PAGE TWELVE Big Leggett Dept. Store A Favored Trade Center Frank Jordan, Mana ger, Cne cf Most Pro gressive Merchants In C i cy; Business Volume Stadily In creasing, Leggett’s D-ppi tment Store is one of the really -iU landing shopping centers of U’ etv and entire sec tion. It an important role in the retail life of the community from the time it was opened here now nearly l~n years ago, and its business ha ram tantlv been on the Upgrade frrm t o start. Its highlv desirable location and the size of t’ ~ uilding. togctli er with the hign grade ol merchan dise handled. bav-' combined to at tract the confid-mr- and the patron age of thousands of customers. Once a customer, ale v*. a customer, is the way most shop]' rs size up the Leg gett store. Leggett’s occupies all three floors of the large building at the corner of Garnett and 'Vmder streets, di rectlv across the city’s main business thoroughfare from the post office. It has large display windows arranged and adapted to the display of mer chandise to great advantage, and every section of the establishment is given quarter ; from time to time in the show windows. 80V a JfA 75V. A 75 . * r —i > v rm RALEIGH ELECTRIC COMPAtm .»»»»»»<■* *§3,000 watt hours equals 23 kilowatt hours The illustration above is a reproduction of an actual Electric Service bill that was rendered way back in the norse and buggy” days ... when electricity was measured as “watt hours” .. . when its chief function was to produce nothing but light... when $4.60 bought only 23 kilowatt hours. SIX TIMES AS MUCH Today ort e tame $4.60 you can enjoy 141,000 watt hours or, as we know them, 141 kilowatt J lou , r * ° ,® C dficity •• . you can have adequate Lighting for comfortable seeing .. . you can hava f ea^*. P nrie* tl # n c7 ith . Electr ' c Refri B erat » on • • • y°« can enjoy Automatic Electric Cooking . , * *M for the price of Electric Lighting 40 years ago. YES—ELECTRICALLY Todby, k does cost lew to Kve better! CAROLINA POWER AND L< JHT COMPANY and Prices Sell”, the establishment has attracted a large portion of the building supply trade of the city and section. Materials are bought at savings in cariots and stored in quantity to meet all de mands of contractors, repair men and other activities. The business is located on West Montgomery street. Mr. Watkins owns much, of the yard space oc cupied by his storage, but expansion has come so rapidly that in die past few years it has been neces sary to acquire additional room, and the large three-story building op posite the original store and yards has been acquired. Everything in the way of lum ber brick, pipe and a complete stock of builders’ hardware can be had at Alex Watkins’ store and yards. He has storage space on both sides of the street, and in the store proper are found high grade paints, varnishes, nails, locks and the like. Contractors and builders in gen eral have found Mr. Watkins can be relied upon to supply their need-:, and are fr.equent and large pur chasers from his stocks. Mr. Watkins occupies a promi nent place in the business, civic and religious life of the community. In addition to his own enterprise, he is a director in the Home Buildng & Loan Association, and is a prom inent member of the Henderson Ki wanis club. He is also a leader in the First Presbyterian church, in which he was brought up, and is a regular attendant upon its ser vices. He has for a number of years been affiliated with and active in the Carolinas Lumber and Building Supply Dealers Association. At the last annual convention, held in Ra leigh, he was elected first vice president, and is in line for ad vancement to the presidency of the body at its next meeting. The prom inence that has come to him in that connection is a recognition of the outstanding success he has made in his business here at home. He has the respect and confidence of the trade and of the community in gen eral where he lives. And when that is said of a man, a great deal has been accredited to him. Davis Store Is One Os Oldest Here The E. G. Davis & Sons Company department store is one of those honored organizations that take high rank in Henderson’s fifty-year club. The business was established by the late E. G. Davis along about 1875, and has been continuously in opera tion during the intervening sixtj'- odd years in the same location as now, on the west side of Garnett street in the very heart of the shop ing and retail district of the city. Over a long period of years the Department Store Executive • i: • Pil Jir jHr; %mL 111 H ■pp R. G. S. DAVIS store has been a favorite shopping center for thousands of customers. The high class methods and stand ards of business employed in the conduct of the enterprise have won the respect and confidence of the en tire community and section, and its reputation for top rank merchandise and honest values is known far and A. D. Patterson GENERAL CONTRACTOR PHONES: Office 433 Residence 7GB 210 South William St. Henderson, N. C. We Do All Kinds Os Building And Construction Work. And Can Handle Your REPAIRING, REMODELING AND PAINTING WORK. See Us For Any Kind Os Building Job. Estimates Gladly Furnished. We Sell Pee-Gee Paints and Varnishes. wide. Its standing j n uTT is exceeded by no establi sh T mut % where in this territory hment any. It was the late mV n started the business hV avis who attention to its down the principles 0 f UV' 1(1 bid mgs with the public th V r ° c)Gl until this day, and j nv ! parted to his son ;it ,d J V n im successors in the manage r!!,', ;' 011 A general department S K carried, with dry w, ' llne is ready-to-wear, piece V,. a noti °ns, like in the ladies V ; ' 11(1 the of the highest quality and iS , shoe s in that department'a i. , 1 bl ’and men’s furnishing, is sto jf of suits made to order ea ' an d R. G. S. Davis i: . linn chief owner of the store Bur 8 u r and ceeded his father upon iiJ , SUc ' death some years ago being assisted by , avis is Bobby Davis, who has'laHy'S , Son ’ ed with the concern, an i ’ ‘ ' laU ing more and more active in n l ' eration. Both father " °l ) ' University of North Caml„v,° n are uates. itl ouiia gr ac l- Mr. Davis has long been m with community activity in led to his own large interest- g lon director in both the ]'i, V ls a Bank in Henderson and u , i "'" al trial Bank ol li,,„ier«,„V Home Building & Loan \ lle He is an enthusiastic R is a prominent member Ul l d family, of Holy Innocents F church. He is am has been an outstundm,, V,’; leader of the community 0 ness