MARRIAGES, parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES STARLINGS. Words, bright words, Coial, laughter and sun; Wo'■do. cc’.d v.mds, fwata!. heartbreak and storm; Words, warm words, No sting, harvest and spring; V'o r d;- can bo little brown sparrows, Os start) ings on the wing! B. B. Cooper. , OLOR NOTE, PEKING. The dull, tawdry stall Os the wayside vendor j g Reaped with the brilliant beauty t ) f t hc mellow persimmons— As jf he humbly offered Baskets of sunlight For sale. 1 M. M. M. Here Yesterday. Robert Green, student at Wake For t college, was in the city yesterday. To Philadelphia. Curtis Gary left this morning for Philadelphia, where he will be for sev eral months. Visiting Father. Mrs. Colie Houck, of Columbia, S. C„ is visiting her father, T. H. Crud up, in Kittrell. Choir Rehearsal Omitted The choir rehearsal of the First Presbyterian church will be omitted this evening. Yesterday in Durham. Mrs. R. T. Upchurch, Mrs. E... H Dixon, and Mrs. William Boyd, spent yesterday in Durham. To Petersburg. Edwin P. Finch has returned to Petersburg, Va.. after spending a few days here with his parents. Visiting Mrs. Manning Mrs. J. T. Alderman is spending several days in Roanoke Rapids as the guest of Mrs. T. R. Manning. Here from Creedmoor. Mr. and Mrs. King D. Brown and daughters of Creedmoor, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. tester on Mon day. Central P. T. A. The Central School P. T. A. will meet Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the school auditorium. A special Founder’s Day program has been arranged with Mrs. H. L. Keller as speaker, and all parents are urged to attend. Cardui Helps When Nerves Seem On Edge Every Month Women who find themselves In a painful, nervous fix, suffering every month, may have some functional trouble which Cardui should benefit. “At times. I felt like, I must scream if a door slammed or there was an unusual noise,” writes Mrs. P. A. Odum, of Haines City, Fla. “I did not feel like doing my housework, and as I had other work besides, I felt more like lying down. A friend of mine asked me to try Cardui, which I did. After my first bottle, I felt much better. I continued tak ing it until I had taken six or seven* bottles. By this time I was so much improved I was able Jto leave it off.” If not benefited by Cardui, consult a physician. —(Adv.) PfH| To Help You L * JJ§ AVOID MANY COLDS ip, At the first nasal irritation or sniffle, wk Ifß|| apply Vicks Va-tro-nol-just a few drops ‘ up each nostril. Used in time, it helps prevent many colds entirely. Vicks Va-tro-nol 1 J I \ Jiii 4 rxoL/i/zhs*’VinXlfy&ycL/ BRIDGE LAMP SHADE /? ! BUe I • Beautifully Soft Colors with Wmflbaßß « H>gh Gloss Crystaline Finish, ▼ I in Delicate Designs. I Net a Cheap Printed Shade I Size 12" All with Bridge Holders. | 2, TO A CUSTOMER Regular Value 39c » - Watldns Hardware Co. j- SOCIETY NiEWS / TELEPHONE 610 •*••• ••••••*•**• HOURS 9A.M.TO 12 NOON Mellon Kin and Fiancee • iff :..JX • • ' ‘"S; ; ■••.a* •: : ' : j Announcement of the engagement x of Richard King Mellon, nephew of Andrew Mellon and one of the na- t eligible bachelors, tc p* New York widow, was a surprise to Pittsburgh society. Their wedding % is expected to follow shortly. f Home from Peace. Miss Alice Harrison, student at Peace College in Raleigh, is at her home on Young avenue with a severe cold. In Raleigh. Mrs. Ed. Hutchinson, Mrs. L. K. Griffith, Mrs. Ralph Thompson, and Mrs. Glenn Green spent yesterday in Raleigh. Herewith Daughter. Mrs. Agnes M. Wilkinson, of Ken bridge, Va., is with her daughter, Mrs. C. Glenn Patterson, on Burwell avenue. Here Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Strott, of Chester, W. Va., were the guests yes terday of Mrs. J. B. Martin, at her home on Granite street. Returns From Wilson Mrs. J. T. Alderman, who has been visiting in Wilson, returned to the city city yesterday to attend a meeting of the Tuesday Club. Troop No. 1. Troop No. 1 of the Henderson Girl Scouts will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3:45 o’clock in their headquarters on Garnett street. Any gifts for the sick girl will be appreciated. Young People’s Choir. The regular rehearsal of the Young People’s Choir of the First Baptist church will be held this evening at 7:30 o’clock with Miss Julia Mitchell, at her home on Carolina avenue. HENDERSON (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1936 To Roanoke Rapids Mrs. T. R. Manning has returned to her home in Roanoke Rapids, after spending yesterday in the city with her daughter, Mrs. B. Frank Harris. Visits Business School. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. V. Porter and secretary, of Jamestown, N. Y., paid the Henderson Business School a visit today, while passing through the city. Mr. Porter is secretary of the Na tional Association of Accredited Com mercial ©chools. (CNGRATULATIONS A Son. