absentee repeal SURE EVENTUALLY Rllt Refusal of Democratic Committee Friday May Hurt Badly Dispatch Bureau, 1, iln- Sir \\ a I lor llttlcl. i; noun averiix. i in. 25 Ael inn of the ,1 j ; * Executive Com mit ,, i.i• iy in upholding tho ab prnol ically as the law j i, might. comment of va ,,.ni prominent Democrats willing to discuss tho mat \vli° " 1 ' •; v there was little or no the attitude of any one. l ' : "' ~ nrior to the committee Th 0" - '' ' N • 1 * 1 , ~ , v , opposed to tho absentee . w , ,> vigorous in their opinion ‘j' 1 . notion of the committee will , i repercussions and that ii,*! action of the committee will have ' , , j- reproeussions and that the ''j,. will he hurt as a result. V,, mistaking of Sentiment 0n tin other hand, those who ( . ,m : j nd won the battle of ballots naturally jubilant and are satis , t: , no harm will come of their actions. There was no mistaking the feeling . t ) v committee, the vote wasn’t even ; e. t l, sU , was first joined on a pro po-al t adopt the recommendation a mb-committee which proposed u , tighten certain provisions of the ahsontoe ballot law, notably by per mittinu delivery of absentee ballots on iv to the applicant or to a close relative or by mail and by requiring a voter who is sick to furnish a physi cal.".' certificate with this applica tion. \V. E. Harrison, of Richmond county, moved as a substitute that ;r , absentee ballot be abolished alto gether. but his motion met with quick ar.J decisive defeat, a resounding roar 0 f "No" drowning out a scattered chorus of "Ayes.” Bailej Nullified Reform Then Senator Carl Bailey, of Ply jioth, offered amendments which re stored th>' law about absentee voting to ilnu-t exactly its statue under th’ present statutes. Those amendments were so over whelmingly adopted on a viva voce vote that no one even called for a di vision or a roll call. All of which officially placed the Democratic party on record as favor ir.c retention of the present system of absentee voting, despite the storm of protest which has followed every Democratic primary of recent years. The really surprising feature~of the executive committee meeting was the feeble -hewing made by advocates of abolition of the present system. It had been thought that a large per centage perhaps a majority of east members would favor changes, at Repeal Must Come Afrit or the session Mr. Harrison ex ." ■eed the opinion that there will be herca-.d agitation on the subject and pr-iicted that eventually the Demo crat' party will be forced to repeal ho absentee ballot law. thought that the committee’s 1 Tolls the doom of current es -1 secure passage of legislation ‘"“Tng or abolishing absentee voting, wy first measure introduced in House session was a bill '■hoe Willie Bee Lumpkin to ■ai'ii-h absentee voting. '“’ n 'Vho l ived Twice” at the State Tuesday VANCE I Phone 775 Always A Good Show TODAY TUESDAY Hip only original film of the actual srcrics made on the fields jn Ir.'UHo during the World War. •WW YOU CAN SEE THEM on THE SCRff N FOR THf FIRST TIMFI^ UNCENSORSfe mrm \tVEH MOW sinmtional THAN •V