PAGE FOUR Sjwiteram la ihi SiHpatrij Established August 12, 1914 Published Every AA f ter noon Except Sunila" by HENDERSON DT'* >TC7I CO., INC at 109 Yount; Street A. DENNIS, Pres. and Editor .1. L. FINCH, Sec.-Treas., Bus. Mgr. TELEPHONES Editorial Office l ....... 500 Society Editor r 610 ( Business Office 1 610 ( The Henderson Daily Dispatch is a member of The Associated Px*ess, Southern Newspaper Publishers As sociation and the North Carolina Press Association. The Associated Press fs exclusively entitled to us 3 for rephblication all news dispatches credited to it or not Otherwise credited in this paper, and also the local news published herein. ) All rights ox publication of special! dispatches herein are also reserved. I SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Payable Strictly in Advance ■ One Year $5.00) Six Months 2.50 | Three Months 1.501 Weekly (By Carrier Only) 15 i Per Copy • • - usl Entered at the port office in Hender- , son, N. C., as second class mail matter, »M»' t>l '*>•• iat 11101 IM>M 7>U._ *'»*■ j® SW INNER CHAARCTER IS THE IM- j PORTANT THING: For with the ‘ heart man believeth unto righteous- i ness: and with the mouth confession 1 is made uiito salvation.—Rom. 10:10. j ‘ ' •’ t I oday *. ♦ ♦ i TODAY’S ANNIVERSARIES i 1775 —Alexander Anderson, a pio neer American wood engraver oi j note, born in New Yonc. Died there, Jan. 17, 1870 1782—Frc-uinc Froepel, German k’ndergarten, corn. Died June 21, 1852. 1809—Robert M. T. Hunter, noted 1 Virginia congressman, senator, Con- j federate seert iary* of state and sen ator, born in Essex Co., Va. Died , July 18, 1887 • 1318—Henry W. Shaw (Josh Bil- ; lings) wno acmeved fame, as-a. great humorist aiier a varied career which incluued that of auctioneers, | born at Laneshcro, Mass. Died Oct. ; 14, 1885. | 1830 —James Ort<~>n, Presbyterian clergyman, Vasear professor of na- i tural history, South American ex plorer, born at Seneca Falls, N. Y. Died Sept. 25, 1877.. 1838 —John Muir, famed Califor nia horticulturist, naturalist, explor er and writer, corn in Scotland. Died 'Dec. 24, 1914. 1836—Sarah H. Lockrey, noted Philadelphia surgeon and suffragist, Lorn there. Died Nov. 8, 1929. TODAY IN HISTORY 735 B. C. —Date of the legendary founding of Rome 1832—23-year-old Abraham Lin coln of Illinois f.n for the Black Hawk War aid elected captain by his company 1836 —15-minutt battle of San ac'nto, establishing the independ ence of Texas. 1884 —Discovery of natural gas in Pittsburgh. 1898—William P. Powers of Chi cago patents his system of tempera ture control. 1916—German assaults in Galicia stopped by Russians. 19?0 —Germany asks permission to maintain 200,000 troops instead of the prescribed 100,000 1936—Unemployed take over New Jersey Assembly Chamber. TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS Dr. Percy t W. Bridgman of' Har vard, noted physicist, who excludes scientists coming from totalitarian states from nis laboratory, born at Cambridge, Mass., 57 years ago Arthur Stanwood Pier of Concord, N. H., teacher and author born in Pittsburgh, C/j years ago Harold Mason of Vermont, secre tary of the Republican National Committee, born at Worcester, Mass 44 years ago Francis H. Brownell, board chair man, American Smelting, New YorK born at Little Compton, L. 1., 72 years ago Dr. Francis P. Gaines, president of Washington and Lee University, Va born at Due West, S. C., 47 years ago Rt. Rev. Christopher E. Byrne of Galveston, Tex., Catholic bishop, born at Byi ne.