PAGE SIX Views Clash OnExemptions Raleigh, Fept. 8.-The divergent and clashing views with regard to ex emption of low-valued homesteads from taxation were brought promi nently to attention of the tax classi fication commission which »s study ing the question 'With a View to mak ing recommendations to the 1939 Gen eral Assembly. On the one hand, the contentions of the North Carolina Grange, which favttfs an exemption of S3OO on home steads, were presented by State Mas ter Harry B. Caldwell, while on the other representatives of the North Carolina League 6* Municipalities and of ’the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, which oppose The Unseen Hand.. ' : illfe. . - > s •■ !M!*%tPwBSEMBK®F J#iM| PilHw <• •• :• .t&SjttanliF: :!' .ii&Kfflf » 5,404 CASH PRIZES LIST OF PRIZES! Ut PrinV.. $50,000 sos $2,000 each, SIO,OOO 2*l Prize 25,000 10 of SI,OOO each, 10,000 2 of slo,ooo each, 2o,ooo 40 of SSOO each, 20,000 sos $5,000 each, 25,000 40 of $250 each, 10,000 300 of SIOO each, 30,000 5,000 of $lO each, 50,000 5,494 TOTAL W« !l& .FREE! FREE! i AT YOUR favor,te ™ eatre| Horry I Hurry I Beautiful 32-Page V Book For a Limited Time Onlyl * topy of thil 32-Page Movie Quiz Contest Booklet complete information about the •”Y* 0( ~ Movie Quiz Cash Prize Contest PLUS all the news of forth- \ •» mSS* °* ), 9 ur favorite stars—a contest entry blank. Just i: ‘./r.nn “V 00 * reOn your way to one of the 5 ;404 cash prises totaling 9290,000. Get ?o«r copy today— at your local theatre. X Tbis advertising is sponsored by the leading Motion Picture Exhibitors, Distributors and Producers of the United States and Canada. Your opinions, criticisms or suggestions about motion pictures unit "•<' 4jjjl be genuinely appreciated. Kindly address them to Motion Picture Industry Campaign, P.0.80x 45Q, General Post Office, New York City. j ■ ' . _ 11H H[ I IL'H 5s ■ ■flfi H Iff ail Qn^ffSffn m ail lUMb IHIIff iV h m mm nflla Bl BiS iisf mLIS Bfe 4 11 ftWHkffl ff : r ~ ■■'■: ; ' - - ■ - See These New P ictures At The Stevenson <*M State Theatres any exemption, argued that effects of exemption would be ruinous and disastrous to local governmental units. Caldwell rebutted charges of “dis crimination” made against the pro posed exemptions by pointing out that there are exemptions for prac tically every other subject of taxation except real estate, on which no de ductions of any kind are authorized. He conceded that there would be some loss of revenue to the counties and cities, but argued that the people of the State, at the polls have spoken in favor of some exemptions on home steads ', and said that loss of i evenut Can, in large measure., be made up by listing higher valued estates at sums hearer their real replacement values than is done at present. For the opposition.. John ~. Skin ner, executive secreta.v of u’a com missioners association, jited c.-5 tre mendous loss of tax values which ho claimed will be suffered by many of the counties should even a S3OO home stead exemption be authorized by th* Send an expedition to Africa Co film rhis glori ous novel in its authentic locale! Locate a little English boy to depict the heart- Itirring story of a beloved Dickens character! Search the world for the one man who knows better than all others how people lived in Eliza bethan days what they wore, what they ate, the manner of their dress and their talk! Reconstruct an historic palace—re-create an his toric battle build a volcano! Erect a city and set it aflame! Loose a flood that will wash whole vil lages away! It is you who order these things and they are done. And whether you applaud with your hands Or your heart at the conclusion of a motion pic ture, your approval echoes in the lives of unseen thousandsjwho have collaborated in its making. HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER .8, 1938 legislature. Members of the commission lis tened, but gave no indication of their own views. INFANTRIES AFTER AN 18-DAY