CARRIAGES, PARTIES SOCIAL ACTIVITIES THE sisters , i,r t < ii? the noisy one, and bold. 1 L- is longer than the sun, BtfU are cold. , nII , on the other hand, of face, - to muse and understand. her *»«*. • dge plucks the flower apart, "the atomed stone; holds the flower to heart " \Vhen her sister's gone. . i like Knowledge best, M< S!'who shall decide the sunrise and the west eventide. • u T. Morris Longstreth. In Richmond. . g N. Powell left yesterday to J'lTtwo weeks in Richmond, Va. South Boston Visitors, ami Mrs. Thornton Wilson, Jr., Anith Boston, Va., were visitors in Here from Raleigh. , nul Mrs. Garland Bobbitt and r-' Helen Bobbitt, of Raleigh, spent yesterday here with relatives. ;iiss Boyd Here ... . Sadie Belle Boyd, of Raleigh, is Hirin' - >veral here with her S,"'Mrs. George V. Boyd. Guests of Dr. Wyche. lohr Elliot Cutter, of Long Island", v y is spending several days with *pr C. D. Wyche, in Dabney. With Mrs. Singleton. „ rg j r. Singleton, ot Washing r“ p c., id spending several days with Mrs. C. V. Singleton, on William street- >ew Hampshire Guest Mi'S June Webster, of East Jaffrey, nV. is the house guest of Mrs. C. O. Seifert, at her home on the Oxford Road. Here Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter, of South Hill, Va., were the guests yes terday of Mr. Hunter’s mother, Mrs. Claude Hunter. Here Yesterday. Mrs. A. J. Pendley, Mrs. R. F. Whitmore, and Miss Ada Whitmore, of Du r ham, were the guests yesterday Mrs. T. J. Garrett. Tucker Bridgers Circle The Tucker 3ridgeis Missionary Circle of the First Methodist Church j will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock i at the home of Mrs. R. E. Brown. Home from Schools Miss Ann Mills, student at Meredith ‘ College, Raleigh, and James Mills, stu- t dent at Wake Forest College, spent i the week-end here with their parents 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklin Mills. At Zeta I’si Tea .Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Clements and j Mr. and Mrs. R. G. S. Davis attended i the tea for Zeta Psi parents at the University at Chapel Hill yesterday. Mrs. Clements was elected president of the Mother’s Club and Mrs. R. G. S. Davis was elected treasurer. carduT In this modern time some thing wonderfully worth while can be done for practically every woman who suffers from functional pains of menstrua tion. Certain cases can be relieved by taking Cardui. Others may need a physi cian’s treatment. Cardui has two widely dem onstrated uses: (1) To ease the immediate pain and ner vousness of the monthly period; an d (2) to aid in building up the whole system by helping women to get more strength from their food. A. CITY HOME No Matter Where You Live T HE -‘°y °f a modem bath fir °f water in the kitchen a,, la undry whenever and ti i erev . er y° u may need it at the J Ur n of a faucet. I„ bese and many other conven- Rt, k CS u an en j °y ed in f arm and ho^ rban h °mesjust as in city homes a DAYTON Auto- It ; 0 1C ater % st em on the job. Penny-wise” folly to be lnlv • Ut ° n , e ’ considering both its Cost m n 1 , a i. cost and operating orSi’na? AYI ? N is made b y the W'ltP- 3 ma ker of household aut^ Steins are entirely fullv latlc .’ self-oiling and come tervL*. ei i Uipped for immediate e * i-et us furnish estimates* Catkins Hardware Co, Henderson, N. C. > SOCIETY NEWS * TELEPHONE 610 * « ** •••••*•••••• HOURS 9AM.TO 12 NOON Program Announced Auxiliary Conference The Third Area Conference of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held here tomorrow, convening at the First Presbyterian church at 11 o’clock. Registration will be at 10:30 o’clock at the same church. The following is the program for the Conference in full: Third Area Conference of the American Legion Auxiliary May 11, 1937 First Presbyterian Church Henderson, N. C. Program Meeting Called to Order—Mrs. Pres on P. Phillips, vice-president, Third Area. Advancement of Colors —by Pages. Pledge to Flag—Led by Mrs. Giles Wood. Star Spangled Banner—Led by Mrs. Frank Upchurch. Clark Street School Operetta Is Tomorrow The operetta “On Midsummer’s Day” will be presented in the high school auditorium tomorrow after noon and night by the pupils of Clarke street school. The theme of the production is one of the most appealing nature and is particularly appropriate for this sea son when intense interest is being dis played in gardening and much thought is being devoted to the care of flowers. In