PAGE SIX Court Split Gives Woman $15,000 Sum Daily Dispatch Bureau, In The Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh, Sept. 23 Luckiest litigant in the’casas decided this week was, in all probability Sadie Brantley, of Edgecombe county, who won a $15,- COO verdict against the Atlantic Coast Line when the justices divided even ly, three to three, on the railroad’s appeal from a jury verdict awarding her that sum for the death of her husband. in justice M. V. Barnhill took no part in the decision, and by operation of law the lower court judgment was left undisturbed when the other jus tices split 50-50 over the questions presented. The case was one of the 17 handed down this week. Os the decisions, eleven were in accord with the rul ings of the lower courts, while error Henderson Book Co. Awt&uMcei AUTOMATIC HEAT I IS NOT | “If % jiib / AUTOMATIC HEAT f COSTS YOU EVEN LESS r Mil ip h7* /*z2SbA'■ h iii IB | V * M The Automatic Butler Coal IttTtT| 111" Villi PH Stoker fits any furnace or boiler; 1 111111 uijUilM “pipes” low-cost stoker coal to the fire automatically! No smoke! No soot! ■I |ll convenience, comfort and health ful warmth of Automatic Butler heating 1 Learn the facts now! Phone us today for your FREE copy of our money-aaving booklet telling “How To Get Automatic Heat at Its Best.” rnFFI Our Free Heating Survey ahows your r ItCfai savings in advance! Ask ua about itl , • - .. / Henderson Book Co. Phone HO Henderson, N, C. r , Saturday Specials ■ 7 . . * . *•' / ' -f‘. Imperial self polishing 5c pkg. 3-8-in. shoe nails, wax, 2 pint PA Special 1 overstock, n * j * ’ Saturday only h ° % * 60c size Signet metal 45c—4 sfrini? ' Individual 14 lb. butter * ,^ nta ..... 60c Good Quality ; ** and ... Gold bronze paint and House j I 18-in. adjustable wrench^ y*loc n , 5,«5»....J1.00 18 x 36 linoleum mats A Q 10 " in size reduced OC variety colors, each UC WIAAv from 75c to ..... , 111 " > ■MJUIMSnw. . Exit paint cleaner r I j FREE—IOc 25c size, pkg.. 3C [He each Lemonader Fibre chair seats, * C With every item in this ad, medium size, each .. DC Ito a customer * wire i u,icer valu ? " i * 10e given free. • ;. • ■;■■■ 11 11 mini mtmm LOWEST CASH PRICES Watkins Hardware Co. Phone 46 Henderson, N. C. * was found in six cases. Appellants in criminal cases won in two of the three eases decided, a per centage almost exactly the opposite of the court’s usual average. In 14 civil cases there were only four re versals, including the Deanc-Burgih election contest case. Judge W. A. Devin wrote three of the opinion, tieing with "Per Chjriam (the anonymous of legal world) for top*. Chief Justice Walter P. Stacy and Justices Miehael Schenck, A. A. F. Sea well, M. V. Barnhill and Wal lace Winbarne wrote two each, while one opinion was by Justice Heriot Clarkson. There were no dissenting opinions in any of the cases, the only appeal in which there was a divergence of the judicial minds being the Brant ley case, mentioned in which as many thought, one was as did the other. Next week’s calendar, composed of cases from the fourth and seventeenth districts, contains four criminal cases, none of them capital, and 15 civil ac tions. Adolf Hitler says no .European state has done more for preserving peace than Germany. Maybe all those re cent gestures are just plans for a jolly Hallowe'en party. HSNQSRSQNy (F. . " ‘ " ’ Eight Perifetas Dead * In Border Clashes; Fighting Continues (Continued from Page Dpe.) Germans took over the customs house there. From several other points came re ports of clashes and kidnapings. “.iilill THREATENED CLaSH WITH BORDER FORCES AVERTED Asch, Czechoslovakia, Sept. 23. — (AP) A threatened clash between a Sudeten armed force and Czech sol diers were halted today when govern ment troops halted their advance to ward the Asch area in Sudetenlar.d near the German border. The Czech troop 3 withdrew one cast of the main highway to TirsclK nitz, frona lines they had occupied just outside a resort Town. They left road patrols behind, however. The Sudeten Germans remained be - hind barricades on the main highway between Ebger and Asch, which they, - had been prepared to defend to pre vent the Czechs from reoccupy ing Asch, hometown of Konrad Henleirr. Sudeten German*- party leader. The Czech .tFbops had left Asch when the republic’s surrender to the British-FreneN partition plan was an nounced Wednesday; 'W Poland Told By Russians To Stay Out (Continued from page One.) denounce the Bussian-Polish non-ag gression treaty Without further warn ing if Polish troops moved into Czechoslovakia, The dispatch said: “This morning at 4 o’clock Potem kin, vice-com for foreign af fairs, called the Polish charge d’af faires, T. Jankovsky, to his office. He handed him a note in which the Soviet government informed the Pol ish government that it believed it in dispensable in the present circum stances to notify it that it would de nounce the non-aggres sion pact without further warning in case the Fplish. government moved into Czechoslovak territory. liberates a contracting party from ts obligation in ease either party com mits an aggression against a third.” The Soviet note was based on in formation announcing concentrations of- Poliak.LrdSfca ~6n the frontier, 5 ahd' cii3S^ hot denied up t&.J;he present* tim£ % the Polish govern ment, that that, Country’s troops ysrere preparing to cfoss the frontier. •; > V: * W.j . CHRIST FOR ALL-ALL FOB CHRIST *Th r -y SOWING AND REAPING Galatians 6; Ls). Brethern, if a man be overtaken in a fault, yet which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thy self, lest thou also be -. tempted. Bear yi. one another’s burdens, and so ful fil the law of Christ. For if a man think himself to be something, when he ie nothing, he deceiveth himself. But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoic ing in himself alone, and not in an other.. ' For every man shall bear his own burden. Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Be not deceived;' God is not mocked: for Wife Preservers States are untidily littered with papers i: swraarws&&3£s f I •• ; * destroyed fit is better than to strew them ja the public street* , whatsoever a man soweth .that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the fleah reap cor ruption; but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life ever lasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint' not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto al men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. French Army OrSered Into Battle Array (Continued from Page One.) included the calling of an estimated 3,200,000 reservists to the colors, and cancelled leaves in the air force and navy as well as the army, were halted September 19 after Daladier conferred with Chamberlain in London. The new surprise order sent mili tary police hurrying through garrison towns rounding up officers and sol diers, who have been sent back to Spanish frontiers, as well as on Hie German border, was seep as a move to assure protection of every inch of French borders, no matter what msy happen. Half Billion Damage Put On Property (Continued from Page One.) were certain. Meanwhile, as the search proceeded for the bodies of victims of the hurri cane, the most damaging and life-de stroying in the populous northeast in history, every report from hardhit Rhode Island was. more tragic than the last. Its dead, numbering some quarter of 1,000, the little state suffered damage., put by Governor Quinn at $100,000,- 000. In this the most ravaged: of all the seven states of the hurricane’s path, Westerly iappeared the most ravaged of all of its cities . ' The Red Cross reported more than 70 known dead there, where for the first time it developed that the wind had reached 120 miles an hour, smash ing out the lives of whole families. The Rhode Island estimate of SIOO,- 000,000 damage was the only official figure to come from any state, but the fragmentary information at hand indicated that an arbitrary total fig- The A "ent through whom you insure your home, business, car and other property, Do you know how much the system of ' ■ insurance he represents has to do with the prevention of fire and accident? That is a. ~ side of his business that ordinarily you would not see, for the nation-wide pre- -IfHp vention activities of the capital stock* fire,' insurance companies are earned on The National Board of Fire Underwriters. The constant efforts of this organization safer household appliances, safer home construction, safer schools, safer working HHH have risen 30 per cent, these companies r have been able to reduce their average ll rates 33 per cent. Ask us for foil details A l mmß, % and let us help you protect your home, other possessions with dependably capital IBk stock company fire insurance. * H s Y *■ * STOCK COMPANY FIRE INSURANCE provide,,.^ protection at a predetermined price, without risk of further cost. In addition to legal reserves, its policies are backed by cash capital and surplus funds set aside to meet not merely normal claims but also the sweeping losses due to conflagrations iahd other catastrophes. Its organis'd public services are national in scope. || system «f operating through Agents everywhere gives prompt personal service to policyholders. L - X ' ' vi • ;. .1 .■; ~ "• •• i Insurance Department I Al. B. Wester Citizens Bank & Trust C<>. j Insurance Bonds Rentals ’ J. c. Gardner, Manager. . v Phone 189 Henderson, N- C. Phone 199. I Office H 5 Young St. First National Company ; Citizens Realty & Loan Co. Affiliate ) \ ' | First National Bank. ' }‘ - Insurance Department Phone 212. Joel T. Cheatham, Pres, r Fred B. HigHt Co., Inc. | J. C. Cooper, Agent fe feeil EsWte—Renta—lnsurance » Real Insurance Service. Phone 289. • Phone 204-J. ‘jire of half a billion cotjW scarcely be Sl Governor Crass. Os Connecti cut, who simply said it -was the Worst disaster that ever had struck his : state, most officials sought 'to makes, no dollar and cents estimate. / ThinksTimeis RipeF or New Automobile Style Cycle •*# " • ' ••• • . t ( J * , Noted Viennese Designer Points Out { That Better Cars Shouid Soon Bring rh Smarter Styies ■ . / iBY Mme. Ida Jolles All of us appreciate the constant change that is the rule in the world of fact,;/ too few, perhaps, realize what is behind such change, or what change marks the | inauguration of a true style departure. The fact is that the best style is the style that best expresses purpose. This is true whether you deal with automobiles or the important ac cessories of women’s dress. Whether it’s a car or a hand bag, it must have logic as well as loveliness if it hopes to start a style. Personally, I expect automobile design to embark upon a new road in the very near future. Too much attention of late, has been going to the detail of decoration and too litti e to expressing the constant improvement that has been marked in automobile construction. From all I hear, the car most likely to establish such a new style cycle appears to be the new Buick which will soon be announced. Reports that reach me point it out as some thing that derives its smartness from its improvement in functional design. That will be sufficient to make it a car that At last starts us on a new style cycle. : TIP; «W IN TOUCH WITH YOUR BUICK DE/u» 111 the whole area, rescue and relief workers ? ? nds of ' ?rj Peed ’? Clear com ttunjcatt d wi «i food supplies to keep down 0 ® 8 to nation and' possible C ° nta *iii, preserve order. Gover nm L cies were doing their part ■