harkiages, PARTIES SOCIAL ACTIVITIES >IV ( AIiENDAB. ~,> in my calendar : ;i , h I mark the days With . ~ . can chart for ire >'o n 1 " 11 '"mv -tic maz3. Tho - J ° ' j. : i printed "; j le f<- i: 1 ’ ;t ve"V •IT hi> come *hen lilaci That *P‘ •- "' ! ,t m , iririn 1 1 summer hours by songs 1 in" ulen and glade— of I,ll ' V M! s not one mistake M al! ;' 1 singer made. Has an> ■ ■ iris a tender word -Vr ,J aUtU , . V,cross *he sod — I: ,u«■Tt of taith and cheer A; h ”; l!1 4on call goldenrod! Arthur Wallace Peach. i,>KN€E summer S grows dark with ' uered rain, 1 inland hurriedly and imi ,- u ‘ ' * ’through the meadtw, warmth BU \,ul .mnliy.ht re.-t . , V uore the tiger lilies grow. , n .. not lull their gay Vermillion •kit's !ll ’‘r -hat bring the seagulls’ Qr ./'Samuscd, they turn them- <( ives xo hear {tctful thunder clouds go stamp- Virginia Grilley. In Carthage. L T Waddill and son, Ed , ' nt several days in Carthage, Buna. W 1 . visiting relative*. • ■ In Smithfidd. Fra nk Ellington, is spending , . lV s in Smithfield, visiting averai - he: mother. At Mnnteo '{ Hicks spent last week-end Haute?*, and attended the Virginia Dare Celebration. Prom Morehead. Charles Cooper. Jr., who has been n . iun a in Morehead for several days, "as returned home. At Manteo jlr and Mr- Sam Alford spent last week-end in Manteo, and attended the Virginia Dare celebration. From Durham j[i 3 Martha Dixon, of Durham, is the guest of Miss Catherine Singleton a her home on William Street. Returned Home FredMabiy. who has been ill at the Maria Parham Hospital for some time, was discharged this morning. Week-End Guests. Rev. and Mrs. L. B. Reavis, of Temple. Texas, were the week-end pests of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Ayscue. Visiting Aunt. Miss ;I ?len Capps has gone to Win rr-SM in. where she will visit her aunt. Mrs. Ruby Hartman, for some At Manteo. Mrs. I. I. Young, Miss Annie Ful ler Young. Mrs. Wesley Y. Swain, and Thomas swain pent ..he week-end at, Manteo. Miss IJridgers Home M:„ Mamie Lee Bridgers, who has beer, spending sometime in Atlanta, Ga.. has returned to her home in the city. In Greensboro. Mr. and Mr.. Hamilton Stewart spent the week-end in 'Greensboro visi ing their sons, Albert and Macy Stewart. From New York Muss Los -it Petty has returned from New York City, where she spent seve ral days buying for Leggett’s Depart ment Store. Visiting in Baltimore Mrs. Salih E. Duke left Sunday for Baltimore Md., where -he will spend sometime with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bagg.it. Home from Camp Bobby Kittroii, Waiter Alston, Ers kin e Clement.-. David Cooper, and Cheatham were expected to re tUrn t'-day from Camp Carolina, near Brevard. checks K K u malaria II 11 II In 3 days V v V COLDS h,n- I ' l,,l, ‘ ts first day ’ ' ,,s, ‘ s Drops Headaches 3# f,' . minutes. I r> “I! ul*->| >--Tism'*-World’s Rest Liniment. d AGGETT & RAMSDELL PINE BATH f^OIL jj^SM* 00 * 5 ,fle size bottle-the same Concentrated pine bath essence that as been selling for $2.50. just one Poonfu! gives your bath a delight* till - , , -k voods fragrance, very re eshln C 5i.00. I‘ARKER’S ! >ItLG STORE > SOCIETY NEWS * J TELEPHONE 610 • • • • • HOURS 9AM.TO 12 NOON To Banner Elk. Perry has gone to Banner Elk to join his wife and son, Ben nett, Jr., who have been there for some time.- Here for Week-End. John T. Alderman, of Hilsboro, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J, T. Alderman, at her home on Turner avenue. Visited Parents Mr. and Mrs. C B. Dean and chil dren have returned to their home in Rockingham after visiting Mrs. Dean’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cree. Home for Week-End. C. M. Cooper, spent the week-end here at his home on William street, after having been on the tobacco mar ket in Georgia. From here he went to Wendel. At Camp. Misses Myra Huff, Ellen Stono, and Margie Barnes left this morning for Camp Leech, near Washington, where they will spend some time. From Raleigh. ; Miss Peggy Parker nas returned from Raleigh after spending two weeks with relatives. She has as her guest Miss Mary Ruth Barnes, of Raleigh. At Manteo. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Coghill, Miss Rosa Mac Coghill, Sam Coghill, Miss Patty Coghill, and Mr. and Mrs. Con rad Coghill, spent the week-end at Manteo. Return to Baltimore Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Baggett and little daughter, Betty, and Mrs. Edwin Bullock have returned to their home in Baltimore, Md., after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Robert son. Trip Postponed The proposed Bird Club trip on Wednesday to Lake Raleigh and the Museum in Raleigh is postponed until further notice because of heavy rains, and the prediction of rain for Wed nesday. From Manteo. Dr. and Mrs. IJ. T. Upchurch, Miss Anne Upchurch, Miss Betty Corbitt Waddill and Miss Jean Gaddis, of Hillsboro, have returned home after spending several days at Manteo and Nag’s Head. In Birmingham. