f MURDER iPSTSiRS®] rwi ' 4 17 ADAM BLISS \&E§/ ,•/: 1 n Tifttt rins’/ . I.h iilena ,t istrmlnf in. i’'.\ !i>n ’■< n'fi : ti> II rue t nt \mlrcu Ihvi n. u it ■■t.ni ,"•<(/ l/nchf'lot who | ,4.1 S st alt hen til ~,'t I'.ifh 0 eun-inoi tin He u- hi. dip; t r, the bonnling] house, ot ilitif. Femig. Larrafter j 1/ lieslious Alice tn detail about the j 4, i eit other boarders as icrll as TTclin. j K'indaU. the iwia tr ho reported the missing knife the evening before the murder, tic learns /.fiat Darien was g< ncrall.it disliked and that he pos- : sesSCd a small fortune, aiu> r t c Uf. j i- ’ • u.i v* it hi rs tells Alice he discovered* lui lien . death before it became oen erailg known the first dinner ut | it,: loanin',a house after the murdei. uith l.areabe < present, proves /. i.e 4i,i ordeal I.w "\ UIT It l 111 still,-)/ ( is I l.r-i kl-.H •!,,-> ha. u f.Mivi, ! • ii' 1 the Uit•• h r- n ‘••rn. a a.) tint ihr-l «...f i tv'.w- 1 hiin.h.' on tin tal.lo after j • • -hi and I'.'lia li.oi .'..in' 111istaii's l! V, a -I. t n0i1,.: ;•> Ml full of my j ‘i I In* ii. '••I < it.*; *<> nc si rilili j f iVom fi:n' m my n|.| nnol; ! ! i.u.il.s I “a, flown at the kitchen; fiti'l. m •:•'• some i liini.no i aiwn> s ! ihiek hf-iter on paper. The k ichtn ! • ahem the only r >om I hn» > : • il.itt Kirk I .:tit:thee j v.. llfiii" tuv sin an r.'nm. ami Mir in 11 n:iii" v. \ was in i lie living i ■ "ii Si■: ant !.’.> -s was in ihe j o 1 '.ioni, and Si'rieunt lirake in i ■ all. Tiie others wetp upstairs. It was my house, un! Mr. | Virion '■ hen murOcr-e.l in it \n.j m\ j . w is one at tiio necks that was • 'ano r. Mo yoii blame me for an ' ran to see it | con).l liriil out II hUoii Mr. Marion" I was n,Oai:’. to go ahout this sys c ' itli'-.iliy. so lii'st | put Mrs. Star i. .'''ill's name at the top of the paper. I iuii'i t min to leave out anvotie. ret even lime n»i*l Melia. Kvory lii tli incident Mint ha.l happened timt ini. tit possibly he “Uspii ious was tro imr on that paper. Mr*. Starinont had been plenty i i*tt pii to"is. even before ,\n.lrew I I'alien bad fioen murdered I cot tin n't I “'t away from that, although 1 «l in n’t I f.r a rnWuire tMink she had killed! him. The list when I finished it looked like this: Mrs. Stormont i l'Jail !y doesn't fit in n hoard* In" house. Si mis to have on a' r mind. \Vhaf Doesn’t want to mix. Why? •1. I.ied about M . *’ll i pinm. Why ? •• (Set* no mail, no phone calls. • pparcntly has no friends iiore. f‘>. Her obvious hysteria when she e~me to my room this afternoon, t ear more than anything 7. Where does she ao on her lonely walks? *. Claims site hardly knew Mr. Darien which i s probably ii a hr. because I would have guessed if 1 they had known each other hefore. Conrad Withers !. Where does Mr. Withers no every night? i. Why did he rood to borrow riionev frorr Mr. Darien? He •naked a decent salary, and the first nine months he was in the house he war. very saving Didn't even < go away on a vacation last sum mer Staved here with me, work. x*ns .in an F.iiPlish text hook. t. id me he wanted to save. tie deft the house i., : ; ni:ht t liter the knife was fak-'n from Hie dinine room buffer v. \V iX he speak inn the truth J ii«.>uit the voice he. heard in i> '• ; ii. v I think he was. Why didn’t he t- il Harrap-e 1 atiO'it fmd'iiß l> deuxl? Was it ' { N\ W ifv V sril.-f KriiiciU Hfarlarlit l and Nouralgin t'apsulp*; :: Oosph 10<* —;» iiosph ii.V / \ \ For this Amazing Now 1036 fe&ALADDIN Mol M, MA!NTU: LAMP Tgfi At this astonishing low price, you may now the more jjjSKsi&Sfc pi u Yu|i j] » u !! y emoy all the pleasure and health benefits of life G|| fi S 9 Iff "lP ft f! P Eir in your summer home, camp or cottage. Simply equip il with thu greatest of all modern white lights, and vqffl HOI you’ll never miss electricity. Aladdin light supplies the ijjjjul ar 1-102 •iitlin fliiM one and most important missing link by providing real JijlM. filjMif •Jy/ilvSa. city lighting connorts. Gives 10 limes the light ot the nVHfB ordinary kerosene lamp —is simple, safe and sanitary. r Handsome in design, withn wealth of exquisite Whip* oi»»f o tilc or shades ' rora w'nch toetioose. Jr.t’Sa*!!'