' HENDERSON \ I E\VAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA twenty-second year New Chinese State Is Imminent Tension Eased In Mediterranean By France f s Warning Franco-British Collabora tion Against Italy Puts Quietus on Expanding Crisis MUSSOLINI’S TUNE changes greatly But on War Front New Evidence is Seen That II Ducc Intends to Push His ! Campaign for Occupation of Ethiopia to Very Swift Conclusion Now. iKv I'll 1 Assooinled Press.) Ei .nco-I-'HlisVi collaboration has I r internal ional tension in the Ui’iliil'iTancan, informed sources in ; J, .jmlcii i loday. T.«lk <>f n cri is in the relations of ißritain and Italy over the quos- • •i.>n of an oil embargo on the Fascist Itv the League of Nations sim- [ mm*d down on the heels of France's; ■v:min'; to Italy against any unpro-J v< Red attack on Britain’s Meditcr-! nnean 'lent. One < < inmentatnr referred to Mus feliri' “change of tunc.” I'm on the war front new evidence rmpp'vi up to indicate Mussolini in- I tcndnl to push his campaign of oc- j munition of Ethiopia to swift con- | ■in-ion. A Relit<t's (British) Nows Agency i di.'piitcli from the Ethiopian town of ,Tijigm. one of the goals of the Italian Sottudilund army, quoted the com mander < f the area as saying Italian eperaiion. have been limited to air maneuvers since November 12. On that date, the communique read, tin halt of Aniole occurred, “which nded in complete defeat of the ; enemy." Alexander ! i County Boy Slays Dad Taylni villc. Nov. 30. —(AIM —Nine- i (een year old Willard Teague, his eliei’l; tear-streaked, sat disconsolatc iu a ceil today during the burial es hi- father, he admitted shooting uly yesterday in a drunken brawl. Sheriff H. 1.. Mays quoted the boy i\- saying lie had been fighting his Ldlur at intervals for several years I'eeau r “we couldn't get along,” that hoth were drunk early Friday and • hat they had had a fist fight in which the son had badly beaten his I*-yeyr-old farmer father. "Then he ran me away from home,” Continued on Page Three.) New Deals FarmActls Further Hit Washington, Nov. 30 (AP) —Five 'barge* of unconstitutionality were directed at the New Deal’s farm pro -1 hm in a. brief filed with the Sup >• me Court today by the Hoosuc Mills •d Massachusetts. the brief, filed in reply to the gov •'•ument’s appeal of a circuit court 'l'eiHion, holding the original AAA ,; o<es invalid, also agreed to a corn- I leto constitutional test of the AAA, '"-th as originally enacted and as 'mended last session in an effort to bolster it against constitutional at tacks. Ural arguments in the case are '■hedulcd for December 9. I'ItOCKSS COLLECTIONS AKK STAYED IN NEW OIII.FANS n '!\v Orleans, La., Nov. 30 (AP)— 'J'lgo Rufus Foster, of the fifth dis 11‘Ct Federal Court of Appeals here, ""Ly issued decree staying collcc :."’ n of tobacco process taxes pending "I '< : initiation of the constitutionality “ ih agricultural adjustment admin -1 ,: «tion act by the United States Su |»rom« Court, i lie collection was stayed on peti mi o f three New Orleans firms who 1 “‘“d to obtain an injunction against ffUcctlyp of the taxes TLmitrrsmt Daily Dtsnatrb — ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND bhrticbi of t HHJ ASSOCIATED PUBBI Ellsworth Missing AMlißUfl) /*>’* •HFI di >4/V CAP* IWTH ,oo r " riL 1 ' V .mi'll I i/>;m is •,. f » r MIA M I / uamo J J / N •riv'eooci.L i fe * * V ix’MAUi /"T ‘<F « SOUTH POLE / 5 fsoirM vicToeiA, I § p'' | I I HO! AH OCCAH pj) Lincoln Ellsworth Map of Antarctica Fearing that Lincoln Ellsworth, polar explorer, may have crashed in the Antarctic wastes,' attache* at Dundee island, Antarctica, planned to send out searching par ties for him and his pilot, Her bert. Hollick-Kenyon. The two men took ofT from Dundee island, shown on the above map, to fly across Antarctica. Last wire less communication with the ex plorer revealed he had gone more than 400 miles into the unknown from Hearst Land, which is op posite Stefansson strait. MOTHER SHOUON Mrs. Livermore Says She Didn’t Intend to Hurt 15-Year-Old Lad Santa Barbara, Cal., Nov. 30 (AP) -Mrs. Dorothea Wmidt Livermore was quoted by officers today as say ing she shot her 15-year-old son, prob ably fatally, while “unstring” by a letter to her former husband, Jesse Livermore, Wall Street operator. A 22-calibre bullet near his spine, the son, Jesse Livermore, Jr., was (Continued on Page Three.') Men Held In Lillington Killing Are Freed Here W. W. Mason, Harnett County Storekeeper, Fails to Identify Them in Death of His Wife; Of ficers Hunt For J. H. Caddell, Who Posed as F ederal Officer “Doc” Cowan and J. E. Dunagan, who were held in the city jail ovci niglit after what is believed to have been a “fake” arrest by a man giving the name of J. H. Caddell, and claim ing to be a Federal agent, were re leased today by police when W. W. Mason, of Pineview, Harnett county, was unable to identify them as t e hold-up men who he said robbed his store and fatally shot his wife, rs. Beulah Groome Mason, 34, last Wed nesday night. , Mason was brought here by Sheriff W. E. Salmon, of Harnett county ’V-O HENDERSON, N. C. