MARRIAGES, PAim^S SOCIAL ACTIVITIES —woodlands. woodlands burn a mellow glow J'crTmson. burnished gold and br °han? s in ir * tho air below 8 ha . Z f i where bright elaves loiter the nu ’ f J a °kes of fire- There windfall ap -IkSot the rustling surf Panted leaves, and the rimy turf « f Pj ver -giit where the sunlight dap ,Prv Ferrell Dickinson, in Trails. Choir Rehearsal. The choir of the Methodist Protes t church will have a rehearsal at tB J* 0 - c icck this evening, at the church- ■ • Returns From Monroe Mrs Hamilton Stewart has return j hnme from Monroe where she vis- Hed her daughter, Mrs. P. B. Up Week-End in Washington. yrs p H. Thomas has gone to Washington, D. C;, to spend the week pnd with her daughter, Miss Annie Thomas. Returns to Work. - - Miss Ethel Rideout, who has been ../for sometime, has sufficiently re covered to resume her duties at Milady Beauty Shop. Goes to Virginia Beach. ; * ji r ,. p. H. Rose left yesterday for Virginia Beach, Va., to jolt?. Mr. Rose, 2t their cottage there. She plans to be gone about two weeks. Mrs. Stafford Hero. , Mrs. Fannie Green Stafford, of Washington, D. C., arrived today to spend several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allen. In Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Rose, Jr., have gone to Fayetteville, where Mr. Rose will attend a Board of Directors meet ing of the Fayetteville Normal School. Enters St Catherine's. Miss Helen Royster, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Royster, has entered St. Catherine’s School, in Richmond, Va., for the coming year. Presbyterians Have Group Conference There will be a group conference held in the Presbyterian church in Warrenton on Wednesday, Septem ber 28. The session will open at 10 o'clock and last until 3 o’clock. Mrs. E. M. Rollins is chairman of the third district. It is hoped that a large dele gation from the local Presbyterian church will attend. _ cures CC £ malaria ft in 7 days and (V if U relieves COLDS Liquid, Tablets first day Salve, Nose Headache, 30 Drops minutes Try ‘‘Rub-My-Tism”-World’B Best Liniment - THIHWbj * 1 ■ - \\ . • . . . # . i - rV’' Don’t Waste Your Time and Energy Worrying and, Bothering With The • l \ ! ’ Family Wash Do as scores of other Henderson homemakers Your neighbors \ do leave your family wash in our care and forget about it. We r will return your package prompt ly all ready for use, without one minute’s bother or worry to you. Phone us now to get your next week’s wash. j . . Henderson Steam LAUNDRY Phone 508. SOCIETY NEWS Y TELEPHONE 610 HOURS: 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON Ben Hicks To Wed Miss Stallings Soon Invitations as follows have been re ceived by friends in the city: “Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Stallings • the honor of your presence at the, marriage of their daughter : • ; Emily Laurence to Mr. Benjamin Horner Hicks on Saturday, the fifteenth of October at half after eight o’clock Methodist - Episcopal Church „ Littleton, North Carolina.” North Henderson P.-T. A. Has Meet The North Henderson P.-T. A. held its first meeting of the year in the school auditorium on Thursday after noon at 3:30 o’clock. Mrs. George Harper, president, pre sided over the meeting. The organi :etion was led in prayer by Mrs. Mary M. Crawford, principal of the school. After the reading of the minutes, Thelma Finch,' the treasurer, gave her report. The names of the room representa tives were read. Mrs. George Rooker was appointed delegate to the county council of P.-T. A. ' Mrs. Crawford welcomed the mem bers of the P.jT. A. and mentioned -he objectives for- the year. She also ixplainqd the sook loan and : rental .system.: $ Miss Josephipe Thurston "announc ed to the menjfbqsf’s of the tion that the Bjj P. W. Club had given /he. school a medicine kit, and M'-3S Ruth Carter reported .that over one nundred children were served lunches ip the each day. The president appointed the follow ag as Chairmen of committees: i : Program: Mrjs. Mary M. Crawford. Publicity: MiSs Josephine Thurston. Hospitality: Miss Elizabeth Fox. Social: Miss Ruth Carter. Membership: Mies Louise Welborn. The attendance prize, a picture, was. .warded to Miss Josephine Thurston’s ourth grade. It was decided that the P.