MARRIAGES, parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES three wrens. when t was blackberring: !p -t I know of thorn , .harp strong “churr-rring” ‘Vural In ,nionso. for so small a bird H ponied impossible. - ho was; ,1,(10 Cork Wren. 4 and clattering his rapier back ~..i bo-hiau UP and down. I,; i; :i most janty. held aloft, (] | , itipo lending him a smart ness li'iirscii 'li And then! \'Vrcf, : itl nno sounded and behold! \ .u! wren, and then a third, ; and bobbing on the bram ble bush Nol -wo yards off. j and watched them, loving thorn. v ; .il for the miracle of birds; v 'i 7 ,toful for three little wrens, So unafraid and cheerful, floppi'■- and bobbing on the branble bush. Molley Kerr. In Greensboro \|ary Louise McDearman left ~.,1 iv to spend the week-end in Greensboro. Here From Philadelphia M; Rebecca Reavis, of Philadel „lva is spending several days at her home in Manson. Edith Ellis Class The Edith Ellis Bible Class will hold its regular monthly meeting M .day evening at 7:30 at the home ~f M s Mildred Hughes. Mrs. Gra ham Wheeler will be joint hostess. Oddity Beauty Shop Miss Dot Robinson, Prop. This is a well and favorably known beauty shop also 1s an establishment we recommend to all our readers. T- feature permanents, finger wav manicuring, facials and every th.:n beauty work. Located at y.J Odd Fellows Bldg., Raleigh. This shop is fitted according to the ]■,; and modern ideas of science and ai: operators employed here are •It roughly competent, thus offers the public the best of service. The styles of 'he day are understood and no an:;?! what you desire they are able to assist you so that all beauty serv will conform to your beauty and charm. The manager keeps right abreast of Hi times on the latest styles in per manent waving. They understand the ■ypes of people and can cut and wave you: hair tp make you attractive and charming. In making this review, we are glad to compliment the Oddity Beauty Shop upon their modern, complete n 'v:ce to say that it is a center for I v °l>lc to patronize for the' latest ••lyliM in beauty culture. STEVENSON “PERFECT SOUND THEATRE” [! , f fROUNDBYROUNDI Y I with RHYTHM and r B ROMANCE! / I lt*s Champion jj / jS Entertainment! Rj dBaLLi i n mßßion r clrfhc 1 HMUHVIBIIfIBLEI KyE'CMNond Jr “MABEL" I iSm* J ROSCOE KARNS I yj DAVID CARLYLE I all JfllH and a sterling cast B P" A Warner Bros.- MONDAY AND K TUESDAY Plus: Comedies and WEDNESDAY Jack Pot 825.00 1 lie Year’s Most Timely Picture THURSDAY and FRIDAY lyfciiuKflH !^W|M tr FRED MacMURRAY lack OAKIE Jean PARKER f SOCIETY NEWS s- TELEPHONE 61U «... * * * HOURS 9A,M.TO 12 NOON Miss Easson Here Miss Polly Easson, of the Metho aist Orphanage in Raleigh, is visit !? 8 ln the homes of members of bus Wesle y Class of the it nst Methodist church. Miss Polly Easson Will Teach Class Miss Polly Easson, of Raleigh, mem oei o the faculty of the Methodist Orphanage, will teach the Whitmore yesley Class of the First Methodist church tomorrow morning at the Sun day School hour. Story Hour Hears Mrs. Cheatham Mrs. Goode Cheatham delighted her young audience when she told three Rories at the H. Leslie Perry Memo rial Library yesterday afternoon at .cur o'clock. Her selection of stories were particularly enjoyed by the rroup of children from the first four grades. Plans Completed For Charm Review The American Legion Auxiliary met yesterday afternoon to complete plans for the “charm review.” which is to be presented at the Stevenson Theatre December 17 and 18. Various committees were appoint ed. with Mrs. W. B. Hight as gen eral chairman and the following as assistants, Mrs. K. L. Keller, Mrs. E L- Wester, and Mrs. E. A. Latta. Miss Ira B. McAbee has arrived in ho city to act as coach for the show. The proceeds will be used for the vc If are work of the Auxiliary. Miss Lester Has ’Friendly Club The Girls Friendly club of North Henderson was delightfully enter tained at the home of Miss Evelyn Lester last evening at a Christmas party. The club is under the spon sorship of Miss Elizabeth Fox, mem se>- of the faculty of the North Hen lerson School. Several hours of games and con sists were enjoyed by the guests in appropiratelv decorated for the iccasion. Delicious refreshments of r ange ice. cakes, nuts and mints r ere served. Each member brought a guest to se party and the guests of the club ere Mrs. H. E. Chavasse, Mrs. I ary M. Crawford, and Miss Jose 'hine Thurston. HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1936 Dr. Gregg Speaker At Central P. T. A. The Central School Parent-Teacher Association met