HENDERSON gateway to CENTRAL CAROLINA TWENTY-THIRD YEAR SOUTE OPENS DEBATE ON RELIEF BILL McDonald Is Near Majority In Newspaper Poll MAKES FRACTIONAL GAIN FOR WEEK AS HOEY DROPS SOME Graham’s Percentage of Total Straw Vote Is 17, High est He Has Had; “Weighted” Vote Shows Strength In Actual Vote of Each Candidate in Counties Copyright, 1936, by The Daily Dispatch and 24 Cooperating Newspapers ’ By C. A. PAUL. Ralph W. McDonald increased his commanding lea'd as 2,562 new votes were counted this week in the Statewide poll on the Democratic governorship being conducted by The Henderson Daily Dispatch and 24 cooperating newspapers. McDonald polled 48 per cent of the new votes, while his nearest competitor, Clyde R. Hoey, slipped further, getting but 33.25 per cent of the new votes. Sandy Graham in third place, accelerated his pace, polling 17 per cent of the new votes, while the low man, John A. Mcßae, slipped slightly, getting 1.75 per cent of the new votes. The actual division of the 2,562 new votes: McDonald 1230 Hoey Graham 435 Mcßae 45 The new votes brought the grand total cast so far to the imposing fig ure, 17.752, with the standings of the candidates in actual straw votes ana percentages as follows: Candidate Votes Pet. McDonald 8493 47.81 Hoey .....' 6081 34.26 Graham 2865 16.14 Mcßae 313 1,76 Based upon the comparative strength, in each county, of each of the four candidates and an estimate of the total number of votes to be cast in the firgt primary McDonald lacks only 7,065 votes of receiving a clear majority and thus winning the nomi nation without a run-off. Order of the Finish As shown in one of the tables ac companying this article McDonald would, if the election should be held now, receive 48.2 per cent of the actual rote. The candidates would finish in the following order and with the fol lowing expected number of votes: McDonald 192.595 Hoey 137,963 Graham 137,963 Graham 60,704 Mcßae 8.056 Total 399,318 Attention is particularly called to day to the "weighted” vote table from which the figures above are taken. This table shows the present strength in actual votes of each candidate in each of the state’s 100 counties. The “weighted” vote tahle follows: Gra- Me- Mc- Coimty Hoey ham Donald Rae Alamance ... 1163 1209 2708 Alexander ... 387 7 526 Alleghany ... 207 207 398 Anson 989 230 1627 1954 Ashe 1463 268 1181 32 Avery 117 11 48 Beaufort 760 2285 2148 47 Bertie 1018 101 1647 Bladen 949 229 2360 98 Br unswick ... 595 82 784 27 Buncombe . . 6505 2053 5629 172 Burke 2513 138 805 Cabarrus 2713 724 1883 Caldwell 855 51 510 Camden 454 139 715 Carteret 446 174 697 23 Caswell *72 291 837 Catawba 1059 115 1478 36 Chatham .... 780 757 1654 45 Cherokee 991 311 450 28 Chowan 865 179 774 30 Cl *y 556 55 55 18 Cleveland .. . 6970 31 919 Columbus ... 1877 468 2954 141 Craven 2435 880 1550 135 Cumberland . 1313 1077 3255 115 Currituck ... 833 458 861 Dare 595 493 Davidson ... 1992 278 2510 20 1 519 29 376 Duplin 892 737 1937 62 Durham 634 2487 4712 87 Kdgecombe .. 724 878 3308 50 Forsyth 1863 682 8770 45 Franklin 423 1196 2935 46 Gaston 4374 729 3861 36 ( j 530 195 587 Graham 346 127 109 18 Granville 856 606 2477 101 Guilford 4249 1461 6558 12 ' l;,llf ax 533 713 5954 .... Harnett .... 1107 705 2626 82 Haywood 3625 1329 1286 Henderson ... 923 888 824 33 Hertford 1098 45 1233 | lf) hc 575 423 575 39 Hyde 637 132 903 Iredell 2789 551 3174 126 Jackson 1564 490 269 33 Johnston 840 984 4086 90 • /on «s 389 329 748 30 C f, c 820 410 2057 93 j' eno ‘r 1579 1016 2788 137 Lincoln 1971 366 669 22 Macon 888 222 378 Madison 1123 96 571 18 Martin 489 367 2036 McDowell ... 2403 81 1196 Mecklenburg 4282 2523 7521 1954 Mitchell 347 103 2 Montgomery 1147 208 1147 46 Moor fc 1235 545 1981 27 menhensmt lUttht iHtsaatrlr Experience Os Kentucky Is Recalled Repeal of Sales Tax Necessitated Other Levies Just as Ob jectionable Dally DUpntch ftarena. In The Sir Walter Hotel. Hr .1. C. BASKERVILI. Raleigh, May 28. —Will Dr. Ralph W. McDonald follow in the footsteps of Governor “Happy” Chandler of Kentucky, who, like McDonald, “buck ed” the Democratic “machine” in Kentucky and became elected gover nor on a platform promising repeal of the general sales tax, if he should ibe nominated and elected governor? If he does and if his administration and experience as governor should be similar to that of