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harris announce the birth of a son, Michael David, February 22, at Maria Parham hos pital. Interesting Meet By Tuesday Club A most interesting meeting of the Woman’s Tuesday Club was held Tues clay afternoon at 3:30 o’clock with Mrs. Sam Watkins at her home on South Garnett street. A short business session was had, presided over by Mrs. A. J. Davis, president. A special program for the after noon was carried out in a charming manner with readings and papers being given by the members. A paper, “Old Dogs and New Tricks”, was given by Mrs. J. M. Peace in an interesting manner. A review and selections from “Old Mrs. Harris” was given by Mrs. Sam Watkins. Mrs. A. J. Davis gave apoem.“Mori turi Salutamux” to conclude the pro gram. . The hostess was assisted by Mrs. C. H. Turner in serving a delicious two course luncheon. The members present were Mes dames W. B. Parham, S. P. Cooper, Kate Watkins, W. B. Waddill, I W. Hughes, J. T. Alderman, M. F. Legg, Henry Perry, G. A. Rose, T. R. Man ning, J. C. Cooper, A. J. Davis, J. M. Peace and Sam Watkins. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. A. J. Harris and her sister, Mrs. French, Mrs. Alex Cooper and Mrs. C. H. Turner. Reported 111 J. W. Thames was reported ill at his home on Young street today. Much Improved. Mrs. C. M. Hight, who has been il with influenza at her home on An drews avenue, was reported much im proved today. To Hospital. Willard Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hayes, was taken to Gastonia, re cently to undergo treatment. Miss Jones Dl. Miss Lucy Plummer Jones was at her home today on East Montgomery street with a severe cold. WAKeIp SINGING! IF, instead of a 4 song on your lips, your day be gins with a feeling of fatigue and a conviction that the world is all wrong, it is an almost certain indication that you have a functional irregu larity that can be remedied. h... j.. ...... . Poor appetite, indigestion, gassy, sour stomach, dizzy spells, from causes that can be relieved by a tonic have been overcome by I)r. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery; Buy now of your neighborhood druggist Cast Named For Jr. Class Play • The Junior class of the Henderson high school will present an unusually entertaining play, ‘‘Come Out of the Kitchen,” a comedy in three acts, Fri day at the Vance Theatre. Mrs. Faulkner, played by Frances Daniel, is an over bearing, haughty society matron who is trying to marry her daughter, Cora (Ernestine Perry) to Burton Crane (Eugene Patterson), their host, but Cora, the shadow of her mother, is deeply in love with Tom Lefferts (Charles Cooper) a dreamy, poor young poet. Mrs. Faulk ner in trying to marry her daughter to Burton Crane causes much trouble for Olivia (Sylvia Loughlin) disguised as a maid under the of Jane Ellen. There will be both matinee and evening- performances. Miss Dunlap Made May Queen for Woman’s College Greensboro, Feb. 26. —Seniors at the Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina have named Miss Alice Dunlap, of Albemarle, May Queen, and she will be the leading figure in traditional ceremonies which will be held on the college campus May 1. Miiss Dunlap has been prominent in campus activities during her four years at the Woman’s College. She is a member of Play-Likers. dramatic organization, and of the Dolphin Club, swimming group. Miss Dunlap has this year been chief marshal, a position to which she was elected last spring by the vote of the entire student body. She has also been active in the work of the Adelphian society, of which she is a member. Last year she was chairman of the Adelphian formal dance and served her society as inter-society re presentative. She was chairman of the initiation last fall at which time ap proximately 200 freshmev were taken into membership in the society. Election as May Queen is one of the highest honors that a senior can be accorded at the Woman’s College. Service as well as beauty and charm is considered in making the selection. Bobbitt News .. By MRS. U. B. ALEXANDER. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rowland visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Young Sunday aft ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland Woodlief and small son, Jerry, were week-end guests of Mrs. Josie D. Woodlief. Friends of Miss Crystal Wynne will be glad to know she is able to be up again after being confined to her bed for some time on account of illness. Misses Elaine Van Dyke, arid Mary" Bobbitt visited Miss Mildred, Smithy, at Kittrell on Monday afteriioon.