J ASSOt T ATED PRESS i. 'TO CENTRAL PRESS | $25 Given To Band Fund Sponsored By Dispatch SI,OOO Needed To Send High School Group to World’s Fair June 19; Public Asked To Send In Contributions Immediately A $25 voluntary donation to the fund to take the Henderson high school band to the New York World’s Fair June 19 for the celebration of North Carolina Day at the fair was sent to the Daily Dispatch today by M. Y. Cooper, prominent Henderson merchant, with the request that the Dispatch sponsor a movement to the raising of the funds necessary. The Dispatch opens its columns for the receipt of such funds, and will make public acknowledgment of all such funds given. It is understood that about SI,OOO is still needed. A concert was given by the band in the Henderson high school au ditorium last Monday night, the net proceeds to go to the fund for the New York trip. The total fell miser ably short of the amount needed, and there was every indication that the trip would fall through unless pri vate contributions are sufficient td assure it. Enthusiasts of the band are con fident the community can raise all the money necessary to send the band to the fair if it desires to do so. So far as the funds this newspaper is raising are concerned, they must be sent to the newspaper, and should be written Dispatch Band Fund. In the event the band does not make the trip, such money as is contributed On the air for ROYAL CROWN CDLA . "mmtratm ip Iff I Ml ' Nplll jmM c . wb t 1 Lane Nehi Bottling Co. “GOD BLESS AMERICA” While the storm clouds gather Far across the sea. Let us swear allegiance To a land that’s free; Let us all be grateful For a land so fair, As we raise our voices In solemn prayer. God bless America, Land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her Thro the night with a light from above; From the mountains to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, My home sweet home. —By Irvin Berlin. Conditions in Europe as they are today, we people who live in America should be very thankful for our country and the opportunities it offers. First national Bank Henderson, N. C. All deposits up to $5,000 insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. New Banking Hours, Effective March'lsth, 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. will be returned to the donors. All | receipts will be acknowledged through the paper. Mr. Cooper’s letter today is repro duced here in the hope it may be the means of inspiring sufficient contri butions to make the band trip pos sible. It follows: “I understand that the Henderson High School band needs about SI,OOO in addition to money raised by con cert and donations made by parents to take the trip to New York. In my opinion, Mr. Hearne and the members of the band have done more to advertise the town than any thing that has been done here in a number of years. In view of this, I would like to pay the expenses of one member of the band to New York, and therefore, I am enclos ing, herewith, check for $25 to cover same. “Knowing that the Henderson Daily Dispatch is interested in the •growth and progress of Henderson, i am suggesting that you foster a campaign to.raise the necessary sl,- 000 needed by the band from the business. people of Henderson and other people interested in the prog ress and growth of Henderson. You will probably hear some people say “Why don’t the parents of these children send their children to New But, you must remember, some of these children’s parents are not able to pay for the trip, as they have already had to buy the instru ments and pay for the music lessons, so as to train these children to be members of the band. And, in the case of some parents, there are one or more children in the band and it has been a right heavy expense to them to furnish instruments and les ions to their children. “After all, all the people in the city of Henderson have gotten the benefit of the advertisement given idle city by the band and therefore, as a civic enterprise, I feel that it is up to the people in Henderson, who ’re interested in the growth and progress of our city, to send this band to the World’s Fair, so that they may further advertise our town and city to the people of the