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence * Finch are in Birmingham, Ala., visiting Mrs. Finch’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Busen lener. While there they will attend Mrs. Finch’s brother’s graduation in Albany. Week-End at Manteo Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Young spent last week-end at Manteo, and Nag’s Head. Their children, Bobby and Helen Person, stayed with Mrs. Young’s mother, Mrs. W. B. Goodwyn, at Emporia, Va. Guests From Atlanta Mrs. Eugene L. Daniel and son, Wil liam Daniel , Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rog ers and daughter, Miss Katherine Rog ers, of Atlanta, Ga , have arrived in Jie city to be the guests of Mrs. E. L. Bridgets at their home on Andrews avenue extension. From New York. Mrs. Ada S. Parker has returned from New York City where she at tended 'the New York School of Music and Arts for vwo weeks. She announces i.he opening of her studio of piano music for beginners on August 30th. Grammar school stu dents September Gth and high ; chool students on September 13th. She re quests an enrollment as soon as pos sible of all students. To Chicago Convention. R. W. Goodrich, Henderson photo grapher, is in Chicago to attend the annual convention of the American Association of Photographers. He went by automobile with a group of other North Carolina photographers. Several specimens of work done by Mr. Goodrich in his studio here, are on oxhibit by ’the Eastern Kodak Company of Buffalo, N. Y., these be ing from one of only four studioes in North Carolina singled out for ex hibition art. D. of A. Council to Meet Wednesday The local council of the Daughters of America will hold its regular meet ing Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock, at which time several matters of im portance will be discussed. Those who have not been presented past coun cilors pins will be given them at this session, and all officers and members were urged to he present. There will be refreshments, and a full attendance is desired. Pollyanna Poems A watermelon’s big and round And sweet and juicy, too; I bet you wish you had some now You bet your boots I do! DAILY DISPATCH, HENDERSON, (N. C.) TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1937 MARIAN MARTIN PATTERN With the Sick At Hospital. Mrs. Fred Loyd, of Route 4, is un dergoing treatment at Duke hospital, at Durham. Returns from Hospital. Mrs. R. W. Ellington has returned home from Johnson-Willis Sanitarium in Richmond, where she underwent treatment for a week. Improving Charlie LeMay, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Ma ria Parham Hospital, was reported to be improving. Leaving Hospital. Mrs. C. H. Hamm and little son, C. H., Jr., of Henderson, Route 1, have been discharged from Maria Parham hospital. NOW ONSALE I' • ~ NORGE (//a4&&z* • • See this great home laundry combination today! The new * Q Norge Autobuilt Washer has W the famous sealed-in-oil Auto- a O built Transmission •Pressure- a • as Indicator Wringer O Steam- a fOft n Sealed Tub • Lifetime-Lubri- I finny Wty ° NE I cated Motor. Norge Duotrol I UWN Pay hent I Ironer has double heat units a I with double thermostat con- a § trol • Movable Knee Control I jh» I • Finger-Tip Roll-Control • J a Four Layers of Padding on I . a Roll • Scratch-Proof Steel B M Ol*lT>Q a Shoe. Ask about the Norge f easy payment plan* Loughlin-Goodwyn Jewelers Phone 118 PATTERN 9429 Candidate for the title “The Sea , son’s Most Youthful Style” is Pattern 9429! And it’s guaranteed to carry off all honors for both “wearability” and easy making. Just the frock for general wear, for business or for the campus, it can be made up easily and quickly with the aid of the Complete diagrammed Marian Martin Sew Chart included with the pattern. Note what a time-saver you have in the figure molding bodice and panel-front—cut all-in-one. A true “fascinator” is this bit of feminine charm with an added touch in wide-at-the-shoulder sleeves and a trim pointed collar! (May be finished with a V-neckline and roll collar if you prefer.) Wouldn’t you like this frock interpreted in a colorful printed silk or novelty crepe for now, and sheer wool for later on? Pattern 9429 may be ordered only in misses’ and women’s sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Size 16 3 5-8 yards 39 inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for EACH MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Ba sure to write plainly your SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, and STYLE NUMBER. Send for the NEW MARIAN MAR TIN PATTERN BOOK, and see what fashion-magic you’ll achieve easily, quickly, and on the most limited of budgets! Each simple pattern points the way to clever clothes’ economy . . . Glamour for parties . . . Chic for everyday . . . Every member of the family will welcome this fascinat ing, practical guide to fashion! Learn “what’s new” in fabrics, gifts,'acces sories! Order your copy now! PRICE OF BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK AND PATTERN TOGETHER TWEN TY-FIVE CENTS. Send your order to Henderson Daily Dispatch, Pattern Department, 232 W. 18th St.. New York, N. Y. Girl Scout Heads At Durham Meet Miss Mariel Gary, Miss Carrie Bur , ton, Mrs. Edward Loug'hlin, and Mrs. George Blackburn, were in Durham yesterday to attend a luncheon given there