daily CROSS WORD PUZZLE i j 2 3 4 22735 U|l I zMLZ~mzz~~m Z n " n ' %% 37j " Hi 55 ACROSS 19— Symbol for erbium 20 — Frequently 23—Ana (abbr.) 25 New 26 Miry 28 —Scholars 30 — Disfigure 31— Catlike * 32 — Girl’s name 33 A fissure 34 A fruit 35 A sudden, brief blast of wind 36 — Assault 1— Clergyman in charge of a parish 5— A kind of stout. clumsy shoe 8— Not strict 9 Flippant 10— Froth 12— Dishes 13— Printer’s measures 14— A memento 15— Take it easy 17— Prefix signi fying "away from” DOWN 9—A sphere 11— A Hebrew measure (5.1 pts.) 12— Babble 16—Sign of the infinitive mode 18—A rack on running gear 1— An umpire 2 Social rank 3 A kind of cap 4 Domestic beast of burden 5 Applaud 6 Flexible 7 Observe Copr. 1938, King Features Syndicate. Inc. BARCLAY ON BRIDGE WRITTEN FOB GBNTBAL PRESS By Shepard Barclay “The Authority on Authorities” PREFER NATURAL PLATS ALWAYS WIN a trick unless you have a special reason for not winning it. This does not consti tute parsimony, but plain common sense. In all games the natural plays are preferred under ordinary circumstances. Such measures as hold-ups are advisable only when common logic dictates that an ad vantage of some kind may be gained by them. 4 9 2 ¥7 4 2 4A 8 4 *K Q 9 6 4 m ♦KIO 7 ¥QIO 8 £ 4) 4Q9 5 3 4K7« A A 5 4J107 L.S. J * 4A Q 8 ¥A K 5 4JIO 6 2 1 ' +8 3 2 (Dealer: South. Both sides vul nerable.) The bidding on this deal was 1-Diamond by South, 2-Clubs by North, 2-No Trump by South and 3-No Trump by North. The spade 4 was West’s original lead, which East took with the K. He returned the spade 10 to South’s Q. The club 2 to the Q was South’s next play and East Skin Serves as Envelope To Other Organs of Body By LOGAn CLENDENING, M. D. YOUR SKIN should have had a good hygienic experience this sum mer. it should have been aired and sunned and cleansed in ocean or lake or river. It should:, have been close to nature. It should have been exercised so that the working of the muscles as you walked, or played tennis or base ball, or whatever you did play, m ade all the skin glands function freely. Now that winter is on the way, keep' it up. Your skin is a wonderful organ, and very much °f your feeling of well-being de pends on keeping it in condition. Be good to it. There is a little joke that doc tors like to repeat—a kind of fam- Jy 3°ke type of humor. They say that their specialty is “the skin Dr. Clendening will answer' questions of general interest only, and then only through his column. its contents.” That is a very *uie type of doctor who can say that. The saying indicates as well as uy thing that the skin is part of ue body, and that its main func °n is to be an envelope to the °ther organs. f The temperature regulating d on the skin is a most won rtul and delicate mechanism, vvnen one thinks that in health the va . iJerature of the body hardly t e / es a frac tion of a degree win drL and 1 summer - and th at this is tion eat i rel y b Y the autotriatic ac admir° f *- the skin * fcit must arouse ° T n for the orderliness of iarir« ' ,!V cold weat her the capil ina the skin con tract, keep internai ~ arm blood dee P in they Mn! ? ans ' In warm weather pand, and besides, the sweat of a Wagon for hauling : hay 21— A swoon 22 Negative re ply 23 The Moham medan call to prayer 24 Slippers without quarters 27 Greek letter 28 — South Amer ican republic 29 Half a quart 32—The gold monetary unit of Lith uania 34—Foot (abbr.) Answer to previous puzzle fir I 1 I'll l l l I 1 I 1 BB< In In a p olrlt UnJell ei& M A E C P R EIMrUEIRIEIBC E a tTB&MsIvII IpTk[s| lots! R sMBMM A p’tMßs eße cru PEE LJE pßt RUE T|r|ElAIDfeMS ETS held