\j) l REMNANTS Kl I Value 'to $2.98 Sale Price — ■ Jill PC One Big Table ££&& $1.79 I 111 l i I r An K,nds of Mate "als- to $2.98. Sale price- I fnlluL One-Half Price $1.98 fp I Jmmer Dress Glove 4ft oft [ VjV I jtire Stock! Clearance jVj I * I [4 49? TO iff E shoes 1;;; Fourth of July . and you > ' CkS t 0 evenmg Value, to 69c. Sale Price— 11 I Dresses Only Pair S ■in Sports Frocks /\ n* tLI 1 „ I g _ ._. Une l able I value. to si.69 | mark Ground Prints shorties, siip-ons, gaunt- __ LCI n lets and one button types. OtfdS |- OPeer Dresses Hand sewn fabrics and Values to 49c—Sale Price 11 J I meshes all to go at this C|- MUA |£ ■ morning! Naturally sizes are one low nrice’ All sum- d V««f. JL/CpttriinCllt OIOFC | ••'tod in the group. You’ll never one low price. All sum £aCl% i ! ■ up two or three! mer colors, all sizes! * Henderson, N. C. ** HENDERSON (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, ID3C PAGE FIVE