, 2 3 * Y/A" T' P1 zlii~ Hr.— ~ £j__~ VZ™ 23 ?4 2&1 1. 222 y~ ?r 2C? 30 3u : r ' 33 across !] , votwith- 21. Remains landing 22. Accuse . Quick smart 26. DisposlUon 1 27. Raised ■ o Burden dough Jlwine 31. Title of - \ icchievous respect , 14 chlld 32. Borders 14 Toneue 34. Dry: said of a bell of wine , Sma il vessel 35. Unit of work W for liquids 36. A rake j; Gloss 28. Road 19 Enclose in 39. Form of abox latticework DOWN 1. Urges on 7. Toward o Italian river the lee l Japanese 8. Young measure salmon 0 f length 12. Place where 4 A fine" thin money is ne t coined ' Elder sen 13. South Amer- I of Isaac ican rodent g. Wholly 15. A book of absorbed the Old Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc. BARCLAY ON BRIDGE mechanics OF DEALING MATHEMATICS of distribution or. te badly upset by the me carics of human dealing. The timber of outstanding cards of a •articular suit should be, accord :: to the law of probabilities, atnbuted most of the time in certain ways. But if we take into account that the dealing of the other three hands was done by the same human being, and that the | same imperfections of shuffling I oKurred to those other hands as ' hours, v.e can realize how distri fcons similar or dissimilar to may have been built up in them. That should make us wary si:: bidding too high on freak since the opponents may i": every suit badly distributed | gsmst US. 4AKQ98765 None SKQ J 4 t-t A * J 10 4 3 - 4 None 2 Ar. h» K 2 1, 3:3 £ ♦lO9 8 7 jc6 5 3 2 |*j96 4 3 —— AK Q $ None VQJ 10 9654 ♦ A 4.10 8 7 5 2 Tm.kr: North. Eoth sides vul j -able.) Cr. y one North-South pair got '.tH sco . re on this duplicate deal, the fact that the cards the sicJ e seem to make a j * rand sl£m a certainty. Os I a £‘ ij npse at the East ’H, cards dispels that idea c .-ckiy and chows that not even a Distributed by King' Features Syndicate, Inc. WES NINE MEDICAL SECTIONS H STUDY A PATIENT IN 1939 E - LOGAN CLENDENING, M. D. JJE PRESIDENT of the Ameri i ;?l;: :nical an d Climatological As made an interesting con “c;: ir - his presidential address be •■eyi Lhe record of a sick person in in 1908 and the record of • : .Pf rson in hospital in 1939. ■“ iOO3 ho had a patient, 51 years •*?Mvho had done heavy work all ■ and had indulged liberally beverages. He had no Ur r lendening will answer of general interest r /, and then only through 1:7 r> '~ infectious diseases which Rad to heart disease, but a ■• time before admission to the he became short of breath, ■symptom became progressively i.f an( i any exertion would cause JjT paroxysms of shortness of Ji. He could not sleep at night hi; heart beat so that he 7a, . R> an d he was unable to ‘ n bed. His ankles became > en and he developed a cough. tivi 6 . rtc °r dos his examination, , ••-n included the use of the eyes ; >the ears of the physician, a K and a stethoscope, oc -17 lines of type. The record ‘ !ii treatment occupies 25 lines. Similar Symptoms ? “'Patient in 1939 was 61 years and had similar symptoms. ?i -an °h his examination by ‘•jfj a the physician’s eyes and :;. r - stethoscope and thermometer, into eight lines. But ■-eh 10 ,0w i* v e pages of records, u T , as this: !tr ri] ,7 9 N.P.N. of the blood was 5!a,J~ Lo 50 mgm. per cent and the The vs , ~ 61 volumes per cent, bl p 9o- c ß°testerol Varied from tal J.