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 30, 1935 Lack of Success Forces Italians to Change Method of Warfare With rainy season again approaching and Ethiopia still far from beaten into submission, Italians are having to change their tactics £rom slow, methodical progress of large bodies of troops via newly constructed roads, to swift, guerilla stile movement of troops over bare trails, as Think FDR Is To Reap Negro Vote Republicans so In terpert President’s Clever Speech in Georgia on Friday Dlllly 1.l fell llnru.'iii, In (he Sir Wittier llotol. BY J It ASK Fit VII, Ml. Raleigh, Nov. 30—Republicans com menting on President Roosevelt’s two speeches yesterday, the second one to the Negroes of Georgia, see in the Gcogia visit the most impressive cam paigning that the President has had a chance to do within two years and with it the certainty that Mr. Roose velt will get the Negro vote in the nation. That vote so often has swung the close states that the Republicans can not look with any levity on such a loss. New York State must have a quarter million of such voters and Pennsylvania certainly half that num ber, while Ohio, Illinois and Indiana are in percentage quite as strong. The recent declaration of Senator Borah that he will not support a Federal anti-lynching bill fashioned after the Wagner-Costigan measure means, to Republicans, that the Idaho senator will not get a race vote that he ordi narily could have counted for him. That brings up the question wheth er the Democrats would pass the Fed eral anti-lynching bill. It would seem impossible to put it through the Con gress with the entire South against it. But Mr. Roosevelt has found many (Continued on Page Three.) Friday took Mason into custody pend ing an in inquest into his wife’s death Meantime, Caddell, who Friday told officers he was sending a third man, Robert Failcner, to Lillington with a Federal agent for identification in connection with the killing, i s a ] HO missing, as is Mrs. Robert Watkins, wife of the Vance county fanner in whose home Caddell has been living for the past several months after be ing given a job on his discharge from Maria Parham hospital here after be- or T'?.& r ' Fivm \ Steel Company And Railroad Ask Exemption From New Act Washington, Nov. 30 (AP) —The United States Steel Corporation and the Union Pacific Railroad Company today applied to the Securities Com mission for exemption from registra tion under the holding company act on the ground they are not utility holding companies. The companies moved under a pro vision of the law exempting indus trial and other corporations who en gage only to a small extent in the FRANKLINMAYGEf LIQUOR BY JAN’Y 1 Votes December 23 But Store Will Miss Rich Holiday Business Ilsilly |liir«-nn, In Mil* Sir Walter Hotel, BY .1. C. It A SKKII VII/I.K, Raleigh, Nov. 30. —Franklin county has set December 23 for its ABC store election and announcement has been made that if the vote is favorable to county control, there will be no ef fort to open any liquor store before the end of the year. It was considered wise not to set the election far enough in advance of Christmas to catch the traditional holiday trade. It is agreed that the (Continued on Paae Three). POTATO CONTROL IS EFFECTIVE SUNDAY AAA Officials Work Fast To Complete Machin ery for New Measure Washington, Nov. 30 (AP)—AAA of ficials worked hurriedly today com pleting preparations for the newest censure in crop regulations—compul sory tax control of potato production, effective at midnight tonight. The drastic and controversial po tato law passed at the last session of (Continued on Page Three.) TmiTHfR FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Fair tonight and Sunday; slight ly warmer in extreme west por tion tonight and In east and cen tral portions Sunday); colder Sun <j«v night* | shown here in graphic photo from near Makale. Failyre of the formei plan of campaign to get results caused replacement of Fascist General de Bono by Non-fascist General Badoglio, who advocated open style of I fighting.used by British in subduing colonial*. (Central Prest) utility business. Most top rank utility systems were lined up. to battle the New Deal's holding company act in the courts on constitutional issues. Before the dead line for registra tion under the act arrives at mid night tomorrow, other companies are expected to join the- fight, refusing to register with the Securities Com mission and asking the court to pre vent the government from forcing them. Registration is the first step in Preacher Believes Hauptmann Clear Trenton, N. J., Nov. 30 (AP) Bruno Richard Hauptmann has convinced his new spiritual advis or that he is innocent of the Lind bergh baby kidnap murder. After a death house interview with Hauptmann yesterday, the Rev. John Mathiesen, pastor of Trinity Lutheran church, Trenton, reported that he “practically” ask ed Hauptmann to confess if he were guilty. The clergyman said he l«f(l Hauptmann's cell convinced, of the condemned man’s innocence. Haiipt matin, he said, “is a gentleman an/I a child of God—and a child of God .does not lie.” MOTEIL ADVISER Some Urge Him To Lay O it McDonald, Others