Governor Chandler in Kentucky, the former college pro fessor is in for a large headache and the people of North Carolina due to have a whole flock of new taxes im posed on them of which they have never dreamed, according to the lat est reports received here from Ken tucky. Had To Borrow. While Governor Chandler made good his promise to repeal the sales iax, he immediately had to issue $3,- 000,000 worth of State warrants until the legislature could be called into session again. He then started on its course the substitute tax program for the sales tax, which as now enacted has given to the people of Kentucky a whole assortment of super-sales taxes on almost everything they use or buy. For the legislature, forced (Continued on Page Six.) Nash 1419 1941 2883 37 New Hanover 1004 1429 4843 164 Northampton 1553 218 1814 43 Onslow , 946 601 903 86 Orange 129 1724 556 19 Pamlico 362 253 688 73 Fasquotank . 1763 742 1559 16 Pender 598 298 1248 .... Perquimans . . 940 244 612 .... Person 384 649 804 11 Pitt 1725 1043 4978 94 Polk 1365 138 409 .... Randolph ... 1299 292 1270 59 Richmond .. 1607 317 3094 182 Robeson .... 4266 1880 4224 190 Rockingham 1669 488 2123 .... Rowan 3375 968 4325 52 Rutherford . 5523 338 899 .... Sampson .... 1081 513 1166 56 Scotland .... 1274 498 1212 .... Stanly 1329 215 944 44 Stokes 490 245 939 14 Surry 687 576 2285 28 Swain 466 466 100 12 Transylvania 1108 399 377 .... Tyrrell 331 22 199 Union 2933 924 1804 539 Vance 552 1059 2488 21 Wake 4174 4919 8106 121 Warren 444 503 2097 Washington .. 419 419 726 .... Watauga 544 62 498 .... Wayne 1169 1253 5134 84 Wilkes 1406 288 1438 Wilson 415 1154 3751 "Yadkin 294 35 691 Yancey 935 61 324 Totals ... 137,963 60,704 192,595 8,056 Computing Vote Here is how “weighting” of straw Vote figures (is accomplished: The total number of votes expected to .be cast in the first primary was ar- Continued on Page Three.) ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRtUNIA LEASED WIRE SERVICE OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. HENDERSON, N. C., THURSDAY, IAFTERNOO N, MAY 28, 1936 SENATE COMMITTEE DRIVES AHEAD ON CORPORATION TAXES Some Committee Describe White House Changes in Bill As “Mess” and “Hopeless” TREASURY TELLS ESTIMATED RETURNS Fall Short of What Presi dent Desires; Powerful Group of Senators Want Committee to Stick to Own Taxing Plan; One Group Expects Quick Action Washington, May 28.—(AP) —Amid rising dissension over taxes, a group of senators drove ahead with a move today to turn down President Roose velt’s demands that the revenue yield on the proposed levy on corporations profits and dividends be boosted. White House urging that the Senate Finance Committee change the pro gram it has tentatively chosen stirred such iontroversy among the commit teemen that some described the situa tion as in a “mess” and “hopeless.” But others said it was “hopeful” and (predicted quick action, on the legisla tion. Weary committeemen gathered to day to vote on the question whether to approve the committee’s own tax plan, which retains oiily vestiges of the nbw system of stiff graduated taxes on undivided corporate profits, which is being sought by the admin istration. A powerful group of senators sought to have the committee to stick to its own plan and to report it to the Senate’s floor without change. Treasury officials said it would (raise about $585,000,000 of permanent revenue and $82,000,000 in temporary taxes as against presidential request of $620,000,000 and $51,000,000 respec tively. BRITISH SOLDIERS Two Wounded and Three Killed in Attack Made Near Jerusalem Jerusalem, Palestine, May 28. —(AP) —British troops returned the fire of rioters at Kubatia, North Palestine, today, killing two and wounding three. Officers in command of the Brit ish forces reported they had suffered (Continued on Page Four.) G. fI.IACITfES BOLDING ATTENTION Senator Borah Will Make Final Speech Tonight Before Convention Washington, May 28. —(AP) —Final pre-convention stump activity among Republican candidates for the presi dential nomination today held the at tention of political observers. •Mrany believed tonight’s address by Senator Borah, of Idaho, will give further indications of the course he will pursue during and after the Cleveland convention. The speech to Ibe broadcast at 7:30 p. m. E. S. T. will be the veteran