world. “Please be assured that this is just a suggestion of mine and if you think well of it., I would be glad for you to go ahead with the campaign.” BIRDHOUSE CONTEST CONDUCTED BY WPA Henry Harris was winner in the birdhouse contest, sponsored by the WPA recreation project. The twenty rive entries were judged by Mrs. E. h. Everritt and Miss Elizabeth Fox, members of Henderson Bird club, Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. The contest was held at the South Henderson community house. TTmftcrsnn HatlyUtspafrlr Coroner’s Jury Finds Pro bable Cause In Mary Lou Jones’ Death A coroner’s jury last night re commended that Melvin Baskett, Negro, be held for the murder of Mary Lou Jones, young Negress on Easter Monday afternoon at their home on Orange street. Baskett has been in jail since his arrest April 12 by Chief of Police J. H. Langston and Assistant Chief J. E. Parks. The Jones wbman was buried in Jordan’s chapel cemetery, in Frank lin county, and later was exhumed for a coroner inquest into her death when it was revealed that she died about 30 minutes after being struck by Baskett Dr. Carpenter, Wake Forest Col lege pathologist, examined the wo man here, and reported his findings to the jury last night. The jury found that the woman came to her death through a blow or shock, and recommended that Baskett be held for Superior Court. The hearing was held in the court house, and was attended by a great number of Negroes. Big Still and Two Men Cap tured In Midnight Raid Just Over the Line Vance County ABC Officers J. C. Champion and L. A. Jackson, with Deputy Sheriff E. A. Cottrell and a Granville deputy destroyed a big still m Granville rjkinty, just over the line from Vance last night about midnight and arrested two Negroes, Duck Rogers and Early Moss. The officers came upon the 100- gallon outfit running in full blast, and in the raid three other Negroes made their escape. The officers poured out 500 gal lons of beer and one gallon of whisky and wrecked the plant. The Negroes were turned over to Granville officers for prosecution. SPECIAL SERVICES AT SPRING VALLEY A series of services will be held at Spring Valley church next week, ac cording to an announcement by the pastor, Rev. J. D. Cranford. Services will be held each evening at 8 o’clock with visiting ministers delivering the addresses. Sunday evening Rev. J. P. Pegg will speak on “Sabbath Observance”, and Monday evening Rev. J. Everette Neese, pastor of the local Congrega tional-Christian church, will use as his theme “Church Loyalty”. Rev. E. Norfleet Gardner, of the First Bap tist church here, will be the speaker for Tuesday evening, at which time he will have as his subject “Deeper Consecration”. “Youth and the Church” is the title of the sermon which Rev. Dwight A. Petty, pastor of the Middleburg Methodist church, will preach Wed nesday evening. Thursday evening’s speaker will be Rev. R. E. Brown, ol' the local Methodist Episcopal church, and he will talk on “Church Attend ance”. The final address will be made Friday evening when Rev. T. J. Whitehead, of the Methodist Pro testant church, speaks on “Spirit of Sacrifice”. Quit Claim Deed—A quit claim feed to a lot on Chestnut street was cjven by Ruth Bailey, et al, to Hal lie Bailey, et al, for $1 and con siderations. Vita-Var House; i Pni n t XofiS It’s vitalized...will not O7 C crack, peel, blister.tPw* I v Goes farther, hides better, saves material PGF and labor costs! gallon No finer bouse paint it made at ANY K:\\ Hi i •«« «°" n Vita-Mar 1U TAINTS Tanner Roofing Co. Phone 606 Epsom Finals Start Sunday With Sermon Commencement exercises will get under way at Epsom high school, near here next Sunday with the baccalaureate sermon by Dr. A. Paul Bagby, pastor of the Baptist church in Louisburg. An even dozen seniors are candidates for diplomas at the coming finals. This will be the first high school in this immediate section to start its commencement. An elaborate program for the oc casion Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock has been prepared. The service will be in the school auditorium. Rev. J. A. Martin, Methodist minister; Rev. S. E. Madren, of the Liberty Congregational-Christian church, and Superintendent of Franklin County Schools W. R. Mills will have part on me program. C. P. Rogers, principal of the school, is to preside. Other events of commencement will be held during next week. Senior Class night will be Wednesday at 8:15 o’clock, followed by a musical recital Thursday evening at 8 o’clock Graduating exercises will be held Friday evening at 8 o’clock, with the address by Dr. Leslie H. Campbell, president of Campbell College. Following is the full program for Sunday’s baccalaureate exercises: Prelude. Processional—Lead on, O King Eternal!