-T. A. would meet on the fourth Thursday evening of each month, at 7:30 o’clock. (j^RATUUTO^ Birth of Son. Rev. S E- Madi'en, pastor of Liberty Christian church, Epsom, and Mrs. Madron announce the birth of a sop, Joseph ,Lpe, n^^j hprpa. r ; •i A ’ > w.-ts. r. , A-- ."« > . Birth of Daughter , Rev. and p. B. Upchurch an? .pounce the . -.birth of an 8 .1-2 lb. daughter, Sarah-,Jane, on September 3, 1938, in Monroe, Mrs. Upchurch will be remembered as Miss Mildred Stewart of this city. f .i. HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,, 1938 1 Marian Martin : Pattern : PATTERN 9863 won’t want to miss the fun of making this pretty twosome with matching pot holder —especially if you're a newly-wed with a reputation of style to keep up, even to your aprons. There’s such lighthearted smartness in the trimmings of this new Marian Martin Pattern 9863 — such slim appeal in the fit of each apron! For A, so dressy in dimity or organdy with pointed panel, choose soft ruffled edging. And for B, a kitchen favorite in percale or creton ne, pick vivid ricrac braid. Both styles have stay-in-place shoulder straps fpr added comfort... ’ ' Pattern 9863 may be ordered? only in' sizes small, medium, and large. Small size, view A, requires 2* 7-8 yards 36 inch fabric and 3 7-8 yards ruffling; view B, 2 6-8 yards 36 inch fabric and 3 3-8 yards ric-rac. Send fifteen cents in coins for each Marian Martin pattern. Be sure to write plainly your size, name, address and style number. Write for your copy of tho new Marian Martin Book of Patterns! See the latest Fall fashions, fabrics, ac cessories! All the new clothes you need for the season are pictured. Love ly frocks for daytimo and parties! Chic for college and business girls! Sturdy things for children; Snow-time 1 sportswear! Styles for the “Would - be-slender”- woman! Smart lingerie —andd dresses for around the house. Helpful gift ideas too! Easy pattern? that invite “beginners”! Send your order today! Book fifteen cents. Pat tern fifteen cents. When book and ; pattern are ordered together, twenty ‘ five cents. I Send your order to Henderson Daily I Dispatch, Pattern Department, 232 j W. 18th St., New York, N. Y. I Granville News ! * ! Rev. J. D. Cranford, of Henderson 1 was an Oxford visitor - Wednesday. Monroe Slaughter, of Berea, return ed home from Canada Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Pittard, of Oxford, Route 2, announce the ar rival of a daughter, Lucinda Marsh, on September 13. Mrsr Pittard was the former Miss Madeline Mulchi, of the Flat Rock community. Mrs. L. E. Day and daughter, Miss Doreen Day, -of Roxboro, were visi tors here Wednesday. Mr.' arid Mrs. Lonnie Vaughan, of Franklinton, Route 1, announce the arrival of a daughter at ..Granville hos pital last Saturday. T. J. Wright, of near Wilton, re turned home from Canada Wednes day. W. B. Fowler, of near Franklinton, was a recent Oxford visitor. Clyde Mitchell, of Middleburg, who has been with the Owen Warehouse here for Lite past three years, is agin on the job.. Sam Hayes, of Erwin, a former resi dent of the county, was in Oxford .Wednesday.. K. S. Rambeau, his wife’s father, was also with him. Mr. Hayes is a brother of Hammett Hayes, of northern Granville. Central Laundry Phone 287 Laundry Service At Its Best Give Us Your Next Bundle. Bridge Luncheon Given For Mrs * Thomas Homer Mrs. R. B. Powell entertained this morning at a bridge luncheon, com plimentary to Mrs. ThonAas G. / Hor ner, a bride of the summer.; Mrs. Horner, who before her marriage was Miss Evelyn Bickley, has with her , husband recently returned from an extended bridal trip. The Fowell residence was bpautiful ly decorated with roses; dahlias, and other fall flowers. Three tables were arranged for contract bridge. Mrs. Horner, as guest of honor, was presented a lovely crystal vase by the hostess. Methodist Choir Has Weiner Roast s : .r The choir of the First Methodist church had an enjoyable weiner roast at the McCracken lodge Thursday evening. Guests for the evening were Mrs. E. F. Shaw, Rev. R. E. Brown, and Miss Helen Hocutt. Members of the choir ,whh were pre sent were: Mrs. N. D. Holloway, Mjr's. Frank Barnhart, Mrs. M. S. Fowler, Mrs. Henry Stallings, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.. Payne, Miss Hel#i Whitmore, Gillam Burleson, Tobias ‘Kearney, Mr. Clements, Mrs. D. D. Hofeutt, Mrs. joe Mann, Miss Mary CartpiyH. L. Cand ler, and Miss Rosa -S^ngt' Thomas. Local Entertainers - At Aycoek P.