daily cross word puzzle rWTTTTTTm ' 1 4 - ■— —— Ftfi-1-5~ 20 I I | I 21 -1 —J f ** 26. m |||p *". 2e 5a 30 si L ii la 34 35 1 . ACROSS 25—Sulk 28—A worthless leaving 30—Qirl’s name 32—Lines from the center of a circle 34 To cool sud denly, for the purpose of hardening 35 A portable chair ' 36—Shrewdness 2—Recoil : 9_ A color : 11— Lax 13- Competitor 1 14- : of between 15- C ig—Jurisdiction i area of a bishop 17— Vow 20— Speechless 21— 22 First digit of; the hand DOWN 10—Contend 12—Observe 17— Obstinate 18— The current five-franc piece (France) 19— Steal 23 —Abounding with hills \—Cautious 2 Roam 3 4 A second ary law 5 Extreme 6At the pres ent time 7 Performs 8— BARCLAY ON BRIDGE WRITTEN FOR CENTRAL PRESS By Shepard Barclay “The Authority on Authorities* WHY BE A GUESSER? THE GOOD GUESSER usually hs a fifty-fifty chance of success. But who wants to be a good cesser? If there is some way to Lounate all guesswork and make result 100 per cent sure, why ret use that instead of trying to frere out who probably holds a articular queen? £ A 10 6 J 8 3 «?o 10 6 4 2 IQ 9 5 —77 — 43 2 jqnoa *•. **K63 58 £ « ♦lO 95 2 S. * 7 qY* 3 £KJ7 , Q None f-y K Q 6 4 ’ / Jfs A Q J 0 8 5 (Dealer: South. North-South vulnerable.) After South’s opening bid of 1-Cub on this deal, West over t'fkd with l-Heart, North passed, I::t bid 4-Hearts and South "■Cubs, which West doubled. we heart Q was led against Juu: contract and ruffed by South, ‘te hand looked simple, with the ’f 3 of the diamond A and even l:e club K, if the finesse failed, F-viued South could decide just Protamine Insulin as Used For Treatment ofDiabetics B y lcgan clendening, m. d. i PATIENTS WITH diabetes do i r °t like to start taking insulin be- < ( eause (l; it leeks like an endless i and (2) because it requires 1 . a hy p o dermic i injection. The 3 idea that if you 1 once start insu- 1 lin you have to 1 keep it up is ] only partly 3 true. It is true J that if the con- 1 dition of the 1 body requires it, the best thing is to con- i tinue, but it i isn’t true that : if for some rea- i son it has to be ] Clendening . stopped, any se- ; f result is likely to occur. uj*° far as the second objection use of a hypodermic) is con it still holds, but in the jProtamine insulin we have j^ nc 'J the inconvenience because r -'i be given in one dose in the !r:!r >g, and continues to work all nr ;; u £h the 24 hours. • the hesitant diabetio who o>. JS in " ulin would just try it he would need no further He doesn’t realize how atd bcLter fie will feel immedi- s ‘ n y ' 1 hnov/ one patient who « t a she woke up. the rooming he r first shot of insulin and pl ! as if her body* had been sup for' Vl th something it had needed a ’°ng time. As, indeed, it had. ah/ 1 E Hictt Joslin, an eminent di t; '3 expert, says: Irot t ’ u^e unanticipated benefit n the introduction and daily 24—Inventor of the first practical telegraph 26 Anglo- Saxon letter 27 Pronoun Answer to previous puzzle sy T i ßc -ifti*H H A R oU alkj| I NA A l_ > M l- A|M|^|jp~ A T E ~ K ~E T 0.— 382338 i* ~K —— 3Ble£lL _L E: R. v|_A R L> A S Ht olgtfdjp ad|K v|s|t|sMk|e|y|eld| which way to finesse for the spade Q. The diamond K was led and won by West, who returned the heart J. After ruffing this, South led to the diamond J and ruffed the heart 7. -By now, it was apparent to declarer that the club K was held by West, so he laid down his club ' A, cashed the diamond Q and ruffed the diamond 6„ Now a club was led to West, who had the choice to leading a spade or a heart, either of which suited the declarer. • • • Tomorrow’s Problem *7 3 V 10 9 8 7 6 5j v 4A K 5 *9 4 *KQIO —XT — *9 8 5 64 M . VKQJ4’ VA 3 2 < 41 *3 ♦ Q7 6 + K Q*- 7 *3 2 « ♦A J 2 f None ♦ J 10 9 8 7 t ♦ A J 10 2 (Dealer: North. Neither side vulnerable.) What bidding 4 by North-South enables them to get the best score on their holdings? use of protamine insulin has been an alteration