off on the first round. Declar er came to his hand with a heart and led another club. When the 10 was played by West, declarer guessed correctly and ducked, with the result that he lost only one club trick. If East goes in on the first club trick. West makes the J, as East can clear the spade suit when in with the club A. Declarer could not afford to let West hold the trick with the 10 with two set-up spades. East had no good reason for holding up, as the entry in dummy made that play useless. * » * Tomorrow’s Problem 4AK Q 7 ¥K9 6 5 4J7 5 S 49 4 9 5 2 „ f— 77 — 4JIO 8 3 ¥ 3 s.. ’ • ¥8 7 2 4 10 86 $ 4 A Q 4 2 4 Q <7 10 5 5. 4 8 7 4 3 4 6 4 ¥ A Q J 10 4 4K 9 4A K 6 2 (Dealer: South. North-South vul nerable.) What Is South’s best play for 6-hearti after the lead of the club Q? glands pour out perspiration, which dries, causing the skin to be cooled by evaporation. It is often said that the more a person sweats, the more healthy lie is. There is no rule about this. Cer tainly a dry skin is unhealthy, but excessive perspiration probably means consumption of alcoholic beverages more often than any thing else. The total weight of the skin is about six pounds. If removed it would cover an area of about six feet. It is the largest organ in the body. » The use of face powder and other cosmetics has something to' be said for it. They distinctly pro tect the skin against light and wind and are, in themselves, sooth ing. Massage of the face does riothirig but clean the skin. It does riot make the pores small, nor pre vent wrinkles or color changes hr the akin. „ QUESTIONS FROM READERS D. S. G.: “I am one that mosqui toes feast oh. Please tell me the iriosf effective remedy for the itch and sting of u mosquito bite.” Answer: The two best-skin anesthetics for local application are phenol and camphor. Properly combined, not in too great strength, as in campho-phenique, will give as much relief as possible, dabbed on the bites with a piece of cotton. EDITOR’S NOTE: Seven pamphlets by Dr. Clendening can now be ob tained by sending Id cents in coin, for each, and a self-addressed en velope stamped with a three-cent stamp, to Dr. Logan Clendening, in care of this paper. The pamphlets are: “Three weeks* Reducing Diet”, ing" “Instructions for the Treatment of iWabetes”, “Feminine Hygiene” and “The Care of the Hair and Skin”, THIMBLE THEATRE Starring FOPEYL The Children’s Hour By E. C. Sega. as SsoTKftr flpffsas a&U fo* ru. do some -■> WCUSPIDONIaYpooEV \ ABOUT THESE/ MAKE A i YOU, EH, 1 VvES AND YOU'VE " PROTESTED TO KIMG u,Zf mupp MFDV TOINSULT usy FACES* YnSULTS^^ ROTES> -J •- • " » ■■ ■ • ■' I ' ' - /so you are the one U f,vop AC >i t= 1 . TTMS 1 / WHO HAS BEEN SNSMONA \Z '»MMEt>I«TEtX'/ ANOTAKE Y f NOT SO \ -rrfeu WTtTBPFih • MYSTERY K /in HERE EACH DAY TOUR MONEY WITH VOU! V I past. MR. \ V MAN IS el? \ PAST MONTH LEA«/iNA*’IOOO.» H t*M AN INDEPENDENT MAM— \J ©enjamiM \tM MOIVK/CDEn \ t DON’T NEED VOUR I ALWAVS HANE ANPALWAYS f""x. Aljiupl J Bs LOVABLE, SWEET, DISCOVERED V charitv M t wiia. earn mv own bread _JBPv n GENEROUS Bov is ' HENBEBSON, (N. 6.) ©i&f DISPATCH MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1988 SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT j I -fmS OHE-HOR«E-POWER^Ai/J& j I BRAKE, A DISK FASTENED -to i ,ENO£E ° F ” f ** E rse ani> DECEASED WIFETo { ” J FROM Ills - I WITH A | T~~ZZ ’ * ORCHARD? IK I CURVED I addfr, -so saVe I KEYBOARD I R Y LEADER < A I WAk * I Y,U -** ,K O'F - i i I SOMOVA, MEtflCO t Yy( AT SCARECROW I | AREA WA.S DECLARED IHDEPtNDEKT j RE& U. S PAT OFF. COPYRIGHT. 1938. KING PEATURES SYNDICATE, lee- PAGE SEVEN