PAGE FOUR luntiU'rfimt SatUj iiapatrli Established August 12, 1914 published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by HENDERSON DISPATCH CO* INC • at 109 Young Street hittmrY A. DENNIS. Pres, and Editor S I FINCH, Sec.-Treas., Bus. Mgr. ’ TELEPHONES Editorial Office SJJJ Society Editor Business Office The Henderson Daily Dispatch is a member of The Associated Press, Southern Newspaper Publishers Assch elation and the North Carolina Press Press Is exclusively entitled to use for republicaUon all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper, and iSO the local news published herein AU rights of publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Payable Strictly in Advance One Year Six Months * 0 Three Months •• * -- Weekly (by Carrier Only) Per Copy National Advertising Representative Na LANDIS COMPANY 250 Park Avenue, New York 260 North Michigan Ave., Chicago General Motors! Bldg., Detroit 1413 Healey Budding, Atlanta j Entered at the post office in Hender son, N. C., as second class mail matter ■■ ’ • ' 1 Charity never faileth: but whethei there be prophecies, they shall fail, whether there ce tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.—l Cor. 13:8. , 10JDAY TODAY’S ANNIVERSARIES 1832 —George Washington, born in Westmoreland Co., Va. Died at Mount Vernon, Dec. 14, 1799. 177 g—Rembrandt Peale, celebrated portrait and historical artist, son of a noted artist, born in Bucks Co., Pa. Died Oct. 3, 1860. *, , 17gg —(150 years ago) John Stuart Skinner, Baltimore postmaster, pub lished of the first successful agricui- ( tural journal in the U. S., publishei J of the American Turf Register, first J of its kind, born in Calvert Co., Md. , Died March 21, 1831. 1788 —Arthur Schopenhauer, German • philosopher, born. Died Sept. 21, 1860. ■ 1819 —James Russell Lowell, famed New England poet, editor and author, j fodemost man of letters in his da>, hod.n at Cambridge, Mass. Died there, Aug. 12, 1891. 1838 —(100 years ago) Margaret E. Sangster, New York’s noted juvenile editdr and author of books, born at New Rochelle, N. Y. Died at Maple wood, N. J., June 4, 1912, 1857—i Frank L. Stanton, Georgia poet laureate, author of “Might Lak A 1 Rose,” born at Charleston, S. C. Died j at Atlanta, Jan. 7, 1927. TODAY IN HISTORY 1819 —.Treaty signed with Spain by which United States acquired Florida. * 1847— Beginning of two-day battle of Buena Vista—Americana defeat Mexi cans.. : • .1856—Republican Party organized in Pittsburgh and arranged for first national convention. 1891 —President-elect Lincoln, on way to Washington for his inaugura tion, secretly slipped away through Harrisburg, Pa., to avoid a possible attempt on his life. 1879—Frank W. Woolworth, 27, opened his first store at Utica, N. Y. on borrowed SSCO.CO. Unsuccessful and closed in three months. 1934 —Snow, never before seen in African Libya, caused natives to pros trate themselves in awe at the “blank et of Allah.” TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS Maj. Gen. William D. Connor, form er West Point head, who today reach es the statutory age of retirement, born near Bel’.oit, Wis., 64 years ago. Clyde B. Aitchison of Oreg., Inter state Commerce Commissioner, born at Clinton, la., 63 years ago. Edna St. Vincent Millay, poetess, born at Rockland, Maine, 48 years ago. Fanny Ward, actress, born in St. Louis, 66 years ago. Samuel Ward, actress, born in St. Louis, 66 years ago. Samuel Seri aiy of Now York City, noted lawyer, t orn there, C 5 years ago. Dr. Charles M. Andrews. Yale’s fam ed professor emeritus of history, born at Weathersfield, Conn., 75 years ago. Lt. Gen. Sir Robert Baden-Poweli, English founder of the Boy Scout movement, born 81 years ago. TODAY’S HOROSCOPE Today gives good ability, with intui tion and a taste for high living and the luxuries of life. There is a tend ency to petulance, with some disposi tion to be headstrong, and you are likely to be misjudged which will be a mistake, for your instincts at bot tom are good. ANSWERS TO TEN QUESTIONS , See Back Page 1. Crown Prince Tsugu. 2. Western meadowlark. 3. The science of .d.ugless healing, in -contradistinction to the tieatment of disease by surgery or medicine'. 4. It is an Iroquois Indian word for r river.” 5. Bangkok. 6. 1619. 7. American musician and composer. 8. They are variant spellings of the same word. 9. Five Aces. 10. Amethyst. 