■ ,5 nigm. per ceht. The to ‘hj a n m P r °tein was‘s.7 per cent, 3.7 per cent and the l! nd J P er cent, the fasting “Xhe gar as 85 mgm. per cent.... ventricular rate was 90, Testament 17. Depositing 20. Steamship (abbr ) 22. Exist 23. Sacred bull of ancient Egyptians 24. Absolute 25. Builds 26. Singing Answer to previous puzzle pH 1 P eMp T NIEjP |l.lipe wMi njnbße" app rTeMn'e airls n g|u I e. K 0 p -y y e nMf]a[L piE E A tBo R eMr N S E^ R °p^ small slam can be made. As it happened, the pair that did the worst bidding got the best score. Everybody but one North play er started with 2-Spades, that other one with 6-Spades, which West doubled and defeated. In most cases the procedure was North 2-Spades, East 3-Dia monds, South 3-Hearts, North 3- South either 4-Clubs or 4- and North 6-Spades, which West doubled and North re doubled. At one table, over East’s 3- Diamonds, South passed and North rebid his spades eventually to land in 6-Spades. At another South doubled the 3-Diamonds and North went on with spades to grand slam. The North-South top came where North doubled 3-Diamonds, South left it in and it was beaten two tricks. * * * Tomorrow’s Problem ♦ A 4 V A ♦ 10 8 6 4 2 AB7 5 4 3 4 Q J 10 9 4>3 5 7 2 N. V Q 10 8 C 4 J 9 (J 5 4 3 Q 53 4 J A Q —J 10 ♦ K fi 3 4K 7 2 >A 9 7 A A 9G2 (Dealer: South." East-West vul nerable.) Against a lead of the spade Q, how should South play here for 3-No Trumps? the P.R. interval 0.22 of a sec. and j the Q.R.S. 0.15 of a sec. R1 was | notched, S 2, S 3 and S 4 F were notched j T1 was inverted, T 2, T 3 and 74 F were upright ” Don’t ask me to tell you exactly what this all means. I suppose in the course of time I could find out, but I am by no means sure from ex perience that I would know what it means. The doctor seems to think that the examination in 1939 is greatly su perior to the examination in 1908. He says “that the goal of a future science of internal medicine is the complete understanding of the mechanism of all diseases.” Studied by Sections He notes that in the examination of the patient in 1939, the patient was studied by the division of phys iology of the circulation and of the physiology of respiration, which consists of two sections. The chemi cal study was conducted by five sec tions in the hospital. The constitu tional clinic had two sections, which consisted of one to study the physi cal condition pf the patient and one to study the mental attitude. To my mind, however, the one doc tor who studied the patient in 1908 had a better understanding of the human being who lay in bed sick ‘than all the nine sections which studied the patient in 1939. After all, the most sensitive in strument for examining a human being is the mind and the under standing of another human being. All the instruments in the wofid. and all the laboratories are not going to supplant the doctor at the bedside. - >v EDITOR’S NOTE: Dr. Clendening has seven pamphlets which can be obtained by readers. Each pamphlet sells for 10 cents. For any one