Building Projects For Country Club Started Club House Addition and Swimming Pool Work Ordered by Di rectors a t M,eeting Last Night; Entire Project to Be Com pleted by June 1 v th contracts lot and construction uni* rway on additions to West End ( , untry Club and a swimming pool iti, , »*. one ol' the most ambitious and worthwhile programs instituted at • dub in many years is now a reality. lixcuvations have already been u tor the club house addition, and wort; on the swimming pool began i, i.i>, after a board of directors i! t\ ting last night gave the go ahead >: ; :u to eontractors holding the orders tor construction work. i\ L Carter Lumber Company has Hu> contract for the club house ad dition. and B. H. Mixon, Contractor, holds the contract for the construc tion of a swimming pool. Both con tracts call for completion of the work bv June 1. Plans have been advanced to mark the completion of the construction program with a big dance in celebra tion of the long needed expansion of the club’s activities. The program instituted by James \V. Jenkins, president of the club, and with the aid of an energetic board of directors and others interested in the welfare of the club, has carried the program through to the construc tion stage. Members of the club co operated wholehearted in the effort, realizing that the pi*ogram, if suc cessful. would give a well rounded West End Club that everyone could enjoy. March Sales „ Os Liquor Under 1938 Sales by the Vance county liquor tore in March amounted to $13,- 735.05, it was announced from the ABC board's offices today. This brought sales to $38,335.95 for the first quarter of 1939, compared with 544.40T.10 in the first quarter of 1938. a decline of $6,071.15. The March business compared with $14,001 in the corresponding month last year, and $12,579 for February of this year. Sales for January this year were $12,321.90, so that March was the largest month of the three. The Spanish civil war cost $20,- 000.000.000 and 1,000,000 lives. The latter half of the bill has already been paid. J SEEMS IAK DEyS ALL. ) ( SIDE DR6SSIM* TOOAy, < Bim -i NATURAL CHILEAN Nitrate of Sodais the natural side dresser and the only natural nitrate in the world. Chilean Soda is quick-acting. It gives crops a lift just when they need it. And it contains other plant food ele ments that help protect your soil against the heavy drain of constant cropping. \ Natural Soda costs no more and you can get it anywhere. * * * ; NATURAL CH/lEAN N/TPATE or SODA THE NATURAL SIDE DRESSER— ON YOUR RADIO! Enj jy the Uncle Natchel program every Saturday night on WSB and WSM,and every Sunday afternoon on W RVA, WPTF,WBT, _ WIS, WDBQ, WSFA, WAGF, WJBY, WJRD, WMC, WJUX, KWKH, WffL. The Cooper Company Headquarters for Chilean Nitrate Old Style and Champion Brands Pensions To Widows Are By Month Payments by State to Confederate Women To Be Worked With Old Age Assistance E. O. Falkner, clerk of Vance Su perior Court, who distributes semi annually State pension funds to widows of Civil War veterans in this ! county, said today he had been of ; ficially advised by the State au ditor’s office in Raleigh of the change in the method of paying these pen sions. Under an act of the legisla ture, which adjourned early last Tuesday, the pn ,, *nor>*y will mr.a o monthly after July 1 instead of semi=» annually, on June 15 unu 15, as heretofore. I There is to be some form of har monizing old age assistance pay- I ments under the social security act, with the State Confederate pensions. No Confederate veterans in Vance | county have shared in the distribu | tions for several years, those who [ had been on the pension rolls hav ing died. At the present time only widows are receiving payment, and all of them are on the Class A list, receiving S3OO annually, or $l5O on June 15 and a like amount Decem ber 15. This will be discontinued after July 1. The change will in no way affect the June 15 payment of $l5O, but that will be the last lump sum dis tribution. Some 15 to 18 widows are on the Vance county rolls at the pre sent time. The distribution in this county has aggregated in more re cent years a sum of about $3,500 to $4,000 annually. 