-T. A. L. K. Griffin and cast, of Hender son ,were guest entertainers at the Parent-Teacher Association meeting of the Charles B. Aycoek school Thurs day evening. They presented a de lightful and well rendered program of music, including vocal, instrumental, and violin solos ,and tap dancing. Ac companists were Miss Dorothy Brink ley and George Harrison. Vocal renditions were given by Miss Mary Harrison as follows: “September in the Rain,” and “It’s the Gypsy in Me.” , Mr. Griffin sang, t “It Can Be Told,” “My Best Wishes,” and “My Buddy.” An impressive musical read ing, “The Unknown Soldier,’’ wa3 given by him. Miss Iris Dickerson gave a violin interpretation of “Alex ander’s Rag-Time Band,’.’ Music, Maes tro, Please,” and an instrumental num ber “Star Dust.” Miss de lightfully rendered a medley of old tunes. , cx-„ Misses Frances Winstead and Mary Dandridge Bunn, in their distinctive style, gav-ei several, tap- dance numbers, in ballet and peasant costUme). > <;• Clyde L. Finch very ably imperson ated the famous radio- comedians “Amos ’n Andy,” a telephone conver sation, and Kate Smith and Bing Crosby. An attentive audience Extended a> hearty invitation to the performers to return through the many encores given them efurmg tha evening. The program was in charge of Mrs. W. C. Poe and Miss Myra Wagg. A large membership was present, as were several faculty members from Middleburg and visitors from Hen derson. The annual P.-T. A. picnic will be held Tuesday, September 27, at 5 o’clock at the Washout. All members are urged to be present and visitors are welcome. Wiiliamsboro News BY MRS. ELBERT WILSON. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barker had as :heir guests Sunday Mr. and M:rs. Er lest Cook and children and Mrs. Liz zie Cook Richardson, of Wendell L’hey also visited Mrs. Mat Tillotson Irs. Emma Evans and Charlie Bar er for a short while Sunday after noon. , .- jK Mrs. J. L. Wilson spent last Tues • lay with her niece, Mrs. Jennie Turi j’tall, of epkesbury. Friends will be glad to know that jiss Lily Gordon Norwood is at home md is up in her room t . ( sfter an operation at GranvfH. Jim sneed, of Raleigh, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sneed. Epsom News BY MRS. FLETCHER FULLER. Mrs. W. S. Briggs, of the Floyd town community spent the past week with her brothers, • near Epsom. Miss Ruby Faulkner of near Aycoek school, visited her sister, Mrs. Sidney Ayscue, the past week-end. R. H. Ayscue, -Jr., Marie Ayscue, Dell Pernell, Russell Jones and Wil lie Currin, former graduates of th.j Epsom high school, are now attend ing the Henderson Business School. Miss Myitle White Alston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alston, of Henderson, was the week-end guests of aunts, “The Misses Alston’s” of near Epsom the past week. Louis Henry Newton, is getting ,along nicely, after having his tonsils removed' last Friday. ’ The Woman’s Missionary Societj •of Liberty’ church, will sponsor a bar - becue 'jsupper at Obed Weldons mill next Wednesday evening," September 28. Watch for the advertisement. Friends of Mrs. D. T. Dickie are very sprry to learn of her continued illness in Maria Parham hospital, and wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr.'and Mrs. S. E. Madren, have a brand new baby. They have named him Joseph Lee. He arrived Wednes day evpning, September 14, : and weighed eleven pounds. Little Gloria Mae Stainhack, ol Rocky Mount, is spending this week with her grandparents, Mr. and- Mrs.' R. H. Ayscue. Martin Grissom, Jr., and Richard Weldon have gone to Campell Col lege to enter the freshmen’s class