ILLNESS Patrick Allen Large, six-months old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George iVilliam Large, died at the home of the parents on Walters street in North Henderson at 1:40 o’clock Wed nesday afternoon after an illness of 18 days with a complication of dis eases. Funeral services were held at 2 o’clock this afternoon from the home of Mrs. Falkner on Walters street, and interment was in Elmwooxl ceme tery here, with Father Leo Doetterl. pastor of St. Paul’s Catholic church, in charge. The family has resided here since last April 20. The infant, who was born in Norfolk, Va., last March 13, is survived by his parents and one sister, Mary Ann Large, two years old. It is for your entertainment that an army of the world’s greatest talents is ever on the march, forg ing ahead to open new vistas for your delight adding brilliant new recruits from all the arts every day in the year. Spare nothing, says Hollywood, to make the motion picture theatre the happy haven it is, the place to which millions may confidently come for freedom from boredom and care.,, for suspense that makes the pulse beat faster... for romance that warms the heart... for hearty laughter and eye-filling beauty. The unseen hands applaud and we who make motion pictures hear the echo. It guides us, in spires us, challenges us to fresh endeavors to make the movies better and better* Watch for, favorite . theatreip ' LITTLE MISS BROADWAY Shirley Temple, George Jvlurphy MOTHER CAREY’S CHICKENS Anne Shirley, Ruby Keeler, James Ellison PROFESSOR BEWARE Harold Lloyd, Phyllis Welch THE AMAZING DR. CLITTERHOUSE Edward G. Robipson, Claire Trevor THE CHASER Dennis O’Keefe, Ann Morriss, Lewis Stone BAREFOOT BOY Jackie Moran, Marcia Mae Jones ALGIERS Charles Boyer, Hedy LaMarr, Sigrid Gurie BULLDOG DRUMMOND IN AFRICA John Howard, Heather Angel, H. B. Warner GATEWAY Don Ameche, Arleen Whelan I’M FROM THE CITY Joe Penner, Richard Lane, Lorraine Krueger LETTER OF INTRODUCTION Adolphe Menjou, Andrea Leeds, Edgar Bergen THE CROWD ROARS Robert Taylor, Maureen O’Sullivan MR. CHUMP Johnny Davis, Lola Lane, Penny Singleton KEEP SMILING Jane Withers, Gloria Stuart PAINTED DESERT George O’Brien, Laraine Johnson RICH MAN—POOR GIRL Robert Young, Lew Ayres, Ruth Hussey THE MISSING GUEST Paul Kelly, Constance Moore Lady Postal Head Helps Tydings Foe (Continued from Page One.l grants. , , Allocations announced today includ ed: Raleigh, N. C., Slate Capitol irn provements,* $61,877. The treasury announced a $70,00J project for site and building for t new post office* at Scotland Neck, N. C,, had been added to the program to be carried out under the 1938 public buildings appropriation act. John Roosevelt works in a Boston department stare for $lB a week, but pays SIOO a month for an apartment. The gentleman at the next desk says it sounds like a trick he learned from his old man. The expert who advises golfers to practice indoors to music during the winter surely doesn’t mean swing music, docs he? THE TEXANS ~. , . „ _ . Joan Bennett, Randolph Scott, May Robeon RACKET BUSTERS Humphrey Bogart, George Brent THE GLADIATOR Joe E. Brown, June Travis ALEXANDER’S RAGTIME BAND Tyrone Power, Alice Fayd, Don Ameche BLOCK-HEADS Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy GIVE ME A SAILOR t Martha Raye, Bob Hope, Betty Grable SMASHING THE RACKETS . Chester Morris, Frances Mercer, Rita Johnson BREAKING THE ICE Bobby Breen, Charles Ruggles DARK RAPTURE African Jungle Feature MARIE ANTOINETTE Norma Shearer, Tyrone Power v SPAWN OF THE NORTH George Raft, Henry Fonda, Dorothy Lamour SPEED TO BURN , . Michael Whalen, Lynn Bari BOY MEETS GIRL . Wi . James Cagney, Pat O’Brien. Mane Wilson UNDER THE BIG TOP . Anne Nagel, Marjorie Main, Grant Richards CAREFREE Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers FOUR’S A CROWD „ . Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland freshman year Dixie Dunbar, William Lundigan Sour and sunk was Gloomy Gus Till Happy Hooligantoldthecuss Tochase his grouchy liver ills With Cartel Little Liver Pills Copr. 1937 Carter Prod. lie. Now —on the eve of the Golden Jubilee of motion pictures there is ready for you a remark able array of new productions the finest, we feel, that have ever been presented in a single season. On them we have lavished all our skill, all our experience, all our resources. Here are pictures to charm and to thrill pic tures to amaze and amuse pictures destined to weave their magic about the hearts and the minds of millions of people to lighten their labor and brighten their lives, to lift them out of the drab, workaday world into a new world of wonder ' timeless and boundless. See them —give yourself up to their spell relax and let them work their magic. They are a tonic for your mind and your heart good for what ails you . IAM THE LAW _ . > EdwardG. Robinson, John Beal, Wendy Barrie MY LUCKY STAR _ Sonja Henie, Richard Greene SING YOU SINNERS _ Bing Crosby, Fred Mac Murray, ElDn Drew THREE LOVES HAS NANCY Janet Gaynor, Robert Montgomery BOYS TOWN . „ Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney Hayden, George Hayes SAFETY IN NUMBERS ■ The Jones Family, Jed Prouty, Shirley Deane THE AFFAIRS OF ANNABEL Jack Oakie, Lucille Ball THE COMET „ , . . _ . Wm. Gargan, Joy Hodges, Andy Devine SECRETS OF AN ACTRESS Kay Francis, George Brent, lan Hunter . the lady objects Lanny Ross, Gloria Stuart „ JUVENILE COURT _ ~ _ Paul Kelly, Rita Hayworth, Frankie Darro hold that co-ed . John Barrymore, George Murphy RENEGADE RANGER George O’Brien, Rita Hayworth SONS OF THE LEGION Lynne Overman, Evelyn Keyes THE ROAD TO RENO Randolph Scott, Hope Hampton too Hot to handle Clark Gable, Myrna Loy, Walter Connolly DRUMS { Sabu, Raymond Massey, Valerie Hobson / CAMPUS CONFESSIONS Hank LuiSetti, Betty Grabte FUGITIVES FOR A NIGHT Frank Albertson, Eleanor Lynn x LISTEN DARLING . „ . A Freddie Bartholomew, Judy Garland x THE LAST EXPRESS _ , ' Kent Taylor, Dorothea Kent. Barbara Rand TIME OUT FOR MURDER Gloria Stuart, Michael Whalen FOUR DAUGHTERS _ . , , ' Claude Rains, Priscilla, Rosemary, Lola Lao* WANTED BY THE POLICE Frankie Darro GIRLS* SCHOOL Anne Shirley, Nan Grey KING OF ALCATRAZ Gail Patrick, Lloyd Nolan, J. Carroll NaUfe MR. WONG*. DETECTIVE ; Boris Karloff YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITH YOU Jean Arthur, Lionel Barrymore ROOM SERVICE The Marx Brothers, Lucille Baß STABLEMATES Wallace Beery, Mickey Rooney SUBMARINE PATROL 1 Richard Greene, Nancy Kelly. George Bancroft YOUTH TAKES A FUNG - Andrea Leeds, Joel McCrea, Dorothea Ksaft NOTICE OF SAT p "* Under and by virtue ? P t> IiAN ». contained in, and in P ° Wers duties imposed upon me b ° f th ® judgment of the SuperioJ Vance County, North Carolina * ° f ed in an action therein r ? ',. enter ' foreclose tax liens and entitled to County vs. Nathan Wortham and " Ce Laura Wortham, and a a ® Wl,e Trustee, being No. 772 on the cmlT’ sue Docket of said Court I ‘ Is ' Monday, the 19th day of SenWw° a 1938, at 12 o’clock, Noon at J to-wit: thG ,o,l ° Wing described ‘ Begin at a stake j. w. Scott’s «« ner on S A. L. Railway right of w I' thence along said Scott line feet to a stake said Scott lino, then* m a Northerly direction along Z Scott line and parallel with B a id J? R. right-of-way 37 1-2 feet to Halu' Roberson (formerly Anaerson Faulk ner‘ corner; thence in westerly direr tion along Hallie Roberson n ne , stake on edge of said R. R. right n ,° way, being 297 1-2 feet; thence aW said right-of-way in a Southerly df rection 37 1-2 feet to the place of be-' ginning. Being the same, house and lot sold by J. C. Kittrell t>> Nathan Wortham and Laura Wortham. s„ deed Book 43, page 386. Other terms and conditions will be announced at the sale. This 12th day of August, 1938. R. G. KITTRELL, Commissioner NOTICE OF SUMMONS. In The Superior Court. State of North Carolina: ' County of Vance: Lossie N. Johnson, vs. Leon Johnson. The