.. Crr«t*i U'Mi Beautiful stall and Alt*Metef Styles In Tabla, Hartitiif, Ornu es Amkir *t It y. Bracket and Floor Lamp, at New Lower *»r»ce». at 1 4 -***. j (Sftkd* abU VripoS Cet NOW _ Before Pric e. AdvatlCA CitJL/ijal il lUiy $lO - 00 worth of any ■ merchandise in our store. « Your i)urchase may be re -1 corded until cash purchases • have amounted to SIO.OO. Then you can buy (£0 OC a $4.05 lamp for sd*£dO Save $1.70 on the Lamp LOW CASH PRICES Watkins Hardware Co. Henderson, N. C. / @ I went about it systematically. cowardice as he .va\.-.V Was the iindins of h dead enoueii to unnerve him this mom ui'a" I think ii was. knowine Mr. Withers. >■ \\ a.s ho teliing me the whole "•utli this afternoon? Ahout find, ing Mr. Darien? I think lie was. Why v.us he upset lasi night when I let him in? I.uey t phum: (I hated to put .’town I jucy’s name, hut l did. I was playing' no favorites.) t. She seems to be blooming under the excitement. Different than I expected. I thought she would be depressed. says she looked out of tier door at midnight and saw the tight no out under Mr. Darien's door. Why? .She an.) Marcella Cambridge went into ihe dining room together to get some nuts before S;. r ;0. Lucy claims she didn’t notice the knife on the dining room buffer. Probably' didn’t. At times Lucy isn't observant. Shall ask Miss < Yirnhridee. ?• M liy did 1411C.V have to he so honest about cur talk last niglit to LarraheeV There was no need of u. •1. Lucy lias been consulting Doctor liudeniar lately. Not that ili.tt means anything. It doesn't., it gives her' something to do. M a reel la On mbridge: 1. She was downstairs and around the house last night per fectly obvious reason, for her in somnia ss known to us all. 2. Although she never has said. I’ve sensed that she didn’t like Andrew Darien. She had little to do with him. Dust year T asked her il’ she wanted to change her seat at the table, and she said no. Might have a slight martyr com plex. S. Luc,v has urged hei to co to her doctor about her Insomnia, but Miss Cambridge has refused. Means nothing, except that Miss C. usually doctors herself relig iously’ when she is ick. which is seldom. •L Miss C. ht acting exactly I lie way t woui.l have expected her to fiCi under the circumstances. She hasn’t lost her appetite, and she won't. lx rows Ihe habits around the house better than anyone except i.ucy. but 1 can’t think of her bv tii.- farthest flight of Imagination *wi thy murdftres* of 1} All Forms of INSURANCE RENTALS REAL ESTATE Al. B. Wester I'limio 189-1 1 Lmet Bell: L The hairpin 1 found- on [>.*•' door near the pool of blood this morning. How did it get there? 15. \\ liy has Janet avoiding me? flic’s been fond of me until i now. ' i. Something a oil her mind She looks this morning an if she : spent a sleepless night, j think j she must 1,0 worried about some thing. j Kobert Talbot: L His light was on when 1 weut upstairs after admitting Mr. Withers, it wasn’t on when f went down. Why? 2. He doesn’t scern'himself since •ho news tin's morning, if D v.a* nothing to him. why shouldn’t he act in a normal way? However, I . don’t know him very well, t le’e been here only three days.' He knew I>. before he earhe, j because the night I introduced them, both of them said they had } met hefore. and nothing more. ft. | T. seemed surprised and none toe pleased to see P. When l talked to I>. about It. ’i’. later. D. was j evasive, said he'd known R. ff I several years ago. j Delia Randall: i 1. f’letty hysterical. excused however because of her couth. After all. Delia is only in and shf> had a very calm life until she came here to me. Different sort of hys teria than Mrs. Stormord’s. Hi ace Bowers: L Why did Brace .took at l.tirv so strangely this afternoon when Lucy was accusing Helen Stor mont to mo? She has always told me site admires Lucy very much. Her glance (his afternoon didr’t ; have much admiration In it. ! 