1 Today is the Day By CLARK KINNAIRD • Copyright, 1938, for this Newspaper '' by King Features Syndicate, Inc. Tuesday, Fefb. 22, natal anniversary of George Washington, under the new Calendar. He was actually born on Feb. 11. This week’s morning stars: Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune; evening stars: Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus. ONCE UPON FEB. 22nd If we observe Washington’s birth day on Fe!b. 11, there’d still be a great man to honor on Feb. 22. John Stuart Skinner was born 150 years ago this date in Baltimore, where he established the first farm magazine, The American Farmer, and the first outdoor sports magazine in the country, The American Turf Reg ister. It is also worthy of note that he was Francis Scott Key on the mission that suggested the latter’s • "Star Spangled Banner,” and he was chosen by Mar quis de Lafayette to manage t'he 200,- 000 acre tract of land given the latter by Congress. But his great achievement was in improvement of the postal service. In its early years, the postal service in America was “a loose, disjointed fledgling, buffeted alike by court fav orites, violent patriots, zealots and just plain crooks,” as one historian puts it. The idea of Federal authority over anything was new. Perpetrators of postal frauds and misappropriation of funds usually went unpunished. As a postmaster of Baltimore, which has been the birthplace of the first Continental mail service, Skinner changed all that. He put his post office on a busines basis. He intro duced the idea of postal inspectors and helped get central authority es tablished and accepted. He insisted ~WbTD7You~ Know About North Carolina? By FkED H. MAY 1. In what county were ihe commis sioners indicted for allowing the jury to convene in the snow? 2. Wheie was the first Methodist conference school in America estab lished? 3. How much will our highway in debtedness be decreased this year? 4. What was the penalty for theft qr for mis-branding cattle in 1741? 5. What are North Carolina’s oldest and youngest counties? 6. How much power did the con stitution of 1776 give the governor? ANSWERS. 1. In Iredell county in 1899. The in adequate facilities of the court house fnv C ed the jury to convene outside, ’he grand jury brought an indict n-nt against he i ommissioners rnd. "t ced the building of a new court ’on e which is :n use at '.he Present. ?. On the west side of the Yadkin ver in what is now Davie county. The school was established a short time before 1793, and was named Cnkp-ibit—* r< -hor>t '-.nrir- of Dishor Thomas Coke and Bishop Francis As •'ury, the first two Methodist bishops :n America. **. A total of $9,851 ”92 will be paid v July Ist on highway indebtedness' This sum is divided aw "allows: in ./.ercst on bonds $3,82f sinking fund installments $500,009;, redempfc lon of ben-s $5,000,000: rnd ‘epay-. nent of county loams $520 159. j For the fi~st offense len pounds proclamation money plus the value of < he animal. For the second offenst" lie sgmo vine .nd cos's plus forty, .’ashes and the :otter “T” branded in.| he left hand with a hot iron. 5. The oldest county is Chowan formed :'n 1672 from Albemarle which was the first county or precinct es tablished, now extinct. The youngest counties are Avery and Hoke formed by the legislature of 1911 6. Aside from pardoning power •hore was very li+tle pew-r given him by the constitution of *776. William Hopper, member of the convention from Wilmington, s- d that the gov ernor was given “Only power enough to sign a receipt for his salary.” Later constitutions have made very little change in this respect.. .SALLY'S SALLIES 6 White and silvery beams. And all is still; and all is quiet, And all the world does dream. 1 By ALICE CAUDLE. Grange Favoring Telephone Survey (Continued r ,g* On.- and even total miteUg:, Ml* h;. t • S.'•'«/■ wag there a separation q? ti J ; ■ urban telephones. The REA was ly devoid of any information v/ha'evcv on the telephone situation, w’ l ieh n parently does not come within i!?r jurisdiction. r V There seems to be no doubt that J h j rural telephone situation is doplorabl I from almost every point of view. An/ one who has attempted to talk on ill j lines of some of the smaller compani es is ready to testify that the s*- /vice is * terrible. Utility Commissioner Stanley Winborne recently thi’eatened to take away the certificate of public necev- : sity from one of the smaller coin-, panies because of its failure to giv > even moderately satisfactory service • He says there are at least a scor.? more which ought to be treated the same way, and which will be if im provement is not shown. ‘‘The situation is almost parallel to the rural electrification problem be fore the State REA was set up. Noth ing was done toward rural electrifica « tion until a survey was made and tin same thing will be true of the rura', telephone situation.” BORN AS MOTHER DIES OF BURNS Saved by Caesarian birth as mother dies Borirjby a Caesarian operation as its mother lay dying of burns, this baby boy is held by a nurse in Valley hospital, Sewickley, Pa. The mother, Mrs. Anna Haus, 25, of nearby Coraopolis, Pa. became a “human torch”'when her clothing was ignited by an explosion of floor wax which she was melting on the kitchen stove. Neighbors rushed ,her to the hospital, where she died five hours after smiling ■' - «■ and touching her healthy new-born son LONDON READY FOR AIR ATTACKS ift# Ip, British gas-masked sentry A gas-masked sentry stands guard behind sand baas in Lmufan during demonstration of air raid precautions given at barracks by members of the Greater ans Ctoldstream^GuaTds Bomber on Stand «_££ am ii if £m "“""" , " 1 Lester F. Barlow, Stanford, Conn., inventor and first man to use bombs in aerial warfare, is pictured on the stand before the House Naval Af fairs Committee in Washington. He urged drastic revision of the naval expansion program, and said he had developed an aerial torpedo with which “we can hit Chicago fifty times a minute from (Central Press) Wife Preservers gs JS| 11 HHg To macedoine food means to cut it up or dice it, such as chick en. for instance. NOTICE. Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Tom Morris, deceased, of Vance County, North Carolina, before the Vance Superior Court Clerk this is to notify all per sons holding claims against said es tate to exhibit them before the un dersigned on or before the 25th, day of January 1939, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. Tnir. the 24th. January, 1938. 1/. F. McDUFFEE, Administrator. Body and Fender Repair On All Makes of Cars Every Job Guaranteed to Look Like New Most Reasonable Prices. j Ask Vs for Estimate. Scoggin Chevrolet Co. Henderson, V. C. 18. H. MIXON | (Incorporated) * Contractor and Builder 1 “Builds Bette* Buildings ” Also Wall Papering, Painting, Roofing and Termite i Extermination Phone 7 WANT ADS Get Results apartments for Rent rnr nor Chestnut and Orange streets at hospital. See Mrs. M. j. O’Ne ll / ' appointment, phone 130 o*> ls bv “DIVIDEND DAY” STARTs' wpn Mar. 2, 1938 at the Steven,? Theatre. Registered now in our \,T by. For children and adults r , old “Jack Pot” and new registration 1 will be used. ™ —_____ 19 ' 9t i FLOW POINTS SI.OO DOZEN-WAKP Forest Champion and Dixie p oint * less than dozen lots 10c each 3 t 25c. Watkins Hardware Co. 2‘>-3 > t l j ALL .STATE LICENSED ~BEArTY operators. Phone 200 for r>pp o i n f ment. Your patronage appreciated Bndgers Beauty Shop. l4 _ t j FcAN MAKE beautiful with quality paints and first class workmanship. Quotations gladly furnished. J. B. Knight Gen eral Contractor. Phone 683-W. 22 it YOU HAVE RODE now ride the best-New Hudson Taxis. Phone 366. 9 19 ,. EXTRA HEAVY PLAnFbed canvas, 32 x 28, 10 yds. wide 3 l-2c square yard. J. c. .Penney Co. 22-lt! TRY GRADE A GUERNSEY by Boxwood Dairy, a premium milk at regular price. Call 797-W. before 10 a. m. for delivery. E. L. Watkins Pr °P- 19-6 ti WANTED EXPERIENCED~BOOK keeper for full time position. Ad l dress “Bookkeeper,” care Dispatch. | _■ 32-2 ti CAR SEED FOTATOES JUST AR j rived. Place your orders now* J Prices right. Also garden seed and j fertilizer. Kittrell and Harris. 17&22 , 2c PER YARD PLANT BED CLOTII , —Close out 2c per yard, several hun | dred yards at this ‘price. Watkins j Hardware Co. 22-lt Plant Heel Cloth Lespedeza, Seed Oats We Have Them Rose Gin & Supply Co. FOR RENT—TWO FURNISHED OR unfurnished rooms. Apply at 150 Burwell avenue, or call 238-J. 22-1 JESSE CRAWFORD WORLD’S greatest organist with his Hammond Organ will appear at the Stevenson Theatre—One day—Wed. Feb. 23, 1938 —Matinee 30c, night 10c —Henderson’s outstanding attrac : tion, direct from the Paramount I Theatre, New York. 15-B.i | CAUL 248 FOR TAXI SERVICES > Riggan Taxi, A1 Riggan ovnor and \ operator. You will find oil" driven ; courteous, prompt. Give us a ring, ; Call 2-8. 22-23-25&2S RADIOS ELECTRIC AND RAY tery, Service and repairs to nil ! makes —-Parts and batteries. Electric i ranges, refrigerators, washers and oil circulating heat ers. Stewart’s Everything Electrical, opposite Legg-Parham Co., phone 880. 19-!? FOR SALE—NICE LOT OF FRESH ly threshed lespodeza seed, 6e pound. See John H. Bullock, route ’ 5, at Williamsboro. 22-lt WANTED—TWO SINGLE MEN 20 to 26 to travel, salary, transporta • tion furnished. Write Mr. Gil ert ! West, Gen. Del., Raleigh, N. C.. giv ! ing age, experience and education. 21-3 U I DIAMOND EDGE AXES SPEC I AT. ! . at $1.50 each, Mauls 10 Us. $1.75 j each, wedges 39c and 50c, plow i points SI.OO dozen or 10c each. Wat i kins Hardware Co. 22-2!:: i WIN SIO.OO—GUESS HOW MUCH money is in glass case in lo b/ Stevenson Theatre. No obligation— Just register your guess. 19-9 L ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as administrators of the estate of G. Fred Finch, de ceased, late of Vance County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before the 26th day of January, 1939, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 25th day of January, 1938. MRS. LULA FINCH, MELVIN B. FINCH, Administrators of the Estate of G. Fred Finch, deceased. A. A. Bunn, Attorney. FOR SALE Reasonable Price Easy Terms 7 Room House Gholson Ave. 6 Room House Gholson Ave. 6 Room House Chestnut Street ' —See— AL. B. WESTER Phone 139 Oldest Insurance, Real Estate and Rental Business in This Section Citizens Realty & Loan Company. JOEL T. CHEATHAM. !*«*■ Phones 628—629.