defendant, Leon Johnson, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Vance County, North Carolina, for the purpose of ob taining an Absolute Divorce on the grounds of two years separation as provided by the Consolidated Statutes And the said defendant, will further take notice that he is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Vance County, at the Courthouse in Henderson, North Carolina, on the Bth day of October, 1938, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 7th day of September 1938. E. O. FALKNER, Clerk Superior Court, Vance County, N. C. Gholson & Gholson, j Atorneys. I NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in, and in execution of the duties imposed upon me by a certain judgment and order of the Superior Court of Vance County, North Caro lina, entered in an action therein pending to foreclose tax liens, and en titled “Vance County vs. T. H. Stokes and wife Mollie F. Stokes, and others" being No. 540 on the Civil Issue Docket of said Court, I will, on Mon day, the 19th day of September, 1938, at 12 o’clock, Noon, at the Court House Door of said Vance County, of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands, to-wit: Being lot No. 9 Block No. 2 as re corded in Plat Book A on page 3. See Deed Book 62 at page 316. This lot is 50x150 feet and is a part of the N. H. Chavasse sub-division. See Deed Book 62 at page 316. Other terms and conditions will be announced at the sale. This 12th day of August, 1938. R. G. KITTRELL, Commissioner. NiOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. Under and by virtue of the powers pontained in, and in execution of the duties imposed upon me by a certain judgment and order of the Superior Court of Vance County, North Caro lina, entered in an action therein pending to foreclose tax liens, and en titled, “Vance County, vs. Mrs. Kath leen Houghtailing & husband, E. E. Houghtailing,’’ being No. 815 on the Civil Issue Docket of said Court, I will, on ,Monday the 19th day of Sep tember, 1938,-at 12 o'clock, Noon, at | the Court House door of said Vance County, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed lands, to-wit: Beginning on Rock Spring Street and Alley that connects Rock Spring Street with Chestnut St., run thence along Rock Spring St. 40 ft. to Len Henderson’s corner, thence along Len Henderson’s line 90 feet to John Ter ry’s corner; thence along Terry s line 40 ft. to said alley; thence along alley 90 feet to beginning. See Book la* page 83. Sale will be made subject to any taxes due City of Henderson. Other terms and conditions will announced at the sale. This 12th day of August, 1938. R. G. KITTRELL, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND " FOR TAXES. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in, and in execution o duties imposed upon me by a certain judgment and order of the Court of Vance County, N° rth lina, entered in an action t pending to foreclose tax liens, and titled, “Vance County vs. Kittie Mas Taylor and husband Claude J and J. M. Peace, Trustee,” being « • 560 on the Civil Issue Docket of Court, I will, on Monday, the 19tn oay of September, 1938. at 12 o c ■ Noon, at the Court House door of sa Vance County offer for sale 0 highest bidder for cash, the 0 ing described lands, to-wit: Ist. Tract: That tract of » a . fronting 613 feet on Oxford R° a H adjoining lands of the late • Nethery (Mrs. Henry Daniel » others. Being the land conveyc J. Taylor by Lewis Taylor and oy • J. Taylor to Kittie M. Taylor by a recorded in Book 156 at page 1 • 2nd. Tract: That tract of 24 acres fronting on the Henderson Roa he adjoining lands of Mrs. Mary J ’ Nathan Turner, Nathan PelI \ 0 f Flat Creek. See Deed from heir H. A. Burton to Claude J. Tay r ° w from Claude J. Taylor to Kith Taylor. See Book 156 at pa& e ' be Other terms and conditions announced at the sale. This 12th day of August, R. G. KITTRELL, Commissione .

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