2. Draco was the person aho ! called Delia into the kitchen. Dur j ing the time Delia was in the ‘ kitchen Ihe carving knife j stolen. Martin Hemingway: <1 svae j anxious:, to get nr* him, so I had t* j put him off until last.i L The doof in Ids closet which 1 onneci - vwr 1 ».'s room j 2. The opportunity v.irhovu go lug- through 'the' Mil'.' * '" ' " ?>. His nervous ness this morning ’ after breakfa: 1 whe.n a e o’ere waiting fc Kirk Lfirrabee to talk to ns. It was nervousness, w'nsh’t it? He didn't seem to me. his usual stiaVe 'self. Os course we were all nervous, (TO HE COST I SiF’Tt) ■ I (duke boxers open WITH THE S C. BIRDS Durham. Dec. 5 -Coach Addisort Exuni Warren will present a Duke university boxing team this Reason composed half of sophomores and half of veterans. Last year’s team made the best record of any ring team in Duke his tory, going through its regular sche dule undefeated, although twice tied, getting a shaft of the North Can> j lina Big FVC title with North Caro lina and being tied for second in the conference tournament with Marv j band. j This season three members of last i winter’s team will be fighting at heavier weights—Al Mann, conference I 155-pound champ being slated to show his wares in the middleweight class this fall; Ray Matulewicz, last sea son’s 165-pounder, will move up to the 176; and Don .Schmit who battled last winter as light heavy moving up : to the heaviest class. |TO OBSERVE FEW'S ANNIVERSARY SOON Durham, Dec. s—Twenty-five year, of the achievements of Duke univer sity and consideration of the task th(it lies ahead for the institution arid its alumni will be outlined on . December 9 at a dinner observing the twenty-fifth anniversary of the inau guration of Dr. William Preston Few as president of Trinity college, which since 1924 has been Duke universitv and includes Trinity. y The principal speaker at the din * ncr will be Dr. Bruce R. Payne, 1)r A B . ident of the George Peabody College for Teachers, at Nashville, Tenn *\» member of the Trinity class of i«ofl Col. John F. Bruton,'chairman of Dip ’ university board of trustees, will nr " side over The dinner. 1 ; ■ 2 lb. box crackers qq [I 9 5 lb. can peanut butter ; I ■ t lb. loose pure black .■.pepper , DICKSON & CO. I I 123 Homer Street pfcftne 659 1 1 HENDERSON (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1935. Being Conducted Over the State for Rural Women By Home Agents ' College Station. Raleigh, Dec. 5 i Demonstrations ot the latest meat | 'Tinning methods are iieing conduct ed for rural women over the State tinder the supervision of the home demonstration division of the State College extension service, j The demonstrations are intended td encourage more women to conserve meat by showing how it may be can ned efficiently and economically; j said Mrs. # Carnclia C. Morris, oxt.cn-. ! sirui economist, in food conservation ' at Stale College, who is assisting with the demonstrations. ! Miss fJladys Kimbrough, canning specialist of the Ball Brothers Com pany, and a former home demonstra tion agent, is eoiulucting the demon strations, which will continue through most of December and the ' early part of January. Home demonstration club women | in the different counties liave been ! especially invited to attend the de monstrations. In counties where ru ral resettlement work is under way, the rural resettlement women will also be welcomed at the demonstra tion.V Mrs. Morris said. The schedule for future domonstta- I lions is as follows: Carthage, Decem- I her f.; Raleigh, December 7; Harnett I county, December 9; Durham, Decem ber 10; Winston-Salem, December 11; Mt. Airy. December 12; Danbury, De cember IS; Mocksville, December It. Troy, December 17; Carthage, De cember 18; Rockingham, December ! 