IOPENINC FRIDAY MORNING “ I MONTH IN I sk Mm the CAROI.INAS I # : It was in the Fall Month of OCTOBER INVITATION I /}m | JY ■ the first of the Efird's went to work in a We the salesforce of Efirds De- I I I; |i\ -ft ■ store, and it was in the Month of OCTOBER I l "l® * the most of the Efird Stores were opened. v”e U Sy”u: arep, “ Be |“t I ] p ..... M|r| . |(| ! P. I t, f \ mSKBKm Mrs. Bryan Jordan A'~ SgH <■ Mrs. G. T. Wiggins ShhIhHI Rachel Fuller Hi T „ fflaaia rrffimn |Sh«b| BBMS Louise Duke Everyone looking for better me.- H WBM mR HE BM W IFHi fiT' HPA Mollie Shepherd chandise and .he Efird Stores are MM WM H_JB Hi * MM Evelyn Murray awake to the wants of the peo- VMrfMf Jjgl wCSgSMM fSB W§s Joyce Whitehead pie and have filled our store with BBV Bl tEHM W iMHi WBUBKIBM MM HE Mrs. Dorsey Hester higher type, better and the most sty- MM ~ ■MBPS Ml Mrs. Ben Goodrich lish merchandise in every department M- rq p F Mn „ aJS and by planning ahead we are able to YT WV2 W 42 IfA MTU TM WVVP fAIIAT 111 AC Elizabeth Goodrich (Cashier), hold prices in a reasonable range. CIJT lI%U 9 Rivll iSI JUEV JL KIJU %AllV Allll A0 C. E. Denner (Manager.) This Great Event Commences Friday Morning, October 2nd, and Continues Entire Month of October I SILKS and WOOLENS SILK HOSIERY NEW CO ATS and DR ESSES I wnm FMQ ular 1 values, but DRESSES /iflf 111 I WUULLNS aMM 171 c PRINTED SILKS slightly irregular. |*C svA-f ft / / if f %/\ I New all wool dress goods FLANNELS Special 3J)C li 91 mmW Ladies’ and Misses silk dresses in all the ||| M \h\ 9 in the newest novelty . New fall colors and pat- 2 pair SI.OO fSj M / new styles. Colors of green, brown, rust, j•A ml m ;jflf •1/gl ■ weaves and patterns, beau- 04-inch heavy weight t an- terns in Eagle’s printed \ |6m4jil 4. black and Romance nr I flf W ftjj \ta,\ jp tiful color combinations. nels, in new fall d*l A C es regular 59c AO Special lot pure thread I blue $0,33 119/ W. I A big value. QJ colors, per yard $ I .*0 value. Special, yd. 4oC silk stockings slightly ir- I *j§/| IWj | Yard v I v regular but a 4O - - • ~ big value pair Ladies’ new fall dresses in silks, woolens \ j I F T Aii/n c orDCAI rc PFRfAI Misses and children’s new \ and corduroy. All new colors, best styles. \\ If TUWLLb. rLKLALLI) rLKLALLO noveity sox anklets— 9 You must come in and see them— ]V / k Large size good quality Rumson and Manchester Scout and Bradford per- jp* OO MWd? g\r* J1 skJrl Turkish towels, every one 80 square percales, all new cales. New patterns and lUCj IDCj fefciC JIS 4 JIS a real value— patterns and colors. 22c colors, as well as solid col- * • 10, 15, 18, 22c 1 iST.” 18c SJS»- .... 15c TheMCool NishuCall F „ More sweaters sk , RT s slips I , Ladies and misses j^ ew flannel skirts in Fine quality crepe Tweeds Long Cloth Prints Play Cloth T*w 1 twin sweater sets in solid colors and color- slips in colors of tea speciai purchase River- R4I fl 1U |jg l| 1 [k f\| If L IV, new fall ooior com- - t rose and pink. A reg- New Heather tweeds Yard wide long cloth, Yard wide, printed per side play cloth. A qual- SWI \fi\ Bj 111 itt IV l\ F * ILI binations AP| '.. 0 MMS ular $1.48 of new fall colors, and good soft finish, snow cales, fast colors. Spe- jt y known over the 4IA *33 plaids .... i 3/C ■ patterns. OO white. 1 A cial. for Friday 1A _ country as Special per yd. per yard,.... morning, yd.„ ■*‘^ C gT 7 , V . p bankets. Specal NeW Fall Boys’ Suits I Dnocs ror the Lniire r dimly 70x8 o pa rt wool double siqß SUITS sun., m .. I Fine Slippers pecia urc se blankets. air . jI Men’s and young men’s quallty - 1 longr J 4 9 1 ? I Ladies’fine quality novelty slippers, new- Ladies’ fine novelty dress shoes and ox- Lj styles. New novelty and 1 short pants ■ est styles in black or brown leather or fords, in the newest styles, this lot in- // / j fabrics, single and dou_ combinations. Widths CF/VW/\ Hundreds of Big Values I Liira s Uepartment otore To I te a teat h a°t e the n ?ri C r not . $2.95 230-232 South Garnett Street Henderson, North Carolina | Mention. I HENDERSON (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1936 , PAGE THREE