Sick Him on to Fray Daily Uliipatfk Mur pan. In the Sir Walter Hotel. BY J. C. BASKERVILLE. Raleigh, Nov. 30. —Revenue Com missioner Allen J. Maxwell is being advised to ignore Dr. Ralph W. Mc- Donald and Revenue Commissioner Maxwell is being begged to keep on hammering at Dr. McDonald. Some of the leaders perceive in Dr. McDonald’s campaign a great danger to party success and to the business of the State quite a menace. Most of Mr. Maxwell’s friends who wish him if possible to annihilate Mr. McDon ald desire that he expose to the public the errors in Dr. McDonald's figures. The commissioner is at his best in that realm. But other friends of Mr. Maxwell feel that any sort of notice that Dr. McDonald gets will help him and par ticularly if he can associate the ad ministration with that aggression. The current opinion is that Dr. Mc fC7r CH P3 nf 3 TilSS*) PUBLIBHBD HJVBrtV 4FTERNOO* ■XCHPT MONDAY. administration of the new law, which seeks to limit the sway of some uti lity holding companies, eliminate oth ers and regulate those left in exist ence. The embattled concerns charge the act is unconstitutional. Ten major systems are among those which have so far filed suits against the government; another big system is on the receiving end of a govern ment suit; some 40 actions by systems and thetf “ subsidiaries have been brought in Federal court in many cities. grovSbetter Few States Can Cope With It, Yet Less U. S. Spend ing Demanded By LESLIE EICHEL New York, Nov. 30.—The relief sit uation gets no better. Few states arc equipped to handle it. A correspondent in one of the lead ing papers of the nation remarks: “It is noted that the people who cry that the federal government should balance its budget generally insist in the same breath that the federal gov ernment should continue direct relief so that the states will not have to im pose any new taxes.” Ohio probably has the worst situa tion of any of the populous states. Governor Martin L. Davey. anti-Ncw Deal Democrat, seemingly cannot make up his mind what course to pur sue. He does not desire to add new taxes, for he faces re-election next year. The legislature is in the same frame of mind. Thus we find the Columbus corre spondent of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Ralph J. Donaldson, saying: “Difficult as it is to believe, it (Continued on Page Three.) ' 90 shopping days until */€toristtnas(4 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY UN: i Issues Circular Announcing Intention of Hopeh and Chahar Provinces to Secede JAPANESE SEIZURE PROTESTED IN NOTE Third Communication in Two Days Sent Japs by China, and at Same Tim© Sends Notes to Foreign Legations Denouncing Au« tonomous Regime in North Shanghai, Nov. 30 (AP)—The cor respondent of the Japanese News Agency (Rengo) reported from Tient sin tonight that General Sung Cheh- Yuan, commander of the Pieping rientsin garrison, had issued a circu lar telegram proclaiming the inten tion of Hopeh and Chahar provinces to form a autonomous state. The formation of this state, which would iuclude the cities of Pieping and Tientsin, was reported to be sche duled “as soon as possible.” A vehement protest, against alleged Japanese seizure of the Chinese post, office in the North China demilitarize hone was presented today in Chlna’3 third nolo to Japan within two days. Simultaneously, the foreign office addressed identical notes to all em bassies and legations in China de nouncing tin* autonomous degime set up in the demilitarized zone. The notes denied that the people of North China themselves wanted separation from the central govern ment. Industrial Gains Best In 3 Years New York, Nov. 30 (AP)—lndus trial activity as measured by The As sociated Press index, advanced toddy to the highest point since July, 1933, reflecting substantial gains in major sections of the nation’s economic Ilf©, The complete index, which is bas (Continued on Page Eight.) Selassie Gets Big i Welcome at Front In North Ethiopia With Emperor Haile Selassie, Des sye, Ethiopia, Nov. 30 (AP)—Emperor Haile Selassie came to this Interior city to receive an enthusiastic wel come today. He plans to make this his military headquarters, that ho may personally direct the war against the Italians. Accompanying the emporor In the long caravan trip from Addis Ababa was a host, of retainers and chiefs. Yesterday he told his subjects at Debre Dirhan: “I am now going to the north front, with headquarters at Dessye. If ne cessary, I will go farther, poining the warriors in the trenches. I have al ready visited the southern front, where I found the spirit of the sold iers excellent.” The entire journey was a triumphal procession, with the populace cheer ing the emperor all along the route. More Tests Planned Os Lethal Gas Officials Will Try Another A n i m a 1 Next Week; Disap pointed at First, Raleigh, Nov. 30. —(AP) —Further tests of the new lethal gas chamber, which is to replace the electric chair in legal executions in North Carolina will be made Monday or Tuesday. Officials today continued to express (Continued on Page Thresh j£

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