for members of the Girl Scout [ area camp committee. After the lunch l con this committee, composed of Girl Scout representatives from Raleigh, Durham, and Henderson, made a thorough inspection of Sycamore Cree'k Camp between Raleigh and Durham. The camp, which will probably be used as a camp site for scouts from this district, is being built under the supervision of the Recreational Di vision of Park Service of the United , States Department of Interior. The big dining halL;infirmary, ad , ministration building, bathhouse, and I one camp unit composed of seven cabins are completed and ready for immediate use. Three other units of cabins are under construction. A tem porary lake is there for campers now. The committee was very enthusiastic over the camp layout. Visited Nieces. Samuel D. Young, of Grand Rapids, Mich., left today after visiting his nieces, Mrs. Joel T. Cheatham and Mrs. R. E. Clements for several days. GREGGWARNSIJF MOSQUITOMENACE Present Weather Is Ideal for Breeding, Health Os . ficer Declares Dr. A. D. Gregg, Vance county health officer, today issued a warning to the public about the menace of mosquitoes at the present time as a result of the particular kind of weath er now being experienced in this sec tion. His statement follows: “We are now having ideal weather for breeding and harboring mos quitoes. No control measure, we Can use on breeding places are very ef fective in hot showery weather. The oiling of breeding places where found is carried out every week or ten days by agents of the Health Department. The frequent heavy rains wash the oil away and we get poor results, also frequent showers enables mosquitoes to breed in little hidden pools and holes of water or mud, where or dinarily it would become dry too soon for the mosquito to reach adult stage. A few days in water will hatch the eggs, the larvae, or pupae stage will survive a few days in wet shady soil, until another shower gives them water for farther maturity. In this way, old cans, broken jars and such vessels will breed mosquitoes. “The cutting of weeds and bushes around houses and on vacant lots will do much to prevent mosquitoes from gathering around the homes. The cool, damp shade of the weeds and shrub bery .protects the mosquitoes from the sunshine and also keep the wind from blowing them off. Mosquitoes do not breed in the weeds or shrub bery but gather in these places for protection from the weather. “Effective screening is our only sure protection from being annoyed around our homes. Especially, is this true of the malaria carrying mos quitoes as they are night flyers and GBINUWm_ B £!BF H KB **• ■w *-ißf* jpß bBL ■ HHHB • : 'JiiM - pi .> m^M::-'-- aj j t % PfP^lfcp»Bk' / | I IL J^mtMiS/,^'i HB B For the trip _. . on the campus _. _ for the big games . . _ select a frock of new lustrus silk bright colors sport styles light weight fabrics. Wednesday Specials 9 cakes “Garden Completion” toilet soap, Sandals, white, blue and red $2.25 Regularly 3 for 10c 27 e values sl-00 Selected lot silk Shantungs and 24 pairs men’s white and sport oxfords, Crepes—3 yards .... SI.OO were $4.50 and $5.00, now *52.50 Short length Cretonnes —HALF PRICE Boys’ wash pants in browns, grays, khaki, were SI.OO 79c UlUtCriCs Lot rain coats, men—women— White Rose Dessert, in Opal glass custard children— HALE PRICE. cup, 10c value, special—6 for 25c E.G. Davis & Sons Company feeders, and will slip into our rooms at night through the open windows, like all criminals they like to work under cover of the dark.” 1,800 acresTaneT CONVEYED IN DEED Some 1,800 acres of land in Vance county were conveyed in a deed filed today with the Vance Registry by the Citizens Bank and Trust Company to Thomas A. Morgan, of New York. The tracts were located in various parts of the county. The property was conveyed for SIOO and considerations. D. P. McDuffee, commissioner, sold two lots of 43 1-2 acres and 10 acres in Dabney township to J. M. Capps for $1,500. Adolf Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan have become issues in the-New York mayoralty campaign. However, to date, none of the candidates has com mitted himself on the problem of what’s to be done about the Brook lyn Dodgers. Another il-|| \ Generation j|k Afl| Goes In OPine State Milk Hundreds of babies born this year are being raised on Pine State Milk. Because it’s protected by the most modern pasteurizing sand' bottling because it’s richer and better tasting. Pine State is health in surance for your child. Southern Ice Cream Co. Ice 'Creams—Pasteurized 5 —Pasteurized Milk— Whipping Cream —Buttermilk. CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS > j j £ A reversible dry S J floor and wall mop jjj K that gets Into all the " corners, picks up all wA J the dust and holds It. . M Made of chemically treated cotton yarn. V \Al| > 3 1 andle is waxed 13 S and fits into screw S n socket that ellml- Mgy \ n nates old fashioned f i nut and bolt at- JV 9 fv tachments. f t B; Mop has a full 17 - Eg Inch spread. A B S regular 50c value. LIMIT 2TO A CUSTOMEA Ifjj Low Cash Prices Watkins Hardware Company PAGE FIVE

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