5 TRANSFERS WITH VANCE REGISTRY Five transfers were recorded with the Vance Registry office yesterday, giving one of the busiest realty days of the month. O. R. Jackson, et al., sold W. R. Ayscue, et al land on the Amos Mill Road for $lO and considerations. W. R. Ayscue, et al, sold land in the county to O. R. Jackson for $lO and considerations. W. H. Mitchell, et al, sold Eunice M. Walters et al, a lot on Young avenue for $lO and considerations^ London Brame,' et al, sold W. E. Hight, two acres of land in the coun ty for $lO and considerations. A release deed was given by the First National Bank of Mt. Airy to G. A. Kittrell and wife to a lot in Kittrell for one dollar. HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH THURSDAY, APRIL 6,1939 Events Seen As Warning for Balkans (Continued From Page One) tween the two countries, have been going on for several days. King Zog, after the birth of an heir to the throne yesterday, conferred nearly five hours with the cabinet. MUSSOLINI FLIES PLANE TO BASE UPON ADRIATIC Rome, April 6.—(AP)— Premier Mussolini flew early this morning to , mi . litar y airport of Jesi, near an Adriatic seaport, where he reviewed planes and new recruits. The pre mier piloted a tri-motored bomber to the airport near a point that over looks the sea toward Albania, as ru mors of an impending Italian mili tary occupation of the little Balkan country ran through Europe. w^ Ug f 0 , SlaV „ officials . who said they weie officially informed of Italy’s in Dress up your home for Easter —at these low introduc- Wn at or ory prices on spring and summer furniture. Buy now ■ ;^'T e / T-ibk-s $1.39 B *. .*>, 6. id..",,,, .1.1 I^—, 1. Chairs Double sl. CA A..* 7, , V'\ ’ Neatly folds away Q - Bunk Beds.. «M“ .DU Rockers at .... ID , V when not in use .... .1 V Water Renellant flirlei* ' The kids will get a big kick Unusually large comfort f» alvl IVCJJCIIdIIL VlllUCl out of sleeping this way. able, with spring seat. With senarate cushionsand backs Coil soring lIHH \'\ lITOIWMmI Beds may be used as twin Choice of attractive up base and P frame con spring . beds too. Ladder included, holstery. New Modern design ice Kitchen Cabinet-^-pi^Ce' chrome plated $39 00 [|r -p breakfast suite-felt base s^Q>oo hardware^. ---- -j - 32-piece dinner set. l : tT~~ ] ] \ Pay ° nly slo ° Down " sLo ° Weekly Metal Tables Single door streamlined Water proof cushions on New metal chairs In your refrigerator. rf»OQ CA Collapsible tables that folds away when d*o QC this new spring steel choice of djO AT Best quality not in use, in attractive summer colors . til RC colors FURNITURE COMPANY, Inc., HENDERSON, N. C. tentions, declared the impending military occupation was meant as a warning to both Yugoslavia and Greece not to mix in the Anglo- French project of a “Stop Hitler” bloc.) The fascist press proclaimed that Italy was “ready for anything at any moment,” though the newspapers were silent concerning Albania. The newspapers, however, display ed prominently a communique say ing Italian-German military talks were proceeding in Germany. II Duce appeared on a balcony at Jesi after inspecting the airport and saluted the crowd, but did not make a speech. ALBANIA OCCUPATION IS WARNING TO ALL BALKANS Belgrade, Yugoslavia, April 6. (AP) —Well-informed sources said here today that the impending mili tary occupation of Albania was meant as a hint to both Yugoslavia and Greece to stay out of the Anglo- j French anti-aggression bfoc. Italy’s occupation may be confin ed to the coast line, hermetically sealing the Adriatic, the same sour ce said. The Yugoslav government, officially informed of Italy’s inten tions, professed to be calm, but the people were nervous, They heard that several Italian planes arrived at Tirana today, carrying high Ital ian officials. Baruch Says Trade War Means Fight (Continued From Page One) were determined upon by the aggres sors.” Senator Borah, Republican, Idaho, replying to Henry L. Stimson’s ap peal to ban munitions sales to ag gressor nations, declared that such discrimination “would inevitably lead us into war.” Borah talked with reporters before the committee call ed Baruch. Stimson, former secretary of state, 1 thinks that nations, as well as in- NOTICE! NOTICE! R. E. “Little” Cooper is Now Running Cooper Bros. Case At Motor Express Terminal, Norlina Road. He cordi ally invites you out for entertainment. 24-hour-curb service. Special parttes can be well taken care of and served the best with 12 hour notice. Fried Chicken, Brunswick Stew, Barbecue Cooked fresh daily. Com out and feel at home. PAGE THREE i dividuals, should have some hope for % 1 forgiveness if they reform.