a setting of rare beauty lively honeybees and butterflies of vivid hue flutter about among lovely flowers. The little mistress of the gar den loves her flowers but neglects them. The fairy queer, seeing their sad plight calls for her rain fairies to refresh the thirsty posies an i as a punishment for the thoughtless chill summons the golden sunbeams to take the flowers to fairyland. With the aid of the faine > and brownies th« child is found and is given a thoro ugh lesson in gardening by the busy little sunbonm-t bathes and overall hoys before her flowers are returned to her The part of the ei ilc< is portray * 1 by Jessie Dale Hamlett, who is most appealing as she begs the lovely fairy queen Ann Elizabeth Haithcock, for aid in finding her preliy flowers, urd quite charming as she rejoices over their return with “Love Song to the Flowers” and a most graceful solo dance. Spry and mischievous are the brownies and fairies in their Mid summer’s Day frolic as Susie Dunn and H igh Southerland tease and Tret in “Naughty Brownie” yet quite seri ous as Gloria Van Dyke, in a captiv ating manner sings “A Wish.” A bit flirtatious is bold Mr. Poppy, Joseph Mayo, who proposes to shy Miss Daisy Ellen Winstead, and inded attractive are Nancy Jean Hight and Mishew Bobbitt when they tell with watering can and hoe, “How To Make Your Garden Grow.” Featured also are Thomas Fowll and Carlton Garrett in a vocal duet “On Still Warm Nights,” Agnes Baskett, Tucker Roberson, and Billy Hight as in “Air Mysteries” they tell of sights seen in the sky. The fairy queen in lovely cestume of rain bow hue is delightful as she enter tains with enchanting song and dance and most gracious as she directs all activities to a successful and happy Tine. Lively music and gay dances and clever daologue unite in making the performance one of swift moving ac tion while solo songs and dances by members of the cast enhance the va Radiophc o Catches Happy Sweethearts _ %■* Mrs. WalUs Warfield Simpson Edward, Duke of Windsor, and his bride-to-be, Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson, smile gaily in this first photo taken of them together since their re- HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, MONDAY, MAY 10, 1937 Invocation—Mrs. D. W. Hart. Reading of Preamble. Address of Welcome—Mrs. D. T. Dickie, Henderson Unit. Col. J. C. Cooper, Post Commander. I. B. Wat kins, Mayor. Response to Welcome—Mrs. Clay Hundley. Introduction of Pages. Skit of Americanism—By Durham Unit. Reports of Committeewomen. Musical Selection—Henderson Unit Introduction of Department Presi dent. Address—Mrs. C. P. Andrew, presi dent American Legion Auxiliary, De partment of North Carolina. E , '”"'irks—Miss Arelia Adams, De pa. L ...-a Secretary and Treasurer. AniiuL._. ments. Retirement of Colors. Luncheon at First Methodist Epis copal church, one o’clock. riety and charm of the program. With a well trained ca c t of one hundred thirty children and a spectacular ar ray of elaborate costumes an excep tionally enjoyable performance is promised. The matiness will be at 2:30 and the evening performance at 8 o’clock. A small admission will be charged. In I’inehurst Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Rose are in Finehurst attending the Rotary Con vention. At Rotary Meeting Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Kittrell and B. H. Perry are among those attending the Rotary meeting in Pinehurst. Here from Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Pace were visi tors here Sunday from Raleigh and were guests of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Ida Dennis, on Chestnut street. Miss Puckett Here. Miss Marie Puckett, of East Caro lina Teacher’s College, Greenville, spent the week-end here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Puckett, Sr. Polly anna Poems J:?• fSj A fat" little toad Sits under a tree, Guarding my garden’s Treasures for me. The insects that would My'flowers destroy Make a meal for him And are gobbled with ioy. PATTERN 9273 A frock that’s certain to send your charm score soaring at gay Summer festivities, is Pattern 9273, a slender izing Marian Martin model! In this slimming style, you’ve always longed to be, for even a “forty-eight” will wear this with the comforting assur ance that she’s looking her best. If you fancy the brightness of printed sheer, then make this flattering style in your favorite color. See how ef fective the dainty sleeves, becoming voke-jabot, and jaunty revers. You’ll find it a pleasure to make this sim ple frock, aided by its accompanying Complete diagrammed Marian Martin sew chart. Pattern 9273 may be ordered only in sizes 16, 18, 20, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 46 and 48. Size 36 requires 4 yards 36 inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for EACH MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Be sure to write plainly your SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, and STYLE NUMBER. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Be first to order a copy of our NEW MARIAN MARTIN PATTERN BOOK! Be first to discover the easy making of sum mery afternoon frocks, free-for-action play clothes, and alluringly lovely evening fashions. There are styles for every-one—Mother, the Bride, ’Teens and Twenties, Juniors and kiddies. Fabric tips, too, as well as many a slenderizing design. Don’t miss this fashion parade of easy-to-make pat terns. ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FOR BOTH WHEN ORDER ED TOGETHER Send your order to Henderson Daily Dispatch, Pattern Department, 232 W. 18th St., New York, N. Y. B. P. W. Club. The Business and Professional Wo man’s Club will meet Tuesday night at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Ada S. Parker. A full attendance is desired To Druggist Convention Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Brake left to day to attend the Druggist Conven tion in Raleigh. They will be there until Thursday. Returned Home Mr. and Mrs. John T. O’Neil have returned to New York City after spending several days with Mr. O’Neil’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. O'Neil. Jr. Tuesday Club The Junior Tuesday Club will be entertained tomorrow night at 8:30 o’clock by Mrs. Samuel M. Watkins at the home of her mother, Mrs. Geo. A. Rose, Sr. At Raker’4 IR^eting. P. F. Evans, and J. C. Evans of Evans Bakery, left today to attend the 23rd Annual Convention of South ern Bakers Association to be held in Asheville May 10-12. Grange Meeting Postponed The regular meeting of the Dabney Grange, scheduled for tomorrow even ing has been postponed until Tuesday, May 18, it was stated today. Com mencement exercises at the school ne cessitated the postponement. Guests for Week-End. George Adams, Mrs. WSlliam Bridgeforth, and Miss Ann Bridge forth, of Blackstone, Va., and Mrs. S. H. Hurt and Miss Nancy Hurt, of Washington, D. C., were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watkins. To Colonial Dames Meeting Mrs. Sydney P. Cooper, president, Mrs. John D. Cooper, treasurer and Mrs. R. B. Powell, will represent the Vance County Committee of Colonial Dames at the annual meeting of Col-, onial Dames in Wilmington tomorrow and Wednesday. —Central Press Radiophoto Duke of Windsor union. When a photographer asked them for a “happy” pose, Mrs. Simpson replied, “Why, that’s ridiculous, we’re always happy.” MARIAN MARTIN PATTERN BByi Visit Mother Sunday Mrs. Ricks, who is confined to her bed by illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Windley, on Young street, was visited Sunday, Mother’s day, by three of her sons, C. E., C. L., and R. H. Ricks, all of Pantego, and two daughters, Mrs. James H. McCluer, of Washington, N. C., and Mrs. W. R. Minshew, of Greenville. At Druggist Convention Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hocutt left this afternoon for Raleigh, where they will attend the annual meeting of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Asso ciation. Mis. Hocutt is first vice president of the woman’s auxiliary, and will re spond to a toast to the ladies by Mrs. George A. Isley. A number of entertainments hav’e been planned for the druggists and their wives during the session. Miss Strange Weds Pender L. Franklin Beautiful in its simplicity, was the marriage of Miss Jewel Strange and Pender L. Franklin, which was solem nized yesterday at high noon at the home of Mrs. M. L. Christian, in Dur ham. Rev. H. B. Porter officiated and the double ring ceremony was used. The bride and groom entered to gether and were unattended. The bride wore a gown of blue crepe and white accessories and a shoulder cor sage of pink rosebuds and valley lilies. Miss Strange is the youngest dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sidney Strange of this city. She is a gradu ate of Henderson high school and Watts hospital in Durham. Immediately