PAGE SIX Natives Deserting Italians for Ethiopians f —— — ;4. M fj,, V . T *'**‘Jtf *IW ; * «V’ J«kj borne of the Eritrean native cavalrymen shown m picture made less than two weeks ago are loval Dorters of Italy and in vanguard of invasion of Ethiopia, while others are declared in late dispatches to be deserting: to Ethiopian side. ( Central Press) Ethiops Emulate Sherman’s March to the Sea A daring raid into Eritrea modeled after Gen. Sherman’s march to the sea in 1864 and designed to sever or harrass Italian communications and service-of-supply, was launched by Ras Seyoum (left), ablest of Ethiopia s generals, at point shown in map. His warriors, typical of those shown (top) on march, met with initial success and threatened Massawa. chief Eritrean seaport. (Central Press) Auto "Misconduct” of Roosevelt Sons Climaxed by Crash ton, N. Y. 1 . jibßS Mfefc Grade-crossing crash at East Boston, Mass., in which James and John Roosevelt narrowly escaped death, in wrecked car above, was climax of DOCTOR SEEKS AID FOR ETHIOPIA 0 ® r * Thomas A. Lambie and wife Emperor Haile Selassie’s personal physician and adviser, Dr. Thomaa A. Lambie, is shown with his wife after arrival in New York for a quick visit. According to Dr. Lambie, who is a native Pittsburgher and now a citizen of Ethiopia, his visit to the United States is frank ly as. a representative of the Ethiopian Red Cross. He seeks phy&i» fMamb male nurses, supplies §nd financial support HENDERSON (ft. C.T DAILY DISPATCH, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1935 | long series of auto incidents in which President’s sons have figured I Franklin. Jr., has been most frequent offender. The record is shown. (Central Press) Leading 1,000,000 Ethiopians in Desperate Defense of Country The emperor, Haile Selassie k« tk... « ! I Z ■■■■ - ■■■'— Asfout Has Desta Damtou' Vehib Pash* • general and soldier of fortu™ u - natlve F ener&la and the famous Turkish I final desperate stand against Italian invaders in „ ! « * eß „Yehib Pasha, u massing LQOQJ3OO. tribesmen to make Ibeiftg replaced over their country by Itaiy’a eir ® a,e * described ajbove, from Ethiopia Gets News jg||H Native crier announcing in Addis Ababa town square latest news from war front. There are few newspapers, and few persons able to read them, so Ethiopia is getting (ts news of its greatest crisis by word of mouth. (Central Press) Puts Peace First n7iTi'.Tfiffninf in iih ...r • George Lansbury resigned as par liamentary leader of British Labor Party in protest over approval fcy the party of British boycott of Italy over Ethiopian war. He de clared he could not reconcile liis “Christian pacifism” to it. (Central Press) BRITAIN’S “RING OF STEEL” MENACES ITALY h H - i Tpr^^^X\" r u * key ___C3 - r ~ t - A N Pius j 2' WARSHIPS PLUS STATIONED I SUBMARINES If % ’ TT ” t O' 1 HERE 6 if . l ft v A PIUS SUBMARINES YP 1 \>\ -f AND OTHER CRAFT c psf K r^ra-1 l«lSj/ i C ,> c /\%\ TRANCe"’t E 0 I y\ ' ft \ V KIP SH. ■o Ithree fighting! |three \ *'Av \ 4 V . YS VESSELS HERE I VESSELS .§\ \ < l— . I HERE J ‘NVHJ^VrfOF K r 11 f >&W 60 >^ in S ' V/ Map showing Britain’s “Ring of Steel” This map of the Mediterranean area shows how Great Britain’s warships, submarines and other fighting craft have been placed at strategic posi tions in the Mediterranean, affording a real men BRITISH LOWER STEEL NETS TO STOP SUBMARINES r " ' r si S. .T 1 - .V '■' ■■. y ,—,,y — ■ . . >y>— ilsilli >■ v- jZsizy 1 - . \. " ■ VV.V -••-g Net being lowerd at Gibraltar. While Italy and Ethiopia clash on the African con tinent, Great Britain continues to strengthen her position at Gibraltar. British warships lie at an chor as steel nets are lowered each evening to pre- ETHIOPIAN TROOPS USE NEW ROADS TO FRONT Troop* march on new Ethiopian highway Over this hastily-constructed road out of Addis for their country against Italy. Roads such as thil Ababa, a detachment of Emperor Haile Selassie’s are new, having been built during the last few reerular army troops march to the front to fight months to facilitate Ethiopian troop movements. ace to movements of the Italian fleet. Note how the Red sea and the Suez canal are under heavy guard. Britain assuredly has made a “Ring of Steel” in the troubled area. vent submarines from passing the narrow neck of water between Africa and Spain. Note the war ship in the background. This is an unusual move for a nation not at war.