Thursday afternoon. In keeping with the Christmas spirit “Silent Night, Holy Night” was sung by those present. Miss Freeman read the scripture reading. Following a short business session, the Association had the privilege of hearing Dr. A. D. Gregg, of the pub lic health department, speak on the “Importance of the Significance of Correction of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Defects.” The members also thoroughly enjoyed hearing Paul Pat terston, violihisty accompanied by Miss Annie H. Bunn, in the following f‘Ah Sweet Mystery of Life,” “The Old Refrain,” and “Make Believe” from Show Boat. Miss Minnie Franklin’s and Mrs. Richard Jones’ rooms won the at tendance prizes. Legion Auxiliary With Mrs. Gardner The American Legion Auxiliary met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C. Gardner, on Charles street, with Mrs. J. M. Baity, Mrs. Philip Harris, Mrs. D. C, Loughlin, and Mrs. Gardner as hostesses. Mrs. D. T. Dickie, the president, was in the chair and opened the meet ing with the singing oi “America” fol lowed by the Lord’s prayer and the preamble repeated in unison. The minutes of the November meeting wore read and approved. i> avorable reports from the various committees were given. Mrs. li. L. Keller, membership -aairman, reported Ti paid up mem bers including the Jun.ors. Mrs. H. r. Newell’s report, on the telegraphic oil call showed a state membership of 2709, which is a. thousand more than ever before for the time of year, rackets were seiu ro the soldiers at otecn hospital on Thanksgiving. Miss Ira McAbee and Mr. Pauley presented their proposition and it was ..loved and seconded to help them put in the “Charm Review'” at the Stev -'nson on December 17 and 18. At the conclusion of the business iassicn a social hour was enjoyed .uring which delightful refreshments were served. Prayer Season To Begin December 7 The Annual Season of Prayer for Foreign Missions will be observed December 7 through December 11 by he Woman’s Missionary Society of he First Baptist church. Monday at .;30 o'clock all circles will meet for i short business session at which time hey will close up their business for he year as circles will be drawn iver for 1937. At 4 o’clock all will ome together for a program on “Peace. ” Wednesday night at 7:30 o’clock the T. W. A. will present their Lottie loon Christmas program instead of he regular prayer meeting. On Thursday, the various young people’s .-oups will have the.r meetings and >n Friday at 3:30 o’clock the last gen ial meeting of the Woman’s Mission .ry Society will be held, annual re orts, election and installation of new , (fficers, taking of the Lottie Moon -hristmas offering and a social half .our will be the order of this final nesting of the year. Members are reminded that attend • ice at six of the general meetings on.titutes an active member and ash member is urged to attend this •St meeting. It was purposely mov ! up two weeks in order not to con ict with Christmas week. The so al hour is to be a courtesy to the omen of the church, including the w officers by the retiring officers, rcle and young people’s leaders. Garden Club Will Canvass for Trees The Henderson Garden Club held a irinevs meeting at the home of Mrs. 1. T. Upchurch yesterday morning at 0:30 o’clock to discuss the public pro cct of selecting a shade tree for the 'beautification of this city. The tree selected by public vote was the Wil ’ow Oak and the ways and means of getting them planted and placed was liscuo.ed at length. A motion was carried that the mayor be asked to name a tree com mission for the city, composed of six men and six women. The men to be tamed from the civic clubs and the women from the Garden Club. Ihe Garden Club was divided into wards to canvass each ward to see how many would feuy trees and plant hem cr give a number for public planting. The chairmen of these com mittees are: Ward 1, Mrs. R. G. Kit trell; ward 2, Mrs. K. L. Burton; ward 3, Mrs. James H. Brodie. and ward 4, Mrs. R. G. S. Davis. .Mrs. F. L. Toepleman and Mrs. Allison Coop er were appointed to visit the schools and to ask each grade to donate a tree so that the children might have an interest in the planting and pro tecting the trees. All people are urged to plant the trees along the streets and in the yards and the club was reminded that the larger the number of orders the ■better wholesale prices that would he obtained. The club voted to support, the public project committee in their plans. The Christmas meeting of the Gar den Club will be held in the Epis copal parish house on