19; Rumberton, December 20; Gas- ! tonia, January 2; Shelby, January 3; [ Newton, January 4; Franklin, Jan uary 7; llutherfordton, January 9; i and Charlotte. January 10. j Soil Builder i -.V rll ’ Tim-.r", . r. f «■■■ i v mu pM ’W; : i I t. d College Station, Raleigh. Dec. f>- For 20 years Torn Broom. Union County farm agent, has been preach ing and practicing the gospel of les pedeaa. ( To Tom Broom, who has seen les ! pedeza transform run down, unpro ductive land into fertile fields, les- J pedeza-growing is the basis of good \ i arming. j He gave lespedeza to North Caro i lina, and largely as a result of his pioneer efforts the crop has spread into all parts of the State. Back in 191. r « he discovered that a crop of corn on a field where a grow th of wild lespedeza had been plow ed under produced a much higher yield than it would on other fields. Investigation disclosed that the soil building merits of the lespedeza were responsible for the increased corn yield. He tried the new legume' on his farm, then urged his neighbors to grow .it. Tom Broom loves farming. He likes to get out in the open arid smell the upturned earth of a freshly plow ed field, to see green things growing, to walk through fruitful fields at har vest time. He has found a great satisfaction In working with farmers, and at the age of 69 he does not regret that when a young man he chose to be a farmer and a county agent rather than to become a partner in a mer cantile firm that now operates a targe chain of department stores. How To Quickly Check A Cold After ewry undue exposure, and the moment vOu feel a cold coming on, take STANBACK. This "Balanc ed Prescription” nips colds hefore they get a start. If a cold already has you in its grip, STANBACK will quickly case the pain and discomfort and hasten permanent relief. STAN BACK also reduces fever, and STAN BACK dissolved in a little water quickly eases simple sore throat. Now sealed in a cellophane jacket, always fresh and pure. 10c and 25c. —Adv. fWAUSKUI IMEXPENSIVCIWIUUIUI h7.|'J!ilH Won’t lUiUiyi Rub Off [SOLD Sr- . ~ I • IN'CORI’OR M I D | COMMENCING f If FRIDAY MORNING, | 1 DECEMBER 6th I « 3tf I §r -gj Epipn’Q i i S R 4 $?• 48? i Christmas Sale I & » « ——— a?- i Coats and Dresses I I Silk Dresses Ladies’Coats I If Cut ill Price Ladies’ Coats SS.9O p; Large variety women’s and misses coats. d?'; Ladies Dresses $1.79 Sports without fur, dress coats, fur trim- »• fl? One rack ladies’ dresses, many different nied, all colors. Regular $lO and $ll.OO jSJ materials—silks, prints, rayon, knits in \ allies jj*- brown, black, green, rust. blue. Sizes | 14 to 48. Special sft«9o & | s|r79 ft: Ladies’ Coats $13.75 & Dresses $2.79 I Dress coats, sport coats, tweed coats, pile 35: This rack of dresses made to sell at $3.98 fabric coats. Made to sell up to $‘20.00. Aft and $4.08. Most all colors and sizes. Special— ,d?' Plain and novelty silk special— I $2.79 *l3-75 | | | This lot .ifeS ,o Children’s Coats f & Women’s and misses sizes, 14 to Plenty of children’s coats in plain and fur Aft Jg 48 ; Silk and wool. All the best leading trimmed. Sizes 2to 14. All at special Aft colors. Special prices from— | $4-*s 9S« to $9-75 I ami 1 NEW WOOL GOODS | 54” Wool Goods Better Woolens jg 1 '54” Wool Coating, skirting and fine Fine all wool dress goods, skirtings, its jg crepes for dresses — coatings, etc.— 43? % 9*7? y ard SI.4S 4 huumri mini m irnt™*i £ | Ladies' Fine Silk Hose § | Make Useful Gifts f ,5 '35 ijE Nebel’s pure thread silk hose, all first All Silk Ringless Hose, first quality— 35 5-2 quality. SI.OO value — / A? # ©Bf S 2 Pairs For $1.35 $5 S 2 Pairs For $1.50 ; & S Our better very line chiffon Ringless Hose 'jgt |§ Senior Class Ringless Chiffon Hose . •>£ I 79< ** _ | 2 Pairs For $1.50 S Men’s Ties % , __ No man has too many ties. Select from Children S Hose our complete showing of every available K Children’s Anklettes and Sport Hose color. | 10c l|e 22c 25c to 95c | d? | Visit Our Toy Department | jf (On The Second Floor) « 4 flf Shirlev Temple Dolls Microscope Sets, Daisy Air Rifles, & — 1 SI.OO to $5.50 95c to $2.50 W Spring Rubber and fancy p f Rubber Balls .. 5c to 25c Chemcraft Sets, Heavy Iron Pull Trucks, is? iff Scooters $1.98 Sg: ~~ Streamline wind-up Tool Chest filled with -g 5? Wagons $2.45 trains 95c Tools, 48c and up *2 S : /S PAGE THREE