of this year. Dorothy Rae Collins spent the past week-end with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. J. E. Collins, near Ingleside. Mrs. G. W. Macon, Mrs. R. L. Bell, Mrs. W. S. Ayscue, Mrs. W. D. Fos ter and Mrs. Guy Winn, attended a floating party at the home of Mrs. K. K. Allen, in Louisburg last Friday evening. The occasion was in honor of Miss Weaver, former agent of the Hoirie, Economic Department of Franklin County, Miss Weaver is leaving for Alamance county, to re sume her work there. Miss < Fannie Pearl Ayscue of Hen derson, 1 spent the past week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' M. W. Ayscue. Miss Lucy Leonard of Maplesville, Motion pictures are your best entertainment btevenson Matinee 26c—Night 36c Children 10c LAST TIMES TODAY ! A Quiz Picture - [SATURDAY •• "V"' . ' • ' V SUNDAY •itS On The Stage “Jitterbug Jubilee” On The Screen “Affairs of Annabelle” A $260,000 movie quiz picture. STATE Admission 10 and 25c TODAY TOMORROW Charles Starrett—in “SOUTH OF ARIZONA” Serial Comedy was a pleasant visitor of Miss Cath erine Macon, the past week-end. The farmers of this section are quite busy preparing their tobacco for the market. The Woman’s Missionary Society of Liberty church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. R. G. Winn, last Tuesday evening. There were 17 members present. The society reported their apportionment raised for the past year. As this was the regular business meeting of the year, there was only a short program given. Mrs. Bell gave a talk on “Our Mission in China.” Mr. Madren talked on “Our Mission Work.” Several new members were reported. Officers for teh coming year are as follows: Presi dent, Miss Margaret Alston; vice pfesident, Mrs. Murdock Newman: secretary, Miss Zola Winn; treasurer, Mrs. W. S. Ayscue; spiritual leader, Mrs. R. J. Newton. The hostess served a delicious fruit course. The meeting adjourned to meet in October with Mrs. R. J. Newton. . Comes from Richmond. T. L. Thrasher, of Richmond, Va., was a visitor in the city today. Beauty Services That Satisfy * It's an easy mft tter to experience the thrill of f / QL knowing that your hair looks just right, if you p tSSSs t hvc done by ° ne of • -ot i Webb’s Beauty Salon’s Experienced Operators. A High Grade Salon' Ybb’tt Enjoy Visitihg, : ! Phone 524 Stevensdn Theatre Bldg. r..", & J l ' . e* r' Beauty of detail, quality of material and accessories appeal to the woman who g?wishes to look her best. Jfl flSa So we picture two of our dresses in rayon crepe, one WjT.JfF for the saucy junior and ’• the other, with youthful '’ ! lines for the'matron. |Mjk This season our dresses and Coats match your cot u \JsSKßsjji I v i Kayser and Fownes Fabric—Suede —Fabric and kid Colors: Wine, Havana Tan, SI.OO - $1?98 - $2.98 LUCKY NAMES THIS WEEK , 10% —Miss Elizabeth Harrell, Miss Meta Rooker, Miss Lossie Petty, Mrs. Garland Greenway. 20% —Mrs. Jimmie Read, Mies Jennie Southerland, Mrs. B. P. ■-Robinson, Dr. S. R. Watson. 30%—Miss Ora Hahn, Mrs. Alex S. Watkins, Mrs. Joe Mayo, Mrs. H. T. Morris. 40%—Mrs. P. D. Coghill, Mrs. J. B. Burchette, Mrs. T. W. McCracken, Mrs. W. B. Parham. 50% —Mrs. G. W. Knott, Mre; Ray Goodrich, Mrs. R. E. Satter white, Miss Louise Grissom. E. G. Davis & Sons Co. PAGE FIVE church societies ; ANNOUNCEMENT DRAMATIC CLUB AT MEETING OF LIONS The South Henderson Dramatic Club, a WPA recreational project un der the direction of Miss Carrie ( Draper, presented a program at the' regular weekly meeting of the Lions; Club Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock, at the Vance hotel. Mrs. Fred Hight accompanied the group at the piano in songs. The attendance prize went to A. H. Nuckles, and James McDonald won the drawing. There were several visitors at” the session. They were H. A. Brooks, of Burlington, B. O. Hurst, of Peters burg, Va., and C. S. Dodd, A1 Riggan and C. D. Riggan, members of the Lions softball team that won the city league championship. Dr. Albert H. Parham Henderson, N. C. Phone 142-W Osteopathy Electro-Therapy -,-••• «j Hemorrhoids and Hernia success fully treated by injection.