senator’s last be fore the delegates meet in Cleveland. Col. Frank Knox, Chicago publisher and presidential candidate, spoke last night in his home city, saying “we are in the midst of a fundamental crisis that will determine the preser vation or less of American institu tions.” New Dealers, with their convention choice all settled in advance, continue to hold their fire for the time being, with prospects that the battle will bs gin to get hot soon after the Repub lican nomination is made. Meantime, there were several other developments in the Republican ranks. The Republican National Com mittee, in an appeal to citizens, is sued a statement saying: “The gulf between the fair promises and reck less deeds of Mr. Roosevelt is wider than that of any other administra tion in the history of the republic.” New York Awaits Queen Mary, Super-Liner . .. —— Two striking interiors of the luxurious Queen Mary, British super liner, are shown above. ’ The large? picture is the long gallery, the ship’s “Peacock Alley,” which will serve as promenade and lounge for the cabin passengers. In the inset is a section of the tourist class cocktail bar. The ship itself, under ful) steam, is shown below. (Centrml Prett) Quintuplets Observe 2nd Anniversary Dr. Dafoe Says Five Dionne Babies In Best Health of Their Whole Lives Callender, Ontario, May 28. —(AP) — The Dionne quintuplets came to their second birthday anniversary today with only a brief celebration, to be held tonight, and) that apparently without their parents. l Except for a half hour before thej radio tonight (from 5:30 to 6 o’clock p. m., eastern standard time), during which the program directors hoped the five famous girls would coo and tap at the proper moment for an in ternational hook-up, there was no de viation. from the routine from the Dafoe hospital. It seemed very doubtful that the parents of the children would attend the celebration. To Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe the ques tion of singing and dancing for a radio audience wasn’t as important as the facts and figures that prove the continuing good health of his charges. The physician said the children were better health than ever today. CONTEMPT CITATION FOR DR. TOWNSEND Washington, May 28 (AP)—A con tempt citation against Dr. F. E. Town send and two of his old age pension aids was voted today by the House with instruction that the case be turned over to the United States Dis trict attorney for action. ~OUR WEATHER MAN FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Mostly cloudy tonight and Fri day, possibly occasional rain on the south coast; somewhat cooler Friday and in north portion to night. i Federal Investigation Os Black Legion Likely, In Addition To State’s U. S. Bureau of Investigati on May Tackle Problem; In quiries Contirtue into Unsolved Deaths in Various Localities; Kidnap Threats Are Involved Detroit, Mich., May 28. — (AP)—The lb,lack legion, which guarded its se crets with scourge and pistol and boasted that it could mobilize millions of armed men in 24 hours, faced the possibility of Federal as well as State investigations today. The mobilization, Prosecutor Dun can C. (MlcCrea said members told him, was to be ordered in the event of a communist uprising. Attempting to Put Somoza, Army Leader, in The Presidential Palace Managua, Nicaragua, May 28—(AP) —A rebellion on the Atlantic coast a gainst President Juan B. Sacassa, for mer minister to Washington, with na tional army units taking part, was disclosed today by a government spokesman. The spokesman declared the rebels were endeavoring to place General Anastacio Somoza, head of the United States Marine trained na tional army, in the presidential palace. The spokesman declared: “It has been known for the past few days that a fictiticious popular uprising was being prepared on the Atlantic coast, tending to oust the authorities in that section. “Today, it was learned that this movement was assisted by Major Al berto Baca, the Guardia national (Na tional Army) chief, in Bluefield. “Other uprisings of like nature are announced in other sections of the country. “They are part of a plan to over throw President Sacasa, impede fu ture presidential elections, and to in duct into the presidency the chief of the national army, General Somaza, who is constitutionally unable to be a candidate.” PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. In Washington, Attorney General Homer S. Cummings indicated he would, decide today whether acts of terrorism attributed to the night rid ers in more than a dozen states justi fied intervention by the Federal Bu reau of Investigation. Before Congress was a. resolution introduced by Representative Dick (Continued on Page Eight. CONVICT FIORENZA OF KILLING WOMAN Faces Death Penalty; Judge Commends Verdict Rend ered by Jurors New York, May 28.