in the attitude of the diabetic patients toward their dis ease. Instead of being neglectful and indifferent, as they often were, to their tests, resisting efforts to keep them more nearly free, they now watch their reports very closely and expect and demand that the physician produce his ex pected good results. This is a healthy sign. It’certainly is desir able for us medical men to be challenged to improve our treat ment,” Designed for Patients Protamine insulin is best de signed for patients who have never used insulin, but really need it. For those who have been using regular insulin and have leaned how to control the dosage, it is probably disadvantageous to switch to protamine insulin. Age plays an important role in the degree of control of diabetes with protamine insulin, in that those above 40 years of age did better. The dividing line is 40. Protamine insulin is also supe rior to regular insulin in the treat ment of underweight individuals Who are not diabetic, according to work done at the Scripps Meta bolic laboratory. It will be remem bered that insulin was urged for this purpose several years ago. EDITOR’S NOTE: Seven pamphlets by Dr. Clendening can now tained by sending 10 cents bicoip, fSr &ch y a seU-addres«»d en velope stamped with a tnree cent stam?. to Dr.^gan 4hr2, Teenies’ ‘'lndigestion and ConstipaUon . Re ?ng’i,n^‘ilostructions^for of* Diabetes-. ‘‘Feminine Hy^ene;’ and* Care of the Hair and bam . ifHIMBLE THEATRE Starring POPEYE My Kingdom for A Horse , By E. C. Segar euauv. POPPW HfcVE YA VJHY,TrtB lOEBft- I 6E6 uohkt \c } D—, . alreaoy got so old y#\ ujont W®*oke tc-oe-oom l POOP*. HA-CHPIS Jl OON'T A_ L ONE FOOT IHTHE . LWE-TO R£M> NMHKT •'S' c*— A. T5-DUM- TC Kgzm -iAa YA KNOW m jh« VA SOWD- DOM-TC-DUM |j|||pg ||l|| BIG SISTER _ By LES FORGRAVE I NMAvS A NUT TO ANN, QUIT X OOGHT* jT"T miMii ' OH, BOV \L. ITU EM TD'EM GOtbd* TO EVEP-LBTVOO 1,7 VOOR TO SOCK / ‘SOCK 7 Hr7(M^UA v > l Z ;IT BACK THERE.'. "CHEV’RE t^CTT <=»E-T me INTO JA GRIP^ 1 J VOONMnw/tsABJOSr ABOOT tvAE MOM • 1 ,TVU*S JAMB* APOCK’/OtiCeAMO ii X 4e- "ffrMM'f S— ■■„„ ) *« " > < ....*/ ■.*',! f ' t CQTT S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT ■ I jk u j JB i~a ?('b Z 0 ° H “ ci y: wmmmi>mS?vv7> < i I —- I“' ol j ' 4IuMA.H SeA.RECMWS PROftfiT ER.— U 'I W/ ol . GR.AIK PROM DES] .birds m-rtitsuNOt cafbjca^ W %l VMON6 *TteR AMMUNITION ARE MUD-BALLS E^s!\ilCr^ -tSe Hi'nw.icoAYoF 1 ——-I' „,Jj|n. ■ ARMS of PE.R.U , SHOWK on **** M % Lc.qS-BliT HE. PE6RAM ‘ WAS JUST PASS)N—_> WHESE. 1685 STAMPS, IS NOf HEVER. SfAXDS oX HOLCOMB HOME WHEN "THE HOT WATER SAJAEr-fHE PESI6N PIFFERS INSHAPt MOFLE-YrtAH ffaUR-cfr-riteM TANK SPRANG A LEAK , 0-17*37 J AHD "TkE LOWER. PAFSfToF *ltlE StflElD copyright. iW7, king features syndicate, inc, COPYRICHT. 19S7—LEE W STANLEY—K INC FEATURES SYNDICATE. Inc. 1 j - ■ ■■ -- ■ l lia. I ■MB ,—I i'iWMSMW»%aw»>JiMi ■■ MRW •• j t -’ ' ’"' " 11 -■ •- ■ -' l - 1 ' ' ' ' 11 -" ~ " '" '" ETTA KETT " .... " " „ , : By PAUL ROBINSON | , KS^A’£S' E ir ■ |Si™5SSf tes, 1 ) .; ME FROM MY PROMISE NOT J A KISS FO/2. r —ITS A 1 VATO ,r~~~2/ ' ,HUH. J SOCKSR^^J x r«£ GUMPS—IT’S LOVE ~ T L j ' ■ I i- I'KAV/KILL THE FATTEPI IF YOU THIMK HE'S QOIKIG W MRS. PE STROSS- VOU'RE H SURE THEV'LL PE GLAD TO SEE HIM \ CALF.' SHINE UP THE JTO WASTE ANY OF HIS cM POINQ ME AN INJUSTICE —TmWMmSfk ■ BACK— / NEVER. SAW A KIP YET WHO | OLP WELCOME MAT/ HI COOP MONEY ON THAT Whi MY LOVE FOR UNCLE BBIL DIDN’T WANT TO MEET SANTA J ; NIGHT'S TURNING J SCRACKPOT INVENTION jMm BIM IS PURELY AN J&MMSSmm M CLAUS— IF IT WEREN'T FOR BIM / INTO PAY—UNCLE (f IOF YOURS-YOU'RE fmosrm\ AFFAIR OF THE BMW THAT WHOLE BUNCH WOULD j . BIM IS COMING | WRONG/ |»VE 1 28— Unequal things 29 Narrow in let (geol.) 31—Measure of length 33—Roman bronze coin HENDERSON, '(N. C.V DAILY DISPATCH, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1937 PAGE SEVEN