- Miss Fannie Rowland has resum ed her duties at the Flynn Depart ment Store in Henderson, after being out for some time on account of hav ing influenza. Friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Rex Woodlief is ill at her home here. Hoey and Graham Seeking Buncombe (Continued from Page One ) is also generally conceded that the way in which the Democratic vote goes in Western North Carolina us ually is the deciding factor in pri mary elections. Consequently, Bun combe county has for years been the battleground of candidates for gover nor and for the Senate, since the can didates who could line up the sup port of Buncombe could usually count on getting the almost solid Democra tic vote in most of the western coun ties surrounding Buncombe. It is an admitted fact that the Democrats in the western counties do stick together better than in any other section of the state, with the result that they usually center on one candidate and “go down the line” for him. All After Buncombe. It has been no political secret here that for the past several months Hoey, Graham and Dr. Ralph W. Me-, Donald, another candidate for the gubernatorial nomination, have been jockeying for the advantage in Ashe ville, Buncombe and other western counties. But little could be learned here as to the progress they were making or as to which of the can didates the leaders were going to sup-, port. Then one day last week, a story ap peared on the front page of one of the Asheville newspapers to the es- i feet that the “Buncombe county fac tion” had decided to support Hoey. The story brought delight to hearts of the Hoey supporters here, but caus ed indignation among the Graham backers. For it was known here that Graham had been concentrating his! efforts in that section for many weeks and his supporters here were confid ent that he was going to win strong support in both Buncombe and that entire area. They immediately went to work to get at the facts and find out what had happened. According to the story going the rounds here to day, brought back from Asheville by a special emissary, here is what hap pened: .' How It Happened. The various factions into which Buncombe county Democrats have been divided for many years, seem at last to have gotten together, or near er together, than in years. The leader of this faction is more or less con- STOMACH ULCERS Thousands of sufferers. Many cases'of yean standing, after using Vdsa report amazing re lief. Udg* helps to rid you of pain, nausea, and other discomforts. Improvement is steady and rapid. Udga is hignly recommended foi Ulcers, Acid Dyspepsia. Heartburn. Indigestion, and Gas Pams, when due to excess and. fprf, For Pleasant relief you rßtfcs gR.- 1 * JP.-Jourself to get e FREE SAMPLE of Udg* at Parker’s Drug Store. MARIAN MARTIN PATTERN Wul 1 ITf? 9763 ceded to be “Deacon” Green, formerly from Cleveland county. Active leaders of this group are regarded as being Solicitor Zeb V. Nettles, Harry Net tles for years a member of the legis lature from Buncombe county; Pat Burdette, the pi'esent Asheville city manager, former State Senator Plato Ebbs, Don Elias, and others. The re port further is to the effect that these leaders talked the situation over and agreed to back the candidate which a majority vote favored, that a major ity favored Graham, but that Green, from Hoey’s own county of Cleveland, objected and then “inspired” the re ports to the effect that all the leaders had agreed to back Hoey. It is fur ther reported here that the situation has again become pretty tense in Asheville and Buncombe and that the new united faction to end factions within the Demacratic party in Bun combe may split up once more. At Any rate, the Graham forces claim they still have a very strong follow ing in Asheville, Buncombe and many other western counties and that the reports that Hoey has all these west ern counties in the bag, is just a lot of hooey. There is no doubt in political circles here that the Graham forces feel that the reports from Asheville that Hoey had things sewed up there has not made them a bit blue, in spite of the claims from the Hoey camp that they are correct. Daniels Is Talked For Navy Post (Continued from Page One) ports heard here from those who have just been in Washington. Thus Mr. Daniels would return to the cabinet post he held during the Wilson ad ministration, when he was secretary of the navy. Beautiful Solution. That this may offer a beautiful sol ution of a rather ticklish problem which has been facing President Roosevelt for some time, a good many here frankly agree. For it is no secret in Washington, and rapidly becoming no secret here in Raleigh and over North Carolina, that Ambassador Daniels has not been planning to re tire as ambassador to Mexico entirely of his own volition. In fact, according to reports from Washington, both the Catholic Church in the United States, as well as the State Department, have been hinting in no uncertain terms to the