-,ville, Mo., 72 years ago. Princess Elizabeth Alexander Mary of York, elder daughter of the British king, born 13 years ago. TODAY’S HOROSCOPE Today gives force and some diplo macy, enabling the native to suc cessfully combat the opposition * which may arise from the disputa tive tendency, and which may raise up enemies. Compare with the notes for yesterday and tomorrow, partL oularly with reference to the hour of your birth. ANSWERS TO TEN QUESTIONS See Back Page l. No .. « 2., Gibraltar 3. Lithium 4. Each will be 45,000 tons. 5. An instrument for examining the inferior of the living eye 6. La Salle 7. Numismatics 8. Theodore Roosevelt and Leonard W" ,; ALL STATE LICENSED BEAUTY operators. Phone 200 for appoint ment. Your patronage appreciated Bridgers Beauty Shop. 14.^ FRESH COW FOR SALE WITH first calf. Also soy bean hay j ur sale. M. D. Tillotson, route 3. 21 -1 BRING US YOUR CAR RADIATORS for boiling and repairing. y Ur prices reasonable, every job guar anteed. Lcgg-Parham Company 19-26 ti REXALL ONE CENT SALE THIS week. 50c Woodburys Almond Rose cream 2 for 51c. 49c Puretesi As pirin tablets 2 for 50c. 25c Aleo- Rex Alcohol 2 for 26c. 250 other items on sale. Parker’s Rexall Drug Store. 21-2 t SAVE ALMOST HALF WHAT YOU usually spend for drug store items on the Rexall One Cent Sale. Four big days this week. Parker’s Rexall Drug Store. 19-3 ti WANTED TO BUY 'HOUSE, CLOSE in, cheap, or trade seven room house, modern conveniences, two acres land. J. F. Lewis, care Ernst & Ernst, Winston-Salem, N. C. WANTED TWO COLLECTORS^ TO collect furniture debits in Hender son. Must be experienced in col lecting and willing to work. Ad dress “Collector”, care Dispatch. DUE TO THE HEAVY BUYINgIn our men’s department, we need ex perienced shoe and clothing sales men. Apply at once. Biller’s Store | GET YOUR AUTO BATTERY RE~- ' charged for 50c at the Western 1 Auto Associate Store, 401 South Garnett street. fri-tf NOTICE—I WILL BE IN HENDER son Saturday, April 22 with a , trailer load of pigs and shoats. j Prices very reasonable. W. W. Jor j dan, Gates, N. C. 21-lt ! ARTHRITIS SUFFERERS WANT | ed: Page-Hocutt Drug Co., offers ( an interesting free booklet telling how to relieve the tormenting I aches and painful joints of Ar -1 thritis due to sulphur deficiency. I t-s-ts ■ BECAUSE OF THE CROWDS WE j need more experienced salesladies I to help completely liquidate Bil ler’s Store. If interested apply at once. Biller’s Store. 21-3 t GET PRICES ON OUR USED CARS before you buy. E. & Z. Motor Co., Dodge and Plymouth dealers. 11l Chestnut street. 4-eod-tf FOR A GOOD CLEAN 1936 CHEV rolet Pick-Up. See T. R. Souther land. Legg-Parham Company. 20&8 VISIT OUR USED CAR LOT FOR better values in used cars. Motor J Sales Co. , 25-ts YOU CAN SEND ALL YOUR clothes to Valet’s with perfect con fidence. We guarantee that even the most delicate fabrics will be cleaned well without damage. Special prices. Phone 464. Valet Cleaning Co. 20-2 ti DON’T FORGET THE REXALL One Cent Sale this week. Save money on household drugs, sta tionery, soap, cosmetics, compacts and various other items. Parker’s Rexall Drug Store. 21-2 ti WANTED EXPERIENCED DRY goods and shoe saleslady and sales man for Biller’s Mammoth Going Out of Business Sale. Apply J. R. Biller. 18-4tt All keyed strictly con fidential. Please do not call the office for their identity. B. H. MIXON (Incorporated) Contractor and Builder “Builds Belter Build in; 1* ' Also Wall Papering, Painting, Roofing and Termite Exterminat'd! Phone 7 waoDSTontj TYP^^ITn^J Carolina Typewriter Co Phone 540 119 S. Salisbury St., Raleigh, N. C. A. D. Patterson General Contractor Henderson, N. C. Ah kinds of building- paint ing and remodeling. 219 S. William St. Phones: Office 433 'esidence 76S