11lr 5 6 ~ —- L pn is ■ 1 I - -i_ . “I 17 18 B* 26 28 iHP 29 30 * 33 "Ti^" T 43 " across _ i 23—Tear v 25 —Bewildered 27 —A native of Saxony 29—Resound ; 31—Belonging to him 32--A body of water 34 — Masculine name 35 — Nooks 36 -To convert into leather by other means than soaking in tan liquor 37 External 38— Advanced in years 40 — A cat 41— First home of Adam and Eve 42 Hurl pA dissension 4_A disease character ized by in flammation of large toe j—Lodge tem porarily jO—A boss ,o a sphere ['-.Worthless leaving 15 — note of the dove 16— A river in South America: same as the Putumayo 17— An adver sary IS— Aged 19-The earliest stage of an organism 21—Admonish DOWN 1— Stuff a fowl 2 Flustered 3 Aloft 5--All correct -li-.e :-'gn 6 Temporarily deprived of conscious ness 7An i—>r’ CONTRACT BRIDGE JOP SI'OKK AT NO TRUMPS. UNLESS players have been es pecially trained to note the fre qxroy with which squeezes may be made, they scarcely can credit ment that few long bridge lessions fail to afford at least one Kortunity to squeeze defenders, yang his opportunity, one East ■layer in a duplicate game won top score through that simple strategy* Better still, he saw his chance from the beginning of the Viand, and ilayed tor the squeeze. ♦ 5 2 f 8 7*4. ♦AS 4 2 ♦ 363 ♦ A Q J 9 r —v — a* fAIO 2 £ Ul ♦KIO 9 8 ♦ OJ7 5 A K 10 9 4 *A7 i —' A 10 8 6 4 3 VK Q ♦ 83 ♦QJ 5 2 Bidding went: West, . East, l-Xo Trump; West, 2-Spadeir; Bast, 2-No Trumps; West, 3-N6 Trumps. . , ~ The opening lead was the 2 of clubs. Declarer’s 9 won,, fife counted the following certain tricks: 4 in spades, 1 in hearts, 3 In diamonds and 3 in clubs, or 13 tricks total. That should mean % small slam through good strategy md probably good for top on tne land. ,/ The Kof spades was led. A loiy diamond followed. Dupimy’s 4 fell to North's Ace. He led back a club, trying to establish partner’s uit. Dummy’s Ace won the fourth trick. Three rounds of winning Advantage of*New Diet in Keeping Weight Down BV LOGAX C LENDENING, M. D. THE ' PARI PASSU” (with even pace] method for keeping weight' t ow ' n was described in my article yesterday, and sample diets for the first two days were given. You can make up your own dietsj, and in one of the ar ticles next week I will give an outline and some help ful hint?, in that direction. ,Qoe #. Jhe great van tages of the “pari passu" method is that C. '1.1... . if y°U are ta tan ? U ' fnr lunch ° r dinner you u Vhatever is se t before you, ffpiini i , r ? ad and butter, without tfe‘,s llke a criminal. Except. averL amJ u b . utter - because oft , the intake 8 20f. at T” cut ' down 3*^ Meal Th alones at any one 6 ven n a , h l* P a . ri P assu ” (with fedup,., ' dlf t ' 18 not intended to object il° U r ap*dly—:in fact, its real b ut simnt n T C t 0 reduce y° u at all It i s t P y to keep you as you are. ranees fl ref °, ra ’ f l uite elastic, and a day ] ' OOO to 1,500 cfdorieiSi oriesofp that ls you til* ZOO fill- Within safe nmits 1 *** bet 1 ' U ' OSf ; moments when tea is eorne 0 f fT f d ’ whe n a tray with v.'ith h nf . those lar & e . soft muffins you can J's all ove r are served, « conscienp ° ne T without a twinge kreaf i and vf'e* Just cut out the your next , ter and dessert at. butter and mea - 0r the brea d and tVer you dreSSlng ’ WhiCh_i The t > nei ‘‘ !<8 ot Re ducer ? Vera ge red,, reat enemies of the (i, ’ dlet are (1) "the 1 ut to a |neaV\bi *« _ ” ient song bird 8— A corner 27—Scorch ' 9 A large, 28—Tidy black bird 30—Cereal 11—The entire grains physical 31—The crested part of man hawk 13— From parrot 14— A small 33—Former river duck spelling of 20—Mingle awe, owe, 22—Spawn of ought fish 39—From— 24—Placard prefix 26—A migratory 40—Papa Answer to Previous Puzzle sip ulr h ac|k 21JL E EL R\ bl a WeJu Rn" p sjotetyi A ™ E. AApBo "pC h|a t jUfpT uHg u y Kjijp T T I HTs uv]m|clhl r spaaes were taiten. On them de clarer let go his three lowest hearts. The Q of diamonds won the eighth trick. The 7 of dia monds was led from dummy at the ninth trick, and overtaken with de clarer’s 10, leaving just four cards in the hands of dummy, North and declarer. The diagram shows the four held by each of them, and the five cftrds .hefd by South, from which he must discard to the ninth trick. J 876 49 to W # AlO 2■ ,* iA f K S *klo 1 - 5. f KQ ♦ QTf South knew that declarer still held the K of diamonds, the K-10 of clubs and a lone heart of un known denomination.. North, still held a club and three hearts of un knovVji denominations'... Hte, hoped that North held the J of would prevent a. small slam. The only ‘things possible for/South to do wbq to let J£o a heart. ‘Either a spade or a // bw NOON coM f V / f M-YOOU- HAVE ,o i ® aFL ” sß ° v& a fmm aim w ■ / lA.I j IT was ¥ }/ BASE BALL TEAM WAS 60/N6 THROUGH if (If K TOWM ON "THEIR Vv/CY TO A SOUTHERN | TRAINING CAMP THE AO CAL. SPORTS' j cam h to pads AlC> ETTA KETt ... ... ' 77 ■ --. by PAUL ROBINSON j YJHOS THAT PICKET L WHAT DO VA MEAN I CANT \ SO WHAT A 2 HE£ OLD MAN ] r - 1 IWISIS MN HOUSE AMD SI J 111 t WALKING) UP AND RZOM THE Sb'l J f GET IN TOSEE ETTA WlfHotiTL IS UNFAIR TO ORGANIZED J NOll NoUf2£ MV DAUGHTER./ LOOIC. HE iM rfsoNrof ourz friends union: ( a union card ? moor a ldnecsv' go join the ri/sdumlc then cans dictate to f tmisewj phiu House- look, f \l — DATe union and pan Mo uil duesJ ~M EN _ ME “I into A . . .THE GU'MPS PROOF POSITIVE |. V iT'g iMfgpniß) F -THE II MiQ » * 1 NO MISTAKE.B BUT-I PONT UNPERSTAKJP- fct'#(jllllllllflilll|ff-Oh. viV- THIS IS ■ SUPHR'CROOK WHO SOLD TOM CARR ' ALIDY l SAW HIM ’J TOM HAS ALWAYS BEEN I TERRIBLE - WHAT I IME A SACK OF SVMTHETIC iSpAt MHS,t FACE TO FACE , A HIGHLY RESFECTABLE JWE WAS Nl A SHOCK IT'S \ I DIAMISwDS F0R«l00,OOO-J| Sri CE iu||i cc \-< i< -THF I_AR