President that they would like to 75 New .Reasons for WM Better Health «£NC^2| Make your “good health” wishes with horseshoes and wishbones if you want to, but don’t forget that we have stocked 75 new health medicines in our prescription de partment in recent months. Many of these represent some vital new discoveries of medical science. This readiness to stock new drugs, even seldom - used unprofitable ones, protects you and yours against dangerous delays. It’s just one of the reasons why you should resolve to have all your pre scriptions filled here. PARKER’S OSL DRUG JHU STORE Jy The Rexall Store PATTERN 9783 No doubt she’s shying at all the praise her frock is bringing from en vious playmates and doting aunts and uncles, as any tot of two or ten might be who wears this printed frock. See how it comes together so smartly there in front with an im portant point and single, bright but ton! It’s an easily won triumph in deed for mother, or the one who made it, for with the amazingly clear direc tions given in the Sew Chart included with this pattern, even a beginner could put this simple Marian Martin frock together. Those youthful sleeves —whether flared or puffed are re sponsible for much of the frock’s . charm, while matching bloomers are practically all the “undies” a tot re quires when days grow warmer. Nov elty tub cottons, dimity or swiss, are fabric suggestions. Pattern 9783 may be ordered only in sizes 2,4, 6, 8 and 10. Size 6 re quires 2 5-8 yards 36 inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in corns oi stamps (coins preferred) for EACH MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Be sur* to write plainly your NAME, AD DRESS, the STYLE NUMBER anr 1 SIZE of each pattern. Send your order to Daily Dlspatc) Pattern Department, 232 W. 18th St New York, N. Y. see Ambassador Daniels leave Mexico City. The report has been current for some time that a good many of the Catholic leaders have already inform ed “Big Jim” Farley that Mr. Roose velt cannot count on getting very much of the Catholis vote this fall unless Mr. Daniels leaves Mexico City as ambassador. It is also understood that Mr. Daniels’ love for politics has made if difficult for him to refrain from poking an occasional finger into purely local and Mexican matters in Mexico City, despite the fact that am bassadors are supposed to be seen and not heard. Swanson To Quit. Yet the fact remained that Mr. Daniels and President Roosevelt have been close personal friends for years, since Mr. Roosevelt was assistant sec retary of the navy while Mr. Daniels was secretary under President Wil son. It is also agreed that Mr. Daniels has a very strong personal following not only in North Carolina but over the entire nation. The President did not want to do anything that might offend Mr. Daniels and could not af ford to from a political standpoint' even if he had been willing to from a personal standpoint, it is agreed. Hew, if Secretary Swanson retires, • Meet Yourself! K . dOrBllS 11|| f 4 ' |- /<: The Difference... CLEAN CLOTHES! And what a difference! No wringled sleeves. No dusty, greasy fabrics. No dull collars. No stains. You’re in different clothes and your whole outlook’s changed! It’s a bracer for self-respect . a chaser for dejection! And it’s only one of the miracles that cleaning by Valet brings- Long er life for clothes. Added pleasure in wearing them. New economy in a complete wardrobe. Try it. A phone call will bring a gleaming truck, a courteous attendant. And you’ll start to %n --joy the service that only Valet offers! Insist On Valet Service Phone 464 HENDERSON,N.C. I Henderson’s Most Modern Cleaners I CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENT as he is exvected to, away will he provided to keep everybody happy, it Is agreed. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Without Calomel—And You’ll Jump Out of Bed ia the Morning Rarin* to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile Is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. Laxatives are only makeshifts. A mere bowel movement doesn’t get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter’s Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel"upand up”. Harm less. gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. Stubbornly refuse anything else. 26c. Big Sale of NURSERY STOCK Now Going On We are making room for spring planting. Best values ever offered in Shade and Fruit Trees Ornamental Shrubs, Ever greens and Grape Vines. We have them in the plant ready to load into your car. Come early and get your choice while they last. See Our $1 Specials YouMl be surprised at the size trees and evergreens you can get for SI.OO. Continental Plant Co. Kittrell, N. C. C. M. IIIGIIT, Manager. Rhone 4202 PAGE FIVE

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