TH ! MBPE THEATRE—STARRING POPE YE 'S&«Y teszffiiM'n SmSas's?'"/ MYSEI fJt , \ A HUHORFOBOcS;> P HfA M-Houj, ] Y — t-S v 1 v!: wmu BUCKS! Jgi MIsSOYL- I'LL TELL YOU/ ■ s smmmm t 7 fl- CR uimi — by LES FORGRAVE ■ DAOi! Y ~ YES ’ 'T'* JUST so*. WE KNVEW YOU J' IT WAS TA.?f I TMEOWKie.R. SAVO VP T'o REPAVR^ WHATEVER TO VIMD A tSuTcT BUT- / BODW ANDI COULDN'T W« ALMOST ( ROlN° THE PLACE HE'D RENT T/TTr T*'! .AREVai Where teaKftWefA THOUGHT WE'O MUOAUENCT \ AROVtO. J-ThUS „ RDR ALMOST NOTW.TiC * ' &-■ ’ OOvN\C, COULO W\r\ WELPVOU ' SO T)E FOUND SO I DVO ARO , /OU DAD’ «=~N ;_R here? FDR.E ? IV, ^ D ' ’ nCRSe'dRA.WN FVRE EHdNES ,- V.EFE IN USE FOR LESS THAN A OT ITS OWN ON ANTARCTIC j CENTURY. FROM 1840 To 1<520 ■ 3-26 copyright. >» 6 . centra press alsocatkh by PAUL ROBINSON -EAPWEArZ IDEAOFVOU | | f A HOLLYWOOD SPECIAL 1 ] ( SHMH'.? LISTEN-.* HE TAiCWUS FELLAHS OUT =“7“ SUNDAE WITH WHiPPEdJ ™ HAS AN ACCOUNT HEBE -I 11 lfgP flufiHlNG '' ,J~7 ! : »«•»»*«»;Hmwnwi**** 1 * 1 *»»W —■'^wmmwW* ll w»‘» " > ■'■——■ » » **-- - ._■■■■*» ' ' _ "* HENDERSON, (N. €.) DAILY DISPATCH, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, A Thousand to One Shot By E. C. Segar I'LL GWIE 100 ONE 'Rf MlB6 OML“STM ; tT’TtnI If A EOT JHOOSANO DOLLARS , SELUK THE. JEtP; (I ) NOT VMt SW£6TV AH' l YAH aJQR YOUR JEEP GTRT y— \r W Vooß GCiHER PROT!-XK'£- S T»w,. ymi-rriffiE. OJELL.ILLj I ,ippp /AN ME PERS'HAL. p«p s(REMAN»I /--% ~ 7 IHSTIiTCK TELLS Ms ir* "~T~WII ————————————— .'. - ■ - ■! —.MU THE OLD HOME TOWN ' Rejrfstcred U. S; Patent Office j I T OLTr^i SOME OF. THOSE Dolan THAT BROUGHT Pow.N THE Hol'eE ' AT FiDDLERS'CONVENTION, W£RS REPtEATEEi> A6AJN TODAY __ _ COPYRIGHT, 1936—LEE W STANLEY—CENTRAL PRESS 3-26-36 WORD PUZZLE ANSsi* S' 2 * I 3 1 4- T<» 17 la r® P, , tej , L »o- u ~~ ia“ ~ 20^ 2.2 2S 2-4- 2.S 26 Jx^nzi-Pii 31 32. 33 "3** 3.S 36 ‘ 2»*7 3S” SsT” " "™“ “ft"” 1” "”" A | i i i B s:r i-T'nk ACROSS 27 —A tropical fruit 30 — Form of the verb “have” 31 — Language of the Scotch highlanders 35 —Energy 38 —The jester to the King of Denmark in “Hamlet” 40 —Moham- medan god 42 — Style 43 A river In southwest Scotland 44 The first man I—Partlyl—Partly open 6 —Expression of Impatience 10 — An armistice 11— Sharp 12— A conjugate point 14 —So be it 16 —Scandinavian war god 16 —A head covering 18 —A hammer 22—Expression of astonishment 25 Past tense of eat 26 Out (Scotch) DOWN 8 — Corroded 9 Small skin tumor 10 —To make an edging of tatting 13—Rapture ' 17—A malt beverage >- 19—Execute ’l—A bow-like curve 2 The consort of Jupiter 3 Fruit of, the oak 4 A color 6 Father € —A snipe 7 To sing in la low tone High Colonic irrigations Are Not Generally Favored By LOGAN CLENDENING, M. D. A PATIENT from Maine wishes to know whether the medical profession are all favorable to high colonic irri gations. There is a great difference of opin ion about this. Dr,. Ciendening The irrigations are more fa vorably re garded among the laity than by the profes sion. A high colonic irriga tion is not de signed so much to empty the bowel as a lav age to the co -1o n, adminis tered under low pressure. For those people who think that it is valuable in toxemia, the following comment by a well known physician of Philadelphia is pertinent: “For many years the question of ‘intestinal putrefaction' has occupied a large place in the lay mind. . . . Cruickshank makes the pertinent ob servation that the intestinal contents should be considered, in one sense of the word, as outside the body. The mucous membrane protects the body under normal circumstances, and an intact mucosa presents an almost im passable barrier to the products of bacterial growth.” May Help in Arthritis On the other hand, in cases of arthritis, it is sometimes found that even after days or weeks of irriga tions have been instituted, that there may be seen a sudden evacuation of evil material which has evidently been held in some loop of the bowel. Irrigations may cause trouble, dis tress. irritation and the lighting up BLIZZARD HITS NORTH CAROLINA J LJuUjlOi— ■——MM——■—linmw■■■ ■■ ■in mi t r . £.■■■■■? Wwmm I : ■ wm. mm |