pamphlet desired, send 10 cents in coin, and a self-addressed envelope stamped with a three-cent stamp, to Dr. Logan Clendening. in care of this paper. The pamphlets are: “Three Weeks’ Reduc ‘ng Diet’’, “Indigestion and Constipation , “Reducing and Gaining”, "Infant Feed- ■* w” “instructions for the Treatment of • 1 Diabetes”, “Feminine Hygiene” and "The Cara of tba Hair and Skin”. THIMBLE THEATRE Starring POPE YE “Don’t Forget The Birdseed, Popeye!” : , V •; MR.N ICHOLS, A VERV DOCTOR BOGGE, A I I OLIVE IS AMGRY 1,1/ZkA (DO MOT SPILL ENNY \ fVERvV fit On THE DISTANT ll WEATHER FORECASTER, SHE HOPED POPEYE f Jfj) | ] MON&y WIMPY, WH / WELL,) ii ConMTPV AF i POPEYE A MILLION) WILL ACCOMPANY WOULD MARRY HER U EVERY -A. /-“X l SIR J m II ? DOLLARSIP FIWAWCE , POPEVE AND SETTLE DOWN! PENNY 1 'whereaaagßy.iJk NEUTQPiA „ . . . /; . N abmA WZIZZ M "THING IS PERFECT- 8 ■p.L. @ tme AVI, / Amms BLONDIE u 8 -iS5“«5i A Woman’s Place'ls liT By Chic Young / DON'T FORSETI TT iliMiililll'llL I (HEY DAISY YOU ) STO' W I O’ 1‘ “ ' "T-AT 1 COME iM. DAISY { I LbyebyeJ r togomeright) /ffii , HHg y cant come iw S. eh. M is — P • w—\ ill give you a ) mjb& r ./ of voice 27 Merganser of Europe 28. Turkish coin 29 Drunken revelry 30. Encircled 33 Prosecute judicially 37 Elevated (abbr.) THE OLD HOME TOWN Registered U. S. Patent Office By STANLEY [ / DOOR- V=- U II ' ( BUT IF YOU EVER COME l HEEM too W—' I— \BACK SELLING MriEDLEt smai i I / JAUIL. | —V ILL BE ABLE TO r' AFTER TWENTY MINUTES WORK TRY/NO TO -JAIL A PEOPLE!? WITHOUT A LICENSE, <r-*uus<. MARSHAL OTEY WALKER GAVE UP /N DISGUST W COPYRICHT, 1939 KING FEATURES SYNDICATE. Inc. WORLD RICHTS RESERVLO O - I© ♦ I I J ETTA KETT By PAUL ROBINSON I • \1 17, ~l A <tci/c ( ETTA / r' 1 . C~i fW sure locked horns,.?--- I You WANTTOSEETHE t HES AYOUNS s II IfMSop y f Cl ,M 'r' SOYWfRE me ONE EV ei3/time we meet, you c- 1 ! PEI2SON INJURED , RANCHES— fffliPPSlifr'/ ..©n HlglS " & / „!\ / MERRY WEATHER, MY CAE BUMPCO .* ] BGEAKSOMSTWNG - LAST | IN THE AUTO., 1 THE NURSES fMUBM f 7 PARDON MB’ WHILE / T |ME I GOT A FRACTURED I „ ■ _ THE GUMPS —HE’S A MYSTERY MAN 19 ua-HA-MAYSE I DIPM'T I IH'AwEI-WaoNEHEAD, \— 1 IMPOSSIBLE/ MONE OF \ SSstM®* ■ lst aaa! Hs?. B i^ttsFSffSisstTJ 5> p ■sar f r HEhOERSON, (N.. C ) DAILY DISPATCH MONDAY, 9EFPEMBBR, 18, SCOTTS SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT '■’“-Power t>o you Know 27Z WORDS, A DO^-tftArT" <\KD IK oßE y£ MASTER WELL [ S&MifeMCES\ FiHpinq amp ! - J®?* V wßeh'a^un*is fired - jßg / —, He. is op ! f / / ( SHAPE, Birr Of-TEK OF I L V7 ungracious t>iSPosrrtoH f rvxs/t q "' a _ m^br ' B£i ° w Uy- fw> f A REAL ALBUM oF VMIV, ! I /Ml KISSES IS WHAT A ll\ UjoM *s»\ Jttwm fl ij\ IjSm I }Mm ! eoeHispaihs- \\l\ hts 4£ 4 «* EACH PER.SOK KissEP\m\ Ur 1 AKY FIGURE- A PAD COVERED Y/tlft HI J|| BELOW 'f&M - 'WAS AM AMBIENT AMD ROU<;eM W^fV BABYLOHIAH MEASURE BASED - <155 WAS M_ \ /; ; . u „ cr s'A' ftotA rv«fy -YHekTransferred OH A rINAERS BRBADfH- -ToivtE PA«ES oEIHEBOOK 1 vVUOA i abou< ree‘Fourths qF am iko* Copfi 1939, King Features Syndicate, Inc., World riglits reserved PAGE SEVEN

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