—Smart. Invocation—Rev. J. A. Martin. Anthem—Lord, We have Gather ed in Thy Temple—Sykes—Seventh Grade. Scripture Reading—Rev. S. E. Madren. Quartet —Saviour, In Thy Presence —Stairs, Doris Weldon, Odell Harris, Dorothy Edwards, Alice Mae Lan caster. Introduction of Speaker—Supt. W. R. Mills. Sermon—Dr. A. Paul Bagby, pas tor of First Baptist church, Louis burg. Hymn—Faith of Our Fathers—No. 17. Benediction—Dr. A. Paul Bagby. Recessional—Love Divine—Zundel Seniors. Elaine Ayscue, Janie Ayscue, Juanita Rivers Ayscue, Robert E. Eaves, Jr., Mattie Perry Fuller, Sarah Gill, Mildred Smith, Juanita Thar rington, Billy Weldon, Margaret Wilder, Mattie Sue Winn, Margaret Wynne. ' Marshals. Junior Class: Chief, Lucy Perkinson, Odell Harris. Sophomore Class: Billy Fuller, Alice Mae Lancaster. Freshman Class: Joseph Rokland, Miriam Ayscue. Announcements. 8:15 o’clock Wednesday evening, April 26, Senior Class night. 8 o’clock Thursday evening, April 27, Music Recital. 8 o’clock Friday evening, April 28, Graduating Exercises and Annual Address by President Leslie H. Campbell of Campbell College. - - I CAN YOU ANSWER , j THESE QUESTIONS? See Page Four I 1 *1 1. If a sentence ends with an abbre viation is it necessary to use two periods? 2. Name the British fortress and Crown colony at the western en trance to the Mediterranean. 3. Which is the lightest metal? 4. What will be the tonnage of the 2 battleships recently proposed :'or ihe U. S. Navy? 5. What is an ophthalmoscope 6. Name the European explorer who discovered the mouth of the Mis sissippi River. 7. What, is the name of the science which treats of coins and medals? 8. Name the two men who organiz ed the regiment of Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War. 9. What is the correct pronunciation of the word apex? 10. What is lineal descent? I BIGGER - BETTER ; ;.Richin | foUlnmatdied I n^mDeUcious WORTH A DIME Last Quarterly Conference for Charge Before Meth odist Unity The last Quarterly Conference for Middleburg Methodist Episcopal charge before the consummation of the Methodist union will be held at Drewry Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, at which time Rev. J. H. Barnhardt will preach and conduct the business session. The Uniting Conference for the three branches of Methodism will convene in Kansas City on April 26th, and after that time there will no longer be a Methodist Episcopal church, South, but simply the Meth odist church. At the quarterly conference sev eral items of unusual interest will be acted and reported upon. A report will be made of the recent effort for the orphanage in which a consider able sum was raised for that institu tion. The progress of the young peo ple’s work in the charge will also receive attention, a cause that ha& been making considerable progress recently. Reports of the missionary societies will be made, three of which have been organized during the past three years, and which are doing fine work. Stewards of the five churches in the charge will make their reports. Sunday schools will report any significant things that they have accomplished. All stewards, trustees, lay leaders, Sunday school superintendents, mis sionary society presidents, Golden Cross directors, and missionary com mittees, are all members of the con ference. It is hoped that there will be a full attendance. REVIVAL SERVICES IN HOLINESS CHURCH A series of revival services has been in progress at the Penticostal Holiness church at South Henderson, for the past three weeks, in charge of Rev. C. E. Brim. The meeting is said to have been very successful. Wednesday evening’s sermon sub- ' ject was taken from Psalms 90:3, “Thou turnest man to