—(AP)—John Fiorenza was convicted today of mur der in the first degree in the bathtub slaying of Mrs. Nancy Evans Titter ton. The jury deliberated more than 18 hours. The conviction carries the death penalty. Mlrs. Titterton, wife of a radio exe cutive, was strangled and attacked in her Beekman Place apartment on Good Friday, April 10. Fiorenza, 24, an upholsterer’s help er, was accused of calling at the apartment during the morning on the pretense of inquiring about a love seat. The State charged—and the po lice produced at the trial a confes sion signed—that he forced his at tentions on Mrs. Titterton, threw her on a bed, strangled her and then dumped her ihody into a bathtub. Judge Knott said he would sentence Fiorenza on June 5. He turned then to the jurors. “You need never have any scruples about this verdict. It was not only justified but absolutely necessary un der the evidence. It is a shocking crime and you have done a publio service.” 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY BIG APPROPRIATION MEASURE EXPECTED TO PASS JIS WEEK Carries Nearly One And Half Billion Dollars for Continuing of Jobs Program TIDAL POWER WORK WILL BE OPPOSED Vandenburg Will Fight Fur ther Funds for Maine Pro ject and Also Florida Ship Canal; Congress So Far Has Refused To Increase These Funds Washington, May 28. —(AP) —After much preliminary argument in com mittee room and corridor, the Sen ate came today to formal debate on the relief fund for the next fiscal year. Leaders predicted the $2,369,000,000 relief-deficiency bill, containing sl,- 425,000,000 for the jobs program, would go through before the week end. Some other senators foresaw long er debate if Senator Robinson, of Ar kansas, Democratic leader, should go through with a reported plan to at tach an amendment empowering Pre sident Roosevelt to continue work on the Passamaquoddy tidal power pro ject in Maine and the Florida ship canal, providing engineers approve. Congress so far has turned a cold shoulder to more funds for these pro jects and Senator Vandenburg, Re publican, Michigan, gave notice he would fight any effort to revive them. DUKEIIM Gross Revenue for 1935 Less Than 1934, Due to Rate Reductions Raleigh, May 28 lAP)—Duke Power Company reported to the Utilities Commission today its net income in 1935 was $4,254,233 for North Carolina operations compared with $3,376,903 in 1934. Gross revenue in 1936 was $26,369,- 765 compared with $28,984,817 in 1934. Rate reduction caused the drop in gross revenue and reduction in ope rating expenses largely accounted for the bigger profits, the report showed. The company reduced its long term debt by $13,306.00 paid accrued taxes interests and other liabilities aggre gating $1,374,392, and had a surplus of $8,522,992 in addition to a retire ment fund for depreciation and other reserves which totaled $51,133,218 at the end of 193. The long term debt was shown as $48,876.00. Mrs. Tankersley, Jr., Is Named As State Conductor D. of A. High Point, May 28.—(AP)— Mrs. Mary E. Tankersley, Jr., of Hender son, was nominated without opposi tion today as state conductor of th« North Carolina Daughters of Amer ica, ladies auxiliary of the Junior Or der United American Mechanics, at the annual convention of the order here this afternoon. Long Term Man Killed In Escape Raleigh, May 28. (AP) —Robert Cook, serving 25 to 30 years in prison for second degree murder, was killed in an escape attempt at Caledonia prison farm in Halifax county last night, the penal division was notified today. C. M. Waynick, chairman of thq State Highway and Public Works Commission, said telephone wires to the farm had been severed during or before the escape attempt, but his un derstanding was there had been no general break and things were quiet tod^y.

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