ding anniversary at their home on Andrews avenue. They expect to have all of their living children and many of their grandchildren with them for the occasion. The couple manied fifty \ tars %go on next Monday, October 11, but the celebra tion is being held on Sunday, so that 'he children may be with them for 'if occasion. A big anniversary din mu has been planned. Open Sunday 8 a. m.— lo p. m. Prescriptions called * ( >r and delivered. PARKER'S Drug Store "'Ac Hexull Store” Phone 119 ■r SOCIETY NEWS / ELEPHONE 610 - ~ - - - HOURS 9A.M.TO 12 NOON Mrs. Crowder Has The Sorosis Club Mis. T. H. Crowder was hostess to • ° os ' s a t its regular meet ing Thursday afternoon. Mrs. H. H. Bass presided over the meeting due to the absence of the president and announced thc program for the afternoon, “Southern Cities of Yester day and Today,” continuing our study for the year, “The South. Mrs. Paul Cummings gave a most interesting paper on Charleston one of tour most historic cities, and told of her visit there and to the famous gardens in that vicinity. Mrs. J. C. Gardner’s paper was on Savan nas and told of the many points of in terest in that city. At the close of her talk she handed out pamphlets to each member on “What To See When V isiting Savannah," illustrated with pictures. , Roll call followed in which each member told of a point of interest of jome southern city. Those mention ed were Raleigh, Winston-Salem, Baltimore). Fort W I I" 9623 ) IT[ VB# / J Inn queen’scontesTTs REFORMS CLOSE Louisburg, Henderson and Wise Vying for First Place in Fair Contest Much interest is being taken in the | Queen’s Contest conducted for the Golden Belt Fair which will open in Henderson one week from Monday and continue throughout the week. Not only do all young ladies in the contest take part in the coronation ceremony on the last night of the fair, but each one receives her beauti ful gift in accordance to the num ber of her votes. Already invitations have gone out to the candidates to plan for their own representatives to assist the com mittee and the tellers in the final count, as ballotting will be carried o* in a dignified, quiet manner on the closing night. This form of balloting is known as “blind voting” and not the bizarre “auction voting” which is usually resorted to. Ballots will be counted again on Tuesday and Friday next week, then daily during the week of the fair. Due to numbers of the young ladies not having an opportunity to get their votes in yesterday, it was decided to indicate only the relatives order of standing by the following groupings: Group 1: “Miss Louisburg,” Kath erine Weathers; “Miss Henderson,” Lillian Kearney; “Miss Wise,” Louise Holt Cole. Group 2: “Miss Middleburg,” Re becca Floyd; “the Misses Henderson,” Betsy Goodrich, Elizabeth Rowland, Edna Goodrich, Edna Davis, Vivian Lowry, and Dorothy Hunt; “Miss Ep. som,” Vernelle Frazier. Group 3: “Miss Creedmoor,” Mary Agnes Rogers; “Miss Franklinton,” Leah Hicks; “Miss Norlina,” Alyce Mae Burchette; “Miss Oxford,” Mary Helen Currin; “Miss Stem,” Norma Tillery; “Miss Townsville,” Mary Tucker; “Miss Warrenton,” Frances Reid; “Miss Warren Plains,” Ethel j Mae King.—Reported. COMING! “North Carolina's Greatest Event" State Fair RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA 6 Gala Days and Nights OCTOBER 14 to 19 All New ! “Congress Horse Professional Entertain. Dare Devils” Racingr Au *° ment on Race Track Wed.-Thurs.- Races Program 2 p.m. Tuesday Friday Saturday Mammoth Agricultural and Industrial Exposition $11,600 In Agricultural Premiums ON THE MIDWAY “WORLD OF MIRTH SHOWS” GRANDSTAND ATTRACTIONS DAY AND NIGHT . . CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS PATTERN 3623 Ambitious beginners who have nev er sewn a stitch, hut realize the econ omy in a homemade frock, will find this simple yoke-sleeve design an ex cellent way to learr. to sew. The collarless neck (so comfortable, and easy to iron), short sleeves and yoke cut in one, and an absolutely plain skirt, sum up its easy-to-make feat ures. A few yards of pretty per cale or broadcloth, a card or two of bright buttons, and a careful study of the Sew Chart, will find you launch ed on a career that’s to prove of great satlsfatcion and financial saving to you. Complete. Diagrammed Marian Mar'in Sew Chart included. Pattern 9623 may he ordered only in sizes 14, 16 18 20 32 34 36 38 40 and 42. Size 16 requires 3 1-4 yards 36 inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for EACH MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Be sure to write plainly your NAME, AD DRESS, the STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern. Send your order to Daily Dispatch Pattern Departn ont, 232 W. 18th St. New York, N. Y. ! Wood’s Seed Complete Variety of Clover, Vetch. Barley, Oats Wheat, Rye. Complete line of mixed feeds at lowest prices. H. B. Newman B. H. Mixon Contractor and Builder 'Builds Better Buildings" All kinds of Building Wall Papering Painting- Roofing and Interior Decorating. i PHONES- ° ,f,ce 7 J 1 Residence 476 J I Beautiful Floors At Low Cost Why put up with dingy dirt col lecting floors? The new DREAD NAUGHT RENTAL SERVICE that we have for your use will en able you to economically refinish all of your floors so that they will be just like new and will add warmth and cheer to your home. We furnish everything so that you can do this work yourself, easily and quickly without dust or muss. Just phone us or drop in the next time you are near so that we can tell you how easily a member of your own household can make your floors new and glistening through the new modern DREAD NAUGHT RENTAL SERVICE. Daniel Hardware, Incorporated. Loughlin and Dunkley, Props. Phone 50. PAGE FIVE