following the wedding the couple left for a trip to an unan nounced destination after which they will be at home in Durham. The following announcement was made today and will be of interest to the many friends of the bride here: “Mr. and Mrs. William Sidney Strange announce the marriage of their daughter Jewel to Mr. Pender Lee Franklin on Sunday the ninth of May Nineteen hundred and thirty seven, Durham, North Carolina at home 611 Chapel Hill Street Durham, N. C.” Daughters to Meet Wednesday Evening The Daughters of America will hold their regular meeting in the America- Legion Hall Wednesday night at 8 o’clock, and all officers and members were urged to be present. There will be candidates for degree ’■ork, and a report on a party staged the group will also be had, it was stated. (fiNGRATUWTIONS A Son Mr. and Mrs. Kerman Carter an nounce the birth of a son, David Mich ael, Wednesday, May sth, 1937. Don’t pay a cent. If you have stomach ulcers, stomach pains, gas, heartburn, nausea or other distress due to excess acid, get UDGA, FREE. Based on a stomach specialist’s pre scription. Safe, pleasant, quick. Over 54.000 people have written letters praising-UDOA. Generous trial package. FREE, at ' Parker’s Drug; Store. Wake Forest to Have Annual Flower Show Wake Forest Garden Club will pre sent their annual- flower show Tues day in the high school building in Wake Forest. All Henderson Garden Club mem bers and others who are interested are invited to attend the show tomor row. Public Is Invited to Bird Lectures Mrs. Charlotte Hilton Green, presi dent of the Raleigh Bird Club, C. S. Brimley, president of the State Bird Club, and Prof. Green, of N. C. State College, ave the- guest speakers to nignt at the Episcopal Parish house on Birds of North Carolina. Prof. Green will bring many birds from the AGAIN NORGE LEADS! Qfl&\ W|Li| I 1 CoME IN and see for yourself. We'll I 1 you proof of performance that will I I convince you that the refrigerator of the 1 l future is here. Imagine keeping foods I PRIME FRESH —retaining full natural I fjOM- I flavor and natural moisture —2 to 5 times I THE ..% LUT ?» longer! The secret is in the lower tem- I PRESSOR • * 'fag m I peratures and higher humidity of the 1 aSv halibut I new Norge W - TEMP * See & today! r * -1 Loughlin-Goodwyn Jewelers Phone 118 CALIFORNIA 20 day tour to the Golden West—Leave June 21st. Memphis, Worlds Fair—Dallas, Grand Canyon, Los Angeles, Hollywood, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Yellow Stone Park, Denver, Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak—Garden of the Gods, Kansas City, Chicago. NEW ENGLAND AND CANADA 9 day tour, Leave August 9th. New York, Boston, New England States, through the Valleys and over Green and W'hite Mountains Enroute to MONTREAL AND QUEBEC St. Lawrence River, Ste. Anne De Beaupre and Montmorency Falls (271 feet) Passing Troy and Albany. NIAGARA FALLS & CANADA 6 day tour leaving August 23rd. Washington, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Cross Lake Ontario to Toronto, Return via Philadelphia with Stop-Over. WASHINGTON NEW YORK Two (2) Tours, 5 days each Leaving July 13th & August 24th One Night in Washington, Three Nights and Two Days of Sightseeing and Entertainment in New York. ALL EXPENSE PERSONALLY CONDUCTED RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP TOURS For prices, itineraries and discriptive literature, Communicate with THE H-M TOURS Raleigh Hotel Raleigh, N. C. Or any Southern Railway Representative CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS museum to illustrate the lectures. The program is sponsored by the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and is part of the program of the North Car lina Garden Clubs. The public has been cordially in vited to attend and especially all peo ple interested in attracting and pro tecting the birds of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Honor Bride, Groom Mr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Cooper en tertained informally at a buffet sup per Saturday evening at their home cn William Street, honoring Mr. and Mrs. John T. O’Neil, of New York, recent bride and groom.- The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. John T. O’Neil, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. O’Neil, Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. James O’Neil, David Jackson Cooper, Mrs. Reba Moore, and the host and hostess. PAGE FIVE