daily cross word puzzle f —[2 |2> * 5 6 I7 a p" ho r r~ « |p 2|p— lP ~ 25~“ T"~ “ ppj zS 29 vT~ ” 31 3?> ~ ~ 4i 4£ 3T - ~ 11 I I 76 ACROSS 26 —A graduated series of boxes 28—A mountain in Thessaly 30— Symbol for tellurium 31— Sink sud denly 34 Type genus (abbr.) 35 Constella tion 37 An Austra lian ratite bird 38 — The ocean 39 A city in France 41—Rabbit fur 43 —Reliant upon one’s self j_A venomous snake of America U__To abscond 12— A manu script book, as of the Scriptures 13— Received 14— thin Chi nese silk 16— Perched 17— Inside 18 — A feat of skill 20— Treasurer (abbr.) 21— Bare 23—Girl’s name 25—A pendant for the ear DOWN 6 Scrutinize 7 Negative reply 8— Advertise ments 9An English poet—died 1821 1— Military dress 2 Solitary 3 Small child 4_To\vnship (abbr.) s_For fear that Copr 1938, King Features Syndicate. Inc BARCLAY ON BRIDGE WRITTEN FOB CENTRAL PRESS By Shepard B arclay “The Authority on Authorities* lOLlt-CAKU VALUES i;)UR-CARD suit values are not properly appreciated by many fair players. A lot of them consider that an evenly distributed hand, packed with high cards, will produce as many tricks at no trump as at a suit bid That may be so if the partner’s band also is evenly balanced. But suppose it contains a nice singleton, or a well-placed doubleton. The combined holdings* 1 then may be a trick or two, or even three tricks stronger at a good four-card suit fit. Q 9 6 4 ¥B6 5 2 ♦ 3 ♦ Q J 10 8 ♦8 7 2 | — ♦iO 3 ll’ L- N ' • »ji« 7 4 *Vs rc “ ♦ 8 74 2 49 5 4 I - *632 ♦AK J 5 V A K 3 . i. , ♦a j 10 -• 5 ♦A K 7 (Dealer: South. North-South vul nerable.) This deal arose in a duplicate and at some tables the contract ended in 6-No Trump, which was made with the loss of one diamond trick, the original lead having been the diamond K. At those tables the bidding had Copyright, 1938, King Features Syndicate, Ine- Treatment by Diet Best When Stomach Is Upset Bv LOGAN CLENDENING, M. D. THERE ARE three points to re member about the physiology of she stomach when we are consider ing what kind of food to order in illness. One is that digestion in the stomach is largely a preliminary or Preparatory process; the second is that the stomach secretes hydro chloric acid as a digestive fluid; and the third is that the stomach tends “ right its own wrongs by emptying itself at the slightest provocation. It goes without saying that in an upset of the stomach the best food to give is none at all. In the first Place the patient heartily agrees 'tith this (if he can be said to do heartily) and, most impor the "stomach” upset may be te appendicitis or some other re , in which case food by mouth is mstinctly contra-indicated, pie preparatory work of the stom consists in churning and mixing toe food so that it is reduced to a toass which is easy for the intestinal to get at But if the stomach appears to have difficulty in doing tois the cook can do it just as well. Dr. Clendening will answer questions of general interest and then only through tos column. vegetables, finely minced toeat, soups, easily digested desserts jr s uch as ice cream—toast rather f /esh bread (which gets lumpy a Cen he stomach function is slow), “U other items of the smooth diet, m order. Such diets are good for lo r chronic dyspeptics who are 0 p an d thin, who never have much appetite, who have dropped tj-toachs, and constitutionally dis ev7Lv heir digestion along-with jything else in the universe. Hyperacidity applies to the con- Cr ,rl °, f having too much acid se- by the stomach walls. It is 10—Exorbitant 15—Dull 18— Chairs 19— A group of 16 or more Boy Scouts 22—Actions (law) 24—Goddess of harvests (Italian) 27—Weird 29—An earthen ware beer mug 32 To look askance 33 A thin, soft muslin 36—Only 38—Mineral spring 40—Low fre quency (ab. 42—An exclama tion of „ distress 0 Answer to previous puzzle O R & vßr|u Es A H GIA& sBeT& &L j_*L "g glgle. pWpjß]r^R F \ RkTlßsjnSpV u slepßf" o||q-mr * R EnA'ijNAME'p \ c ogLjLEh Hr utk R'Er'-jplAlS ItHsltMt been 2-No Trump by South, 3-No Trump by North and 6-No Trump by South. Those who bid differently were able to reach contracts of 7-Spades. They opened with 2-Spades, North responded with 2-No Trump, South 4- Trump, North 5-Spades, South 5- Trump, North 6-Spades and South 7-Spades. The diamond K was the lead against 7-Spades. This was won with the A and a diamond ruffed. A trump to the A was followed by another diamond ruff. After trumps were drawn, the thirteenth club took care of the losing heart • * * Tomorrow’s Problem ♦ 9 ;vJ 6 4 2 ♦J 8 4 4KQJBj <( ♦QJ 75 2 N. Islo | JA | | , yj ♦SIO 7 tan 2 f 03 *97 S ! AAIO 5 3 AAK 8 6 4 9KQ 7 5 ♦ A Q A 6 4 (Dealer: East East-West vulner able.) What is the bast bidding on this deal? I very often a sign of ulcer, but may occur as a nervous reflex. The symp toms are quite characteristic and consist of a feeling of discomfort in the pit of the stomach, usually re lieved by food—it is primarily a hun ger dyspepsia—then recurring after food has been eaten. There is also likely to be regurgitation of acid fluid into the mouth—sour stomach. These people are soda hounds. They swallow soda bicarbonate in cessantly and perfectly naturally, because soda neutralizes their acid. Diet will do much for them. The foods they need are those which combine with hydrochloric acid most readily. The best article for them is the breast of a lean broiled spring chicken. Every word scription is important. The meat should be lean and broiled, so as to make it as tender and soft as pos sible. The breast of a spring chicken should be the exactly proper sub ject for such treatment I have known one such dyspeptic who repaired to a restaurant every night before going to bed and ate a dozen raw oysters. They too satu rated his hydrochloric acid. Pried foods are likely to upset this type. Toast or stale bread is better for them than fresh. Anything which stimulates hy drochloric acid must be avoided— the three S’s, sweet, sour and spiced foods. Pureed vegetables are in order. Mashed potatoes are perfect EDITOR’S NOTE: Sewn pamphlets by Dr. Clendening can now be ob tained by sending 10 cents in coin, for each, and a self-addressed en velope stamped with a three-oent stamp, to Dr. Logan Clendening, in care of this paper. The pamphlets are: "Three Weeks’ Reducing Diet", "Indigestion and Constipation”, "Re ducing and Gaining”, "Infant Feed ing”, "Instructions for the Treatment of Diabetes”. "Feminine and “The Care of the Hair and Skin . Copyright, 1938, King Featt tut Syndka*. Jm. miMBLE THEATRE Starring FOPEYfc The Infantry on its Last Legs By E. C. Segw 1 „ OF I MERC.y! OUR WHOLE I [THIS WOULD HAPPEN N hNE GOTTA USE r 'tf ("THE NERVeN ‘ l ‘ 'A VA ACMV IS ON w. , WHILE OUR ARMY IS STRAGETY! THA'S IOF THOSE f SETTER CALL. OUT VACATION)! ON VACATION i AND . THE ONLY THING Jg M_M miimm ‘.'j.- k^- ' *'■ ■ r ' *V> ■ I—H— m HUB——i tmmmm M—■^—————^———l—^^ i\G SISTER . By LES FORGRA^ SO-O' OB RE. DEV ARE! MAVON'mONEV =F it T tiOUSHT \OO’O VJAMT VOuDID? h/ sNOOLO Ee" H/Kb4o OS/HQ. PAPHOS. J '/ SPEC^.!! V MEtOWELPNOOSELL VslSl-Li'Tv-L\Ki\< / TvAE. LA&T VIE'OSEGOP T COOLO PVCVC OP O' . / X. / NNJv-IHPH DOSE: PAPERS! HERE, AG< S. Paten* Offld* By STANLEY Er? SOME SCAMP S Ty ley-r youll TELI IH OUR CREEK { ( THAT DO<&-FISH SF,TME CAT-FISH f J a LICENSE , MILES J I A< . AIS j rrcH/NS EM .BY / > HECK, and -THE / IN ARTIFICIAL. ' J \ DOfS'CATCHER V - AND -THAT g-ranppappy gale nw/ndpenny I f . COMES TO BW WITH ANOTHER STAMLMS ' FISH STORY ( ... Copr. 1938. King Features Syndicate, Inc., World right! reserved > P -2.9 -A© . * - • • ’ V ' ’ • % *