destruction and sayest return ye children of men”. Mr. Brim preached a very inspira tional sermon, beginning with an ac count of the fall of Adam, because Eve had listened to temptation. He; went on to say that the only true! life is the Christian one, and that 1 those who have “set their hearts on ! wrong things” must turn back to i God, and go His way. Mr. Brim made a very earnest plea for those in the congregation to re- ! turn to God’s ways, and to live a righteous life. | "pE umg” DE_ LUXE in its completeness / Os LUXE IN FEATURES ANO APPOINTMENTS / OB LUXE IN QUALITY THROUGHOUT / • • • DRIVE ade luxe car for your money-—a big 90 h. p. Olds Sixty that gives you all of these leading fine-car features: Rhythmic Ride, a revolutionary new development, exclusive with Oldsmobile, that results in a finer, smoother ride. Nothing else like it. Quadri-Coil Springing. Big, flexible coil springs cushion all four corners of the car. They never require lubrication. Four-Way Stabilization controls up-and-down motion, fore-and aft and side-to-side movement and body-roll—resulting in a safe, steady ride. Knee-Action Front Wheels, acting independently of each other, step over bumps, ruts and holes in the road. Dual Center-Control Steering provides exceptional handling ease and accurate, positive car control. Self-Energizing Hydraulic Brakes assure quick, smooth, straight line stops with minimum pressure on the brake pedal. 90 H. P. Econo-Master Engine delivers brilliant, all-round per formance —saves you money on gasoline and oil. WJ Full-Pressure Lubrication with Rifle-Drilled Connecting j Rods. All engine bearings are pressure lubricated. Roomy, Wide-Vision Body by Fisher has extra-large windshield I and windows for better vision and greater safety. I you oughtm»i TO OWN AN Z I Henderson, N. C. MOTOR SALES CO. 832 MR. PERRY SPEAKS AT SERVICE CLUB B. H. Perry was speaker at the Young Men’s Service club, which met Thursday evening at 6:30 o’clock in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Perry’s subject was “The Changing Map of Europe”. The speaker had a map of Europe as it now is, and traced the changes made in it as he progressed with his talk, which was said to be very in teresting and instructive. The club voted to mave the time : %ss£ssss£■ > ... • : ■ lilliip: ;:s;| Wjk ' To the Citizens of Henderson: In seeking re-election as Mayor of the City of Henderson, I desire to remind you that I am now completing my first term. The duties devolved upon the Mayor of a City the size of Henderson are many and varied. It is an office in which experience is of inestimable value. I feel that with the experience I have gained during my first term, I am in a much better position to render to the people the services required of their Mayor than I was when elected, and as I have had the office only one term I feel that I should be re-elected. During my first term I have tried to serve you honestly and to the best of my ability. I ask you to re-elect me, and my promise is that I will serve you to the best of my ability, meeting each issue as it arises, and acting in each instance for your best in terests. I will deeply appreciate your vote and support in the City election to be held May 2, 1939. Sincerely yours, Henry T. Powell —Political Advertising. FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 I rue pr/ce J 1 F/StS) j m I ANO up I any 0 !!! 1 re va ! ues be fore you buy I I how ° T lCed Car - I vou ™ UCh more / you get when I I y° u own an Olds I I are down Fnr ° lds pr,ces I J buy an OiH ® Xam P le > you can I built in * Sedan, with I I the orin ,fOrslo6lessthan I I priced OM° f last year ’ s lowest - I I priced Oldsmobile trunk sedan. I I Mtehi7 eredPr/ce at Lansing, I j I eludes safety JiJ L I I ere a. W glass, bump er®> oitrnper d/.0-j c H I tire and tubeT I I Os meeting to 7 o’clock p. m Thh-tv live members were present i O , it meeting. ONE DEFENDANT IN RECORDER’S COURT One defendant was tried i„ c „„„, court today before Recorder R r Clements. • b- Joe Perry, Negro, was with assault, but the proS? witness, James Young, appeared "n open court and withdrew the rh He was taxed with the costs. ge ‘

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