December 16, bowing the Christmas decorations and to which the public will be in vited. Much Improved Mrs. Ruby Wilder Ellington, who has been ill at Maria Parham hospi- I lal for the past several days with pneumonia, was reported to be im proving today. Marion Talley, Michael Bartlett in “Follow Your Heart’ ’ Stevenson Sunday Night Clark Gable and Marion Davies in “Cain and Mabel” Stevenson Mon., Tues. Polly Routes and Walter Coy. who advance the romantic theme in Universal’* mystery , "Love betters of a Star ” At the Vance Theatre Monday and Tuesday Marguerite Churchill, Bruce Cabot in “Legion of Terror” Stevenson Wednesday ROWLAND IS AGAIN LAND BANK OFFICER Columbia, S. C., Dec. s—Gordon B. Rowland, of Raeford. N. C., has been re-named a director of the Federal Land Bank, according to an announce ment received by Julian H. Scarbo rough, general agent of the Farm Credit Administration of Columbia, and president of the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, from A. S. Goss, land bank commissioner at Washing ton. Mr. Rowland was elected by the National Farm Loan Association irr tho third land bank district a director of the land bank he will also ‘serve ex-officio as a director of the Production Credit Corporation of Co lumbia, the Federal Intermediate Credit Bank of Columbia and the Columbia Bank for Cooperatives. A farmer himself and for many years secretary-treasurer of the Rae ford National Farm Loan Association Mr. Rowland has been a director of the land bank for a number of years and is deeply interested in agricul ture. He is also an attorney and served for many years as mayor of Raeford. Self-respect is that by which one thinks himself too high to do anything low. Sacred Cantata at Episcipal Church Sunday Evening The choir of Holy Innocents Episco pal church will present an Advent cantata. “Penitence, Pardon and Peace,” by J. H, Maunder, at the evening service tomorrow, it was stat ed today. Townsville News By MRS. J. P. GUPTON Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Norwood, of Richmond, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. John Norwood. Mrs. C. F. Craven and daughter, Frances, of Greensboro, and Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Bray, of Danville, were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P’ Gupton. Mrs. Furman Harris spent Thurs day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Tucker. Miss Sallie Thompson, of Epsom, spent the week-end with Miss Lucille Gupton. Alston Fox, of Fayetteville, spent VANCE sh "" Our Shows ***" At 1:30 O'clock MONDAY and TUESDAY DOW’T WRITE...IT’S DANGEROUS! TELL HIM OF YOUR LOVE INSTEAD! IOVE If]TERS„ y.swßflCji HENRY HUNTER, POUY ROWIES, C. Henry GORDON A New Universal Picture Also Universal News—Comedy It’s been said here before, the Vance Theatre could not be kept warm and comfortable, come by, drop in, see if this is true. We say we have it as warm and comfortable as any of us would want. We have just completed repairing the back stage, which makes our theatre as warm as you would like it. We now have all new pictures, good sound, and real entertainment. We appreciate your patronage.. STEVENSON THEATRE SUNDAY NIGHT. DEC. 6—2 PERFORMANCES—2 I THE SHOW THAT HAS | I ••••EVERYTHING •••• | j» Including 8 European Stars >j| jfl —-Headed b m i LOUIES CHINESE REVUE | ! pi SIX BEAUTiFOI. ORIENTAL MISSES P| f| I HUMAN BILLIARD TABLE J* q and Sara ii| Spanish Troubadours r- • .P-] ip4 TIMSHEAN 1 II iplfflr fl COMPOSER OF i ■ I' II WAYNE KING’S THEME SONG f ..J*; pHI ) CORPORAL I f.F: !, W EZRA WHITTAKER IflF:l ■jmMgm i I 90 YEAR 010 CIVIL WAR VETERAN f* :.;;f V l/f 1 IWTERNAnONAL I mMl a STAGE BAND P .„/ On The Screen With The Above Attraction “FOLLOW YOUR HEART” With Marion Talley—Michael Bartlett ADMISSION '. 40c CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS the Thanksgiving holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Fox. Miss Ruby Purcell, Johnny Dear, and Miss Dear, of Greensboro, span! the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J B. Purcell. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Isley, of Mon cure, were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Purcell. Miss Virginia Greene has returned to her home after spending some tini with Miss Mary Owen, of Dabney. The more unselfish one’s prayers the nobler it is. PHOTOPLAYS The STATE Luxury Without Extravagance TODAY ONLY “OH SUSANNAH” Serial —Comedy Sunday Shows—2 and 8:45 “YOU MADE ME LOVE YOU” with Thelma Todd MONDAY TUESDAY “CEILING ZERO” Pat O’Brian—James Cagney AMUSEMENTS PAGE FIVE